Corruption of the SWAMP in the USA's Federal government, States of NV and NJ and their U.S. District Courts in District of Columbia, 9th and 3rd circuits , State and Municipal courts exposed and enforcement, integrity agencies are exposed. To access dozens of other web sites exposing corruption that also reference as source material simply goggle in quotes and print out

5086 Arcadia Glen Court
N. Las Vegas NV 89084
Phone: 702-586-5758
Fax: 702-297-6504
I am not an attorney.
Seek legal advise.

Author: Thomas Caggiano

Former 30 year career
Dept of Defense, Chemical Engineer, Chief Engineering Branch responsible for Billions of dollars of major military production materials, design, construction and prove-out, Policy Chief for Major RDTE Command with 4000 personnel designing classified weapon systems with life cycle support, Branch chief of highly classified 2 Star General Project management office for managing of highly classified design and development of advanced weaponry uses by Special Operations Forces and other services, and construction and initial operations programs, Developer of ACEIT II billion cost analysis spanning the life cycle 40 years with 10,00 cost elements, members of elite US Army Acquisition Corps, technical advisor to Pentagon and special Operations Forces. and leader of major Environmental Impact Statement, negotiator of international contacts, Leader of Critical path analysis with 1,000 decision nodes at 13 levels for major construction facility.

My background is published on

Last update: Mar 13, 2025

TAKE NOTICE This web site is was updated to include my letter exposing fraud, waste, abuse, federal and state criminal code violations, violation by Attorneys and Judges of Rules of Professional Conduct and Judicial Codes as well as by CIGIE, OSC, DOJ, FBI of oath of office, official misconduct, Justice Manual, and federal crimes.

My letter to the Clark County Commissioners, all Democrats for over a decade, in Las Vegas and the Clark County District Attorney Wolfson, Esq. who have been conspirators for years protecting enforcement agencies, the Justice Court of Las Vegas as DOJ's Justice Manual and Las Vegas Police manual, federal ,state, county and municipal laws , codes of ethics, oath of office are violated constantly to protect the SWAMP, HOAs, Community managers, to benefit themselves, known by the Las Vegas Review Journal and other news media for years.

The USB included copies of evidence to President Trump, US AG Bondi, FBI director Patel, Las Vegas Mayor S. Berkley (D) (D) published on

Nevada's Governors, NV Attorney Generals, enforcement agencies, DOJ , FBI, GAO, OSC, CIGIE, Police , Justice Court of Las Vegas protect HOAs, law firms and others in the SWAMP defined as the State of Nevada. The letter included has a USB drive attached including USPS certified tracking numbers by Priority mail sent Mar 13, 2015. My letter to the Las Vegas Mayor Berkley (D) and its City Council members is published on

My prior widely distributed letter defining federal and state criminal code definitions and violations which as been ignored by FSR, the HOAs, and their protectors is published on

My letter to FBI director Patel was widely distributed by email and is published on

My letter to US Attorney General Pam Bondi with copies to my corrupt NV Federal Senators Catherine Cortez-Masto the former corrupt NV Attorney General, Sen Jacky Rosen(D) and her accomplice Representative Steve Horsford (D), all Clark County Commissioners, Clark County DA Wolfson, Clark County Sheriff Lombardo (R) who is now the Gov of NV who replaced the prior Gov Sisolak (D) who was previously the Clark County Commissioner as the DOJ and FBI protected them and the SWAMP in Nevada which includes the Justice Court of Las Vegas Judges Joe S. Sciscento and Joe Bonventure known to the State of NV Administrator of Courts and other accomplices in the federal, state, county and municipal government as thousands of enforcement agents have access to the FTC Consumer Sentinel Newark with massive evidence of fraud, waste, Abuse, Federal and state crimes, violations of the Justice and Police manuals on Federal Trade Commission Consumer Sentinel Network Case file 121203437 and Better Business Bureau complaints field against Firstservice Residential as the BBB referred me to the corrupt NV Real Estate Division as did NV AG Laxalt which as protected the HOAs and Community management firm for over 10 years.

, Dockets 16PO1647 and 17PO1335 Firstservice Residential v. Thomas Caggiano and US District Court District of Nevada Docket 2:17-cv-02921-RFB-VCF provides massive evidence known to the Court which violated 18 USC Section 4, Judicial Codes of Ethics protecting HOAR and Firstservice Residential attorneys Steve B. Scow, Esq. and the HOAs attorney John Leach, Esq. the attorney have been protected by the NV Bar and Judges on the justice Court of Las Vegas known by the SWAMP of federal, state, county and municipal officials protecting the racketeering, retaliation in the State of Nevada against those that report corruption in Government as done by the corrupt FBI and NJ. for the corrupt Protected HOAs Aliante Master Association (AMA)and its Autumn Ridge at Aliante Community Association (AURI) both protected by the NV Bar, NV Real Estate Division, Police in Las Vegas, Henderson and North Las Vegas, Clark county District Attorney and Mayors ,Clark County Commissioners, and more.

which also protected the large Community Management firm Firstservice Residential a nation wide racketeering firm owned by Firstservice Corporation of Canada protected by the Ministry of Justice.

as I also recently reminded my prior Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D) who in 2025 became the Mayor of Las Vegas in the corrupt Clark County with its Gov Lombardo (R), the prior corrupt Sheriff an at the same time the Las Vegas Chief of Police protected by the prior Gov Sisolak (D) who was the chair of the Clark County Commission, a cease pool of corruption known by a series of Mayors of Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson, series of FBI Special Agents in Charge in Nevada, and US Attorneys for Nevada as well as CIGIE, DOJ and FBI Office of Professional Responsibility, OGIS, and House and Senate oversight committees as political parties protect those within their party. Presdient Trump (47) along with his administration starting Jan 20, 2025 will have a new FBI director who the SWAMP fears.

that Berkley (D) previously, like then Sen Dean Heller (R) requested federal investigations of the FBI, DOJ and others in Las Vegas which she apparently forget so to refresh her memory and bring her up to date on the continuing fraud, retaliation, and criminal conduct in the State of Nevada, Clark County, and Las Vegas as they have been protected by CIGIE, DOJ, FBI I mailed her a detailed letter 22 page letter with attachments published on

This extensive evidence in my follow-up letter to her mailed by priority mail USPS certified return receipt as proof of service on is published on and is known to the House, Senate oversight committees, press and others including the corrupt Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford(D) who has protected Gov Sisolak (R), Gov Lombardo (R) and Clark County District Attorney known by the State's Administrator of Courts which as protected judges in the Justice Court of Las Vegas noted in complaints and the justice Court of Las Vegas including the Committee on Judicial Discipline to which I was directed by NV Attorney General Adam Paul Laxalt (R) and the corrupt NC Real Estate Division which as protected the HOAs Aliante Master Association (AMA) an its sub-association Autumn Ridge at Aliante Community Association (AURI) and its law firm which as Firstservice Residential-NV at the Community Management firm and FSR's corrupt law for is Koch and Scow's Steve B. Scow, Esq.,, 11500 S. Eastern Ave, Suite 210, Henderson, Nevada 89052, Phone: (702) 833-1100, Fax: (702) 833-1107 known by my attorney Craig A. Mueller,Esq., Mueller and Associates, 808 South, 7th St, Las Vegas, NV 89101, 702-282-120 The HOAR attorney is John E. Leach,Esq., 2525 Box Canyon Drive, Las Vegas, NV Phone: 702.538.9074, fax: 702.538.9113 and accomplice of First Service Residential-NV with its President Steve Parker, VP Corbin Seti as I met the Community Manage Janelle Fuhrmann for AMA and Nicole Barnes for AURI giving them a 30 minute presentation and recommended investigators contact the for records I provided on Jan 14, 2025 and noted at the AURI HOAR meeting on Jan 15, 2025 at and its Attorney Steve B. Scow. Massive court records showing the federal, state crimes and violations of codes of ethics by the attorneys which have been protected by Judges who were protected also by the NV Committee on Judicial Discipline and the State Bar are published on this web Justice court of Las Vegas Dockets 16PO1647 and 17PO1335, US District Court District of Nevada Docket 2:17-cv-02921-RFB-VCF , and in the Better Business bureau against Firstservice Residential which referred me to both the State of Nevada Attorney General and the corrupt NV Real Estate Division as its CIC Ombudsman and the State's Division of Business and Industry has protected them as the State of Florida protected FSR Corporate office in Hollywood Florida as Firstservice Residential is owned by Firstservice Corporation protected by the Ministry of Justice of Canada.

Craig Mueller, Esq. my attorney, Mueller and Associates, 808 South 7th St, Las Vegas, NV 89101, 702-382-1200, was a prior Clark County DA deputy attorney general, ran for Nevada's Attorney General and was a Naval Officer. Records from the corrupt NV Attorney General Ford (D) with widely distributed emails and and 700 MEGS of evidence obtained from the Secretary of State of Nevada as election laws have been violated in the 2020, 2022 and 2024 and current 2024 election process is also available on including 2 five minute voice recordings of my telephone calls to the corrupt Council of Inspector Generals on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE)that reports to the President and Congress yearly that has protected the DOJ and FBI among others during the Obama, Trump and Biden administrations.

Read my Mar 23, 2023, 27 page letter to the House Oversight and Accountability mailed by priority mail with USPS Tracking number 7022-1620-0002-3408-2750 to its chair Rep Comer (R) and its corrupt Ranking member Raskin (D) which has been distributed by email to dozens of others including Federal Senators, Congressman, news media, the corrupt CIGIE and others and download for a detailed summary also exposing the corruption in Nevada, Clark County, its current Federal Senators Catherine Cortez-Masto, Esq. (D) and Jacky Rosen (D) and its four members of the House, Attorney General Aaron Ford, Esq. (D), my State Senator Pat Spearman (D), Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe Moreno (D) Clark County Commissioners all Democrats for over a decade, , Clark County District Attorney, Sheriff and Las Vegas Chief of Police.

which is more corrupt than the State of New Jersey protected by U.S Attorney Generals, DOJ, FBI, Office of Special Council (OSC), GAO Fraud net, OGIS, et. al for years. Read my letter to the State Bar of Georgia Thomas Caggiano v. Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, Esq. as her accomplice Nathan Ward, Esq. resigned the day after Judge Scott Mc McAfee issued a court order that Fani Willis must fire Nathan Wade, her lover, or resign herself which would remove all Fulton County Attorneys from the Case. To prevent Fani Wade from appearing in Wade's divorce case, Wade settled the divorce case with his wife the next day preventing the court to order Fani Willis as a witness. Wade and Fani admitted they has a love affair and filed the divorce papers the day after Fani Wade hired him. My letter also was sent to the Committee on Special Investigations which is examining the conduct of the Fulton County DA office and the House of Representative is also examining other actions of misuse of government funds as Fani Willis and her office has ignored Congressional letters and a Congressional subpoena for records and should be held in Criminal Contempt of court with US AG Merrick Garland, Esq. who has been protecting the Biden clan, CIGIE, DOJ, FBI, and others in the Deep State for years. My 10 page complaint letter also noted the corruption in Nevada and New Jersey and Washington DC Appellate Division's Executive Attorney, Board of Professional Responsibility, Washington DC Bar that protect FBI director Chris Wray, Esq, his FOIA office and other corrupt government attorneys.

letter also was sent toe corrupt FBI which as been corrupt as shown by this web site new media to have been corrupt for decades as also noted by Sen Grassley and Sen Johnson. Read to read my complaint and opinion of her and the Fulton County DA's violations of Rules of Professional Conduct and alleged federal crimes. Read a letter with massive files provided on a USB to the former President Trump on Jan 27, 2024 received at his Palm Beach, Fl home on Jan 31,2024 published on and prior evidence provided on that provides added evidence to expose the SWAMP in Washington DC, NV, NJ and U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia, 9th and 3rd Districts, RINOs, Democrats and many corrupt News Media channels that spew lies as they cover-up for the infested Biden Clan as Biden's obvious severe dementia has gotten so bad after he stated he met a long dead French leader Mitterand and could not even remember HAMAS was enemy of Isreal his staff prevented him from even having a 3 minute apperance durign the SUPER BOWL as he can't even read a teleprompter any more and bumbles and slurs many sentenes so much he gives up trying complete the thought or sentence. How his cabinet protects him is obvious as he should have had a mental examination long ago as his condition has only gotten worse and expect him not to run for President, participate in any Presidential debates and drop out just before the convention thus preventing any in-depth review or challenge during the Democrats "fixed" primary system as they are so corrupt they did not even allow New Hampshire to have any delegates for fear of JFK Jr. winning some delegates. You can't have a more corrupt political party then to ban the votes of an entire state of NH voters who desire to have Dem delegates for RFK Jr.

You can download this htm file as a pdf file via this link


and goggle in quotes "" and get dozens of urls on other web sites referring to and exposing other Government official misconduct in other States.

Recent uploads: A letter to the Mayor of Las Vegas, NV and the City Council complaining about lack of transparency in Government, with other referenced news articles as the letter included Proof of Service to the corrupt FBI in Las Vegas, and NV corrupt Gov Joseph Lombardo (D), Lt Gov Stravos Anthony (R) as they have all been protected by the FBI in Las Vegas for yeas by the U.S. Attorney District of Nevada and a series of FBI SACS in Las Vegas for over a decade along with Nevada's the prior corrupt Gov Steve Sisolak (D) by its re-elected NV attorney Attorney General Aaron Ford, Esq. (D) who is corrupt, been an accomplice, violated his oath of office, Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys RPC 8.3 and 8.4, and violated numerous federal and state laws protecting the SWAMP in Nevada, Carson City and Clark County democratic strong holds known by Sen Catherine Cortez-Masto (D), Sen Jacky Rosen (D) and all four NV House Representatives, and the States Democratic, Republican, Green and Libertarian party, and news media, as well as House and Senate Oversight committees, GAO Fraud Net, OGIS, et. al., under both administrations as the Las Vegas metro Police refused to allow me to examine my prior complaints but did give me their reference case number but insisted upon my paying $11 each, or $22 dollars for two one page filings I made that teams of police met me and also had the Police record of my also filing a CD of evidence. A letter widely distributed by U.S.P.S. certified return receipt to numerous parties providing massive evidence of the Two state system of injustice in USA wherein the Elite and Powerful are protected. This 41 page declaration executed under penalty, published on this news media, is evidence that can be used by any person in courts, or any enforcement agency.

Proof of Service to FBI Las Vegas SAC Spencer Evans, Gov Joseph Lombardo (R) and his Lt Gov Stravos Anthony (R) as they protect each other as well as NV Attorney General Ford (D)

Proof of Service to Nevada Gov Lombardo and LT Gov Anthony Feb 27,2023

Copies were mailed to the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility, corrupt FBI in Las Vegas, NV, the correct NV's Govt Joseph Lombardo, a Republican who as the prior Clark County Sheriff and at the same time the corrupt Chief Las Vegas Police protected by the voted out of office corrupt Govt Steve Sisolak (D) as known by all Nevada federal Senators Catherine Cortez-Masto Esq. (D) and Jacky Rosen (D)and Nevada's four t House of Representative members who protect Nevada's Establishment and SWAMP as all which include my corrupt and protected Rep Steve Horsford (D), as NV is even more corrupt then New Jersey. The letter shows that CIGIE, and all U.s. Attorneys were also corrupt under Obama, Trump and Biden administrations and FBI in NV and NJ as the USA has a corrupt two tied system of injustice where the Ruling Class, protect the Establishment.

The following jpg image shows the reference number of the emailed filings to the corrupt NV AG also via email as in future updated the USPS certified return receipts to numerous parties including the House Judiciary Committee under Rep Jim Jordan (R) is now exposing the corrupt Biden administration and Big Tech that has both US Attorney General Merrick Garland, Esq., FBI director Chris Wray,Esq. and the SWAMP in D.C. US courts, NV and NJ as the Las Vegas Review Journal in Nevada and the Star Ledger in New Jersey have protected their corrupt governments for a decade in Nevada in NJ at least 20 years as noted by downloading and printing the file http:/ or simply googling in quotes " as you will get many dozens of other sites urls exposing corruption in government at all levels in Nevada and other states p> protected the Clinton and Biden clans

The Nevada Attorney General Ford after taking many months to respond to a request only provided records that should have been provided in less then 2 weeks but requested extensions for months and did NOT respond with several key records nor information which included my formal complaints executed under penalty of perjury against Gov Sisolak, NV AG Ford and Clark County DA Wolfson as is known also by the Carson City Board of Supervisors, the Carson City DA, FBI, DOJ, NARA, OGIS, GAO Fraud Net which as protected many federal agencies.

TAKE NOTICE: 200 pages of emails were provided by the NV AG in response to my NV Public Act Request and they show they were also widely distributed to many news media, federal, county and municipal government and enforcement agencies which are available via

The file names that are not currently linked are available on request.

If you desire a specific file that is not currently linked as godaddy could not handle the an directories, please email, or telephone him using data provided. Files linked herein have already been removed with the exception of

You can download this file for an overall summary.

Oct 18, 2022 Update following files added:

U.S. Common Law Right of Access and Right for Information as well as State of Nevada Common Law rights of Access and NV Pubic Record Act requests were made to both the N Attorney General Ford, Esq., the NV Secretary of State and the Nevada Real Estate Division. These organizations have been corrupt under the Gov Sisolak (D) and NV AG Ford,Esq. Administration known by my Federal Senator Cortez-Masto, Esq, Sen Jacky Rosen (D), State Senator Pat Spearman (D) - running for Mayor of North Las Vegas, and my Assemblywoman Several newly emailed letters with the distribution list mailings show the widespread knowledge of the corruption of The Establishment. A short summary showing how and why the Department of justice and FBI have been protected for over a decade under Presidents Obama, Trump and Biden called the DEEP State, the SWAMP as the USA has a two tired system of Injustice as the elites are protected by enforcement agencies, governors who are to assure laws are enforced do not as shown in the States of Nevada and New Jersey are corrupt enterprises no matter which party controls its Governorship. The Council of Inspector Generals (CIGIE) is composed of over 73 IGs. CIGIE reports directly to the President and Congress and CIGIE has a Integrity Committee both are corrupt like the FBI. FBI is lead by attorneys that in the federal Government and the District of Nevada and New Jersey along with the U.S. Attorney for that state are both corrupt. Both the DOJ Public Integrity Section (PIN) which referred Thomas Caggiano to the DOJ Pubic corruption Unit PCU were corrupt but an employee in PCU had me report the corrupt FBI to the DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility which protects the FBI and if you submit a FOIA or Common Law right of Access to that body they have over 10,00 pages of complaints including thousands of pages of adopted references. I also filed a complaint to the corrupt U.S. District court District of Columbia's Appellate Division Board of Professional Responsibility which did not Docket my complaint against eh corrupt FBI director Chris Wray, Esq. as the BOPR then transferred my complaint for violation of Codes of Ethics rules of Professional Conduct RPC 8.3 Maintain the Integrity of the Profession and 8.4 Misconduct transferred my complaint to the Washington DC. Office of Disciplinary Council but instead of conducting review which would remove Chris Wray law license like done against President Bill Clinton, Esq. as he lied to a grand jury, instead transferred me to the corrupt DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility that simply ignores such complaints. The CIGIE has been corrupt for over a decade its former corrupt chair was DOJ IG William Horowitz, Esq. its vice chair is now the chair Alison Lerner, a corrupt IG protected by CIGIE's Integrity Committee and THE SWAMP in DC.

Inside on the Outside, news media, is the publisher of and, with its journalist Thomas Caggiano, and others that reported federal and state crimes have been retaliated against for over 20 years

This is a continuing Case Study of the SWAMP at all levels of government: Federal, States of Nevada and New Jersey, County, Municipal governments, enforcement agencies to Include CIGIE, IGs, FBI, GAO, US Attorney General, DOJ, OPR, PIN, PCU, U.S. District Court of Columbia Appellate Division's Executive Attorney and its Board of Professional Responsibility, FBI, USPS Inspection Service, , U.S. Senate and Congressional Oversight Committees, Federal Senators and Representatives, Ethics Committees, Governors, State Attorney Generals, County District Attorneys, Police Departments, and their Courts including Federal enforcement and State Enforcement Departments responsible for enforcing complaints against Judges regarding Codes of Ethics Judicial Canons violations and Attorneys which essentially universally violate Rules of Professional Conduct, 18 U.S.C. Sections 2,3,4, et. al., HIPPA and other safety and environmental protection laws , National Security Laws, Presidential National Security Executive Orders, SF132, Separation Agreements DS-0109 previously OF109 noting criminal violations of Titles 18, 42 and 50, and the State Department's Office of Diplomatic Security's DSS's Guideline K, other Standing Operating Procedures, Crimes of Omission and Official Misconduct who are by neglect to perform one's official duty, or malfeasance is a criminal act, and violation of Oath of Office defined as perjury, as Fraud, Waste and Abuse, retaliation, violations of civil rights under color and in conspiracy, honest service fraud and State criminal codes is common place.

Many other internet sites and blogs expose THE SWAMP's corruption and refer to You can access these other sites by using the following designed search url :

On Jan 20, 2021, the United States of America became a communist socialist dysfunctional repressive government wherein Freedom Of Speech, One's property and safety and to be happy are meaningless words as identity politics has been replaced with Cancel Culture similar to Islamic ISIS and ISIL terrorists that destroy statues, history, prevent book publications or opinions of others with difference freedom of expression resulting in a police state as shown by thousands of heavily armed National Guard soldiers in the barricaded Capitol Buildings even as Democrats and their comrades seek to remove other Republican Senators and Congresswoman who have additional protected speech on the House and Senate floors seek to remove them showing the Democrats utter tyranny they themselves engage in.

TAKE NOTICE - Know your rights

USPS Proof of Service certified return receipts of letters signed under penalty of perjury which is evidence anyone can use to file a Writ of Mandamus in a U.S. District Court as a civil suit under 18 USC § 3333 requiring a U.S. District Court your U.S. Constitutional Rights using the Federal Rules of Evidence FRE R902(6) to force a U.S. District Court to impanel a SPECIAL GRAND JURY to conduct an investigation using the evidence contained in thomascaggiano,com and its adopted published referenced exhibits as by passing the corrupt U.S. Attorney Generals, FBI Directors, and State, county and municipal enforcement agencies, IRS, GAO FRAUD NET, Congressional and Senate oversight and ethics committees that protect the Establishment as the Special Grand Jury can hire its own independent attorneys, investigators and submit a report to the U.S. District Court judge that can then issue U.S. District Court ORDERS to REMOVE the Government officials, employees and ORDER termination of contractors at all levels of government, in all three branches of government federal, state, county, municipal and those in corrupt enforcement agencies that protect judges, attorneys and other accomplices and issue Arrest warrants or take any other punitive actions at its discretion.

Every observant, intelligent person in the USA knows the United States has a dysfunctional government and there exists a Two Tier System of Injustice Exists one for the powerfully politically connected and Big Tech firms as Facebook, Google, Amazon and Twitter the protectors of the Democrats with NBC, CNN, NY TIMES, Washington Post they being democratic donors and in essence give in-kind donations by banning and now using not only identity politics by coercion to ban any Trump administration Republican from having books publishers by major book publishing companies, having the banned from future employment, ad harass= them in restaurants, or wherever you see hem. Chat in BLM parades while others are n lock-down "Kill the Pigs". this is he Democratic socialist Communist Part today with Hiel Biden its fascist dictator.

even for obtaining COVID19 vaccines as the rich and powerfully connected get the vaccine which can save the lives of those that are leaders as such young members of congress are the first to get the vaccines the are essentially immune and where the term "Equity" by deceit has replaced "Equal treatment"which does not exist as shown on as the Democrats seek a quotas system based upon race not talent on merit in private companies Board Rooms using the newly minted buzz word "Equity" for a false synonym of "Equality" as Democrats Race Baiting is now included directly in Biden's Executive Orders as he and Pelosi now CONTROL SPEECH of its army of federal employees, contractors and Republicans.

Race baiting is the Democratic position as Biden called the USA a White Supremacist Republic ( any Black is called an Uncle Tom ) and where Biden stated: " If you vote for Trump, you ain't BLACK" or as stated by pathetic CNN "journalist" if you voted for Trump " You're a NAZI". I suggest with the statement made by many democrats and their puppets CNN newscasters and Today's show retired Corick saying the 73 million Americans that voted for Trump are Nazi and others saying - the Republican children should be removed from their parents and deprogrammed is the essence of dictators and fascists - a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts national unity and race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, with severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

States maintain a two tiered system of injustice where in elites and Politically connected persons, and their elites, are protected while the Federal government and State prosecutors and Judges are protected by Rules passed by the "independent" Judicial Branch allowing malicious prosecutions by government attorneys in conspiracy with Judges that are protected by Ethics boards that violate 18 U.S.C. Sections 2,3,4,1001,1512, 1513, and other federal crimes to criminal coerce the public from even reporting crimes or Codes of ethics violations by Judges and attorneys which themselves are also protected by Ethics Review boards in a cabal of tyranny. The review boards operate in total secrecy with total immunity, the reason the Establishment is so corrupt with dysfunctional government that surround the wagons to protect the establishment and their political parties and the SWAMP Federal, State, County and Municipal levels.

Corrupt Biden / Harris administration: Whereas by constant violation of National Security Laws, Agreements SF132 on controlling access, protection and control of classified information which is signed by tens of thousands of government officials, employees and assuring compliance with Presidential National Security Executive Orders and other laws which do NOT require intent to be a criminal offense.

as I did during my prior 30 year career as a civilian employee designing highly classified brilliant systems, production techniques, training and deployment methods. I was a member of the U.S. Army Acquisition Corps, Advisor to the Pentagon and Special Operations Forces, Commandant of Engineering School, National Training Center operatives at Ft. Irwin during live fire exercises to Active Army, Reserves, National Guard and other allies, Project Manager's Office Division Chief, Engineering Branch Chief, Chemical Engineer, member of Military Comptroller Society, American Institute of Chemical Engineers and other Scientific Societies, and IT security officer purchasing remote servers using classified network systems and encrypted STU III telephones. published on

For one to gain access to Classified data is done by understanding and signing Standard Form SF132 which also requires compliance with Presidential Executive Orders on National Security. As VP Biden and Senator Biden served on the U.S. Senate Foreign Affairs Committee and served in Congress and as VP for over 45 years he had decades of knowledge knowing what Presidential Executive Orders are as he has signed dozens of them in his firs days in Office. Such national Security Orders signed by President Obama and President Clinton and others still in force he has been aware as has Senator Harris as a member of the Senate Intelligence committees. They both have violated these laws and Executive Orders protecting Hillary Clinton, the State Department , Former Secretary of State Kerry and former National Security advisor Susan Rice who are now in essential administrative positions in the corrupt Biden-Harris administration. Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) require any updates be made during scheduled State Department K annual training; the accomplices include the Obama, Trump and Biden State Departments. the State Department's Undersecretary for Management, its Bureau of Diplomatic Security's United States Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) which is the federal law enforcement and security arm of the U.S. Department of State and its Guideline K.

On Jan 26,2021, Antonym Blinken, a longtime aide to Joe Biden and former deputy Secretary of State became Biden's Secretary of the State Department which has protected Hillary Clinton, her aides, the FBI directors James Comedy, Esq. replaced by Chris Wray, Esq. who continues their corruption under the Trump and Biden administrations., and known by the U.S. District Court District of Columbia Appellate Division, Department of Justice's IG, National Science Foundation's IG who is Biden's chair of the Counsel of Inspector Generals on Integrity and Efficiency, IG GAO for Fraud, Waste and Abuse, and the Department of Justice's Office of Professional Responsibility and U.S. Senate and House oversight committees and all 6 of the State of Nevada Senators and Congressional members and news media. and my corrupt State of Nevada Senators Catherine Cortez-Masto, Esq. (D) and Jacky Rosen (D).

under Obama and Trump. The Secretaries of State under the Obama and Trump administrations ignored these laws, executive orders and procedures as did Susan Rice and others known by the U.S. Senate and House protectors on the Intelligence Committees, the FBI and the U.S. Attorneys, Holder, Lynch, Sessions, Barr and acting U.S. Attorney Roser as well as FBI Directors Comey and Wray as the Establishment and news media protect the Establishment and the Federal Election Commission, its IG FEC which protected VP Biden and Senator Harris who should have had their security clearances revoked and been investigated by DOJ as noted by the FEC itself as well as by Biden's chair of CIGIE Ms Lerner, Esq who reports directly to President Biden and provides annual reports to Congress.

Jan 27, 2021: The following message was sent to the corrupt State of NV political parties protected by the Establishment and to Rep Brian Mast.(R-FL) a wounded Veteran defamed by the Democratic news media

In only days Biden has issued so many unconstitutional Executive Orders as he stated previously if a President issues so many rather then through legislation he is a DICTATOR.

Biden immediately changed some of his policies after being blasted by Tribal leaders - The Biden administration said that its freeze on oil-and-gas leasing approvals does not apply to tribal lands after a Utah tribe ripped the department for what it called a direct attack on its economy and sovereignty.

He labels all Whites as White supremacist. I was a Democrat for over 50 years and have changed to Republican to fight Biden's dictatorial Executive Orders being issued daily for as Stated by his accomplice Sen Schumer, the corrupt Democrat leader wit his accomplice speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi stated: If we gain power - we will change America" and with Biden have already destroyed Freedom of Speech, developed a "Cancan Culture" terrifying any business such as Parler which sought to have an open platform for opinions as the Washington Post, and AMAZON CLOUD SERVICE CONTROLLED BY BILLIONAIRE Bezo and its other Big Tech monopoly accomplices Facebook, Twitter and Google band together as Democrats large donors to destroy their possible competitors as the Democrats, Liberal controlled Democratic university=tires retaliate against those with conservative ideas or even U.S. Constitution Rights to be now its obvious CANCEL CULTURE act like Nazi, banning books, removing the names of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Lincoln, and cancelling social media accounts of hundreds of thousands for those that expressed their opinion if it did not agree with their position. using false standards that do not apply to democrats or even such foreign entities as Iran, and other counties that seek to destroy the SA for by their very cancel culture movement and the any dictatorial executive or designed by Biden as he even previously stated the overuse of Executive orders is a Dictatorship. Remembering some statements made by Biden when he was running against Trump show his deceit: "Former United States Vice President Joe Biden, who is running against President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, said that he would not use executive orders to implement his policies because "You can't use executive orders unless you are a dictator." " The comments came as he was asked about his tax policy and if it would be a priority. Biden said that he would depend on the votes in Congress but stressed that raising taxes would help the US economy grow more than it would under a second Trump term> foster intolerance within the Ivy league and other universities to present any debate other then their own destructive group think.

Having left the now fascist Democratic party , I hope to run against the corrupt Democrats in Nevada. It's a controlled racketeering State protected by Trump's U.S. Attorneys and FBI that protect the Establishment. The most pathetic divisive President by the term EQUITY, which is a quota system, instills Cancel Culture and Quota Systems. . I changed Political party, the State of NV,, is filled with corrupt Democrats as fraud,waste and abuse is rampant in its Control Clark County protected by US Attorney Generals Holder, Lynch, Sessions ,Barr and ACTING Trump's AG ROSEN as they DID not drain the SWAMP but protect it. Read and have Republicans seek impeachment of Biden and Harris and CIGIE new chair Lerner IG NSF have your staff contact me after reading,, and get the FBI director removed as Wray protects the SWAMP as did all other US Attorney Generals.,

Get the House Ethics Committee to respond to my complaint about my corrupt Congressman Horsford.,


The following published documents shows no matter who is President Obama (D), Trump (R) or Biden (D) with Biden's VP, former Senator Kamala Harris, Esq. a former member of the U.S. Senate's Intelligence Committee corruption by the ESTABLISHMENT which prevented President Trump from "Draining the SWAMP" continues.

Read how the Department of Justice, FBI and Federal election Commission as well as U.S. Senate and House Intelligence and other oversight committees protect Hillary Clinton, VP Biden, Sen Harris, former Secretary of States under Obama Clinton and Kerry and Trump administrations on:


I was a registered Democrat for over 50 years and after Biden became President in his initial days in office he issued Executive Orders destroying thousands of high paying union jobs, destroyed the investment of Billions of dollars of private investments that took years of coordination with Environmental Impact Statement and numerous Court decisions unilaterally and managed to get Canada and our indigenous Tribes infuriate as Biden violated their unique rights, as the Biden's administration without any consultation by his unconstitutional Executive Orders denying them due process rights or any collaboration with impacted States, such as New Mexico and Texas, whose economies and tax base were directly adversely impacted by Biden's unilateral illegal actions of "Taking". He also violated the constraints in the The Line Item Veto Act (P. L. 104-130) and violated the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. Subchapter II). § 551 Definitions § 552 Public information, as authorized federal, and State permits permits were properly obtained for the XL pipeline and another Billion dollars was allocated in the FY 2021 budget and appropriations to continue construction of the US-Mexican highly effective the Boarder Wall

> Biden unconstitutionally used his illegal Executive Order in place of an illegal line-item-veto for as President he is required to comply with such spending authorizations and appropriations. The Southern Border Walls System is an integrated highly technically advanced system using sensors, other and detectors which as been proven to be a highly effective deterrent thereby reducing the yearly cost of having larger quantities of boarder guards, maintain expensive detention facilities and reduces crime and other adverse social impacts. The control of one's boarders at this time are urgent as thousands persons began their voyages through Central America with many infected with COVID19 which would further increase the infections in these Central American counties and upon arrival to USA further cause death of US citizens where Hospitals are already under great duress as COVID19 vaccination and States are under great hardships.

Evidence - Proof of Service Corrupt SWAMP
Fascist Biden and Harris administration

State of Nevada Corruption: The corruption in the State of Nevada continues: Democrats now controlling the infested State of Nevada with tis corrupt Gov Sisolak (D) and as Vegas Valley in Clark County controlled by my corrupt Federal Sen Cortez-Masto,Esq.

Sen Jacky Rosen (D)
Rep Steve Horsford (D)
Rep Dina Titus (D)
Rep Susie Lee (D)
Clark County Commissioners as my corrupt District Commissioner is Marilyn Kirkpatrick (D)
Clark County District Attorney Wolfson,, and
Clark County Sheriff and Las Vegas Chief of Police Joseph Lombardo protected by the Las Vegas Police's Civilian Review board
Nevada State Attorney General Aaron Ford, Esq.,
Gov Steve Sisolak (D) former chair of the corrupt all Democratic Clark County Commission protected by the U.S. Attorney District of Nevada and his Special Prosecutions Branch, FBI in Washington D.C. dictators James Comey(D) then Chris Wray (R) and a series of FBI agents in Las Vegas under the Obama and Trump administrations and their U.S. Attorney Generals Holder (D), Lynch (D), Sessions (R), Barr (R) and acting Us. Attorney General Rosen (R) as shown by, and FBI in Las Vegas The Democrats lust for power has changed from "Identity Politics" to a communist style "Cancel Culture" also destroying History by banning books and miles destroying Statures, changing names of high schools to remove the names of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson in manners like Islamic extremists.

The Democrats supporters Big Tech and its New media such Today Show use the "buzz word of the day" as Katie Couric stated their children must be deprogrammed and some even suggest separating the children of those with Republican parents for re-education. "Hiel Hitler"

The Big Tech monopolies coordinate their actions and these monopolies are the greatest threat to the Republic: Facebook, Google, Twitter and Amazon with their major Democrats Donors, deplatform other competitors and Democratic Politicians, in group think, demand such as Senator Ted Cruz and others be impeach for suggesting a 10 day period for review of potential voting fraud as in some states in violation of the States Constitution judges created their election processes, legislators had laws passed controlling its process yet judges without authority "Ignored the Law".

President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris,Esq. were protected by the Federal Election Commission, the FEC protected by the IG of the FEC and all protected by The Establishment as "never - Trumper Republicans" joined with Democrats as the Democrats leaders have incited violence for years, as billions in property damage, hundreds of police and other victims are injured or killed yet such as the pathetic CNN reporters and leaders such as Harris and other Democrats support BLM parades while in a pandemic, forcing small businesses to go bankrupt while such Governors as Newsome CA, Cuomo NY, Murphy NJ and Sisolak NV issued orders determined by he U.S. Supreme Court and other courts have violated U.S Constitutional rights for houses of worship and favoring also Big Box stores over small businesses NOT BASED on science but their own agenda of Control

I use to be a registered Democrat for over 50 years but based upon Biden's unilateral issuance of dozens of Executive Orders agrees with his power grabbing NY Senate Schumer (D) who himself threatened U,S. Supreme Court judges on the Steps of the Supreme Court being rebuke by its Chief Justice Chief Justice Roberts rebukes Sen Schumer threats I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price", while other Congress woman demanded Trump's impeachment before he was inaugurated spewing profanity as Hillary Clinton as did using the DNC to sabotage her hen opponent Sen Bernie Sanders, used the DNC with the infamous British unregistered lobbiest, the FBI Comey (D) and the DOJ to obtain by fraud and even falsified FISA application repeatedly to destroy those in the Trump campaign such as has selected prior corrupt Obama officials, to be part of his Administration, being the former Secretary of State Kerry (D) and National Security Advisor Susan Rice (D) - all who have been protecting Hillary Clinton (D) who rigged the aide of the DNC the Democratic primary election against Sen. Bernie Sanders as Steele stated the reason he released his phony dossier was to distract from Hillary Clinton's use of unsecured servers containing classified materials as she had it destroyed even upon subpoena. The FBI then used willfully deceive FISA court applications to initiate a spying operation on Cater page; destroyed General Flynn and seeks to destroy, by CANCEL CULTURE as all persons that worked in the Trump administration, all persons that voted from him as President, and deprogram them, separate their children from their families for reprogramming purposes as done by Hitler's Nazi and The DICTATOR'S action undertaken by Biden immediately after his inauguration show who the Fascists are - The DEMOCRATS. As such I have changed my party's registration from Democratic to Republican as all my family relatives have switched parties. The Federal Election Commission and the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, the National Security council, the CIGIE, U.S. Attorneys Holder, Lynch, Sessions and Barr have all protect THE Establishment and the corrupt FBI director Chris Wray, Esq. as has the U.S. District Court District of Columbia's Executive Attorney, its Appellate Division's Board of Professional Responsibility and the DO's Office for Professional Responsibility as shown on and . o" services were derived committing also apparently tax fraud and money laundering. As 50 corrupt former U.S. Attorneys, DOJ, CIA signed a false letter to destruct during the Biden - Trump election the pursue was to deflect from the initial Clinton email saga with the State Department protecting her under Trump and Obama as she hand her Staff using her unsecured server, as known to Obama who lied about his knowledge as he himself sent her many emails to her unsecured server account as she never even had a .gov account which is also not used for Classified materials nor sensitive with many found on her aide Huma Abiden's husband's laptop which is why her Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, Esq. panic when her email system was discovered as they attempted to delete the emails from Obama who also used a phony email address but could not so they used software to destroy the data and then used a hammer when the data was under subpoena. The Obama gang is now being reassembled by President Biden with the main accomplices Kerry and Rice and with FBI director Wray who is even more corrupt then FBI director Comey with other Establishment loyalists embedded in the SWAMP which Trump stated he would DRAIN. Instead, the SWAMP CIA, DOJ with Pelosi and Schumer and other Democrats and RINO and NEVER TRUMPERS have no impeached Trump twice and seek to Deprogram the children of Republicans or people that voted for Trump in a sick vendetta to make the USA a Democratic Party totalitarian State as their protectors such as the pathetic CNN identifies all those that voted for Trump as Nazi and seek to have publishers not publish any book authorized by Conservatives or have an large company hire an Conservative as Harvard and the now controlled universities remove such members from the boards and seek to have such Senators who requested 10 day period to investigate the election process and have as the corrupt Democrats seek investigations of such protected Speech by Senators totally destroying the U.S. Constitution which has already been ignored, as have States wherein the election laws which are to be controlled by the legislature instead are controlled by Judges. State Department is pat of the corrupt Establishment, as Trump forged numerous peace agreements of Arabian Counties with Israel and brought our troops home from foreign lands as Biden in his first week increased troops in Syria. as dozens of former CIA and US Attorneys employees falsely stated the EVIDENCE on Hunter Biden's laptop was Russia disinformation to aide the election of Biden by Honest Service Fraud and their continuing conspiracy of years of the corrupt spying, invalidated FISA applications to spy on the Trump administration with years of lies by Adam Schiff,Nadler and news media such as MSNBC and CNN to brain drain people while they got Pulitzer prizes never admitting their years of a disgraced false news media as so called Journalists not Opinion mouth propagandists. Whereas Biden served over 45 years in Congress and as VP he surely as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee and National Security Council was aware of President Obama's and President Clinton's National Security Executive Orders and other agreements such as SF132 access to classified data having a Top Secret Clearance. was a member of the National Security Counsel and have all been protected by Obama's U.S. Attorneys Holder (D)and Lynch (D), and Trump's Sessions (R) and Barr (R) and the acting U.S. Attorney General, House and Senate Intel Oversight Committees. Biden's expected nominee, Judge Merrick Garland, is an Appellate Division judge in the corrupt U.S. District Court District of Columbia as Biden has appointed the IG National Science Foundation (NSF) who was the Vice Chair of the corrupt of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), retains the prior CIGIE's chair IG William Horowitz, Esq. as IG DOJ, and the corrupt FBI director Chris Wray, Esq. and other IGs including IG GAO, OGIS and DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), as Members of the U.S. Senate and House have been protectors by Washington DC's SWAMP, the ESTABLISHMENT, as Trump was elected to "Drain the SWAMP" not because like Hillary Clinton and many other corrupt Democrats and their propaganda news networks and Bid tech that protected Biden by deplatforming other potential competitors news rivals such as Parler, and essentially calling for Publishers not to sell any book written by a Republican, throwing members off Harvard boards and in an agreed upon conspiracy remove a "cult" all persons that have different views and engage in a true fascist society controlled by Democrats. A totally sick party, after more then 50 years as a registered Democrat I have switched parties for Freedom of Expression and debate not engage like the paranoid, power hungry despotic "cancel culture", identify politics Democrats and their Big Tech comrades: Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, NY Times, Washington Post,CNN, MSNBC, and Self centered Hollywood types that say "I'd like to blow up the White House". Schumer, D-N.Y. on the steps of the US. Supreme Court: "I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price"; or Kamala Harris stating the protests shouldn't stop as CNN reporters stated the protests were mostly peaceful as Billions of damages was down by burning down buildings, injuring hundreds of police officers as the BLM marchers chatted "Kill the pigs", Democrats yelled Defund the Police as Biden said the same thing but using different words - reallocate the funds from the police to others. Harris said on late night news continue as shown on the video, as in Portalnd after Biden was elected President, the liberals again burned goverenmt nbudings Roughly 150 people attended a “J20” protest against Biden and law enforcement around 2 p.m., marching from Revolution Hall to the Democratic Party of Oregon’s headquarters. The group smhased windows and vandalized the building with graffiti. as noted on or and beocme a Repbuocian as the tyrany of the Democrats and Bdien is exposed in his many issued Executive Orders in my letter tot eh State of Nevada Electon boad wit hratiale to enable me to run agaisnt the now Fascist Democratic party published on politicians especally Democrats and their progranda news media that state any person, over 73 Million U.S. Citizens, that voted for Trump are Nazi, Deplorables and need "deprogramming" like the pattheic Today" show host Katie Couric so-called Elites suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration. Their accomplices include dozens of attorneys on numerous oversight committees, the Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys ( 65 page letter, Executive Attorney, Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility, NV Federal Senator Catherine Cortez-Masto, Esq., Jack Rosen (D) and my corrupt Congressman Horsford (D) who is also protected by the House Ethics Committee.

both violated Presdient Obama's and President Clinton's, other exiting Executive Orders on National Security and were protected by the Federal Election Commission (FEC), and Department of Justice as well as House and Senate Intel Committee and other oversight committees as shown on:

a. the corruption is continuous as Biden has now retained the corrupt FBI director Chris Wray, Esq. protected previous by Trump's Republican controlled Judiciary, Finance, Intel and Homeland Security Committees evidence in Civil or Criminal Cases in U.S. State, County and Municipal Courts and Administrative Hearings against government officials at all levels, employees, enforcement agencies, judges, attorneys, other persons, contractors and Home Owner Associations that do not perform their official duties, judiciary responsibility, contractual requirements, violate Ethics Laws or other purposes. Cited are U.S. District and State Cases, Criminal Codes and Codes of Ethics Canons for judges and Rules of Professional Conduct for attorneys and other matters.

This site includes numerous directories.

You can download for an overall summary.
My Jan 22,2021, 5 page letter, exposing the corrupt President Biden and his violation of National Security Laws, Executive Order and other laws as by issuing over a dozen Executive Orders he has shown his statements he is a moderate was a total fraud and also shows he protects the corrupt FBI director Chris Wray, Esq. as done not only by Democrats but Republicans to protect the SWAMP.

My Registration to the State of Nevada Election Board that changes my 50 year long registration as a Democrat to Republican is also included so I can run against the corrupt State of Nevada's corrupt Clark County Democrat machine as NV's corrupt protected Gov Sisolak, was the former chair of Clark County Commission, his accomplices the NV Attorney General Aaron Ford,Esq., a former state Senator, federal NV Senators Catherine Cortez-Masto, Esq (D), Jacky Rosen (D) and House Representatives' Steven Horsford (D), Dina Titus (D) and Susie Lee (D), my District 1 State Senator Spearman (D) and Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno (D), at the municipal level in the Las Vegas Valley include the U.S. District Court of Las Vegas,, U.S. Attorney District of Nevada TRUTANICH, Esq. and its Special Prosecutions Branch, FBI Aaron Rouse, Esq. in Las Vegas, Cities of Las Vegas, , North Las Vegas Mayor James Lee, my Ward 4 Ward Councilman Richard Cherchio, Chief City Attorney Micaela Rustia Moore, Esq and other accomplices,, and Henderson, my Clark County Commissioner District B Marilyn Kirkpatrick (D) corrupt Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo who is also the Chief of Police of Las Vegas Metro Police protected by Las Vegas' Civilian Review Board, Clark County's District Attorney Wolfson, and Office of the County Treasurer Laura Fitzpatrick, the Corrupt FBI in Las Vegas and FBI's former Director James Comey (D) replaced by the corrupt Director Chris Wray, protected by the Trump and President Biden's administrations, House and Senate Oversight Committees, U.S. District court District of Columbia, the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) former chair - DOJ IG William Horowitz,Esq. and its former CIGIE's vice chair now President Bush's chair of CIGIE, the National Science Foundation's IG NSF Allison C. Lerner,Esq., was replaced as CIGIE's Vice chair by IG for Department of Interior Mark Greenblatt, Esq. while the corrupt William Horowitz, Esq. remains IG DOJ as the SWAMP's protectors remain no matter who is President.

Summary: A frequently updated published Case Study summary with links to dozens of published records showing the Federal Reserve and Federal Trade Commission using the Worldwide FTC's Consumer Sentinel Network have made these records available to enforcement agencies in all 50 States, the Federal Government and Counties enforcement agents around the world.

TAKE NOTICE: This recognized NEWS MEDIA published by Inside on the Outside along with contains published certified affidavits signed under penalty of perjury with matters of law and matters of fact that may be used by others per FRE R 902(6) as cited evidence.

to obtain other web sites
exposing corruption referring to

Read the response to my FOIA response from the corrupt Federal Election Commission (FEC) which ignored my U.S Common Law Right for Access and Information but it exposes the corruption of the FEC, the Democrats, Biden, Harris, Kerry, Clinton, Department of Justice, U.S. Senate (R) and House (D) Oversight Committees protected by Holder, Lynch, Sessions and Barr, Intel Community and news media on and my appeal to the DOJ Office of Information Policy (OIP) against the corrupt Department of Justice's Office of Professional Responsibility, my complaint to the U.S. District Court District of Columbia Executive Attorney and DOJ OPR as they all protect FBI directors Comey (D) and Wray (R) as Wray is also protected by the DOJ IG Horowitz, Esq. and Department of Justice's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) like other corrupt U.S. Attorneys for District of Nevada (R) and New Jersey (R) along with the local FBI officials therein and as the politicians fear the corrupt FBI and CIA

My current draft letter which will get correspondence and other data from the corrupt Clark County Commission, Las Vegas, NV published on

My Jan 13, 2021, 4 page APPEAL via email to the Office of Government Information Systems (OGIS) with copies to Department of Justice's (DOJ), Federal Senators and Representatives, Senate Oversight Committees Finance and Judiciary that protect THE SWAMP, FBI and other accomplices as an Appeal against the Office of Information Policy FOIA-2021-00535" with its Director Bobak Talebian which has protected the DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) with its Director and Chief Counsel Jeffrey Ragsdale,Esq. which as protected the FBI and the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency Inspector Generals as CIGIE IGs report directly to the President of USA as the Obama (D) Administration protected the corrupt FBI director James Comey, Esq. and the Trump (R) and Biden (D) Administrations protect the corrupt FBI director Chris Wray, Esq. and FBI Special Agents in Nevada and New Jersey as they surround the wagons and protect the Establishment in all 3 branches of Government: Executive, Legislative and Judiciary called THE SWAMP.

Take Judicial NOTICE:A Using a Writ of Mandate petition, and evidence contained herein and its published records, per FRE R902(6) and the certified affidavits based upon my own knowledge, and civil rights, I shall submit after I obtain massive records via my U.S. Common Law Rights of Access and Common Law Rights for Information citing the Authority in the following Court cases Nixon v. Warner Commc'ns,Inc. , 435 U.S. 589, 597 (1978), Ctr for Nat'l Sec. Studies v. U.S. Dept of Just., 331 F.3d 918, 936 (D.C. Cir. 2003) and Skilling v. U.S., 561 U.S. 358 (2010)from the U.S. Government and also using my State of NV and NJ said Constitutional Rights, use the US District Court to force the prosecution of record with specific scienter intent to deny me to prevent their detection and apprehension, force a U.S. District Court to empanel a Special Grand Jury by filing a civil suit per 18 U.S.C. §3333 to prepare a report AFTER the Special Grand Jury retains the services of attorneys, investigators and prepares a report wherein the U.S. District Court magistrate can then issue ORDERS for the removal of officials and employees of federal, state, county and municipal governments,and take other actions such as issuing arrest warrants and filing orders that would result in Other judges being removed from the bench and Attorneys and Law firms, Home Owner Associations Board members and their Community Managers and their law firms such as Aliante Master Association (AMA) and Autumn Ridge at Aliante Community Association (AURI) and their law firm Leach Johnson Song & Gruchow, and their protected multi-state protected Community Management firm Firstservice Residential",",",", and its protected law firm Koch and Scow protected by the State Bar of Nevada as Codes of Ethics Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC) are not enforced nor are Codes of Ethics Judicial Canons for judges by the Committee on Judicial Discipline against Judges. Similarly, the U.S. District Court District of Columbia's Board of Professional Responsibility and its Executive Attorney, DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility along with U.S. Senate and House Oversight Committees, their GAO FRAUD NET, protect the FBI director Chris Wray, Esq, like NJ's Supreme Court Court's Office of Attorney Ethics protects attorneys while its Advisory Committee on Judicial Discipline ACJC, protects judges for State criminal codes are no enforced by the State of NV nor NJ Attorney Generals, as the protect THE ESTABLISHMENT, as Cabinet level officials are protected and their enforcement agencies act in a conspiracy of honest service fraud, retaliation being Accomplices after the fact 18 U.S.C. § 3 This short summary explains why the SWAMP exists at all levels of government in USA, NV and NJ protected by U.S. and State Attorney Generals, the Federal, State, County representatives and Mayors, and their Courts

My Jan 7, 2021, 8 page letter, my letter to President Biden's nominee to be his independent U.S. Attorney General, as Garland is currently a U.S. District Court District of Columbia Appellate Division judge as the corrupt FBI director Chris Wray, Esq. continues to be protected by Congress, President Biden and CIGIE's IGs will continue the corrupt Service of Chris Wray who has protected former VP Biden and Senator Harris, the State of NV and NJ and other accomplices during his entire tenure as FBI director and previously Chris Wray, Esq. got $3.2 Million from the infested State of NJ to protect Chris Christie,Esq. and his administration ( as well as NY's Gov Cuomo, Esq. and Port Authority of NY and NJ which they control as by official misconduct no one was ever charged with any State crime and only one person was convicted on Federal Charges but essentially got a slap on the wrist as the Establishment protects THE SWAMP. Bridge gate the closing down of lanes entering the George Whasington Bridge in retaliation against the Ft Lee Mayor a democrat for NOT supporting the corrupt Gov Christie(R) re-election as did other corrupt Hudson River Democrats voting against their own Democratic candidate is how the infested State of NJ operates but Clark County controlled by Democrats, protected by the Las Vegas Review Jouanl it's major news paper and othe TV news outlets, is even more corrupt. the NJ. as the FBI director is also protected by Biden's appointed chair Allison C. Lerner, Esq., IG NSF, of The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE)with its corrupt Integrity Committee protecting IGs.

My Dec 23, 2020, 31 page complaint, to Trump's Acting U.S Attorney as replacement for William Barr who like U.S. Attorney Sessions and the AAG Criminal Division, the Trump and now Biden administrations have protected FBI director Wray, CIGIE, DOJ, states of NV and NJ. The letter was also mailed to Special Counsel Durham, corrupt FBI Las Vegas, and corrupt Clark county, NV District Attorney and widely distributed to federal representatives, news media and others , Subject: Election Fraud, Conspiracy, Violation of National Security Orders, federal laws and Codes of Ethics, Civil rights under color, Racketeering, Conspiracy, Honest Service Fraud, Retaliation, Oath of Office for personal benefit by CIGIE, IGs, DOJ, FEC, NSC, Treasury, USPS, GAO FRAUD NET, State Dept, FBI directors Comey (D) and Wray (R), judges and attorneys protected by the Establishment and by Federal Election Commission and its FEC’s Office of Inspector General and racketeering States of Nevada and New Jersey

My Jan 6, 2021, 10 page complaint, to the corrupt Department of Justice's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) against U.S. Attorney for District of Nevada Nicholas A. Trutanich, Esq. (R) who has been protecting the Las Vegas FBI field office and the State of Nevada, a corrupt racketeering State like New Jersey, no matter which party controls the Congress and the Senate as the GAO Fraud Net is their accomplice in the undrainable Establishment, , Congress its Office of Governor NV Brian Sandoval, Esq. (R) and his NV Attorney General Adam Laxalt,Esq. (R) followed by the corrupt NV Gov Steve Sisolak (D)the former chair of the all democratic party Clark County Commission (D), with my corrupt Commissioner Marilyn Kirkpatrick Federal Senators Catherine Cortez-Masto (D), Sen Jacky Rosen (D), and members of Congress House Representatives the infested Clark County, Las Vegas , North Las Vegas and Henderson Steven Horsford (D), Dina Titus (D) and Susie Lee (D) with my District 1 State Senator Pat Spearman (D) and Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno (D) along with Clark County Sheriff who is also the corrupt Las Vegas Chief of Police Joseph Lombardo, District Attorney Wolfson, and Treasurer nor Obama's (D) corrupt U.S. Attorney Generals Obama's Eric Holder, Esq. (D), Loretta Lynch, Esq. (D), , nor Trump's Jeff Sessions, Esq. (R) or Barr, Esq. (R)

My Dec 28, 2020, 31 page letter, to the new Acting U.S. Attorney General Rosen, who replaced U.S. Attorney General Barr, also mailed to the protected FBI Aaron Rouse, Esq. and his accomplice U.s. Attorney District of Nevada Nicholas A. Trutanich, Esq. in Las Vegas widely distributed by email from to the Democratic, Republican, Libertarian and Green parties, my corrupt NV Federal Senators Catherine Cortez-Masto (D) and Jacky Rosen (D) and corrupt Congressman Steven Horsford (D), showing the racketeering in Nevada and the Democratically controlled Clark County with its corrupt County Commissioners, all Democrats, and its former chair now Nevada's corrupt Gov Steve Sisolak protected by Trump's U.S. Attorneys Sessions and Barr, and U.S. Attorney District of NV and former corrupt FBI director Comey (D) replaced by the Trump FBI director Chris Wray (R). protected by Senator Lindsey Graham (R) the chair of Judiciary Committee and Grassley chair of the Finance committee, Trump's Counsel of Inspector Generals on Integrity and Efficiency, and its IG Horowitz, Esq, and other IGs and former Obama's US attorneys Holder (D) and Lynch (D). It's called THE ESTABLISHMENT protected by news media.

The letter 28 page letter to DOJ Office of Information Policy is NOT only a Freedom of Information Act FOIA request for records but your ignored by attorneys much more powerful U.S. Constitutional Rights for Access and Information.

As your right to have a U.S. District Court impanel a federal grand jury, via Special Grand Jury filed civil suit, 18 U.S.C. § 3333 to conduct an independent investigation, We THE PEOPLE,no political, U.S. and State Attorney Generals that protect the undrainable SWAMP, but ordinary citizens control the investigation as a separate government branch, can hire its own investigators, attorneys and use subpoena, then make a final report which can be made pubic wherein the U.S. District Court Judge and issue U.S. COURT ORDERS for the Removal of of government officials, many corrupt government attorneys and other accomplices being judges, enforcement officials and other employees and issue arrest warrants.

Government will NOT tell of your rights and the FBI FOIA office is so corrupt they deny your U.S. Constitutional Rights even deny in writing by official misconduct to prevent their own detection and apprehension

My 65 page letter the corrupt U.S. Attorney Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys which protects U.S. Attorneys with other records were requested in Oct 2020 and I have never been provided any date as to when any record would be provided.

Tracking Number: EOUSA-2020-004190
Requester: Mr. Thomas J Caggiano
Submitted Date: 08/21/2020
1. Copy of my letter dated April 1, 2019 to EOUSA from Thomas Caggiano, North Las Vegas, NV
2. This is also a U.S. Common Law Right of Access and Common Law right for Information per Nixon v. Warner Commc'ns,Inc. , 435 U.S. 589, 597 (1978), Ctr for Nat'l Sec. Studies v. U.S. Dept of Just., 331 F.3d 918, 936 (D.C. Cir. 2003) and Skilling v. U.S., 561 U.S. 358 (2010) which removes ALL FOIA exemptions Standing is provided on
3. I request copies of all meetings, text messages, names of persons reviewing the 65 page letter above, and distribution of the letter to other officials in EOUSA, DOJ OPR, CIGIE or other, and responses back to EOUSA regarding said letter and complaints therein and evidence. The data is requested on CD.
4. I request a copy of this request be emailed to as additional relevant materials are on mailed to DOJ OPR. 5. I request a copy of the names, telephone numbers, emails, mailing addresses of above EOUSA persons so that I can complete U.S. district Court filings and filings to DOJ OPR.

to prevent it from being stated the rationale I provided

My corrupt Congressman Steve Horsford NV 4th has been an accomplice during all his terms in office and has been protected by the House of Representative's useless self protective Ethics Committee, all State of Nevada representatives and of course the GAO FRAUD NET office.

that can be used against any Branch of the Federal Government, or States the following letters to Horsford shows how corrupt he, his fellow State of Nevada Democrats are protected by U.S. Attorneys Holder (D), Lynch (D), Sessions (R) and Barr (R), and U.S. Attorney District of Nevada Nicholas A. Trutanich, Esq. (R) with its corrupt Special Prosecution Branch including the accomplices being CIGIE and its IGs, DOJ, FBI, and the State of Nevada's 4 members of Congress Steve Horsford (D) 4th, Dina Titus (D) 1st, Mark Amodie (R) 2nd and Susie Lee (D)3rd, as well as all Clark County Commissioners all Democrats, my NV's District 1 State Senator Pat Spearman (D) and my District 1 Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno (D) The State of New Jersey is also totally infested under Gov Mc Greevy(D), Corzine (D), Christie(R) and Murphy(D) and all their State Attorney Generals and the corrupt Chief Justice Stuart Rabner, its former gov Corzine Attorney General, prior Chief counsel, and former then U.S. Attorney District of NJ, the corrupt Chris Christie, Esq. with a gaggle of his corrupt U.S. Attorneys he brought with him to control NJ for eight years as Gov Murphy's corrupt NJ Attorney General protected Christie after a private person field per R7:2 a complaint against him in Ft Lee, regarding Bridgegate, for which the corrupt Gov Cuomo (D) and then gov Murphy (D) in NJ and their corrupt Port Authority of NY and NJ as Christie's protector his Attorney General Paula Dow,Esq. was made chief counsel for the Port authority of NY and NJ then a Judge as Paula Dow,Esq and Christie,Esq were both protect by Senator Kevin=v O'Toole,Esq. who protected Christie's administration as the Republican leader in the Select Committee on Investigation, Threatened the Vicinage Assignment Judge Costello if she did not get Sen Codey (D), Sen Rice (D) and Sen Gill, Esq. (D) to remove their combined objections to having Paula Dow,Esq. become a judge resulted in Christie change the District court wherein the corrupt accomplice Paula Dow, Esq. would then be confirmed by the NJ Senate to be a judge. Sen O'Toole,Esq. (R) was then made chairman of the corrupt Port Authority of NY and NJ.

The State of Nevada under Gov Brian Sandoval (R)- NV AG Adam Laxalt, Esq (R) Trump's State of NV Presidential Campaign manager, and now Gov Sisolak (D)and his corrupt former NV State Senator Aaron Ford, Esq. protected by the corrupt Clark county District Attorney Steve Wolfson, Esq., and corrupt FBI my 31 page letter, 7.9 megs, dated Dec 23, 2020 certified affidavit signed under penalty of perjury with images of the priority to the new acting U.S. Attorney General Rosen, Special Counsel Durham, corrupt FBI SAC Rouse in Las Vegas and corrupt Clark County District Attorney widely distributed by email, fax and letter to news media, my corrupt Nevada's federal Senators Catherine Cortez-Masto, Esq. (D), Jacky Rosen (D), Congressman Steven Horsford (D NV 4th), corrupt NV Gov Steven Sisolak (D), his accomplice NV Attorney General Aaron Ford, Esq. (D), my corrupt Clark County Commissioner Kirkpatrick (D), Sheriff and Chief of Las Vegas's Police Department Joseph Lombardo, news media, Congressional Oversight Committees with dozens of adopted published materials exposing the undrainable SWAMP in all three branches of Government in US, New Jersey and Nevada.


Download My FOIA and U.S. Common Law Right for Access and right for Information to the National Science Foundation, Vice Chair of the Council of Inspector Generals for Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), with its chair the DOJ IG William Horowitz,Esq., who report directly to the President of USA, as CIGIE protects DOJ and other IGs along wit the DOJ's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), and U.S. District of Columbia's Appellate Division's Executive Attorney, Board of Professional Responsibility and tis Office of Disciplinary Counsel as federal and state laws, Codes of Ethics for attorneys Rules of Professional Conduct are not enforced as THE ESTABLISHMENT surrounds the wagons protect itself as shown on the many published documents linked to on

The corrupt FBI's director Chris Wray,Esq.. who is also protected by Republicans and Democrats as they fear the corrupt FBI for as shown by the fraud against Trump and his associates including the corrupt Intelligence Community as warned by Sen Schumer (NY) if you as a unelected official attempt to clean the Swamp over 50 former corrupt CIA and DOJ officials fraudulently wrote that the under Biden Laptop was a Russia conspiracy when in fact the private banking system of the USA warned the Government of many possible improper banking transactions involving millions of dollars from foreign countries as Hunter Biden himself admitted he did NOT register as a foreign lobbyist for he didn't want anyone to know what he was doing and by a conspiracy with Twitter, Facebook and google they blocked stories, banned other news media and have removed accounts in Facebook by blocking them if n essence the even mention Hunter Biden as the cover-up continues. Joe Biden has been in Government for over 47 years and says his son, a drug user, and apparent person guilty of tax fraud, money laundering, being an unregistered foreign lobbiest, using his family name to get millions for access t his father VP BIDEN or other federal agencies, admitted using his father's name to get millions from numerous governments or oligarchs or the Mayor's of Moscow's wife, a hundred thousands dollars for a shipping spree and other contracts to manage a Billion financial investment business days after he landed on a government jet he took with his VP father Joseph Biden, as Joe Biden admitted he used over a Billion dollars in US Government made that he would assure would not be given to a foreign country if the prosecutor investigating a Company then VP Biden's son, Hunter Biden, had a monthly retainer of over $80,000 a month to be fired in 6 hours if he did NOT FIRE the prosecutor that was investigating the corrupt Oil Company that hied Hunter Biden.

. The emails in his laptop, never denied by the Biden's as being his own, state "We need plausible deniability" The Special Council law was written where a President of his nominated U.S. Attorney General, called by Obama Eric Holder as his wingman, can not be done without a special counsel. If a President's own son who has a laptop, saying the "Big Guy" gets 10% is not a case for a Special Counsel then Joe Biden is engaging in a cover-up himself, The FOIA request to the NSF will show upon response how utterly corrupt IGs are as already known by as the corrupt DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility is a cease pool under Obama, Trump and Biden having previously mailed me a encrypted CD with over 5,000 pages of Evidence marked for OFFICIAL USE ONLY".


This letter with adopted exhibits shows how corrupt the Establishment is in the State of Nevada protected by U.S. Attorneys Holder, Lynch, Sessions and Barr which protects their FBI directors James Comey, Esq. (D) and Chris Wray, Esq. (R) under the Obama, Trump and Biden administrations for like NJ, the State of NV is a racketeering criminal enterprise no matter who is President or U.S. Attorney General, State Governor NV: Brian Sandoval, Esq. (R) now Steve Sisolak (D) and in NJ Mc Greevey (D), Corzine (D), Chris Christie, Esq. (R) or Murphy (D) or their many corrupt State Attorney Generals as the U.S. Attorneys District of NV and NJ, are all accomplices protecting THE SWAMP in Whasington D.C., NJ, NV, CA and PA and U.S. District Courts therein.


draft letter distributed to many federal Senators, Congressman, News media shows how Biden and Harris both have violated National Security Laws and Presidential Executive Orders on National Security signed by President Obama and President Clinton and shows the States of NV and NJ are racketeering criminally run syndicates known by Holder, Lynch, Sessions and Barr, Comey and Wray

former Sec of States Clinton and Kelly have been protected by Obama's and Trump's Dept of State and DOJ, the DEEP STATE, CIGIE, DOJ and totally corrupt FBI directors Comey and Wray. The evidence is in published records known to to get records from the DOJ's corrupt Office of Professional Responsibility OPR that protects those in DOJ and the FBI as THE ESTABLISHMENT surrounds the wagons to protect THE ESTABLISHMENT. A copy will also be mailed to the New Special Counsel Durham that shows the fraud in the 2016 and even worse 2020 election by Democrats and news media cover-up for years

This detailed letter also address the corruption in NV and NJ that is systematic in their corrupt Establishments which is like the SWAMP at all levels of Government in all branches of government is also being sent to the corrupt State of Nevada Attorney Generals Aaron Ford, Esq. and State of New Jersey's Attorney Generals Gurbir Grewal, Esq. (D) protected by the corrupt FBI Special Agent in Charge in Las Vegas, its corrupt

The State of Nevada Clark County home to the Casinos on the Las Vegas Strip and Downtown Las Vegas on Freemont St in Clark County, Las Vegas and North Las Vegas is like the State of New Jersey's Mercer, Morris and Sussex Counties are under Gov Mc Greevey (D), Gov Corzine (D), Gov Christie (R) and Gov Murphy (D) and all their State Attorney Generals, with their accomplices after the fact, the Judges in U.S. District Courts in 9th and 3rd Circuits known by thousands of enforcement agencies worldwide that have access to the Federal Trade Commission's Consumer Sentinel Network including the FBI and State Attorney Generals all 50 states and more. These states, like others, are totally corrupt protected by their Federal Senators and Representatives and also have protected by Holder(D), Lynch (D) Sessions (R),Barr (R), and FBI Director Comey (D) and now Chris Wray (R).

Using Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) analysis for Federal, State, County and Municipal governments, their Courts, Federal Representatives and Oversight Committees, enforcement boards, judges and attorneys are shown to be a cabal of self-protection called the Establishment as the Swamp pervades all levels and all branches of government. Today the United States of America has a dysfunctional government as fake partisan news media and universities suppress freedom of speech and debate, as corrosive political ideology pervades its progressive communist socialist democrats demanding identity politics and redistribution of others wealth for their groups benefit.

My Oct 27, 2020 request for records from the corrupt Las Vegas Police Department published on which is a U.S. and State of Nevada Common Law right of access and Information request and also its State Pubic record Request MUST including STANDING of such rights. have met also contacted more then 40 police, Sgt, Lt and Captains in the Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson Police Departments where more then a dozen said GO TO THE FBI. When you report criminal conduct of Federal, State, County, Municipal officials, enforcement agencies protecting judges and attorneys and others expect to be retaliated by all levels of Government the SWAMP using criminal coercion, corrupt courts act in a conspiracy to defame you, suppress your rights, and act in a SWAMP of accomplices.

to protect themselves, circle the wagons and use by criminal means its own courts. The justification adopted by reference dozens of published records which may be used by any person per Federal Rules of Evidence R902(6) to allow other persons to force impanelment of a federal grand jury for Federal Crimes and separate State District court grand jury for State crimes by-passing the corrupt U.S. attorneys, FBI, Governors of NV or NJ, and its corrupt Clark County Commissioners, District Attorney, Federal Representatives Sen Cortez-Masto (D), Sen Jacky Rosen (D), Rep Steven Horsford (D), Dina Titus (D) and Susie Lee (D) with its prior chair of the Clark County Commissioner, all corrupt Democrats, now the corrupt Gov Sisolak (D) with NV Attorney General and former NV State Senator Aaron Ford, Esq. (D) protected by Trump's U.S. Attorney District of NV Nicholas Trutanich, Esq. (R) and FBI's Field office SAC Rouse (R) and have each court directly issue arrest warrants.

Read the recent FBI FOIA response published on to understand how corrupt the FBI has been under the Obama and Trump administrations as the corrupt FBI director's James Comey protected by Holder (D) and Lynch (D) as FBI director Chris Wray is protected by Trump's U.S. Attorney Sessions and Barr and also the U.S. District Court of Columbia's Board of Professional Responsibility's Executive Attorney, the CIGIE and DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) as shown on and the House of Representative's and Senate's Oversight committees and GAO FRAUD NET.

This web site data,, has now been included thanks to the The Federal Reserve and Federal Trade Commission in the FTC's Consumer Sentinel Network exposing its records to thousands of enforcement agencies world wide. The focus of this Case Study has been to aide others by detailing the embedded corruption in Whasington D.C., the U.S. Courts in 3rd and 9th Circuits, and the State of New Jersey initially and now Nevada.

Additionally, The CAG report, with its directories, shows the allowed massive violations and hypocrites of Government under the Obama (D) and Trump (R) administrations of National Security Laws and Presidential Executive Orders noted on ,,,,,, SF132 Classified Information Non-disclosure Agreement concerning sensitive and classified materials and DS-0109 Separation agreement.

An Aug 25, 2020 One page chart now shows the Federal Reserve System's Consumer Finance Protection Board (CFPB) created by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act has forwarded my Complaint to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for inclusion in the FTC's Consumer Sentinel Network - a protected system used WORLD WIDE for those given special access rights to use for Civil and Criminal Case investigations.

Also confirmed by the FTC my Complaint 121203437 was also filed in the CSN available to thousands of enforcement agencies world wide published on

How to expose corrupt Government at all levels in all Branches of Government

Use Common Law Rights of Access and Common Law Right for Information to get records from NOT only the Executive Branch which you should also include your Freedom of Information Right FOIA, as if you have Standing, all exemptions in FOIA are removed and the responder must perform a balancing test.

As shown in the following submittal, if the EOUSA does NOT provide a time line for response in 21 days file a NOTICE of your Civil Case to a U.. District court for violation of your rights.

I shall file in U.S. District Court District of Nevada via a Federal Question and Rule of Diversity. if you act Pro Se you must become familiar with not only U.S. District Court Civil Practice but the 115 page Local Rules published on Local Rules I would suggest you get the attention of the Federal agency, your member of Congress or other entity by using NOTICE and Requesting Wavier of Summons Form AO398 , or cite a a Certificate for Emergency Motion Form16, a Certificate of Service for paper filing Form 16, if you use an attorney, they can submit a request cost of fees Form09, issue a SHOW CAUSE ORDER and motion for Form AO088b - FOR PRODUCTION OF RECORDS.

My S ,2020 letter to the Clark County Civilian Review Board that protected the Las Vegas Metro Police previously, now that its new executive director, was contacted initially by a voice mail recording was provided a 10 page letter on that included my letter to the Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo who is a powerful figure protecting officials and the Las Vegas police force along with Governor one of his official duties IS TO ASSURE THE LAWS ARE ENFORCED, U.S. Attorney District of Nevada and FBI Special Agent in Charges Sheriff Lombardo and his Assistant Sheriff Charles Hank protected the Las Vegas Police's Internal Affairs Bureau and other police officers as I have met 37 Police officers in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson as of Sep 14, 2020 and their case event reports are buried in their municipal record holdings sections. The letter includes within it my Aug 2020 letter to Sheriff Lombardo and CIGIE which protects IGs and DOJ and the FBI is published on and my Aug ,2020 letter to the Committee to Elect Marilyn Kirkpatrick (D) again as she is my District B Commissioner and current chair as the former chair is now Gov Steve Sisolak (D) exposing the corruption of the Clark County is published on
The EOUSA letter with a subject stated is a 65 page letter to EOUSA published on and the subject is: Corrupt CIGIE, DOJ, FBI

Tracking Number: EOUSA-2020-004190
Requester: Mr. Thomas J Caggiano
Submitted Date: 08/21/2020
1. Copy of my letter dated April 1, 2019 to EOUSA from Thomas Caggiano, North Las Vegas, NV
2. This is also a U.S. Common Law Right of Access and Common Law right for Information per Nixon v. Warner Commc'ns,Inc. , 435 U.S. 589, 597 (1978), Ctr for Nat'l Sec. Studies v. U.S. Dept of Just., 331 F.3d 918, 936 (D.C. Cir. 2003) and Skilling v. U.S., 561 U.S. 358 (2010) which removes ALL FOIA exemptions Standing is provided on
3. I request copies of all meetings, text messages, names of persons reviewing the 65 page letter above, and distribution of the letter to other officials in EOUSA, DOJ OPR, CIGIE or other, and responses back to EOUSA regarding said letter and complaints therein and evidence. The data is requested on CD.
4. I request a copy of this request be emailed to as additional relevant materials are on mailed to DOJ OPR.
5. I request a copy of the names, telephone numbers, emails, mailing addresses of above EOUSA persons so that I can complete U.S. district Court filings and filings to DOJ OPR.

Copy of USPS Receipt

Access my Aug 18, 2020 letter to Nevada's corrupt Gov Steve Sisolak (D), U.S. Attorney's Department of Justice's Office of Professional Responsibility OPR) against the corrupt Obama's FBI director James Comey and Trump's corrupt FBI director Wray, and other agencies against a series of corrupt Governors of Nevada and New Jersey, and their State Attorney Generals and how to impanel a federal and state grand jury by-passing the corrupt State Attorney Generals to get U.S. and State Courts to issue arrest warrants and indictments

The hypocrites in the U.S. Congress which always complain about Transparency in the Executive Branch, exempted itself from FOIA for over 50 years.

NOTE: Congress is NOT exempt from your U.S. Constitutional Rights under Common Law nor is any State like the infested States of New Jersey and Nevada which ignore your rights. which is really more powerful then FOIA which can take years to get a response unless like Judicial Watch you then file a civil suit against the corrupt FBI FOIA office which lost over 30 civil suit but you may get mostly blanked out pages like Judicial Watch obtains by ONLY citing their FOIA right but the U.S. Attorney, the Counsel of Inspector Generals that has 73 OIGs that report directly to the President, chaired by eh corrupt DOJ OIG William Horowitz,Esq. is protected by the CIGIE's Integrity Committee and the FBI director is protected by them as well as Congress, the DOJ Office for Professional Responsibility and the U.S. District Court District of Columbia's Executive Attorney, its Board of Professional Responsibility and Office of Disciplinary Counsel as shown by President, and but do not expect a response but you can file a civil suite costing an initial $400 including your attorney costs if not acting Pro Se which I advise against in your own Local U.S. District Court using Rule of Diversity if needed or with the U.S. District Court District of Columbia and by motion or petition have the U.S. District Court issue Court Orders for SHOW CAUSE, PRODUCTION OF RECORDS, and Subpoena your Senator or Congressman to court for testimony.

The news media is part of the Establishment as they protect one except when there is an election as Party loyalty and Retention of Office is a politicians' primary goal for greed, power and avarice NOT as they say, Protect We the People but protect themselves, The Honorable's and the elite be they Hollywood Stars, MTV musicians or sports figures who are made exempt from Quarantines and even Nevada Casinos have more rights then Church's and small business owners that comply with safe separation distancing and require masks In the corrupt State of New Jersey controlled by Gov Murphy (D), NY Controlled by Gov Cuomo=o and Nevada Gov Steve Sisolak (D) controlled by Democrats wit his accomplices in Congress Sen Cortez-Masto, Esq. (D), Sen Horsford (D), Rep Titus (D), Rep Susie Lee (D) and Clark County Commissioners all Democrats with its chair Marilyn Kirkpatrick and all felons as noted on Thomas Caggiano in the criminal syndicate known as the State of Nevada protected by the Trump administration and previously Obama administration protected the Gov Sandoval,Esq. and his Attorney General Adam Laxalt, Esq. who now is in charge of the Trump 2020 election committee as well as by, U.S. Attorneys Holder (D), Lynch (D), Sessions (R) and Barr (R), and FBI director Comey (RD) and Chris Wray (R) and Las Vegas Newspapers.

Chas Bribes, Power for appointments and Political Contributions are King in USA.

or the worst Academia or inept teachers with tenure, b yet laws they pass or worse the Judicial Branch passes its own rules, and even Local Rules so you must known also how to read Government willfully contrived paragraph, sub-paragraph and sub-sub-paragraph and detailed court rules which most attorneys who do not experience in U.s. District courts do not know themselves to have a small clan which protect themselves, ignore 18 U.S.C. Section 4, Codes of Ethics Rules of Professional Conduct to Maintain the Integrity of the Profession, which as none, for the Judiciary Branch with accomplices being the infamous cabal of Attorneys is an enterprise for self protection called The Establishment or The SWAMP.

The following charts shows the U.S. Government is a SWAMP of official corruption and provides evidence that may be referenced as source material used by any person per FRE R902(6) of the corrupt President Obama (D) administration protecting the infested State of New Jersey under the Gov Chris Christie (R)with a series of corrupt NJ Attorney Generals administration and State of Nevada under the corrupt Gov Brian Sandoval (R) and Adam Laxalt administration ( note Laxalt is now in control of Trump's campaign in Nevada ) with the U.S. Attorneys Eric Holder (D) and Loretta Lynch (D) and corrupt FBI director James Comey (D). This has been followed by the corrupt Trump (R) administration with U.S. Attorneys Sessions (R) and William Barr (R) with the corrupt fired FBI director James Comey(D) and the corrupt FBI director Chris Wray (R) who protects the New Jersey's corrupt Gov Murphy (D)and NJ AG Gurbir Grewal administration and State of Nevada under the Gov Steve Sisolak" and NV AG Aaron Ford administration and infested Clark County now lead by my corrupt District B Commissioner and chair, Sheriff Joseph Lombardo and dozens of accomplices in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson,

The next chart shows the flow of corruption within the Federal Government of all three branches of Government.

Select this link, to obtain a control page Control Access Links that allows you immediate access to clickable links to the pages within

You will return to this part of after reviewing the relevant document.

The following shows my COMPLAINTS filed with the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) against the very large multi-state Home Owner Association (HOA community management firm Firstservice Residential controlling many HOAs as shown in its location data on

To obtain a listing of news media, government representatives email address and copy of a 8 page email sent to accomplices use this link which includes a link to the Federal Trade Commission FTCNV.pdf exposing the corruption of State Government and Clark County controlled by Democrats in Nevada which is typical in New Jersey of Sussex County's controlled by Republicans and the law firm Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC, Sparta, NJ in the 18 page letter published on that controls numerous municipalities in the infested Sussex County, NJ's State District 24 DIST24 in Vicinage X controlled by Republicans with the prior corrupt Congressman Scott Garrett GARRETT.pdf NJ 5th (R) a President Trump loyalist after being rejected by the U.S. Senate Trump appointed this corrupt attorney to a plum job noted on U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's Office of General Counsel and was replaced by the former President Clinton's (D) speech writer Josh Gottheimer (D).

Massive amounts of evidence which may also be used by others per Federal Rules of Evidence R 902 (6) as the evidence published herein is self-authenticating, provides U.S. criminal codes, State of Nevada NRS 199 criminal codes, State of NJ Title 2C Criminal code, or look-up State's Criminal Code on

violations of Codes of Ethics are also essentially always ignored by Government at all levels Federal, State, County and Municipal governments and by its contractors including such entities in the State of Nevada called Home Owner Associations (HOA) that make up their own Rules to protect themselves with Laws made by the State that take away Unit Holder rights and allow them to put liens on your property based upon fraud in a conspiracy with the State itself as a accomplice protected by the U.s. Attorney District of Nevada, Governor Sandoval (R) / Laxalt (R) followed by the corrupt Gov Steve Sisolak (D) NV AG Aaron Ford (D) administration known by its Federal Senators Catherine Cortez-Masto (D), Sen Jacky Rosen (D), and Rep Steve Horsford (D)" , Dina Titus (D), Susie Lee (D) and Amodie (R) as known by NV State District 1 Co-Majority Whip Sen Patricia Spearman (D), Pat, and Assistant Majority Floor Leader Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno,, and others as shown on and all Clark County Commissioners who are all Democrats yet NOT one Democratic Federal Senator even voted as they voted PRESENT in non-support the Green New Deal included in the House 3.3 Trillion bill passed by the House to force changes in laws it cannot pass otherwise without U.S. Senate not even voting on the House, Pelosi pass bill on party line votes. . As said by Speaker Nancy Pelosi "Never allow a good crisis to waste"

The System in Nevada, called the Establishment, protects Firstservice Residential and its controlled HOAs by its Governor, State Attorney General, Department of Business and Industry, Nevada Real Estate Division, Division and Office of the Ombudsman for Owners in Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels as the HOAs law firm is shown by this CASE Study of the protection of the very large multi-state Firstservice Residential (FSR) in Nevada, Florida and other States using the examples of which I am a unit holder Aliante Master Association AMA) and Autumn Ridge at Aliante Community Association. The State of New Jersey is equally corrupt under gov Mc Greevey (D) Gov Corzine (D), Gov Christie (R) and Gov Murphy (D) along with all the many corrupt State Attorney Generals, its Department of Law and Public Safety, Division of Law, Division of Consumer Affairs with its corrupt Board of Professional Engineers , Board of Professional Planners, Board of Medical Examiners and Board of Psychological Examiners which protect those they are to instead investigate and determine if violations of their relevant codes are violated. Like the Federal Government's District of Columbia's Office of Disciplinary Counsel complaints to prevent the public's awareness a complaint was filed against the FBI director Chris ray, Esq. does NOT Docket the Referral but sends your the DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility where complaints are buried and ignored and in fact is NOT the government body that is task to consider Codes of Ethics violations. are Undocketed and in US District Courts and State Courts you are not allowed to even put the Judge's name on the mailing envelop and complaints are if you are fortunate given a case number but their dismissal letters never cite the Judges name so no person could even know the Judge's name the case was filed against. Per their rules all such records are confidential as they operate wit immunity and total secrecy - so much for transparency in Government, of course Congress that also demanding transparency from the Executive department has exempted itself from Freedom of Information Requests for 50 years and the Judiciary Branch Review Board operate in Total Secrecy which is why the U.S. is so totally corrupt as two of its branches pass laws and Judicial rules protecting themselves and give the Executive Branch the ability not to conduct any indictment even if recommend by a Grand Jury.

so you can not determine the basis of the complaints but I have published several on for the State of Nevada corrupt Justice court of Las Vegas, Department 2 Judges Bonaventure and has protected accomplice Judge Joseph Sciscento on 16PO1647 and 17PO1335 Firstservice Residential v. Thomas Caggiano protected by the Committee on Judicial Discipline, the State of Nevada Administrator of Courts, the Judicial, and its Supreme Court Justices like in NJ with its corrupt NJ Chief Justice Start Rabner and its acting for decades Administrator of Courts Glenn Grant, J.A.C. on http://thomascaggiano,.com/RABNER.pdf" and" in Sussex County municipalities that higher law firms such as Laddey, Clark and Ryan, Sparta, NJ and Dolan and Dolan PA, Dover New Jersey for many large law firms retained even have as owners State Senators or Assemblyman that themselves are attorneys as the corruption is embedded in a corrupt U.S. system of self-protection called THE ESTABLISHMENT lead by its Judiciary Branch's which writes its own rules of self protection giving immunity to itself and corrupt prosecutors and their staff.

Judges routinely violate Codes of Ethics "Maintain the Integrity of the Profession" part of the Judicial Canons as examples the corrupt Obama's FBI's director Comey, deputy director Mc Cabe,and Trump's FBI director Wray are protected by the President Obama called his first corrupt U.S. Attorney Eric Holder his "wingman" who was replaced by the corrupt Loretta Lynch who admitted in testimony even a .gov account is NOT a secured system as the pathetic liar Hillary Clinton and the State Department under Obama and Trump have protected a series of corrupt Under Secretary of Management known by the National Security Counsel (NSC) members, the IGs for the State Department under Obama and Trump with impunity protected by the Democrats and the Republicans and news media as Executive Orders on National Security signed and are still suppose to be enforced by U.S. Attorneys are not, nor SF132 forms requirements nor even Separation Agreements that list the federal crimes being committed as shown on ,, , and ,, Lynch (D), then Sessions (R) and Barr (R) are protected by the U.S District Court District of Columbia's Appellate Division's Executive Attorney, its Board of Professional Responsibility (BOPR), and its and by the CIGIE IGs, U.S Attorney, and DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility OPR, Office of Special Counsel )OSC) and Congress called Canons which may be used to disqualify judges and by attorneys called Rules of Professional Conduct , and seek penalties from such enforcement agencies which however all act in a cabal of self protection these include: a. U.S. District Court District of Columbia Board of Professional Responsibility which protects federal attorneys in the Justice Department such as the FBI director Chris Wray, Esq. see as DOJ and FBI agents are protected by CIGIE, IG DOJ Horowitz, Esq., IG OSC, DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility(OPR) , U.S. Attorneys Holder (D), Lynch (D), Sessions (R) and Barr (R) known to Democrats and Republicans called THE UNDRAINABLE SWAMP by former Rep David Stockman as he was also the former OMB director providing Proof of Service to Government U.S. District Court and State Courts in NV and NJ, Court transcripts, complaint records filed with the U.S. Attorney Generals Holder, Lynch, Sessions and Barr, FBI and enforcement agencies that DO NOT perform their official duty committing Official Misconduct or in a Conspiracy 18 U.S. Code §Â 371 , N.J.S.A. 2C:5-2 and NRS 199.480 Penalties. NRS 199.490 of cover-up they sent you to another agency and back and forth for years. Government officials directly ignore their own mission and duty per 18 U.S.C. § 4 Misprision of Felony, 18 U.S.C. § 3 Accomplice after the Fact which does not require an overt act to be a crime, 18 USC § 1001 Compounding Crimes, 18 USC § 1621 Perjury including violation of oath of office and 18 U.S.C. § 1622 Subordination of perjury for violating Oath of Office, they violate in NJ NJSA 2C:2-1 Crime of Omission, and as in Nevada NRS 193.120 Omission to perform one's duties - Classification of crimes. 1. A crime is an act or omission forbidden by law as the omissions were done with specific scienter intent in conspiracy not to perform one's duties NRS 194.010 wherein the court shall consider the following information:
(a) The facts and circumstances of the crime;
(c) The impact of the crime on any victim;
and (e) Any other relevant information - Crime of Omission, NRS 199.305

Preventing or dissuading victim or witness from reporting crime such as Honest Service Fraud, Mail Fraud, Obstruction of Justice, Filing false instruments, criminal coercion, and retaliation are is constant including 18 U.S.C. § 241 Violation of Civil Rights under color, 18 U.S.C. § 242 Violation of Civil Rights by Public Officials,NJ NJSA 2C:30-6. Crime of official deprivation of civil rights and in NV NRS ..

including NRS 199.130 False affidavit or complaint to effect arrest and NRS 207.280 False reporting of crimes unlawful, NRS 199.320 Inducing lawsuit. and write lies to protect as stated by the now deceased Sussex County NJ Superior Court Judge Gannon, J.S.C. stated: They surround the wagon to protect the power structure. These affidavits and other evidence may be cited and used by others in their attempts to remove the corruption that is pandemic in government at all levels and provide extensive basis of Probable Cause and Totally of Circumstances for anyone to file court papers to force the use of a Federal and State Grand Jury and provide by a Grand Jury the basis of criminal indictments using Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) Rule R 902 (6).

As shown by votes in the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Senate and House of Representatives their committees votes are along party lines as POLITICAL PARTIES, Democratic or Republican seek power but they are a cabal lead by hypocrites. Demonstrations of large numbers of people that support one parties goal are acceptable by Democratically controlled States while at the same time their Governors issue orders curtaining your U.S. Constitutional Rights. The news media of today is mostly political propaganda and the major corporations and politicians bend to intimidation.

This approximately 20 year long Case Study started in the infested State of New Jersey after a petition by 14 Property owners in the Borough of Stanhope, Sussex County, New Jersey 07874 started with four death threats against Kathryn and Thomas Caggiano reported to eh Police and then FBI for leading numerous petitions to the Borough of Stanhope reported in The New Jersey Herald on Aug 1, 2002. Thereafter, the cover-up of wetland permit violations, Deeds, Certificate of Occupancy, safety and health laws, increased to prove racketeering, honest service fraud, constant violation of Codes of Ethics, bribery, mail fraud, tax fraud, sub-ordination of perjury, obstruction of justice, violation of civil rights under color, tampered with drawings, false court filings were common place not only in New Jersey which continues for 20 years but upon fleeing to Nevada has shown the State of Nevada is infested with corruption under the Gov Sandoval (R) and NV AG Laxalt (R) and followed by the Gov Sisolak (D)and NV AG Ford (D) administrations protected by U.S. attorneys Holder,(D), Lynch (D), Sessions (R) and Barr (R) as well as the infested FBI lead by Obama's James Comey (D) and Trump's Chris Wray (R).

Shown by the following summary chart.

State of NJ infested Department of Agriculture's Sussex County Soil Conservation District, complaints filed with the corrupt Commissioner of Consumer Affairs' Codes and Standards Division as based upon hundreds of filings as the State attempted to bury such complaints finally in its decision admitted the Borough of Stanhope violated State Laws, the Department of Community Affairs after a complaint filed by Thomas Caggiano admitted the developer violated the Uniform Construction Code as all enforcement agencies and courts involved have conducted their efforts with Honest Service Fraud, Official misconduct and a continuing criminal enterprise under NJ Gov Mc Greevey (D), Corzine (D), Christie (R) and Murphy (D) and all their State Attorney Generals known by the Department of Justice, its Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, Office of Professional Responsibility, Public Integrity Section and Public Corruption Unit, federal senators and representatives. FBI and U.S. Courts. was signed and retaliation only increased with three assaults by State Police, False imprisonment as tax fraud, bribery, criminal coercion, filing false perjury filings, corrupt judges, tampered with drawings were certified by the State and others even denied t exist. Upon fleeing for one's safety after Federal Senator, Congressman, Two State senators, 2 members of Assembly, reports to the FBI and State Police by Town Administrators, Superior and Municipal court clerks, Stanhope Land Use board, Environmental Commission,Code Enforcement Official, Municipal Town Administrator and Municipal clerk were all ignored as well as over by fraud over 100 denials of access submitted to the corrupt Government Record Council GRC under the Mc Greevey, Corzine and Christie administrations as the corruption continues under the Gov Murphy administration, similar corruption in the State of Nevada under the Gov Sandoval followed by Gov Sisolak Administration known to NV series of federal Senators, Representatives, and State representative like NJ is even worse. Using a unique designed url by Thomas Caggiano being one gets a current search listing of urls that are on or refer to by others in other languages exposing corruption in government, photos of even fired were its Town administrator Richard Stewart who reported the corruption to the FBI and State Police, and four death threats

Thomas Caggiano
A pdf file of this web page is available at
7086 Arcadia Glen Court
North Las Vegas, NV 89084
Retired after 30 year Department of Defense career summarized on

The SWAMP is the Establishment composed of both Republican and Democratic parties
They as shown by my experience now for 20 years of retaliation for reporting crimes along with others to the corrupt FBI, State Attorney Generals and Police in NJ and NV, from NJ and 10 years in NV protect each other as shown by the published records noted in the following Certified Return Receipt which is PROOF OF SERVICE.

Letter, 5 pages, Jul 2, 2020 mailed to State of Nevada District No. 1 Assemblywoman Monroe-Moreno and Senator Spearman for inclusion in the Official Minutes of the Jul 8, 2020 State of Nevada Special Session as noted in the Las Vegas Review-Journal issue of Jul 2, 2020 on page 1 and 11A, by Capital Bureau Chief Colton Lochhead at among Gov Stephen F. Sisolak and all State of Nevada Senators and members of the Assembly which provides a listing of letters with massive evidence of alleged Honest Service Fraud and Violation of Official Duty stated as Perjury in the State of Nevada Constitution, Article 15, § 2, NRS 199.120 and NRS 199.125

Members of the legislature, and all officers, executive, judicial and ministerial, shall, before they enter upon the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe to the following oath: I,..., do solemnly [solemnly] swear (or affirm) that I will support, protect and defend the constitution and government of the United States, and the constitution and government of the State of Nevada, against all enemies, whether domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, allegiance and loyalty to the same, any ordinance, resolution or law of any state notwithstanding, and that I will well and faithfully perform all the duties of the office of ..., on which I am about to enter; (if an oath) so help me God; (if an affirmation) under the pains and penalties of perjury.

not only in the State of Nevada including Federal Government officials, Attorneys and Judges and other employees as provided by the above Proof of Service USPS Certified return receipts to the U.S. Attorney Office's Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), letter to the U.S. District Court District of Columbia'ss Executive Attorney who has oversight of the Board of Professional Responsibility for Violation of Codes of Ethics Rules of Professional Conduct in Thomas Caggiano v. FBI director Chris Wray (R), my letter to the Las Vegas FBI as well as State of Nevada Congressional District 4 Steven Horsford which included links to data on alleged Federal and State of Nevada criminal statutes by officials and employees as Accomplices After The Fact which dos NOT require an overt act - 18 U.S.C. § 3, Crime of Official Misconduct - NRS 197.110, Crime of Omission - NRS 193.330 and Crime of Neglect to performs one's official duty - NRS 193.018 at all levels , of government in the Federal, State, Clark County and Municipalities in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson as well as Carson City protected by U.S. Attorneys Holder (D), Lynch (D), Sessions (R) and Barr (R) as well as FBI directors Comey (D) and Wray (R) and a series of Clark County Commissioners, Nevada Attorney Generals Adam Laxalt (R) followed by Aaron Ford (D) U.S Attorneys for District of Nevada and FBI in Nevada under the President Obama (D) and President Trump (R) administrations known by State series of State of NV federal senators and representatives, U.S. District Courts coast to coast and news media commonly referred to as THE ESTABLISHMENT of THE SWAMP

My Aug 17, 2020, 10 page letter to the Clark County Commissioners with my District B Commissioner as chair of the corrupt government body wherein NV Gov Steve Sisolak (D) was its former corrupt chairman. The letter includes my complaints to the Federal Trade Commission, Civilian Financial Protection Bureau, Sen Lindsey Graham (R) as chair of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee that with the Senate Committee for Homeland Security Sen Ron Johnson (R) and Finance Committees Sen Chuck Grassley (R) protect FBI director Chris Wray (R) and web page listing exposing the corrupt U.S. Government Trump and Obama Administrations.

USPS Proof of Service to U.S. District Court District of Columbia Executive Attorney, Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility, FBI and NV 4th corrupt Rep Steve Horsford (D) of letters published on and and are evidence per FRE R902(6) that is self-authenticating ignored by government and include affidavits signed under penalty of perjury with matters of fact and matters of law. These include adopted referenced published records of Affidavits signed under penalty of perjury and also notarized, U.S. District Court case records in 3rd and 9th U.S. District Court Circuits in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Whasington D.C., Nevada and California filed by Thomas Caggiano against corrupt officials and over 100 accomplices may be obtained under PACER - Public Access to Court Electronic Records. Also include massive Court records filed by Thomas Caggiano in the infested States of Nevada and New Jersey exposing official misconduct, retaliation, perjury, obstruction of justice, conspiracy, honest service fraud, mail fraud, violation of civil rights, et. al. and violation of Codes of Ethics Judicial Canons for Judges and Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC) by attorneys as well as Crimes of Omission, 18 U.S.C. § Misprision of Felony, 18 U.S.C. § 4 Accomplices After the Fact at all levels State, County and Municipal which can be used by others as evidence as adopted exhibits in their filings. Corruption exposed in 500 urls - Corrupt GAO FRAUD NET, Nevada and Congress

https: - Corruption exposed in New Jersey - Decades of Corruption in New Jersey

My Jun 8, 2020 7 page letter U.S. District Court District of Columbia Appellate Division Executive Attorney James T. Phalen overseeing Court's Board of Professional Responsibility's BOPR Office of Disciplinary Counsel ODC WHICH PROTECTED THE FBI DIRECTOR CHRIS WRAY, ESQ. WHO FOR YEARS VIOLATED 28 U.S.C.& 530B Ethical standards for attorneys for the Government also called in NJ Rules of Professional Conduct - RPC, and in NV RPC as NONE are enforced against government's many corrupt attorneys nor are Codes of Ethics for judges called Canons for Judges which are NOT enforced as conspiracy, honest service fraud is Standing Operating Procedure for Government and other attorneys of lies and deceit, obtain benefits b an ESTABLISHMENT of tyranny by THE SWAMP

at all levels of Government: Federal, State, County and Municipal governments that give themselves immunity from civil suits and protect not only the judges but Prosecutors and their staffs as shown in U.S. District court cases identified in which I was confronted by corrupt courts and and documented in my 65 page letter t other corrupt U.S. Attorneys Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys

LIST OF WITNESSES: Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 8:36 PM - Subject: Read updated

To: Thomas Caggiano , "michelle.leszcynski" , leej ,,, Virgin Valley Dems , vjoecks , whistleblower ,, "stan.white" , g8091s ,, nvsec , Media , Steve Scow , aocmail , OGIS ,, Civil Records ,, zach_zaragoza , Integrity-Complaint ,, "oag.records" , OAGPress see update
Thomas Caggiano
7086 Arcadia Glen Court
North Las Vegas, NV 89084
Home Land line: 702-586-6768
In USA use cell: 973-945-0486
If we are on travel outside USA use:
fax 702-577-0097

All these attorneys violate 28 U.S.C.& Hillary Clinton,Esq, U.S. Attorneys Holder (D), Lynch (D), Sessions (R) and Barr (R), Rosenstein, Comey, Mc Cabe, and of course the liar Rep. Adam Schiff, Esq. and the cabal of attorneys the filed false Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) verified applications to spy on the Trump campaign and the all the federal representatives that are attorneys in the U.S. Senate and House for even when Mc Cabe, Esq. was known to have lied, called lack of candor, 28 U.S. Code § 530B Ethical standards for attorneys for the Government to FBI agents, the corrupt Trump Justice Department never indicted for lying to the FBI nor any of those person that lied to Congress under oath on the Supreme court Senate confirmation hearings wherein the Democrats for political purposes slandered now Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Brett Michael Kavanaugh. Published on and and referenced url are volumes of evidence, actual court videos and court transcripts in NJ and NV of these State's corrupt judges and attorneys are protected by the enforcement agencies to include in NJ the Office of attorney Ethics (OAE) and Nevada Bar Counsel for attorneys, and for judges in NJ the Advisory Committee on Judiciary Discipline (ACJC) and in NV the Committee on Judiciary Discipline (CJD). U.S. and States Constitutions are violated, Laws are violated, Codes of Ethics are violated as retaliation against witness that report federal crimes, State crimes and Codes of Ethics violations are retaliated against by Government at all levels by both Democratic and Republican Administrations as THE SWAMP. The establishment protects itself in conspiracy to deprive me of my civil rights under color and in conspiracy violations of federal laws 18 U.S.C. § 241 and § 242 and State of Nevada and New jersey criminal codes.


(BOPR) and the corrupt U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Professional Responsibility OPR as the attachments prove OPR sent me on Aug 3, 2017 in response to my FOIA request F17-00023 a CD marked which was encrypted Unauthorized duplication of this media is strictly prohibited and is also marked Limited Official Use Only on that had 5,030 pages of complaints and evidence ignored by OPR and other Government enforcement agencies. How can the OPR send me a disc marked in response to my FOIA that I can not duplicate it and also mark it Official Use Only?

The government enforcement agencies at the Federal, State, County and municipal levels DO NOT perform their official duties but mostly a cabal of self protection, or in Congress act for political motives, as the enforcement agencies either ignore your complaint or send you from one enforcement agency to another, Courts do not docket filings or make thymol so the public never is aware of the complaint, violate codes of Ethics Rules of Professional Responsibility or Judicial Canons, commit acts of Official Misconduct and fail to maintain the Integrity of the which has essentially none as apparently LAW SCHOOLS do NOT teach ethics but how to deceive and lie with a straight face, deflect the question and to protect other attorneys, judges and prosecutors as they surround the wagon to protect the power structure like politicians protect their own party, vote along party with retaliation against those in their party that do not toe the party line, called THE ESTABLISHMENT of THE SWAMP at all levels of government knowing they will be protected by the Courts or U.s. Attorneys as Congress has exempted itself from FOIA for over 50 years but is NOT exempt from U.S. Common Law rights of access which the corrupt FBI FOIA office lies and states this U.S. Constitutional Right which is also a constitutional right in Nevada and New Jersey by officials as it removes the FOIA exemptions and if you have STANDING is much more powerful to obtain government records then using FOIA or in NV the Open Records Act or in NJ the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) where I suggest use both Common Law and the State's Law - does not exist read m letter to my corrupt Rep. Steve Horsford (D) NV 4th on http// and are violators of 18 U.S.C. & 3 Accomplice after the fact or 18 U.S.C. & 4 Misprision of felony themselves violating their oaths of office. The letter is entitled: Emergency reconsideration of Wray / Caggiano Undocketed No. 2020-U330 Complaint Violation of Codes of Ethics Rules of Professional Conduct Thomas Caggiano v. Chris Wray, Esq. and review of misconduct of Angela Walker, Esq. Staff Attorney regarding her response dated Jun 3, 2020. exhibits attached show the corruption of DOJ OPR itself.

Thomas Caggiano
Prior 30 year Department of Defense Civil Service biography
r 7086 Arcadia Glen Court
email, Phone 973-945-0486, Fax 702-297-6504
North Las Vegas, NV 89084
Jun 8, 2020

U.S. District Court District of Columbia
Appellate Division Board of Professional Responsibility (BOPR)
Take Judicial Notice: A public record published on
Office of the Executive Attorney     USPS Tracking 7017 0530 0000 9205 5419
James T. Phalen, Esq., Executive Attorney
430 E Street NW
Suite 138
Whasington, DC 20001

U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR)
R. Ragsdale,Esq.     USPS Tracking 7017 530 000 9205 5426
Director and Chief Counsel
Ref: and
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Whasington, DC 20530-0001

My Jun 3,2020, 11 page letter,, a notarized affidavit under penalty of perjury with adopted referenced exhibits and EVIDENCE per Federal rules of Evidence Rule 902 (6) with attached email to conspirators in federal Government, newspapers, USPS certified return rectifies as PROOF OF SERVICE and other adopted court transcripts, letters, false tampered with tampered with false drawings proving fraud, bribery, mail fraud, conspiracy, criminal coercion, criminal contempt of court, honest service fraud,filing false instruments, violation of health and safety laws, uniform construction codes, deeds is massive and Standing Operating Procedures for decades in New Jersey and at least a decade similar corruption in Nevada which include U.S. District Court filings by reference in San Francisco,CA, Las Vegas, Nevada, Newark, NJ, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and District of Columbia Appellate Division shows how utterly corrupt the U.S. District Courts, a series of U.S. attorneys under Obama and trump and prior have been including all the corrupt Governors in NJ for 2 decades and in Nevada for a decade known by the Republican, Democratic, Libertarian, and Green Parties and the so called "Freedom Caucus" lead by the former Rep Meadows now President Trump's Chief of Staff as my NV federal Senators Harry Reid (D), Dean Heller (R), Cortez-Masto and Jacky Rosen (D), as well as Rep Horsford (D), Rep Hardy (R), Rep Kihuen (D) and again the corrupt Rep Horsford (D) have been as expect corrupt partisans protecting not themselves but the Establishment which is the corrupt Department of Justice and the corrupt FBI under Obama and Trump, namely James Comey and Chris Wray as they protect themselves and their corrupt racketeering enterprises Whasington D.C, New Nevada no matter who is the U.S. Attorney General nor the DOJ Dir of the Criminal Division

The letter provides links to hundreds of web address to others that use, which covers a 20 year Case Study by Thomas Caggiano of his with retaliation by ACJC Government, unconstitutional court orders, false imprisonment with bodily harm, perjury, tampered with court records and plans by government itself to protect protect developers, in NJ, and Firstservice Residential (FSR) a major huge corrupt Home Owner Association HOA community management firm using FSR-NV and FSR-FL, Red Rock Financial RRFS many states and its corrupt law firm s for in over 150 Judges and attorneys through these 20 years NOT one Judge complied with their Codes of Ethics Canons, Attorneys did not comply with Codes of Ethics Rules of Professional Conduct, none complied with federal nor state laws such as 18 U.S.C. & 4 - Misprision of Felony or 18 U.S.C. & 3 - Accomplice After the Fact as they protected the system of corrupt cabal of Judges, and Prosecutors. and, of Inside on the Outside, exposes corruption in government to every level federal, state, county and municipal. Hundreds of referenced published records by adoption, mailed to the U.S. District Court District of Nevada Chief District Judge Gloria Navarro, corrupt FBI, Republican and Democratic party organizations, newspapers, and my corrupt Congressman Steven Horsford in the infested 4th Congressional District, in the corrupt Las Vegas Valley with corrupt municipalities of Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson, protected by prior NV Gov Sandoval (R) and his NV Attorney General Adam Laxalt, Esq.(R) who now leads Trump's Presidential political campaign, used the non-political funds as an outside attorney from Americans For Public Trust with its Executive director Catalan Sutherland, a former National Republican Congressional Committee employee, and the corrupt Sandoval / Laxalt administration (R) was replaced by then corrupt former Clark County Commissioner chair, now Gov Steve Sisolak (D) and his corrupt Attorney General Aaron Ford (D), as the Clark County Commission is as corrupt Today when the mob controlled Las Vegas and Clark County, as the infested State of NJ continues to be corrupt under Governors Mc Greevey(D), Corzine (D), Christie (R) and now Murphy(D) for no matter who is the State's Attorney General, U.S.A. President, and their Attorney Generals Holder, Lynch, Sessions and Barr, the Establishment protects itself.

As We the People could not assemble in a Church had to wear masks, could not isolate oneself on a boat but could by these same corrupt mostly Democratic politicians allow mass protests where tracing of infected thousands could never occur and most were immune from COVID19 becoming asymptomatic carriers. This action will prove either masking and separation distancing were critical safety facts destroying millions of lives as 40 Million people were unemployed or a vast pandemic will spread. Either outcome, the Democrats will be shown to have caused death especially NY Cuomo (D)and NJ Gov Murphy (D) in NJ for the CDC warning stated YOU could ONLY put people with COVID19 back into a nursing home IF, I repeat IF, the nursing home allowed for separation, had PPE, and control which they did not which the nursing homes themselves objected resulting in over 10,000 deaths in Nursing and Caring facilities in New York and New Jersey that should be relabel death traps. All the demanded social distancing that were essential during a pandemic like NY stores that were looted, dozens of police officers injured, and police cars destroyed the dozens, and small businesses owners businesses ruined, buildings destroyed, as the demanded social separation and wearing a mask orders went up in smoke is the same demands b Government that you could not even walk on an isolated hiking trail went up in smoke as long as you were a protestor. Total hypocrites calling people killers for not wearing a mask but as long as you protected all such health and safety s went up in obvious false conflicting views of rights of assembly somehow allows protects but not freedom of religion and assembly. . You could not congregate for a funeral or a mass but as long as you protected thousands could flood streets without any possibility of trace studies exposes their fraud and duplicity.


as rioting was uncontrolled. How could be NOT be allowed into a church with separation distancing, go on your own small boat with your family onto Lake Mead, go swimming in the ocean, and having masks while at the same time huge gatherings are allowed for protests. Apparently the first amendment NOT apply to freedom of religion nor protecting one’s safety on their own boat. The hypocrisy of these power hungry dictators such as Democratic Governors Sisolak (NV), IGE (HI), Newsome (CA), Murphy (D) and Gretchen Whitmer (MI) is obvious and of the corrupt U.s. em court. More people have been killed by COVID19 then those killed by Police in decades, yet people are not allowed to go to their place of religion nor any business the Governor states is non-essential while big box stores are opened and ave less social distancing then a small business that can easily control access preventing spreading.

In fact, both parties are totally corrupt and mostly vote on party lines in that the current corrupt Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D) who replaced the corrupt Rep. Paul Ryan (R) now on Fox News Board of Directors as the former DNC acting chair Donna Brazile (D)who admitted she gave Hillary Clinton the questions she was going to ask as a CNN moderator on a debate and admitted along with Sen Sanders (D) and Sen Warren (D) the DNC and Hillary Clinton had rigged the DNC election process using funds paid by DNC and HFACC, LLC. America for Hillary Clinton which funded GPS Fusion which hired the non-registered protected lobbyist Christopher Steele and the infamous Steele dossier published in part by Buzz Feed for on Mar 9, 2017 Judicial Watch released 339 pages obtained under a FOIA request showing Nellie Ohr, who worked for GPS, being DOJ Bruce Ohr was the method to feed information to the corrupt DOJ - FBI. as admitted on Oct 27, 2017 by Perkins Cole attorney as the DNC also funded as a Fox news Contributor while MSNBC hired the corrupt FBI team the former Deputy FBI director Andrew Mc Cabe (D) who lied to the FBI along with the FBI own former attorney the corrupt Lisa Page as MSNBC legal analyst and as published on Lisa Page who was the corrupt FBI Peter Strzok’s mistress with the infamous texts of hatred for Donald Trump- they are a back up plan if he is elected President - "Ratcliffe writes: "Lisa Page just confirmed to me under oath that the FBI was ordered by the Obama DOJ not to consider charging Hillary Clinton for gross negligence in the handling of classified information as he corrupt U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch had her infamous meeting with Bill Clinton on the airport tarmac i his jet and they all forget like other Democrats and Republicans President Obama and President Clinton and prior Presidents all have still in force of law BUT NOT ENFORCED nor the Non-disclosure nor Separation Agreements every person signs in government that had access to any classified or highly sensitive materials as all these Executive Orders on National Security NONE for which NONE require intent to be federal crime known by the U.S. Attorney, DOJ, FBI, State Department, National Security Council, the U.S. House (D) and U.S. Senate (R) Oversight Committees chairs and ranking members of course the corrupt now fired former Obama appointed IGs for State Department Steve Linick and the Intel community Michael Atkinson objected to by Sen Grassley (R) and other Democrats as the Establishment protects itself. Fortunately Acting DNI Richard Allen Grenell removed over 400 Government employees from the bloated Office which as oversight of 17 different and highly redundant Intel agencies.

now has her initial command of eh House of Representatives as she uses proxy voting wit the votes already in her pocket.


Sat, May 2, 2020 at 5:56 AM

To:,, Thomas Caggiano , whistle blower ,, "cigie.information" , OIGCounsel , oped , info , info , askdoj ,,,, elizabeth_warren , "ender.austin" ,

Bongino is a coward as he let Trump ignore his question about the corrupt FBI director Chris Wary while blasting Wray the day before.

Dan Bongino is a Wimp as a reporter afraid to challenge Trump retaining the corrupt FBI director Chris Wray.

Gregory Walter Jarrett, Esq. magna cum laude from Claremont Men's College and then Hastings College of the Law. Prior to joining Fox as its NEWS ANCHOR, Jarrett worked at MSNBC. In his May 2, 2020 web posting based upon as hidden FBI records for years recently released in the infamous case U.S.A. v. Trump’s General Flynn stated:

All of this exculpatory evidence would have remained buried were it not for the intrepid work of Flynn’s new attorney, Sidney Powell, Esq. ( former Assistant United States Attorney and Appellate Section Chief in the Western and Northern Districts of Texas, a past president of the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers and a member of the American Law Institute, author of LICENSED TO LIE Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice as well as the decision by Attorney General William Barr to appoint U.S. Attorney Jeffrey B. Jensen, Eastern District of Missouri Thomas Eagleton U.S. Courthouse, 111 S. 10th Street, 20th Floor, St. Louis, MO 63102, Telephone: 314.539.2200, Fax: 314.539.2309, to review the case. Only then did the material surface. Under the law, prosecutors were required to provide it to the defense.

The DOJ should now consider whether crimes were committed by those who obscured the truth. Anyone who corruptly impedes the due administration of law and justice could face potential obstruction of justice charges. Obstruction is a crime against justice itself.

Current FBI Director Christopher Wray must also face scrutiny. Most likely knew about the exculpatory evidence for the last two and a half years yet appears to have done nothing. This is consistent with his other actions dedicated to protecting, at all costs, the FBI’s reputation, which was sullied beyond repair by his predecessor, Comey

Wray should have been fired long ago

President Obama (D) appointed former corrupt FBI director James Comey, Esq. (D)
President Trump (R) fired Comey and then appointed the corrupt FBI director Chris Wray, Esq. (D)

On Friday, Trump said in a call to the Fox News morning show. Well, a lot of things are going to be told in the next couple of weeks and let's see what happens ... He was appointed by (former Deputy Attorney General) Rod Rosenstein ... Let’s see what happens with him. Look, the jury’s still out with regard to that, but it would have been a lot easier if he came out rather than skirting and going through 19 different ways except through the FBI

On May 22, 2020 The Whasington Times news reporter Jeff Mordock,, reported the FBI Director Christopher Wray on Friday ordered an internal probe into the Bureau's handling of the case against Michael Flynn, who briefly served as President Trump's first national security adviser.

Chris Wray, Esq. was corrupt as a NJ attorney getting $3.2 Million from the corrupt State of New Jersey to defend the most corrupt NJ administration, Governor Chris Christie, Esq. filled with a series of corrupt NJ Attorney Generals who were his prior accomplices in the corrupt U.. Attorney District of New Jersey which has been corrupt under Obama and Trump as well as FBI in Newark, Woodland park and Hamilton, NJ for decades. Under Gov Mc Greevey (D), Gov Corzine (D) gov Christie (R) and Gov Murphy (D) their Commissioner of Community Affairs, Commissioner of Education and other attorneys as voting members, Executive directors, Case managers, the NJ Attorney general's Department of Law and Public Safety's Division of Law Deputy Attorney Generals supporting the Department of Community Affairs with its corrupt Government Record Council (GRC) as constant protected the State, corrupt Counties, municipalities, prosecutors and other State enterprises by Honest Service Fraud, filing false decisions, having deceptive minutes, engaging in racketeering, conspiracy, mail fraud, retaliation to prevent the defection and apprehension of hundreds of corrupt government officials, record custodians as the GRC is corrupt as well laws its accomplice the executive judges on the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) as its rules are not followed, and is a n accomplice after th fact. under all administrations in NJ since its inception. in NJ History on Bridgegate Chris Christie and his corrupt administration filled with corrupt NJ Attorney Generals and Acting NJ Attorney Generals mostly coming from his days as the corrupt U.S. Attorney for District of NJ bringing the many corrupt corrupt Commissioner of Community Affairs, and Jeffrey S. Chiesa, Esq. replacing as interim U.S. Federal Senator the outstanding and deceased Senator Frank Lautenberg (D) who requested an investigation of a conspiracy in Sussex County, N.J. as did Congressman Rodney Frelinghausen (R), State Senators Codey (D), and Sen Littell (R) as well as Assemblyman Gregg (R), Assembly woman Alison Littell Mc Hose (R), over a dozen property owners as the corrupt NJ Attorney Generals have continue for 2 decades under Mc Greevey (D), Corzine (D), Christie (D) and Murphy (D) as in Nevada under Gov Sandoval / NV AG Laxalt (R) followed by Gov Sisolak / NV AG Ford (D) are also just as corrupt. In NJ,the FBI and State Police and others engage in fraud, waste an abuse and retaliation via its corrupt Courts in Mercer, Sussex and Morris Counties. as dozen by the Sussex County Superior Court criminal part staff member Kay Mack and the Town of Newton’s deputy municipal court clerk Tania El., as the Borough of Stanhope’s town administrator Richard Stewart reported the Borough of Stanhope's corruption to the FBI and State Police and was fired. The Office of gov Ian Brennan also requested an investigation and was fired as retaliation is Standing Operating Procedure for those reporting criminal conduct to the corrupt FBI and the corrupt State of Nevada similar in the corrupt State of nevada. by then U.S. Attorney District of New Jersey Christie and his ten corrupt first assistant U.S. Attorney for District of NJ Stuart Rabner, his corrupt Special Prosecutions Branch of the Conspiracy and corruption Sussex County, NJ that has continued for over 2 decades.

Now protected by the corrupt Gov Murphy (D) and his Lt Gov Oliver (D) who is also the corrupt Commissioner of Community Affairs and former Speaker of the Assembly as she is one of the corrupt voting members on the corrupt Government Record Council (GRC) that like the FBI FOIA office is corrupt on protecting protecting the State, County and many Municipal Government and other organization that MUST comply with its Open Public Record Act (OPRA) but do not.

=s in a similar method as the corrupt FBI FOIA that was violated in a conspiracy the civil rights of Judical Watch constantly as Judicial Watch has to file civil suits to U.S. Court on a constant basis as the FBI continues to volante its FOIA rights as the FBI has lost dozens of cases in U.S. District Court District of Columbia along with the corrupt State Department that has protected Hillary Clinton under the Obama and Trump administrations.

Murphy and the corrupt series of Sussex County Prosecutors and Vicinage X, Morris and Sussex County with corrupt superior and municipal court judges and the corrupt former Congressman Scott Garrett" voted out of office, rejected by the U.S. Senate as Trump's nominee then notice during a hiring freeze as sated by the position as an attorney created for him at the SEC's Office of the General Counsel earlier this year, according to the report. The personnel move, which was not announced publicly by the SEC, was discovered through a Freedom of Information Act request. as the Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Sheriff, Counsel, Superior Court Criminal Part IND 08-09-316-I State v. Thomas Caggiano on 13 Separate criminal charges charged as criminal coercion using the corrupt Borough of Stanhope municipal court, its Police chief and other officials and employees of the Borough to file these malicious criminal charges as the corrupt Superior court Judge Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and a parade of corrupt Sussex County prosecutors by Misconduct, Honest series fraud, conspiracy and Accomplice after fact as I filed a motion which the court ignored and had fired their accomplice my attorney Robert Mattia, Esq., Trinity St, Newton, NJ, as my other attorneys also protected the establishment Carl Perrone, Esq. and Walter Risi,Esq. as the allegedly but falsely stated motion in the corrupt Judge Conforti’s court order that dismissed all 13 charges of the malicious indictment with against the State to prevent a Sussex County Superior Court criminal part court hearing as Conforti's own court staff Kay Mack reported him and others to the corrupt FBI and State Police Official corruption bureau as done previously by the Mercer County Prosecutor with several CDS of evidence against the GRC ,ad its two Cabinet level officials and other attorneys who have been corrupt accomplices under 4 NJ administrations protected by a series of U.S. Attorneys District of NJ and FBI known to CIGIE composed of 73 IGs that report directly to the President Obama followed by President Trump and other accomplices in the malicious conviction in the corrupt CITY OF TRENTON municipal court that was also over turned after the State prosecutor had to write the Judge twice I was NOT guilt y of the malicious charge by the GRC's corrupt Executive Director Catherine Starghill,Esq. who was then hired by the corrupt then Commissioner of Labor Wirths and former corrupt chair of the Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders and is now a corrupt Assemblyman Hal Wirths representing Sussex county. Hal Wirths without an announced position in his then Department of Labor. Similarly the corrupt Congressional District 5, Congressman Scott Garrett (R) voted out of office and as the U.S. Senate refused his confirmation as a Trump appointee then without any announcement became the attorney for the SEC and the corrupt Sen O’Toole (R) who protected the Christie administration on the Select Committee on Investigation on Bridgegate as no State Title 2C crime nor Code of Ethics violation regarding violations of Christie's own deputy chief of staff and attorney who lied t his face about a false traffic study which cause grid lock at the George Whasington Bridge as two entrance lanes were blocked in retaliation against the Ft Lee Mayor (D) for not supporting Christie (R) as Gov like many corrupt Democrats did against their own party candidate was charged against anyone was made the chairman of the corrupt Port authority of NY and NJ as Christie’s corrupt Attorney General Paula Dow, Esq. was previously made the Port Authority of NY and NJ General Counsel and then a Superior Court judge over the objections of Sen Codey(D), Sen Rice (D) and Sen Gill (D) as Sen Gill was a member of the corrupt law firm of then Sen Lesniak who was a lead partner in the corrupt law firm of Lesniak left the law firm which had Sen Gill (D) as one of its attorneys as one of its attorneys represented the corrupt Township of Wantage with tis corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.N=M..C. who was also the corrupt Joint municipal court judge for the Township of Green, Township of Hampton, Township of Fredon and Borough of Andover with tis corrupt attorney William Hinkes as both conspired with Judge Mulhern, J.M.C. who was the municipal court judge in the Borough of Stanhope court, the corrupt Joint municipal court of the Township of Stillwater and the corrupt municipal court Judge in the town of Newton for in Sussex county roving judges and the municipal attorneys are cease pools of corruption in the corrupt Vicinage X Government Record Council with corrupt Cabinet officials, attorneys and Case managerscomprised mostly of Sussex, and Morris Counties and two corrupt Congressional Districts 5th and 11th and with thee corrupt Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders and Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders and the Sussex County and Morris County Prosecutors no matter which political party is Governor or President of th USA with the corrutp U.s. Attorney District for NJ and FBI as accomplices. That law firm was renamed Weiner Working Group as his firm represented the corrupt Township of Wantage with its corrupt Dolan and Dolan Municipal prosecutor as Dolan and Dolan PA is also eh attorney for the corrupt Sussex County Soil Conservation District and Borough of Stanhope Land Use Board as with the corrupt law firm of Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC, as they control many of Sussex Counties infested municipalities that continue under every administration and every corrupt Gov of NJ and their Attorney Generals and corrupt courts.

As known to its Congressional District 11th Rep Rodney Felinghusen (R) who requested an investigation was replaced by the corrupt Rep Mikie Sherrill (D), the corrupt District 5th was represented by the corrupt Rep Scott Garrett (R) was replaced by the corrupt Rep Josh Gottheimer (D)

All State of New Jersey Senators and Members of General Assembly protect the Establishment protects itself only partly exposed by PROPUBICA and the former executive director of the State Commission on Investigation (SCI) Lee Seglem as documented in my 57 page letter published on in CIGIE, FBI,U.S. Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys, U.S. Senate Oversight Committee on Homeland Security, NJ Attorney General, corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge Hansbury, J.S.C. Civil Part under Docket SSX-C-21-15 and the corrupt Township of Wantage corrupt law firm Weiner Lesniak which ad as it major partner Sen Lesniak (D) and another attorney Sen Gill (D) as Lesniak a powerful corrupt official ran for NJ Governor and lost. The corrupt law firm changed its name once Lesniak retired to Weiner Law group with the corrupt law partner Steven Tombalakian,Esq. the attorney for the infested Township of Wantage as the corrupt Courts Vicinage X of Sussex and Morris Counties have all been protected more then a decade as shown by eh court records on docket SSX-C-21-15 Township of Wantage v. Thomas Caggiano as the Township own municipal clerk Tania Ell reported the corruption to the FBI and N.J. State Police Official Corruption Bureau as did the Sussex County Criminal Part Kay Mack and others tat were retaliated against by the State and the Borough of Stanhope just one of the many racketeering enterprises called municipalities in the pandemically corrupt State of NJ no matter which party is governor, or which party controls the Presidency of the USA and their corrupt Attorney Generals under Obama and Trump and prior for decades.

Similarly, the corrupt Port Authority of NY and NJ is where corrupt officials are placed by the corrupt Gov they serve and protect being Gov Chris Christie loved by Fox's Laura Ingraham and Christie's protectors Gov Murphy (D) and his corrupt Attorney General Gurbir Grewal, Esq. and the corrupt newly formed NJ Attorney General Office of Integrity and Accountability lead by a former corrupt FBI agent Thomas Eicher, Esq. wherein I would act Pro Se and before the public as done in the corrupt courts shown the corruption of the State, the Vicinage X, Morris and Sussex County judges, and dozens of accomplices which continues protected by Obama's and Trump's U.S. Attorneys for District of NJ , FBI and all NJ attorney generals Mc Greevey (D), Corzine (D), Christie (R) and Murphy (D) for as stated by Judge Gannon, J.S.C. as to why he did not file a complaint against the Vicinage X Assignment Judge to the corrupt ACJC for violation of Codes of Ethics by a Judge his response published in the newspapers was they surrounded the wagons to protect the establishment and threw the Superior court judges under the bus as the current corrupt NJ Senate President is SWEENEY

The Judicial branch in NJ is protected by the corrupt ACJC and District Ethics Committees. As Honest Service fraud is constant in the US government, NJ and NV. The fraud, criminal retaliation continued under the Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.c. and the Sussex County Prosecutor under more then a dozen criminal charges in IND 08-09-316-I even dismissed by prejudice against the State, and numerous superior court municipal appeals of more then a dozen false convictions based upon complaints filed in the Borough of Stanhope transferred to the corrupt Joint municipal court in the Township of Green without an attorney and even partly into the corrupt Netcong municipal court in another count for no other Sussex County municipal judge would take the case transfer from these infested municipalities where in the Judge admitted in his Court orders the corrupt Joint municipal Court for the Township of Green, Township of Fredon, Township of Hampton and Borough of Andover along with tis corrupt alleged municipal prosecutor constantly violated court rules and in fact falsely imprisoned me for 85 days in the corrupt Sussex county jail wherein I suffered greyest bodily harm being taken to the accomplice of Judge Craig U. Dana. JMC who was on the board of the corrupt Newton memorial Hospital. as the cases were brought by officials in the infested Borough of Stanhope with its corrupt municipal prosecutor and borough attorney the very large, very corrupt law firm of Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC, Sparta, N.J. as known by its corrupt Land Use Board law firm Dolan and Dolan PA Dolan and Dolan PA, Newton, N.J. which was also the law firm for the State’s corrupt Department of Agriculture as known by the State's Department Commissioner Lisa Jackson who then became President Obama's EPA administrator and resigned when she was determined to have used a phony email address to avoid FOIA requests as done by the corrupt Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who used and unsecured private server as Secretary of State where Hillary Clinton has lied for years, falsely stated she did not have classified emails, violated the Non-disclosure and Separation agreements and her Clinton Foundation and funds's were used to control the DNC and rig the democratic Primary election against Sen Sanders admitted by Acting DNC Chair Brazile who herself as then a CNN reporter gave Hillary Clinton her questions to be asked in advance and is now an esteemed corrupt FOX News Contributor. The DNC then funded via another firm Perkins Coie used DNC funds to hire the unregistered foreign lobbyist Steele the infamous Steele dossier provided by Sen Mc Cain (R) who strongly disliked Trump to the FBI apparently - as did her assonant Huma Abedin on her then husbands laptop as they have been protected by the Obama administration, Trump Administration and U.s. Attorneys, DOJ and FBI directors, who have been protected by CIGIE and DOJ OIG known to The SWAMP.

Even though all members on the Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders have been replaced, the corruption within Sussex County continues unabated noted on court videos, GRC data and other records noted on,, Sussex County Soil Conservation District, Newton, N.J. with its corrupt chair Clifford Lundin, Esq. and then corrupt manager Winifred Straub who was promoted to its corrupt Board of Supervisors in two other corrupt municipal courts being the Joint municipal court for the Townships of Green, Township of Hampton, Township of Fredon and Borough of Andover with its corrupt municipal judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and its corrupt municipal prosecutor, along with the now Borough of Hopatcong and Borough of Stanhope, Joint municipal court for the Township of of Stillwater, Borough of Sussex and Township of wit the corrupt Borough of Stanhope court, Town of Newton municipal court and the Borough of Stanhope municipal court Judge John Mulhern, J.M.C. as NJ's municipal courts using roving municipal judges to be corrupt and accomplices in numerous corrupt municipalities as shown by my 18 page letter provided numerous municipalities and others and in filings to U.s. District Courts filed by Thomas Caggiano noted in in over 5,000 pages of complaints filed to the DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) against DOJ officials and employees that have protected the States of New Jersey and Nevada documented in its corrupt DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility OPR FOIA response shown herein and FBI FOIA responses.

and Vicinage Assignment Judges,as well as numerous Morris County Superior Court judges and municipal courts in Sussex, Morris Counties including Mercer County, City of Newark and the City of Trenton municipal courts known and protected by Glenn Grant, J.A.D. and the DOJ Pubic Integrity Section which assigned DOJ Case folder DA 3003740 and DOJ Public corruption Unit (PCU) and all U.S. Attorneys older, Lynch, Sessions and Barr known to US Senators, Representatives, GAO FRAUD NET, U.S. District Courts for 2 decades as the corruption continuous as known to DOJ, the FBI and aka NJ Attorney Generals for decades. Prosecutor, Clerk have been corrupt as well as its District 24’s Senator, and 2 members of General Assembly especially Hal Wirths the former chair of the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, then the corrupt Gov Christie Commissioner of Labor who hired the corrupt Catherine Starghill Esq. the former corrupt GRC executive director as a division leader and has returned to the infested Sussex County sits corrupt Assemblyman. (who was voted out of office). Thereafter President Trump nominated the corrupt ex-Congressman Scott (R) on December 19, 2017, the Senate Banking Committee voted by a margin of 10-13 not to advance Garrett’s nomination to the full U.S. Senate. Republican U.S. Senators Mike Rounds and Tim Scott joined all of the Democrats on the committee in voting against Scott Garrett but to reward his ex-Congressman Trump placed the corrupt Congressman Garrett as noted by THE HILL The Hill Scott Garrett as an attorney created for him at the SEC’s Office of the General Counsel and according to the report not announced publicly by the SEC was discovered through a Freedom of Information Act Request. Despite Garrett and the created for him at the SEC’s Office of the General Counsel earlier this year, according to the report. The personnel move, which was not announced publicly by the SEC, was discovered through a Freedom of Information Act Request and Assemblyman for District 24 fully knowing of the corruption of the As shown in State District 24 its State Senator attorney created for him at the SEC’s Office of the General Counsel earlier this year, according to the report. The personnel move, which was not announced publicly by the SEC, was discovered through a Freedom of Information Act request Board of Chosen freeholders, as for not a single person was ever charged with any Title 2C criminal charge by Christie’s series of corrupt Attorney Generals nor corrupt Gov Murphy's NJ Attorney General Gurbir Grewal, Esq. as NJ is an infested racketeers enterprise like the corrupt State of NV o matter which party controls the U.S. Attorney in the District of N.J or the U.S. Attorney for District of NJ as the FBI in both states is corrupt under James Comey the former corrupt FBI director replaced by Trump's corrupt FBI director Wray,.Esq. protected by CIGIE and William Barr, his General Counsel’s Office, the President’s Integrity Accountability PIAB the U.S. District Court of Columbia’s Appellate Division Board of Professional Responsibility a group taht surrounds the corrutp FBI director and many corrupt U.S. Attorneys and the IGs on CIGIE taht report directly to the President as does his Chief of Staffs and Trump’s own Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany and Trump’s last three Chief of Staff. It's called: Surround the wagons and protect the corrupt Establishment

See my filing to the U.S. District Court District of Columbia’s Appellate Division Board of Professional Responsibility (BOPR) which included my complaint to the corrupt DOJ OIG and chair of CIGIE William Horowitz,Esq. w FBI director Chris Wray, Esq. w ho reports for the 73 IGs directly to the President of the U.S.A. as the many IGs protect the Establishment and against the felon Wray as the ACJC or District Ethics Committee DOJ a=can't investigate itself nor Chris Wray do an investigation for his own corrupt agency wit ha corrupt FBI FOIA office. President Trump of course needs to assign a Special Prosecutor for William Barr and CIGIE IGs which include the IG Office of Special Counsel, IG GAO, IG NSF, IG USPS and others protect the FBI and itself by CIGIE’s corrupt Integrity Committee noted in As stated by the corrupt U.S. Attorney William Barr who protects the corrupt FBI Wray and his U.S. Attorneys for District of Nevada and District of New Jersey and others as did Obama’s wing man Eric Holder (D), Loretta Lynch (D) and Jeff Sessions (R) as the President's demand loyalty to themselves NOT the U.S. Constitution of those in their corrupt political parties as its called THE SWAMP; "He's been a great partner to me in our effort to restore the American people's confidence in both the Department of Justice and the FBI"

\ newspapers announced the corrupt FBI director Chris Wray

On May 14, 2020 Illustrative of the SWAMP and the corrupt Establishment, both Republican and Democratic Parties, I mailed a 6 page U.S. Common Law Right of Access, Common Law Right for Information Request and Nevada Public Record Request (NPRA) to the corrupt Gov Steve Sisolak’s (D) State of Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford, Esq., who replaced the prior corrupt Gov Sandoval’s, Esq. (R) corrupt NV Attorney General Laxalt, Esq. now Trump’s campaign manager in the criminal syndicate called the State of Nevada,, and provided copy to the corrupt U.S. Attorney for District of Nevada Nicholas A. Trutanich,Esq. with a supportive corrupt FBI Special Agent in Charge Aaron C. Rouse with his ASACs Frank Cucinotta, Esq., Michael Hickok, Esq., and Ray E. Johnson, Esq. is the U.S. Attorney for the District of Nevada. Nicholas A. Trutanich,Esq. was nominated by President Donald J. Trump and unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Prior to January 2019, the corrupt Mr. Trutanich, Esq. served as the First Assistant Attorney General and Chief of Staff at the Office of Nevada’s Attorney General with massive evidence contained within the domain of, and other domains and social media referencing which exposes the corruption of U.S. Attorneys, FBI and CIGIE under Obama and Trump administrations, FBI and other parties in THE ESTABLISHMENT at all levels of government in the executive, legislative and Judicial branches of government at the federal, state, county and municipal levels in the SWAMP as the State of New Jersey has been corrupt under Gov Mc Greevey (D), Gov Corzine(D), most corrupt Gov in NJ history arrogant Gov Christie (R), now leading a law firm wit his former corrupt State of NJ officials, Trump’s buddy and as noted by Roy Appleton 702-383-0276 for the Las Vegas Review journal on May 21, 2020, the Americans for Pubic Trust which describes itself as a - non-profit watch-dog group, has the former corrupt State of Nevada’s Gov Sandoval’s NV Attorney General Adam Laxalt, Esq. (R) who is Trump's current chair for President Trump State of Nevada Re-election campaign as its outside counsel and Caitlin Sutherland who was a former researcher for the National Republican Congressional Committee its executive director also filed an ethics complaint against Rep. Steve Horsford (D) with the Office of Congressional regarding if Horsford ever gave money or support from his congressional fund noting Mistress for Congress with Gabriela Linder news articles. My detailed complaints

Laura Ingraham
Ingraham Angle

Ex-Gov Chris Christie,Esq.

Pathetic deceitful
Republican Hacks

Fox News Laura Ingraham, 1211 Ave of the Americas, NY, NY 10036, is a political Republican party hack like MSDNC Rachel Maddow, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052, is a Democratic party hack as both are part Propagandists. The corrupt President Trump suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) as he now states he is THE PERFECT PRESIDENT -- ONLY GOD IS PERFECT, as millions of U.S. Citizens in all political parties despise him as they also despise the egomaniac Hillary Clinton called tens of millions of not only deplorables but irredeemables acting as a GOD as both suffer NPD and lie constantly and deem those that have their own opinions based upon their own observations of their mental dysfunctionality NPD in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. Many Republicans love the most corrupt Gov in NJ history Chris Christie protected by the SWAMP Holder, Lynch, Sessions and Barr, FBI director Comey and FBI director Wray as the NJ Establishment filled with corrupt Democrats and Republicans including his replacement NJ Gov Murphy (D) with his corrupt NJ AG Grewal protect the prior infested Christie administration that followed the corrupt NJ Gov Mc Greevey (D) and corrupt NJ GOV Corzine(D) administrations .

Ingraham was pathetic Laura Ingraham as many of Christie with his an corrupt series of Attorney Generals as accomplices as his Deputy Chief of Staff Bridget Anne Kelly, Esq. even lied to Christie’s face that there was a traffic study which closed the Access lanes to the George Whasington Bridge causing havoc , expenditure of State, Port Authority of NY and NJ funds

Gov Christie’s and NY Gov Cuomo’s controlled corrupt Port Authority and NY and NJ harassed hundreds of thousands if intrastate and interstate travelers by grid lock in Bergen County roads p to emergencies, caused by willful grid lock of local streets and other interstate travel by hundreds of thousands of people using I95, NJ turnpike in retribution to the Democratic Ft Lee mayor not supporting his candidacy for Gov to be used in his future Presidential ambitions for political and financially benefit purposes and thereafter Christie's protected Gov Murphy (D) and NJ’s corrupt Attorney General and has Lt Gov Sheila Y. Oliver who also serves as Commissioner of Community Affairs and voting member along with Murphy's corrupt Commissioner of Education and other attorneys on NJ infested Government Record Council (GRC) which continues to be corrupt under every NJ administrations none were charged with any 2C State crimes nor has the corrupt GRC held a hearing on more then 100 denials of access. I have submitted falsely denying detailed reconsideration requests since its existence by Honest Service Fraud and Conspiracy to prevent detection and apprehension, and issue massive fines and cause the removal of officials against corrupt OPRA record custodians and their superiors to protect the State, Counties and many corrupt municipal governments easily confirmed by using the GRC’s own search function on its web site

On May 6, 2020 I filed a 25 page complaint to numerous US Attorneys, CIGIE Integrity Committee against IGs and also the corrupt FBI director Chris Wray, Esq. who has been protected by President Trump and others which exposes massive government corrptin in government under the Obama and Trump administrations and THE ESTABLISHMENT. The 25 page letter includes images of mailings, web urls and analysis of corruption criminal codes violated all levels of government in the federal government, States of NV, NJ and District of Columbia as well as U.S. District Courts in the 3rd and 9th Circuits known to many federal Senators and Representatives in the Democratic and Republican parties

The initial pages are below with thousands of pages of adopted published evidence proving conspiracy, official misconduct, retaliation is Standing Operating Procedure of government, violations of civil rights under color and by pubic officials against witnesses that report their criminal conduct and violation of many Presidential Executive Orders on National Security that do NOT require intent to be a crime:

Thomas Caggiano A Public Record on
Prior DOD 30 year career summarized on
Now Author and Publisher Inside on the Outside’s News’ Media and exposing corruption in government
7086 Arcadia Glen Court
North Las Vegas, NV 89084
Phone: 702-586-6768
Fax: 702-297-6504
May 5, 2020

Integrity Committee of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE)
Ref: Section 11(d)(7)(B) of the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, 5 U.S.C. app. (“IG Act”), were adopted by the IC in conjunction with the CIGIE Chairperson, and in consultation with the Public Integrity Section (“PIN”) of the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) and the OSC, Policies and Procedures of the Integrity Committee of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency
U.S.P.S. Tracking: 7017 0530 0000 4690 7238
FAX (202) 254-0162
1717 H Street, NW, Suite 825
Whasington, DC 20006

Rep. John Ratcliffe as President Trump’s Nominee Director of National intelligence (DNI)
Rockwall Office
6531 Horizon Road
Suite A
Rockwall, TX 75032
Phone: (972) 771-0100 Fax: (972) 771-1222

U.S. Attorney William Barr, Esq.
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Whasington, DC 20530-0001

U.S. Attorney Eastern District of Missouri
Special assignment by U.S. Attorney Barr
U.S. Attorney Jeffrey B. Jensen, Esq.
Thomas Eagleton U.S. Courthouse
111 S. 10th Street, 20th Floor
St. Louis, MO 63102

U.S. Attorney District of Connecticut
Special assignment by U.S. Attorney Barr
John H. Durham, Esq.
New Haven Office
Connecticut Financial Center
157 Church Street, Floor 25
New Haven, CT 06510
(203) 821-3700
Fax: (203) 773- 5376

Corrupt Sen Catherine Cortez-Masto,Esq. (D-NV)
516 Hart Senate Office Building, Whasington, DC 20510
P: (202) 224-3542

Corrupt Sen Jacky Rosen (D-NV)
144 Russell Senate Office Building, Whasington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-6244

Corrupt Representative Steven Horsford ( D-NV 4th )
1330 Longworth HOB, Whasington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-9894
Fax: (202) 225-9783

Ref:, Fraud, Waste and abuse - DOJ, FBI, STATE, CIGIE, IG DOJ, IG NSF, States of New Jersey and Nevada under Democratic and Republican administrations protected by THE ESTABLISHMENT
441 G St., NW
Whasington, DC 20548

Corrupt IG Office of Special Counsel (OSC)
Ref:, A former federal employee for 30 years
1730 M Street, N.W., Suite 218, Whasington, D.C., 20036-4505

Subject: Remove and then Indict corrupt FBI director Chris Wray. Esq. for numerous federal crimes as an Accomplice after the fact, failure to perform one’s official duties, being a conspirator protecting an infested FBI, FBI FOIA office and others as known by IG OIG, IG NSF and IG OSC, U.S. Senate Judiciary and Finance Committees, Sen Catherine Cortez-Masto, Esq. (NV), Sen Jack Rosen (NV), Representative Steven Horsford (NV 4th), GAO FRAUD NET, U.S. District Court of Columbia Appellate Div Board of Professional Responsibility, DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility and others

1. This is a Public Record published on and is a certified affidavit as evidence per FRE R902(6) with relevant evidence and thousands of pages adopted by reference U.S. District and State of NV and NJ Court Records, USPS certified return receipts as PROOF OF SERVICE executed under penalty of perjury, FBI tip line reports, letters to the FBI in Whasington D.C., New Jersey and Nevada with adopted referenced exhibits provided on, a 65 page letter to the corrupt U.S. Attorney Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys (EOUSA), complaints provided CIGIE’s chair and IG NSF CIGIE’s vice chair, AAG, OPR, PIN and PCU and other records directly attached hereto.

Use for complete copy.

I filed complaints to both the IG DOJ and the U.S. District Court District of Columbia’s Appellate Division's Board of Professional Responsibility (BOPR) and the corrupt DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) for years all ignored.

In the infested State of NJ with its corrupt Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Gov Christie's protectors are rewarded as his corrupt NJ Attorney General Paula Dow, Esq. was made the Chief Counsel on the Port Authority of New York an d New Jersey had then nominated by Christie to became a Superior Court Judge thanks to Christie’s protector on the NJ Select Committee on Investigations of Abuse of Power and the infamous Christie’s Bridgegate scandal as not one person was never charged with any State crime in either the corrupt State of NJ nor State of NY per the corrupt Gov of NY and NJ, their Attorney Generals there was never a state crime even as numerous officials and employees of the Port Authority and State of NJ were convicted ONLY on federal crimes. Both states protect their accomplices on the corrupt Port Authority of NY and NJ closing down several George Whasington Bridge access lanes to retaliate against the Ft Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich (D) for not supporting his renomination as Gov as Christie (R) planned his run for President and it would good on his resume. However, Sen Ken O’ Toole,Esq. (R) who helped make the corrupt Christie’s corrupt Attorney General Paula Dow, Esq. after Christie appointed Paula Dow the corrupt Chief Counsel of the infested Port Authority of NY and NJ, wherein the former corrupt NJ former corrupt Gov Jon Corzine’ (D) made his corrupt former campaign manager Susan Bass Levin, Esq. and then Commissioner of Community Affairs (CA), voting member on the corrupt OPRA Government Record Council (GRC) as now NJ Gov Murphy’s (D) corrupt Lt Gov Oliver is a voting member of the corrupt GRC. Also corrupt is CA’s Codes and Standards Department and corrupt Local Government Services Department. The corrupt Gov Corzine gave CS’s Susan Bass Levin, Esq. a high level job in the Port Authority while also getting a dual a part time job on the DC’s corrupt Local Finance Board so she could become eligible for medical benefits and a large increase in her retirement pay. As the Sen O’Toole threatened Judge Costello to support Christie efforts t get Paula Dow confirmed b ye NJ Senate as a Superior Court Judge as Sen Rice (D), Sen Gill (D) and Sen Codey (D) all objected to her nomination as Sen O’ Toole was then protected by NJ’s corrupt Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE) as the three State Senators al filled an ethics complaint against Sen O'Toole for telephoning the Vicinage Assignment Judge Costello, A.J.S.C. threatening that two Judges favored by Democrats would have their judicial careers essentially terminated by Gov Chris Christie, Esq. in retribution. To reward Sen O’ Kevin Toole (R) Christie appointed him as the Chairman of the corrupt Port Authority of NY and NJ Board of Commissioners as the corrupt O’Toole has now objected to the corrupt Gov Murphy (D) of a power grab as these two corrupt Politicians fight for control of the corrupt Port Authority The person who protected the Christie's administration was Acting Bergen County Prosecutor Gurbir Grewal, Esq. who was a former attorney in the corrupt U.S. Attorney for District of New Jersey office which is corrupt for decades as well as the FBI, Christie a former corrupt U.S. Attorney for District of NJ then appointed the corrupt as County Prosecutor for the Senate did NOT confirm Christie’s nomination as his corrupt administration on Bridgegate as a private citizen filed per R 7.2 a Voluntary affidavit which was found to have Probable Cause and referred to the corrupt Bergen County Prosecutor Grewal for investigation and indictment. That prosecutor is now the corrupt NJ Attorney General Gurbir Grewal. Thereafter, Gov Murphy (D) made Gurbir Grewal (D) his corrupt New Jersey Attorney General even as the Ft Lee Municipal Court Judge twice found there was probable cause to conduct an investigation against Christie and his accomplices on Bridgegate stop by Gurbir Grewal as Bergen county prosecutor. lead by its corrupt director Thomas J. Eicher, Esq. a long time federal prosecutor and you can listen to my prior complaint field with its corrupt office obtained by Open Public Record Act OPRA on Audio recording.


April 27, 2020, 6 page letter exposing the corrupt DEEP STATE to the conservative One America News Network,

May 5, 2020 Complaint filed with IG GAO, Thomas Caggiano v. GAO FRAUD NET which for its misconduct in addressing fraud, waste abuse as the GAO FRAUD NET under President Obama and President Trump and FBI director James Comey (D) and Chris Wray (R) have with dozens of accomplices protected the States of NV and NJ for years as the Complaint also address with revenant letters url address exposing the corruption of my Sen Catherine Cortez-Masto (D), Sen Jacky Rosen(D) and Congressman n Horsford (D - NV 4th) as my prior corrupt Congressman were Kihuen (D), Crescent Hardy (R) and Steven Horsford (D) and includes by adoption my letter to U.S. Attorney Barr and other U.S. Attorneys he has assigned special actions as FBI director Chris Wray is corrupt and has protected during his entire tenure the FBI Pubic Access Line, its FOIA office, FBI Special Agents in Charge and their Assistant Special Agents as the corrupt FBI continues to be an active accomplice of the Trump appointed U.S. Attorney District of NV and U.S. Attorney District of NJ and their Special Prosecutions Branch.

May 14, 2020 6 page letter to the corrupt NV Gov Sisolak (D) who followed the corrupt Gov Sandoval (R) and the NV AG Record Custodian with copy to the corrupt U.s. Attorney District of Nevada U.S. Attorney and FBI in Las Vegas, NV appointed by Trump exposing its criminal syndicate protected by US Attorneys under Obama and Trump, GAO FRAUD NET and Nevada many corrupt federal Senators and Horus Represenatives of both political parties, Clark County Commissioners, Sheriff, Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, Justice Court of Las Vegas and more called - The SWAMP widely distributed with attachments including Proof of Service via mailings envelops to the corrupt Government officials

Mar 20, 2020 receipt date of my 6 Page Complaint letter received by State of Nevada Supreme Court Judicial Committee noting the corruption of its Committee on Judicial Discipline, State Administrator Courts in Carson City and Justice Court of Las Vegas Dept 2 for 16PO1647 followed by an even more corrupt five court sessions under 17PO1335 by the corrupt very large, protected Firstservice Residential (FSR), its corrupt FSR attorney Steve B. Scow, Esq. of Koch and Scow and the Home Owner Associations (HOAs) law firm of John Leach, Esq. of Leach Kern Gruchow Anderson Song for the corrupt HOAs Aliante Master Association (AMA) and Autumn Ridge at Aliante Community Association, protected by the Gov of Nevada Sandoval (R) then Sisolak (D) and their respective Attorney Generals Adam Laxalt (R) followed by Aaron Ford (D) known by the corrupt U.S. Attorney District of Nevada and FBI for many years as I have met 37 different police officers in teams, some officers several times, and in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson their own police event case reports are buried in records holding by superiors as known by the GAO Fraud Net protects the State of Nevada, Clark County and municipalities as shown in the report published on

OpinionThe corrupt SWAMP and Establishment in State of Nevada: DOJ, FBI,State and Clark County Officials
1 Nicholas A. Trutanich, Esq. - U.S. Attorney District of Nevada
2 Aaron C. Rouse, Esq. - FBI Las Vegas Special Agent in Charge
3 Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, Esq. (D) former NV Attorney General, Esq. NV has 2 corrupt Federal Senators for years no matter if Democratic Sen Harry Reid (D)or Republican Sen Dean Heller (R) NVREP3.pdf, SUMMARYEVIDENCE.pdf
4 Sen Jack Roser (D) - Replaced corrupt Sen Heller (R) ROSER.pdf, ROSEN2.pdf
5 Rep. Steven Horsford - D NV 4th - Rep Horsford replaced the corrupt Rep Kihuen (D), who replaced the corrupt Rep Crescent Hardy (R), who replaced the corrupt Rep Steven Horsford (D) as he came back as we had a choice which corrupt Representative Horsford (D) who we already voted out of office previously did we want to return or the voted out of office Congressman Crescent(R) who replaced the excellent Rep Berkley (D) NV 4th who requested the corrupt DOJ IG Horowitz to investigate the corrupt U.S. Attorney in NV and NJ and FBI to conduct an investigation as State of Nevada is as corrupt as the infamous State of New Jersey as noted on has been as racketeering enterprise wherein State criminal codes are NOT enforced under the corrupt Gov Mc Greevey (D), Gov Corzine (D), Gov Christie (R) and now Gov Murphy (D) administrations as the politicians in its State, County and municipal officers and Judges are protected by the FBI and its own enforcement agencies like NV corrupt Community on Judicial Discipline (CJD), NV Bar Counsel, Nevada Real Estate Division, NV Administrator of Courts as are corrupt Home Owner Associations (HOA) Aliante Master Association (AMA), Autumn Ridge at Aliante Community Association (AURI), their corrupt very large multi-state Community Management firm Firstservice Residential (FSR) a large corrupt multi-state operation with its home office at Firstservice Residential-Nevada,, 8290 Arville Street, Las Vegas, NV 89139 and its Firstservice Residential-Florida operation’s Connect System at 2950 North 28th Terrace, Hollywood, Florida 33020, 954-925-8200, with their corrupt FSR Nevada law firms and collection agent subsidiary Red Rock Financial Services (RRFS), protected by the corrupt Justice Court of Las Vegas Department 2 Judges, Court Transcriber Shawn Ott and NV Administrator of Courts in Carson City,, and other Accomplices after the fact violating 18 U.S.C. Sections 2, 3, 4 and other federal, State laws and Codes of Ethics Canons 1 and 2 as known to the 37 different police officers I met in teams in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson, Clark County Commissioners, Treasurer, Chief Finance Official, Sheriff and NV newspapers.
6 NV Gov Steve Sisolak (D) former Clark County Commission chair
7 NV Attorney General Aaron Ford Esq. (D) former State Senate Majority Leader who replaced the corrupt Gov Sandoval Attorney General Adam Laxalt,Esq. (R)
Aaron Ford was arrested four times in Texas in the 1990s for public intoxication, stealing tires


Attorney General Aaron Ford, Esq. is Nevada’s corrupt Attorney General. That hasn't stopped him from flagrantly violating Nevada public records law

5 Clark County Sheriff Lombardo and his accomplice Asst Sheriff Charles Hank with a corrupt Las Vegas Metro Internal Affairs Bureau, Police Dept Civilian Review Board are Accomplices after the fact violating 18 USC Sections 2, 3 and 4 as I have met dozens of police officers in teams ( 37 different police in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson ) and their reports are buried in records holding as the NV AG, Clark County DA, Commission, Treasurer, et. al. are engaged in dishonest fraud services for years as shown by and
6 Clark County Commission Chair and District B Marilyn Kirkpatrick

Inside on the Outside’s Author and Publisher of, and other domains in other countries exposing corruption in US Attorney, DOJ, FBI, U.S. District Courts, and States of Nevada and New Jersey as more then a dozen Federal Senators and Representatives and their staffs, their federal over sight committees, GAO FRAUD NET and many news papers as well as Democratic, Republican, Libertarian, Green, Tea and other party organizations have been aware of the corruption of the ESTABLISHMENT as shown by using this short url You get a listing of over 500 URLs on numerous other domain sites using as a global search criteria, social media, blogs, court transcripts from corrupt courts in 3rd and 9th U.S. District Circuits, Nevada and New Jersey, U.S.P.S. certified return receipts as proof of service, certified affidavits signed under oath under penalty, court videos, audio recordings, witness listings, emails and addresses of corrupt officials at all levels of government including images of envelopes, diagrams, photos and USPS certified return receipts as PROOF OF SERVICE. In addition essentially all Judges violated Codes of Ethics Canons and essentially many dozens of attorneys violated Codes of Ethics Rules of Professional Conduct and were protected by in NJ by the NJ Supreme Court’s Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE) and various county District Ethics Committees as Judges are protected by the NJ Supreme Court’s Advisory Committee on Judicial Discipline (ACJC) lead by the corrupt NJ Administrator of Courts and executive director of the corrupt ACJC Glenn Grant J.A.D. who has been the corrupt NJ Chief Justice Start Rabner and former corrupt NJ Attorney General and former corrupt U.S. Attorney District of New Jersey first assistant prosecutor for the then corrupt U.S. Attorney District of NJ Chris Christie, Esq. as Rabner like Christie who was voted out of office as a corrupt State of New Jersey Board of Freeholder for the infested Morris County has been corrupt for about 20 years and shows the more corrupt you are in government, the bigger liar you are, such as many attorneys now federal Senators of Representatives,learn how to lie with a straight face, and are dishonorable, the higher position in government as a Judge or Representative or Senator your prefix HONORABLE when instead title should be DISHONORABLE and if your suffix is Esq. that means Avarice at you get the likes of the corrupt NJ’s Chief Justice - Honorable Stuart Rabner confirmed by both corrupt Political Parties in the infested State of New Jersey as Nevada is just as corrupt - In Nevada, Judges who violate Codes of Ethics Canons 1 and 2 are protected by the Committee on Judicial Discipline (CJD) and NV Attorneys who violate the Codes of Ethics Rules of Professional Conduct are protected by Nevada Bar Counsel as its former corrupt NV Attorney General Catherine-Masto,Esq. is now Nevada’s corrupt federal Senator being touted by my former NV corrupt Federal Senator Harry Reid. Reid is touting as Democratic running mate as Cortez-Masto, a Latino Woman for apparently mend have been discounted by the Democrats as diversity is its mantra of identity politics for I as a Democrat for over 50 years can not in god faith vote for the greatly mentally diminished by age Joe Biden and as the Democrat have pushed him to be a far leftist communist in my opinion in the current defined liberals as the socialist democratic party as I am a capitalist. i also note in my opinion State of Nevada Sen Harry Reid (D),Sen Dean Heller (R), Sen Catherine Cortez-Masto (D) and Sen Jacky Rosen (D) are totally partisans controlled by party without honor have been corrupt for 10 years no matter the party for Gov Sandoval, Esq. (R) and his NV AG Adam Laxalt, Esq. (R) were replaced by the corrupt Gov Sisolak (D) and his NV AG Aaron Ford, Esq. (D) and all its 4 members of Congress have been corrupt no matter the political party except Rep Shelley Berkley (D-NV4) who wrote the corrupt DOJ OIG lead by e corrupt William Horowtiz, Esq. to conduct an investigation.

As shown on no matter which party controls the Executive Branch of the USA as President and Attorney General ( Obama’s Holder-D, Lynch-D, or Trump’s Sessions-R or Barr-R)the pandemic corruption in Nevada and New Jersey increases as they protect the other political party which is why in the U.S. the Government is defined as THE UNDRAINABLE SWAMP.

April 30, 2020, My 6 page letter to President's Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB) and President's Intelligence Oversight Board (IOB) exposing the corrupt House of Representatives corrupt Adam Schiff,Esq. (D) Democrats and U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence chaired by Sen Richard Burr (R-NV) who is now under investigation for Stock trading using confidential U.S. Senate data and i as chair of the committee and Sen Mark Warner (D-VA), DOJ, and FBI directors Comey (D) followed by the corrupt Trump's FBI director Chris Wray, Esq. who is protected by the U.S. District Court District of Columbia Appellate Division’s Board of Professional Responsibility (BOPR) DOJ IG William Horowitz, Esq., NSF IG CIGIE vice-chair, U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee members chaired by Lyndsey Graham (R) ( ignore numerous Presidential National Security Executive and protected CIGIE as the President National Security Orders do NOT require intent to be a federal crime. Obama’s and Trump’s National Security Council, and State Department,by Honest Service Fraud, Conspiracy and Misconduct ignore them as well as the State Department DS’s K to assure protection of such activates ignored by U.S. Attorneys Holder (D), Lynch (D), Sessions (R) and Barr (R) as well as the Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Criminal Division under Obama and Trump known to State of Nevada Senators and Representatives and many others of both Democratic and Republican parties, THE ESTABLISHMENT and the news media for years which has a corrupt Public Integrity Section (PIN), Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), Pubic Corruption Unit (PCU) U.S. Attorney’s Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys (EOUSA), and U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC)

Noted in President Trump’s tweets:

FoxNews just doesn’t get what’s happening! They are being fed Democrat talking points, and they play them without hesitation or research. They forgot that Fake News CNN and MSDNC would’t let FoxNews participate, even a little bit, in the poor ratings Democrat Debates. Even the Radical Left Do Nothing Democrats laughed at the Fox suggestion. No respect for the people running FoxNews. But Fox keeps on plugging to try and become politically correct. They put RINO Paul Ryan (R) on their Board. They hired Donna Brazile ( corrupt CNN reporter and then acting DNC chair ) who provided the debate questions to Crooked Hillary' fraud donnabrazile Brazile (D) leak questions (and others who are even worse). Chris Wallace is nastier to Republicans than even Deface the Nation or Sleepy Eyes. The people who are watching FoxNews, in record numbers (thank you President Trump), are angry. They want an alternative now. So do I.

Watching FoxNews on weekend afternoons is a total waste of time. We now have some great alternatives, like OANN My own opinion is President Trump like the former corrupt Hillary Clinton both are primary examples of egomaniacs and both suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder — NPD - one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. I have been a registered Democrat for over 50 years and voted for Trump as she lied and violated National Security constantly and rigged the DNC against Sen Sanders as admitted by Sen Sanders and Sen Warren (D) and per Clinton, I and my family members are not only deplorables but irredeemables like tens of millions of citizens that voted for Trump. I tire of libel democrats and news media insulting tens of millions of U.S. citizens. My democratic family members will NOT vote for former VP Joseph Biden (D) but Donald Trump (R) who suffers from Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others as he now has called himself THE PERFECT PRESIDENT which he is obviously not since millions of U.S. Citizens of all political parties know he is rude, boastful ego maniac and it seems impossible for him to admit his many errors and false statements. My opinion of VP Joseph Biden, he has been taken over by the communist progressive socialist party as have the democratic party and his ramblings, lack of short term memory, incoherent thought processes suffers from a faster mental aging process which Trump does not show in his televised meetings with high level officials and other County leaders. Biden in my opinion shows advanced aging in his significant memory loss.

I believe if former VP Joseph Biden were elected President in the next 4 years his memory loss would result in substantial cognitive impairment nor do I agree with his now far left ideas that he now exposes as I believe the Democratic party should split with a moderate party and a communist democratic progressive party. I am a capitalist.

The Trump administration is also embedded with DEEP STATE Obama hold overs now finally being removed after 3 years by Trump as in fact the SWAMP, the Establishment, protects itself with a corrupt CIGIE, DOJ, FBI, INTEL and State Department known by his own Chiefs of Staff as shown on my certified affidavit under penalty of perjury signed April 22, 2020 published on to the excellent Acting Director of Intelligence Richard Grenell (R) who declassified parts of the prior classified reports. The FBI FOIA office has been corrupt under Obama and Trump administrations. Judicial Watch had to file dozens of law suits in the U.S. District Court District of Colombia against the corrupt FBI and State Department as they by Honest Service Fraud, Official Misconduct and being Accomplices after the fact willfully with specific scienter intent violated its official duty to provide such records in violation of Judicial Watch's civil rights by public officials to prevent detection and apprehension of a corrupt DOJ, State Department and Intel community under President Obama’s and Trump’s administrations with FBI director James Comey, Esq. followed the new corrupt FBI director Chris Wray, Esq. known by the U.S. District Court District of Columbia Appellate Division and corrupt CIGIE chair who is the DOJ OIG William Horowitz, Esq., federal Senators and Representatives of both political parties which include Sen Bernie Sanders (D), Sen Elizabeth Warren (D), Sen Kamala Harris (D), Sen Lindsey Graham (R), Sen Chuck Grassley (R), Sen Richard Burr (R), Sen Mark Warner (D), Rep Adam Schiff (D), former Rep Mark Meadows (D) now Trump’s Chief of Staff and others including all State of NV Senators and Reps Catherine Cortez-Masto (D), Sen Jacky Rosen (D), Rep Steven Horsford (D), Rep Dina Titus (D), Rep Susie Lee (D) and Rep Mark Amodie (R) and of course the pathetic Nancy Pelosi (D), Sen Chuck Schumer (D) and RINO and former Speaker of the House, Rep Paul Ryan (R) and also under Special Assignment from U.S. Attorney William Barr to the U.S. Attorney District of Connecticut John Durham

The DOJ protects FBI James Comey and Chris Wray and its FBI FOIA office that has for years constantly violated Judicial Watch’s FOIA civil rights Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 - Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law to prevent the detection and apprehension of dozens of corrupt federal officials and employees who have been protected by the DOJ, FBI,Intel Committees in House and Senate and others for years showing what the corrupt Rep Adam Schiff (D) and his fellow Democrats hide from the public in its years of investigations and fake news reported by the Press Judicial Watch Video April 24, 2020 - Need for Special Counsel as William Barr and DOJ will NOT investigate itself as shown in earlier letter to Barr and DOJ Criminal Division AAG

Hypocritical and Corrupt Federal Establishment

protecting itself as massive Violations of National Security and other laws Honest Service Fraud, Misconduct, Accrue Benefits by Engaging Criminal Conduct, Mail Fraud and Conspiracy in agreed pattern of criminal conduct in a repeated pattern with hundreds of Accomplices After The Fact engaged for years in massive cover-up of tax fraud, retaliation against witnesses as shown in in the State of Nevada and State of New Jersey defined as Racketeering are known by corrupt the United State's of America's U.S. District Courts, U.S. Senate and House of Representatives Oversight Committees, the corrupt Council of Inspector Generals on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), Office of Special Counsel (OSC), Government Accounting Office (GAO), U.S. Treasury, IRS, USPS OIG and Inspection Service and a series of corrupt officials at all levels of federal, corrupt State government using examples herein of the NV and NJ governments, county and municipal government under President Obama’s (D) then President Trump’s (R) U.S. Attorneys, DOJ, FBI Directors James Comey (D) followed by Chris Wray (R) and News Media as the Establishment, the SWAMP, protects itself under Democratic and Republican Administrations.

April 22, 2020, 9 page letter published on


April 17, 2010, 17 page letter published on to the corrupt State of Nevada Judicial Committee, U.S. Attorney District of Nevada, corrupt U.S. Attorney District of New Jersey, GAO FRAUD NET, NV Supreme Court Chief Justice, NV Judicial Committee and emailed to the press media, federal representatives and others.


Bloomberg News Report When the Center for Public Integrity ranked New Jersey best in the nation in 2012. Did you hear the latest joke about New Jersey? A Hoboken-based Bloomberg columnist wrote about the state’s top rank when the Center for Public Integrity the report. How did that happen? Easy. We bribed them.

Other enforcement agencies, State attorney general's Department of Consumer Affairs Board of Engineers, Board of Professional Planners, Board of Medical Examiners and Board of Psychological Examiners, and the corrupt Department of Community Affairs Government Record Council (GRC), State Ethics Committee, Local Government Services Division, Local Finance Board and Codes and Standards Division, Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Agriculture's State Soil Conservation Committee in a conspiracy with the Sussex County Prosecutor, Sussex County Soil Conservation District, Sussex County and Morris County Superior Court Assignment and other Superior and numerous Municipal Court Judges , Board of Chosen Freeholders, Sheriff, Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC, Dolan and Dolan PA, Borough of Stanhope and numerous municipalities in Vicinage X as the most corrupt Vicinage in New Jersey with corrupt State Senators and members of General Assembly for decades no matter which political party was President, U.S. Attorney nor Gov of NJ as shown by the ledger records of my complaints to the corrupt NJ Attorney General's Office of Public Integrity and Accountability protected by the corrupt Government Record Council, with its corrupt chair, and voting members being Commissioner of Community Affairs ( now also Lt Gov Oliver), and Secretary of Education, and series of corrupt Executive Directors and Case managers in more then 100 Open Public Record requests (OPRA) Denial of access complaints none with a hearing and also dismissed by FRAUD with fraudulent filed findings filed by the Executive director and approved by the GRC corrupt voting members and the GRC's many corrupt attorneys with the cooperation of the many corrupt NJ attorney General's Department of Law and Public Safety’ss Division of Law shown by a search of the State of New Jersey's GRC’ss own data bases below.

At least in the corrupt State of New York, some of its top corrupt officials being its Speaker of the General Assembly and Senate President were convict but in NJ, they are protected by the U.S. Attorney District of NJ, FBI and of course its other 40 State Senators and 80 members of its general Assembly under Gov Mc Greevey (D), Gov Corzine (D), Gov Christie (R) the most corrupt of them all, and Gov Murphy (D). The http"// the Port of NY and NJ is totally corrupt and where Gov of NY and Gov of NJ reward corrupt politicians as done by Gov Corzine making his corrupt campaign manager and commissioner of community affairs a high level paid PORT AUTHORITY officials and Gov Christie made his corrupt NJ Attorney General Paula Dow,Esq. its chief counsel then a Superior court judge and Sen Kevin O’s Toole, Esq. as Chairman who protected Gov Chris Christie,Esq. on Bridgegate during the Select Committee on Investigations of Bridgegate and others matters a high level position on the corrupt Port Authority of NY and NJ as two of Christie appointees thereon were both convicted and his own Deputy Chief of staff ONLY on Federal Criminal charges as not one State Title 2C indictment was made against anyone from NY nor NJ on Bridgegate - as all Attorney Generals in NJ under the last 4 administrations have been corrupt as have the Government Record Council with as voting members Cabinet level officials and other corrupt attorneys.


The massive corruption in the State of Nevada under the former Gov Sandoval (R) with his corrupt Attorney General Adam Laxalt, Esq.,, known b my newest corrupt U.s. Senator Jacky Rosen and by my current congressman Steve Horsford (D) who was previously voted out of office then re-elected after the corrupt Congressman Crescent Hardy (R) was voted out of office followed by the pathetic Congressman Kihuen (D) who did not run for reelection and was requested to resign by many Democrats because of his sexual harassment of his staff by the Democratic leadership as a result of his improper conduct, has been followed by the corrupt Gov Stephen F. Sisolak (D) administration with his corrupt NV Attorney General Aaron Ford, Esq. all protected by President Trump and his U.S. Attorneys Sessions and Barr and the series of U.S. Attorney District of Nevada, and his Special Prosecutions Branch and series of corrupt FBI Special Agents in Charge with his three supporting corrupt Assistant Special Agents in Charge protected by DOJ OIG and CIGIE chair the glorified yet corrupt William Horowtiz, Esq. and House and Senate Oversight Committees of both political parties called the corrupt Establishment. FBI in Las Vegas under Obama and Trump no matter who is the U.S. Attorney or FBI director Come followed by Wray.

done in Nevada with the corrupt Business and Industry Division, Nevada Real Estate Division, Las Vegas Police Internal Affairs Bureau (IAB), Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Citizen Review Board (CRB) with its executive director Andrea Beckman,Esq. , Better Business Bureau (BBB), and Nevada's Administrator of Courts Protect their corrupt communities by being Accomplices after the fact, Official misconduct, and provide dishonest fraud services known to the GAO FRAUD NET, USPS Inspection Service, U.S. Treasury and FBI Civil Rights Criminal Division as violations of 18 U.S. C. Sections 241 and 242 have been constant as also noted by the NV attorney General Catherine_Masto, Esq. now one of my corrupt Federal Senator of Nevada which is as corrupt as New Jersey,, , and the Legislators in the NV State's Senate and General Assembly as "the Establishment protects itself" as noted my 65 page letter to the corrupt Department of Justice's Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys

THE SWAMP in Whasington D.C., CONGRESS, WHITEHOUSE, U.S. Courts, U.S. Attorneys, CIGIE, NSC, OIGs, GAO FRAUD NET, FBI and the ELITE ESTABLISHMENT: Democratic, Republican, Green and Libertarian Political Parties and NEWS MEDIA

THE SWAMP exposed under President Obama (D) and President Trump (R) administrations as National Security Orders issued by President Clinton and President Obama which have the force of law and do NOT REQUIRE intent are constantly violated by "the elite" and ignored by the US Senate and House Intelligence Committees, US Attorneys Holder, Lynch, Sessions and Barr, FBI's Comey and Wray, and U.S. State Department's Undersecretary for Management and its Diplomatic Security Bureau Diplomatic Security Service Guideline K known by NSC members,, as Dishonest Fraud Services are constant and as th USA political parties are dysfunctional seeking power with narcissistic leaders as Hillary Clinton (D) and Donald Trump (R) seeking constant admiration, grandiose sense of self-importance. preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power,and brilliance and requiring loyalty to them by their staff rather then oaths of office with both demeaning U.S. citizens that have different opinions and view points, compounded by lies and fake news by political partisans.

April 11, 2020, filed evidence in my 17 page letter to Connecticut's Office of Attorney General John Durham, Esq. who is under special assignment by U.S. Attorney William Barr which will expose in a later criminal indictment the corruption of the President Obama's Department of Justice and FBI and other accomplices who engaged in Dishonest Service Fraud, Conspiracy, Official Misconduct, been Accomplices after the fact violated President Obama's and President Clinton's Executive orders on National Security which ave th force of law and DO NOT require intent to be a criminal offense and include, SF132 Non-disclosure agreement for access to classified materials, and Separation Agreement as the DOJ, Intel and State Department, many Democrats and Republicans in control of House and Senate Oversight committees continue a cover-up under both the Obama, Trump administrations, and the Establishment itself known to GAO FRAUD NET, news media coast to coast and U.S. District Courts District of Columbia in Thomas Caggiano v. FBI director Chris Wray and continue to be Accomplices after the Fact as U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lambert on May 2, 2020 issued his COURT ORDER Case 1:14-cv-01242-RCL Document 161 directing Judicial Watch can dispose the Hillary Clinton, her Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, who have been protected by the National Security Council (NSC) under Obama and Trump, Senate Judiciary Committee chair Lindsey Graham (R), U.S. Senate Chairman of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence State Department,

The corrupt Sen Richard Burr (R) who protects the corrupt Intel community, FBI and DOJ falsely stated: I want to thank Michael Atkinson for his service as the Intelligence Community Inspector General who protected the (corrupt) Whistle blower who filed a perjured report which started the Democratic fiasco to impeach President Trump with constant lies and dishonest fraudulent services,, lead by the corrupt Speaker Pelosi's, corrupt House Intel Committee chair by Rep Adam Bennett Schiff, Esq. (D-CA28), MSNBC, and the partisan mouth pieces in news media on the NY Times, Whasington Post, Pubic Broad Casting Network and other networks including expected Democratic Presidential Candidate and former Obama VP Joseph Biden who called Trump a xenophobic for imposing a travel restriction on person from China at the same time many other countries had done the same action to prevent their citizens from being infected with COVID-19 the outbreak source of COVID-19 which as killed thousands across the globe and cost Trillions of dollars in medical costs,and had via its pandemic adverse impacts world wide with its expanding causes of suicides, vast unemployment, PSTD and disrupting societies world wide.

The official corruption is wide spread n the Las Vegas Valley and State Gov in Carson City. Its many congressional representatives continue to be corrupt under Sandoval (R) and Sisolak (D) administrations during Obama and Trump administrations.,, and, exposed on in U.S courts, NJ,, and NV, , has been known my corrupt federal Senators and Congressman for years Sen Harry Reid (D), Sen Catherine Cortez-Masto (D) , Sen Dean Heller (R), Rep. Steve Horsford (D-NV4, Rep. Ruben Kihuen (D-NV4), Rep. Crescent Hardy (R-NV4), Rep Dina Titus (D-NV1), Rep Mark Amodei (R-NV2) and Rep Susie Lee (D-NV3). The former Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-NV4) wrote the corrupt DOJ OIG Horowtiz, Esq. to conduct a review of DOJ and FBI based upon my documented complaints with dozen of witnesses cited but was lied to by the DOJ OIG which continues with CIGIE to be corrupt under President Obama's U.S. Attorneys Holder and Lynch and Trump's U.S. Attorney's Sessions and Barr and corrupt FBI director Comey replaced by the corrupt FBI director Chris Wray, Esq. who previously got $3.2 Million from the State of NJ to protect the then corrupt Gov Christie (R) the former with corrupt U.S. Attorneys for Districts of Nevada and New Jersey. As I have met 37 different Police Officers in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson and their reports they prepare of State crimes are buried n records holding in all municipalities. In NJ over 50 Probable Cause affidavits were filed in numerous New Jersey courts by myself and my wife. Kathryn Caggiano, my wife, got 3 death threats and I one. I was then assaulted by NJ State Police 3 times. I was falsely imprisoned suffering body harm. Others State and municipal employees that requested investigations were also retaliated against. Superior and Municipal court staff reported their corrupt judges and prosecutors to the FBI and State police and were ignored. Petitions signed by 15 and 14 people requesting compliance with laws, site plans, Environmental laws, wetland permits, deed convents and restrictions were ignored as bribery, tax fraud, mail fraud, retaliation, conspiracy, racketeering is Standing Operating Procedure. False court documents were filed by the State and numerous municipalities, court records were tampered with and i have NOT been able to get copies of my own court records in more then a decade even as the NJ Supreme Court's Administrator of Courts Municipal Division directed the corrupt Mercer, Sussex and Morris County Superior Court municipal division managers to provide Thomas Caggiano copies of his own court records and in Nevada its Justice Court of Las Vegas under 17PO1335 Firstservice Residential (FSR) v. Thomas Caggiano to protect the very large multi-state community Management firm with its President Steve Parker and VP Corbin Seti and corrupt law firms Koch and Scow and , Home Owner associations (HOAs) Aliante Master Association (AMA) and Autumn Ridge at Aliante Community Association (AURI) as the President Michael Breault of both in the HOA meetings stated; HE WAS HONORED TO BE PROTECTED BY THE FBI and the State destroy court videos, refuse t produce transcripts as shown in the following documents known to the corrupt GAO FRAUD NET for years: and court video

In Las Vegas, when you speak to police officers that tell you to your face when you tell them the FBI in Las Vegas is corrupt say the same thing: Tell me something I don't now. When you speak t people and talk of corruption in government they all agree in disgust and as stated by the liar Trump who loved his corrupt friend and money bundler for the corrupt Chris Christie : NJ with his corrupt first assistant prosecutor Stuart Rabner,Esq. who became Gov Jon Corzine (D) corrupt Attorney General and the with the aide of the corrupt U.S. Attorney for NJ Chris Christie,Esq. (R) the corrupt NJ Supreme Court Chief Justice and his accomplice th Acting Administrator of Courts under numerous administrations Glenn Grant, J.A.D. protected by the corrupt NJ Senate President Sweeney (D) who in a coupe had Senate President Codey (D) removed by a Hudson River Democratic Coupe as Sen Codey (R), Sen Littell (R), Assemblyman Gregg (R) and Assembly woman Alison Littell Mc Hose (R), Federal Senator Frank Lautenberg(D)who was replaced by the corrupt former Mayor of Newark Cory Booker (D) and Congressman Frelinghausen (D) who was replaced by the corrupt as Vicinage X, Sussex and Morris counties are hives of corruption with corrupt Board of Freeholders, Mayor's, and Police departments, Superior and municipal courts. All these former federal representatives ave been replaced by corrupt politicians no matter the party. requested investigations. NONE have been conducted in 20 years of continuous fraud taht now continues under Gov Murphy (D) and his corrupt NJ AG Gurbir Singh Grewal, Esq.(D) who protected Christie as Bergen County Prosecutor and as NJ Attorney General as well as b the newly formed yet corrupt NV AG Office of Accountability and Public Integrity (OPIA) with the former corrupt FBI agent being its corrupt Director Eicher, Esq. of the Office of Public Integrity & Accountability, under the leadership of longtime federal prosecutor Thomas J. Eicher, handles all public integrity matters within the Attorney General’s Office and includes a team of experienced prosecutors and detectives from the Division of Criminal Justice and the New Jersey State Police. OPIA reports directly to the Attorney General to ensure the independence of sensitive investigations.

Over the last two years, he turned the Office of the ICIG around, restoring an important organization. I've appreciated his professionalism and responsiveness when working with the Senate Intelligence Committee on a wide range of issues and I wish him the best. fired OIG and Democrats , DOJ and State Department under both the Obama and Trump administrations under U.S. District Court Docket under not only the Obama administration but the Trump administration and includes a copy of my letter to Trump's new Press secretary Kayleigh McEnany which note my prior letter to Trump's Chief of Staff General Kelley, Pelosi, Schumer, U.S. Attorney Sessions and others which expose the corruption of the SWAMP which continues under William Barr, CIGIE chair and DOJ OIG William Horowitz, DOJ OSC, CIGIE's vice chair and OIG NSF Allison C. Lerner and corrupt FBI director Chris Wray now known to the U.S District Court District of Columbia's Appellate Division's Board of Professional Responsibility in m 33 page filing

April 6, 2020, filed complaint to Nevada's Office of Attorney General, Thomas Caggiano v. Aaron Ford, Esq., the State of Nevada's current corrupt Attorney General,

under Nevada's current corrupt Gov Steve Sisolak (D) the former chair of the corrupt Clark County Commission, as Aaron Ford, Esq. (D) replaced the corrupt NV AG Adam Paul Laxalt, Esq. (R), now Trump's chair of his State of Nevada's re-election campaign under the corrupt prior Gov Brian Sandoval, Esq. (R) administration, as Sandoval on Apr 4, 2020 is seeking the Presidency of the University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia Street, Reno, NV 89557, (775) 784-1110, as both corrupt administrations have been protected by a series of U.S. Attorney General for District of Nevada and FBI Special Agents in Charge under President Obama's administration with US Attorneys Eric Holder, Esq. and Loretta Lynch, Esq. and the corrupt former FBI director James Comey, Esq. and the President Trump's administration under US Attorneys Sessions and Barr, known to Trump's three Chief of Staff and Trump's General Kelly, Mick Mulvaney, and Rep. Mark Meadows, NV Federal Senators and Representatives and his new corrupt FBI director Chris Wray, Esq. as the undrainable swamp protecting NV and the infested State of NJ under Gov Mc Greevy (D), Gov Corzine (D), Gov Christie (R) and Gov Murphy (D) continues known by their respective State Federal Senators and Representatives, Congress's GAO FRAUD NET and U.S. District Courts in NJ, PA, NV, CA and Whasington D.C. called THE SWAMP, The Elite, The ESTABLISHMENT and of course both political partisan parties and their respective controlled news media with 65 pages of evidence provided the corrupt U.S. DOJ Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys.

Mar 31, 2020 filed complaint to DOJ OIG filed Thomas Caggiano v. DOJ FBI Deputy Assistant Director Michael A. Christman to corrupt DOJ OIG which protects the FBI in Whasington D.C., Nevada , New Jersey, West Virginia and Public Access Line.

Proof of Service to U.S. District Court District of Columbia of my 26 page complaint filed against the corrupt FBI director Chris Wray, Esq.

Received Mar 13, 2020 by the Appellate Court's Board of Professional Responsibility (BOPR) for violation of Codes of Ethics Rules of Professional Responsibility as dozens of attorneys in NJ are protected by the NJ Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE) and its corrupt District Ethics Committees and in the infested State of Nevada, attorneys are protected by the corrupt NV Bar Counsel. The filing published on includes massive evidence of not only federal and state crimes by dozens of accomplices which include judges and attorneys but also violation by CIGIE's chair and DOJ OIG's corrupt William Horowtiz, Esq. who protects the FBI in Whasington D.C., Nevada and New Jersey as known by dozens of U.S. Senators and Members of the House of Representatives, their oversight committees, White House, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Congress's corrupt U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) for massive fraud, waste and abuse as shown on and and other social media in tweets, blogs and other published news media called The SWAMP and Establishment.

TAKE NOTICE: also has several directories exposing fraud, retaliation such as following directories: Exposes corrupt Federal Senators and members of Congress
of continued corruption in the infested State of NJ under Gov Mc Greevy (D), Gov Corzine (D), Gov Corzine (R) and Gov Murphy (D) and all the NJ Attorney Generals as well as NJ's Chief Justice Stuart Rabner and his accomplice Glenn Grant, J.A.D. as well as the Advisory Committee on Judicial Discipline (ACJC) that protects judges and the Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE) that protects NJ over 100 corrupt attorneys at all levels of government and my many corrupt attorneys who protected them including all NJ's 40 State Senators and Members of the Assembly, series of U.S. Attorneys District of NJ and of course the corrupt FBI, DOJ, CIGIE and Whitehouse as well as the Press called THE SWAMP or the ESTABLISHMENT. Exposes a decade of corruption in the State of Nevada
A filing to the U.S. District Court of Columbia Appellate Division Board of Professional Responsibility against the corrupt FBI director Chris Wray, Esq. which includes the filing to the corrupt DOJ OIG William Horowitz,Esq. who is also the corrupt Chair to the U.S. Counsel of Inspector Generals for Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) under President Obama (D) and Trump (R) as well as U.S. Attorneys Eric Holder (D), Loretta Lynch (D) under President Obama and Jeff Sessions (R) and William Barr (R) under President Trump which protect other corrupt OIGs for the DOJ, FBI, State Dept, Intel, and others known by the OIG Office of Special Counsel OIG OSC and GAO FRAUD NET

A 22 page letter to Rep Meadows now President Trump's Chief of Staff exposing the corrupt NV Senators Cortez Masto, Esq (D), Rosen (D) and State of NV corrupt members of the House of Representatives as NV former Federal Senators and Representatives all knew of the vast corruption in NV and NJ noted in such letters as,,,, and

A 22 page U.S. District Court Appellate Div, U.S. District Court 3rd Circuit that covers West Coast and Hawaii, as the filing Illustrates the corruption of the Establishment for no matter who is President of USA, Obama(D) or Trump (R) their administrations and U.S. Attorney, US Attorney for NJ and US attorney for NV and the corrupt FBI director Comey or his corrupt replacement Chris Wray, known by CIGIE's chair and DOJ OIG corrupt William Horowitz, Esq. as the Establishment protects and honors their corrupt protector William Horowtiz, Esq. and Sen L. Graham (R) Trump's golfing buddy and chair of the corrupt US Senate Judiciary Committee Sen Grassley (R) chair of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee and lots of other Federal Senators NV's corrupt Cortez Masto (D), Rosen (D) and prior Harry Reid (D) and Sen Heller (R)as known by Sen Grassley (R) chair of the US Senate Finance Committee as well as the corrupt OMB director, the corrupt Office of Special Counsel for the SWAMP as stated by former Rep Stockman and former OMB director in his book is an undrainable SWAMP

All one need to drain the SWAMP is google '' and you get over hundreds of urls not only within and tis directories such as but in other social media by other persons using it or court videos, court transcripts, certified affidavits under penalty of perjury, photographs, listing of witnesses as relevant documentation per Federal Rules of Evidence in Published material in NEWS MEDIA as documentation of the corruption of THE SWAMP known to the corrupt CIGIE FOIA response 500 pages from CIGIE protects the both along with corrupt Democrats known by the corrupt CIGIE composed of 73 OIGs that report directly to the President the corruption and retaliation against a federal and state witness has contained for almost 20 years

U.S. District Court 3rd Circuit and corruption in New Jersey and Nevada in filings to U.S. District Appellate court and highest levels of Government. Federal, States of New Jersey and Nevada and 3rd and 9th U.S. District Court Circuits by Thomas Caggiano under Freedom of Press and Speech on, and other domains owned by Inside on the Outside in other counties.

Thomas Caggiano previously served in numerous civilian capacities for 30 years including elite U.S. Army Acquisition Corps was a Chemical Engineer, member of Comptroller Society, other scientific and journalist societies, a Project Manager's Division chief and major design and construction facility modernization program Engineering Branch chief, international contracts preparer and negotiator, major RDTE Command Policy branch chief, ACAT II Acquisition Business Manager for a Billion dollar program and lead a major Environmental Impact Study (EIS) team. Thomas Caggiano's background in published on and has been retaliated against with his wife and others for a total of 19 years for exposing corruption initially in NJ's Sussex County and for last 10 years after moving to the infested State of Nevada's Clark County

Open letter to the corrupt U.S. Attorney District of Nevada and FBI

To get immediate access to urls simply follow the above steps 1-2-3 1 -, 2 - enter as the search criteria and then start the search by clicking on enter. You will get images of letters to federal and state representatives in U.S. Attorney, CIGIE, DOJ, FBI, GAO FRAUD NET, federal Senators and Representatives, Court records, transcripts, Federal and State criminal codes violated, Codes of Ethics violations for judges Canons 1 and 2, numerous codes of Ethics violations for Rules of Professional Conduct against dozens of corrupt attorneys at all levels, corrupt States of Nevada and New Jersey, and audio recordings of corrupt courts in NJ and NV

Opinion A Certified mailed letter to the corrupt very large multi-state Community Management firm Firstservice Residential (FSR)- Nevada with its CONNECT system operated by its accomplice Firstservice Residential Florida operation in Hollywood, Florida as shown in my annotations with the Jan 2, 2020 letter I received from the State of Florida's Department of Business and Professional Regulations as its staff was extremely helpful when I thereafter telephoned them so I can file complaints the FSR Florida enterprise and its Connect System Superior Larry Souter as his accomplice in the FSR Las Vegas HQ is Corbin Seti, VP who is also the Aliante Master Associations (AMA) Regional manager as he conspired with others as shown in the court orders own exhibits exhibits filed by FSR's corrupt law firm Koch and Scow's Steve B. Scow, Esq and the main coordinator the then corrupt Regional Manager of AURI and now also its corrupt Community manager Joyce Winward t During a Feb 15, 2017 Las Vegas Justice Court ( Department 2 16PO1647 FSR v. Thomas Caggiano ) mediation session ordered by the corrupt Judge Joseph Sciscento among Patricia Battie, Mediation Specialist II, and the corrupt FSR attorney for FSR Nevada and its subsidiary the corrupt Reck Rock Financial Services RRFS Joyce Winward and Steve B. Scow, Esq. engaged in Dishonest Services Fraud 18 U.S.C. § 1346 , Conspiracy, Retaliation against a Federal and State witness and admitted in testimony before the corrupt judge they violated my Home Owner Association (HOA) as the Judge suggested I file criminal charges against FSR and its accomplices and also file a civil suit. I did met 37 different Police officers in teams some of them many times and in Las Vegas North Las Vegas and Henderson the Police DID file Case criminal event numbers but in each municipality all their complaints were buried by superiors as well as my complaints filed wit the Clark County sheriff Lombardo, his assistant Sheriff Charles Hank and others as well as my many detailed extensive complaints filed with the State of NV Attorney General Laxalt (R)followed by the equally corrupt Gov Sisolak (D) Attorney General Ford for in the State of NV enforcement agencies protect those they are to discipline in fraternities of self-protection all the complaints were buried without any a investigator was ever assigned similarly in NJ wherein over 50 Voluntary Case Affidavits were signed under oath per Rule 7:2 but no municipal court judge ever conducted any hearing and corrupt Superior Court Judges in Mercer, Sussex and Morris county dismissed everyone even though the corrupt Superior Court judge, like Judge Manahan, JSC i the corrupt Vicinage X of Morris and Sussex County are infested with corrupt municipal and county governments where racketeering fraud, official misconduct, dishonest fraud, mail fraud, tax fraud as been rampant for decades were NOT seen by the corrupt Assignment or other Superior Court Judge who dismissed them as the Mercer County Prosecutor emailed several CDS of evidence to the corrupt FBI Trenton Field office.

A Sussex County Superior Court criminal section staff member Kay Mack and the Town of Netcong's deputy municipal clerk Tania El both reported their corrupt Superior and Municipal court judges, prosecutors, and others to the corrupt FBI and also the corrupt State Police Official Corruption Unit as did others. The result was I got banned from going back to the State Police HQ in West Trenton, NJ as I and my Wife Kathryn who herself got three death threats which she and I reported to the corrupt Borough of Stanhope Police which I then got banned from telephoning or writing the Police or attending Open Public meetings herein I exposed the Borough's corruption to rooms full of people month after month.

as the borough then banned me from all Borough of Stanhope properties including its library and its municipal court for in NJ one files signed under oath before the court administrator complaints under penalty of perjury but they are all blocked without investigations by Police in Mercer, Sussex, and Morris counties and the City of Newark municipal court refused even to pride a black form for submittal for any Title 2c Crime or non-indictable office.

I got eventually banned by unconstitutional permanent court orders from every Structurein Sussex County, as I ave more rights in Cuba and Russia then USA as known by the UN and hundreds of others inciting my corrupt federal U.S. Attorneys Holder, Lynch, Sessions and Barr, the US Senate Judiciary and Finance Committees and CIGIE, the DOJ OIG, Public Integrity Section and Public Corruption Unit known by the corrupt DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility, NJ corrupt for decades now Chief Justice, former corrupt NJ attorney general, former corrupt U.S. Attorney District of NJ first assistant prosecutor Stuart Rabner">, my former corrupt Sen Harry Reid (D), Sen Heller (R), Rep Hardy (R) and others as the State of Nevada is as corrupt as the State of NJ for no matter who is Governor and Attorney General both States are criminally run syndicates protected by President Obama (D) and President Trump (R) and all their U.S. Attorney Generals and US District Courts in NJ, PA, NV and the Appellate Div for the 9th Circuit in San Francisco, CA, NV Sen Masto (D), Sen Rosen D and Congressman Horsford (D) in NV and of course the corrupt FBI.

by the corrupt Sussex county Board of chosen Freeholders, the corrupt Sussex County Counsel, the corrupt Sussex County Sheriff and the corrupt Assignment judge even from all pubic businesses, the County Park, Mc Donalds, the courts, my own house nor have any representative as we moved to the corrupt City of North Las Vegas as then the Attorney General Masto noted the federal crimes against me included 18 USC Setions 241 and Section 242 and as I was also assaulted by State Police three times, was falsely jailed for 85 days by the corrupt Joint Municipal court for the Township of Green, Township of Hampton, Township of Fredon and Borough of Andover by its corrupt municipal judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. a total felon also in the Joint municipal court of the Township of Stillwater, Borough of Sussex and T Township as were the Borough of Stanhope, Borough of Hopatcong, Town of Newton, Town of Morristown. Borough of Netcong, City of Trenton, City of Newark and many others..

I have been unable to get my own court records in New Jersey for over 10 years and in the State of NV.


See my filing with the corrupt U.S. District of Nevada, Justice Court of Las Vegas Department 2 lead by its corrupt Chief Judge Joseph Bonventure which was also served upon the corrupt Judge Joseph Sciscento, Koch and Scow, AMA and AURI, a 156 page summary published on Filing with US District Court District of NV Letter to State of NV Chief District Judge GONZALES Filing with Justice Court of Las Vegas Dept 2 Filing with State of NV Administrator of Courts Carson City, Nevada

Read how corrupt the Judicial System of the State of Nevada, as corrupt at the state of New Jersey, is as destroys court videos, not produce requested issued unconstitutional court orders NOT agreed to form or substance, and ignores that its own court orders that are willfully violated every month dismissing a Court Order issued by Justice of the Peace Pro Tem AGAINST FSR for a 17PO1335 FSR Service Contempt of Court hearing as three of five court videos was destroyed and no transcript made often last two court sessions even though ordered many times as Judge Sciscento dismissed FSR's TOP against me closing the case only verbally without any records of my many objections he ignored time after time and ignoring all Judicial Notices in written motions and supporting affidavits without even requesting what the objection was about violating court rules and all due process.

verbally dismissed his own unconstitutional court order Temporary Protective Order against Thomas Caggiano not allowing him to attend even executive Sessions if he had any violation which by Nevada State Law allowed Thomas Caggiano to have due process,confront FSR and its i by calling witnesses to appear and have witnesses nor even speak at any HOA meeting or attend any meeting as a false police report was entered into the record and repeatedly made to attempt by criminal coercion and its retaliation prevent Thomas Caggiano a publisher from publishing even opinions on social media, a modern way of communicating to others effectively.

TAKE NOTICE: and its many directories such as corruptjudges, corrupt, transcripts, pdf, clinton, nevada, PRESSRELEASE wherein the corruption of government and is even recognized as a published media by CIGIE as shown by CIGIE's own FOIA response published on which itself is corrupt as show by

Firstservice Residential - Nevada 's law firm is Koch and Scow and Steve B. Scow shown in the court video published on was corrupt under 16PO1647, 17PO1335 and thereafter being protected by NV Bar Council which never assigned any investigator against the three law firms that conspired together with the HOAs and the Court by Scow, Esq. and my fired attorney John Taylor Obald, Esq. as its corrupt FSR attorney was repeatedly told by the court it has no such authority yet by judical harassment in violation of U.S. Supreme Court case law such actions violated res judicata and collateral estoppel as prior restraints on freedom of the press and speech allow a person at all times to write, or speak their opinions especially when exposing the corruption of government adversely impacting an entire community or their protectors is protected speech.

The corrupt NV Bar Counsel leadership protecting 3 law firms and attorneys I have many useless filed detailed complaints against as illustrated by that was invalid on tis face but there is no court record of the case being closed is known by State of Nevada Carson Administrator of Courts operations and others as Tort Acts of Outrage, Omission, Breach of Official duty, emotional Distress.

corrupt State of Nevada's Department of Business and Industry's with director Terry Nichols, Marcel F. Schaefer Deputy Director, Southern Nevada and Leslie Olson Executive Assistant and media contact Teri Williams Public Information Officer (702)486-0407 as the Nevada Real Estate Division, 3300 W. Sahara Ave., Suite 350, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102, Phone: (702) 486-4033, Fax: (702) 486-4275 Common-Interest Communities (CIC) Ombudsman have been corrupt under the Gov Sandoval, Esq. / NV AG Laxalt,Esq. (R) and Gov Sisolak ( former corrupt Clark County Commission's chair replaced by my corrupt Clark County Commissioner Kirkpatrick District B - Read official minutes / NV AFT Ford, Esq. (D) administrations protecting R as the NV Bar Association has protected Aliante Master Association and Autumn Ridge's HOA law firm as well as the corrupt FSR law firm Knack and Scow for years including my fired prior attorney John Taylor Obald, Esq. of then Gold Spike Legal and now an attorney for T as the corrupt Committee on Judicial Discipline protects the corrupt judges in the Justice Court of Las Vegas Dept 2 and the Administrator of Courts t which I was directed by the ACJC or District Ethics Committee NV Supreme Court's law clerk, Chief District Bell's Law Clerk and the Justice Court of Las Vegas administrator which has protected the Judges, their law clerks and the corrupt court transcriber Shawn Ott as showing and as well as by the U.S. Attorney District of Nevada with its corrupt Special Prosecutions Branch, the corrupt President Obama selected FBI prior director Comey replaced by the President Trump's selected corrupt Chris Wray, Esq. both protected by the Counsel of Inspector General on Integrity and Efficiency's William Horowtiz, Esq. who in that capacity reports directly to the President of USA and is also the corrupt Department of Justice's corrupt Office of Inspector General ( OIG )protected by the SWAMP, the Democratically controlled Speaker of the House Pelosi (D) and Senate's President MC Connell (R)and their corrupt over sight commutes and their accomplice after the ACJC or District Ethics Committee fact 18 U.S.C. Section 3 criminal violation does NOT require any overt act, but violation of 18 USC Section 4 Misprision of Felony, Violations for Codes of Ethics by attorneys to maintain the integrity of the profession is about a profession that has little if any integrity . but instead of perform official duties or comply with oath of office and report crimes and other violations are why the SWAMP even exists at all .

being the GAO Fraud Net lead by - The ESTABLISHMENT protects itself.

Do NOT believe their rhetoric watch who is actually convicted or at least on criminal charges i suggest you do not believe the misleading farce in eh news media propaganda networks its all a dance - Ask where is the accountability. who went to federal prison, or what attorney had their law license revoked for violations of Codes of Ethics Rules of Professional Conduct? Well President William Clinton nor Hillary Clinton or her staff who destroyed hard drives, violated national Security orders signed by President Obama and President Clinton as violations of Executive orders and agreements t get access to classified data nor are the crimes noted on the Separation Agreement forms prosecuted against the highest levels forcibly the corrupt Establishment only the lowest people NOT politically connected in the USA conspiracy of Injustice noted on"> and my 65 page summary to the corrupt DOJ's Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys and Senate and the U.S. Attorney Office's Fraud Unit in Whasington D.C. A 21 page letter to corrupt Sen Jacky Rosen (D) NV - Received Jan 2,2020 letter to the corrupt Council of Inspector Generals on Integrity and Efficiency CIGIE composed of 3 OIGs that report directly to the President of USA and protect themselves, a series of U.S. Attorneys under President Obama (D) and Trump which includes the corrupt DOJ wit oversight of the corrupt FBI and State Department and other OIGs including a team of corrupt US Attorneys in District of New Jersey and Nevada also protected by eh U.S. Executive office of U.S. Attorneys, and Office of Special Counsel and corrupt accomplices FBI directors Comey and Wray which are Accomplices after the fact which does NOT require any overt act 18 U.S.C. Section 3 as in fact they are leaders of the corrupt criminal enterprise being the FBI under Obama and Trump not only in Whasington D.C. but the criminally run States in NJ and NV no matter if tis governor of Democrat or Republican as the Establishment protects itself. . Letter to the U.S. Attorney District of NJ and the corrupt accomplice the FBI HQ in Newark, NJ which as protected the last four Governors of NJ which include all their infested NJ Attorney Generals, Governors and the Record Council (GRC) which includes two corrupt Cabinet officials as voting members and filed wit corrupt attorneys and case managers as exposed on its own web site or googling " GRC"

as the new LT Gov Oliver (D) is also the corrupt Commissioner of Community Affairs and a voting member on the corrupt GRC along with the corrupt series of corrupt Commissioners of Education under its many corrupt Democratic Governors and tis most corrupt gov Chris Christie (R) and Bridgegate where not a single person was even charged with a Title 2C State Crime no any crime from the corrupt gov Cuomo (NY) as the Port of Authority of NY and NJ is a cease pool of political favoritism and cronyism and as noted in the following letter

I suggest you start with

For more data of the corruption in the SWAMP in Whasington D.C., Nevada and New Jersey and the U.S. District Courts in the 9th Circuit - west coast and the 3rd Circuit east coast controlled by Democrats enter the following URLS as m rent letter to the latest corrupt NV Gov Sisolak (D),, the former corrupt chair of Clark County Commissioners as my corrupt County Commissioner Kirkpatrick is now the chair of the Commission and its corrupt Clark County Treasurer was re-elected as I met her and her staff exposing the bribery, illegal accrual of benefits by dishonest service fraud, mail fraud, filing of false instruments to the County and State, tax fraud previously as noted in with his corrupt NV AG Aaron Ford, Esq. is published on as they replaced the prior corrupt Gov Sandoval, Esq.(R) with his corrupt NV AG Laxalt,Esq. (R) who now in charge of the President's Trump's re-election campaign for like in New Jersey in the State of Nevada both Democrats and Republicans protect one another in their SWAMPS at all levels of government as shown by the evidence in the published documentation court transcripts, court videos, audio recordings, the State of Nevada with its corrupt Nevada Real State Division with its corrupt CIC Ombudsman protecting corrupt Home Owner Associations (HOAs) and their very large multi-state community management firm Firstservice Residential (FSR) has been corrupt and protected for at least 9 years.

I uselessly met 37 Police offices in teams some several times in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson and filed extensive affidavits under penalty of perjury of State crimes to the corrupt NV AGs as known by the corrupt series of U.S. Attorneys District of Nevada and FBI under the Obama and Trump administrations:

Other links: US, NV and NJ corruption exposure -
NJ's decades of corruption -
Corrupt NJ Attorney General Gurbir Grewal

65 page Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys exposure -

Exposes federal Senators, Representatives and Oversight Committees politicians, Judges, FBI, US Attorneys and the SWAMP at all levels of government in two tiered system of INJUSTICE

and in corrupt U.S. DISTRICT COURTS:

and dozens of additional links, statements of fact, statements of law with certified affidavits signed under penalty of perjury willfully ignored by corrupt enforcement agencies and review boards such as in NJ the infested Government Record Council (GRC) with the corrupt Commissioner of Community Affairs, corrupt Commissioner of Education and other attorneys as voting members since its existence as noted by simply using its own search function and using as exact match Thomas Caggiano, corrupt Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct (ACJC) and corrupt Office of Attorney Ethics(OAE) and in NV called the corrupt Committee on Judicial Discipline )CJD) and State of NV Bar as other enforcement agencies protect their own such as in NJ Board of Engineers, Board o professional engineers, Department of Community Affairs Local Government Services, Board of medical examiners, Codes and Standards and Local Government Services ad in NV Nevada Business in Industry d/Division, CIC Ombudsman, Nevada Real Estate Division, Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, his assistant sheriff William Hank, Clark County Commissioners, Clark County Treasurer, Las Vegas police Internal Affairs Bureau, Civilian Review Board and others

Recent published records are:

The corrupt Democratic National Committee (DNC)
NV Democratic Reps

Complaint to the corrupt OIG State Department as the State Department wrote a false letter to Senate Finance Committee chair Sen Grassley protecting its corrupt criminal enterprise engaged in its structured enterprise under Obama and Trump with its corrupt Under Secretary for Management and Diplomatic Security Branch along with the corrupt National Security Committee (NSC), FBI OIG DOJ William Horowitz, Esq. and SWAMP:

with Dishonest Fraud Services in a continuing conspiracy to protect itself, Hillary Clinton, her Staff and the corrupt FBI under Comey, Esq. followed by the corrupt Chris Wray, Esq. known by the Council of Inspector Generals on Efficiency and Integrity (CIGIE) lead by the corrupt DOJ OIG William Horowtiz, Esq. under the Obama and Trump administrations known to U.S. Attorney Holder, Lynch, Sessions and Barr and Office of Management and Budget as its director is Trump's Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney.

The National Security Council and Intelligence agents are corrupt as reported to Sen Grassley published on http://thomascaggiano.con/USFINANCECOMMITTEE.pdf as includes signed SF132 forms to get access to classified data that states classified documents do NOT have to be marked and the person MUST comply with Presidential National Security Orders as both President William Clinton, Esq. who was disbarred for committing perjury but never charged with a crime by the corrupt Attorney General and is "loved by" by millions in the Democrat establishment along with his corrupt wife Hillary Clinton as they set up the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, now called the alleged scam foundation as a pay-to-play operation while she was Secretary of State getting millions so she could control the corrupt DNC and as admitted by Senator Sanders, Senator Warren both running for President with outrageous programs requiring tens of Trillions of debt and Democratic National Committee DNC chair Donna Brazile fired from CNN as she gave Hillary Clinton Questions in advance as the CNN moderator and has been hired by FOX NEWS as contributor as FOX NEWS also put the former corrupt Speaker of the House of Representatives http://thomascaggiano.con/RYAN.pdf Congressman Ryan (R) on its Board of Directors for that is why retired government officials are hired by lobbyist firms and news media as contributors and for access the same reason Hunter Biden was paid millions to be on a Ukraine company and got over a Billions for his control finance expertise by the Chinese. It's the way of doing business - like the Clinton Foundation's Pay to Play operations.

Donna Brazile, the former corrupt DNC chair is now a FOX NEWS Contributor admitted Clinton rigged the DNC election process.

At least the admitted Socialist Bernie Sanders who with AOC and his socialist party now wants to spend $ 2.5 Trillion on affordable housing, Trillions on the new Green Deal, give free college, Medicare for all, debt forgiveness of $ 1.3 Trillion in student loans, free medical insurance of illegal aliens and more. A least Senator Sanders unlike the corrupt liar Sen Warren who also complained about Hillary Clinton rigging the DNC admits to pay these Trillions in give aways will increase taxes on eh middle class and millions of high paying jobs will be destroyed in the oil, natural gas and insurance businesses that would collapse under his communist society of Government control.

Bernie Sanders (D)also states the USA must pay for massive increases in abortions of poor people all around the world to prevent Population growth because of climate change. Hillary Clinton stated that one half of U.S. Citizens that voted for Trump about 63 million, half or 31.5 million U.S. Citizens are deplorables and irredeemables.

Representative Gabbard (D) voted present on the malicious Pelosi lead partisan vote on impeaching Trump as Gabbard told it like it is: "Hillary Clinton is the personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long"

President Obama and President Trump control the corrupt executive branch as shown below:

You can read how the corruption in the infested State of nevada grows and thrives based upon the extensive published records and urls in and Then review an extensive listing of data links, more detailed summary of U.S. District Courts, the corrupt Gov Sisolak (D) the former corrupt Chair of Clark County Commissioners ( think Casinos ) now chaired by my corrupt District B Commissioner Marilyn Kaye Kirkpatrick with his corrupt NV Attorney General Aaron Ford, Esq. and before that the corrupt Gov Brian Edward Sandoval (R) who is now MGM's Resorts first president of its global Gaming Division as MGM seeks licensing in Japan which will award lucrative Gaming licenses to 3 corporations next year as his corrupt NV Attorney General (AG) Adam Laxalt, Esq. (R) who now leads President Trump's State of Nevada's re-election team.

In the infested State of New Jersey (NJ) its current corrupt Gov Phil Murphy (D) with his corrupt NJ AG Gurbir Grewal, Esq. (D) who was the former corrupt Bergen County Prosecutor who protected the corrupt Port Authority of NY and NJ administrators also protected b Gov Cuomo (D) NY and gov Murphy D) of the corrupt Gov Chris Christie (R) administration for neither State Attorney General filed any State criminal charge against anyone on Bridgegate as Christie's administration and his Port authority appointees and Christie's deputy Chief of Staff shut down lanes on the George Whasington Bridge in retaliation against the Democratic Ft Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich for not supporting Christie's (R) Gov re-election bid as the democrats abandoned their own scarified Gov Nominee to rally around Chris Christie (R) so Christie could then have a better run for President of the Untied States of America for after it was obvious the corrupt Christie could not win and Republican nomination he teamed with Trump to go after Trump's presidential competitor Marco Rubio FL-R ( Senator of Florida ) as Christie sought a high level position in the Trump administration such as Attorney General or Chief of Staff. Instead Trump selected the corrupt Senator Sessions as his first corrupt U.S. AG replacing the corrupt President Obama's corrupt Attorney Generals older (D)followed by Loretta Lynch (D) as the protected the corrupt yet protected Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Esq. who lost to Obama in her first Presidential bid. She and her infamous husband Bill - Blue Dress Monica Lewinsky - Clinton, Esq. who was never even indicted on felonies that the Special prosecutor noted in his report is honored even as his law license was evoked while as stated by Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D) who the pathetic liar and egomaniac Hillary Clinton, Esq. who still thinks she won the Presidential election over Trump as he won 30 States and the Republic of the United States of America's Presidential election for the U.S.A., which is NOT a democracy on purpose, is not elected by popular vote as the fore fathers were aware the rise of political parties would as stated by Ben Franklin destroy the constitution of the U.S.A. in 200 years and as stated in George Whasington's Farewell address, a solemn warning about the extreme partisanship brought by the rise of political parties would foster such as partisan efforts as done by the Democrats under Pelosi who by fraud launch and impeachment inquiry wit absurd rules giving the corrupt Intelligence Committee, not the Judiciary committee, Adam Schiff, unilateral powers as the vote to enable the impeachment inquiry was not supported by one Republican including two democrats and a censure motion against the lying Adam Schiff was signed by all republicans for his partisanship obvious hatred of Donald Trump along with Pelosi who stated she wanted to see Donald Trump in Jail

p>The censure resolution is published on http://"

Adam Schiff, who states he never met the alleged whistle blower whose name is listed in the transcript in a question posed by but his staff admitted his staff met the whistle blower, identified as man parties as a Biden and democratic assess as Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul named the alleged whistle blower Eric Ciaramella and called for him to testify as part of the impeachment hearings. Ciaramella's attorney Mark Zaik, Esq. tweeted:

a "coup has started" and that "impeachment will follow ultimately."

I predict CNN will play a key role in real Donald Trump not finishing out his full term as president

We will get rid of him, and this country is strong enough to survive even him and his supporters

called a Russian Assets as Clinton also called Trump a Russian Asset and Jill Stein of the Green Party. Seems anyone that dislike Hillary Clinton is a Russian asset no matter which party or worse of the 62 million taht voted for the the narcissist Donald Trump to DRAIN THE SWAMP noted Clinton in reply taht Hillary Clinton was: You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain.

both corrupt attorneys were totally corrupt as the Clinton's set up the infamously corrupt Pay-to-Play Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation,their private Foundation getting millions from foreign governments. VP Biden who was assigned the key Obama point man in th Ukraine and China of course for lobbyist sake his done without any experience got a $50,000 job in a known corrupt gas comny in Ukraine called Burisma after traveling on Air Force 2 with his father Hunter Biden got a Billion dollar investment from China. As they say: it's not what you know - it's who you know -- it's called access or in U.S. revolving door as Senators and members of Congress and White house executive join major lobbyist and large law firms.

Gov Christie (R), Gov Corzine and gov Mc Greevy (D) all corrupt Democrats with a series of corrupt Attorney Generals.

To understand how such massive corruption exits one needs to look at the U.S. Attorney Generals:
a. corrupt Government officials, history of retaliation in Nevada and before taht the infested State of Nevada on Corruption in Nevada Courts An example: Justice Court of Las Vegas, Nevada- Dockets 16PO1647 followed by and even more corrupt example on 17PO1335 Firstservice Residential FSR v. Thomas Caggiano with the corrupt Justice Court of Las Vegas Dept 2, Judge Joseph Sciscento and its Chief Judge Joseph Bonventure protected by the Committee on Judicial Discipline (CJD) in a similar manner that he State of NJ's Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Discipline (ACJC) protect NJ judges from Codes of Ethics Judicial Canons 1 and 2 violations, Federal and State criminal code violations in a continuing conspiracy no matter the political party in office as the corrupt Gov Sandoval (R) and NV AG Laxalt administration was replaced by the corrupt Gov Sisolak (D) administration with NV AG Aaron Ford, Esq., known by Las Vegas news papers, the US Government's Office of Management and Budget as its is acting President Trump's Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney. The SWAMP is protected by the highest levels of not only the State Government being its Governor and Attorney General but federal and state legislative representatives, enforcement agencies and courts. and their law clerks, with a corrupt court transcriber Shaun Ott who refuses to make transcripts as the Justice Court of Las Vegas Department 2 protected by the Carson City Administrator of Courts http://" destroyed its last two court videos and the court filing itself contained a fraudulent Las Vegas Police report affidavit and email showing who within the corrupt very large Community Management firm the conspiracy and racketeering, mail fraud, tax fraud, perjury, bribery, retaliation, unconstitutional court orders, violations of Res Judicata requesting prior restraints against Thomas Caggiano violating his U.S. and NV Constitution rights to published opinions, matters of fact, matters of law and describe the corruption under Freedom of Speech has been requested by the corrupt FSR via its attorney Steve B. Scow, Esq. repeatedly and the Court has repeatedly denied such requests which in fact was address by the U.S. Supreme court as massive violations of such freedoms. But the repeated actions also violated on 17PO1335 and 16PO1647 subordination of perjury, retaliation against a Federal and State witness continues. In addition to a series of AURI community manager since 2010, the corruption only continues for even in both HOA meetings the corrupt President of both HOAs Michael Breault Sr. Stated: He is honored to be protected by FBI as they have been protected by the Gov Sandoval (R) administration and the Gov Sisolak (D) administration as both Sisolak and Aaron Ford, Esq. his attorney general have been aware of the corruption in Nevada for years as well laws others as shown on which is so very corrupt the FBI in Las Vegas has permanently banned me from going to the corrupt FBI in Las Vegas ,NV headed by FBI SAC Aaron C. Rouse, Esq. with its assistant SACs Frank Cucinotta, Michael Hickok and Ray E. Johnson, 1787 West Lake Mead Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89106-2135 (702) 385-1281. Per federal code 18 U.S.C. §4 Misprision of Felony - one must report apparent felonies to the FBI. this can also be done by using the FBI tip line reporting system on or telephoning the FBI in your area but this transfers you to the corrupt FBI public Access line, make sue you ask for their operator number for in may case when I attempt to report a federal crime most of eh operators simply hang up on your as you are attempting to report the federal crime. The FBI is protected by the Department of Justice's office of Inspector General William Horowtiz, Esq. who is also the chair of the corrupt Council of Inspector Generals on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) composed of 73 OIGs that report directly to the President of the United States. Under President Obama and President Trump CIGIE and DOJ OIG being William Horowitz has been corrupt which explains why U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch and Jeff Sessions, FBI director Comey, Deputy FBI director Mc Cabe and the current corrutp FBI director are protected being Chris Wray Esq.. who se firm got $3.2 Million dollars to protect the most corrutp governor in NJ history Chris Christie,Esq. and his cabal of corrupt former US. Attorneys fro District of New Jersey taht then after Jon Corzine (D) spent $100 million to be re-elected lost because he gave his girl fired, the union president a $1 Million dollar apartment and conspired directly with her against the Union. U.S. Attorney District of NJ Christie's corrupt first assistant prosecutor was Stuart Rabner who became Jon Corzine's chief counsel then NJ corrupt Attorney General then because of Christie and Corzine the corrupt NJ Chief Judge of its Supreme Court and as the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is a political payback machine for Gov Cuomo and Governors of NJ for the corrupt gov Corzine gave his corrupt Commissioner of Community Affairs Susan Bass Levin, Esq. who directed both the corrupt Codes and Standards Department and the corrupt Government Record Council GRC that has protected not only the Borough of Stanhope and other municipalities but eh corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor initially David Weaver, Esq. replaced by other corrupt prosecutors as the Congressional District and State Legislative district 24 has been corrupt for decades with its corrupt board of chosen Freeholders, Sheriff, Counsel and former corrupt members now members of NJ Assembly as shown on as the Vicinage X is a racketeering enterprise for Morris and Sussex Counties protected by the FBI in Woodland Park, NJ, the corrupt NJ Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE) and corrupt Assignment judges in Sussex, Morris and Mercer Counties. The corrupt Susan Bass Levin, Esq. was made a member of her departments Local Government Services' Local Finance board to get retirement benefits and a high paying job on the corrupt port authority if NY and NJ. the corrupt Paula Dow, Esq. was made Christie's corrupt Attorney General then given a job as Chief Counsel on the Port Authority of NY and NJ then Gov Christie nominee his first corrupt NJ Attorney General to be made a Superior Court judge but when Sen Codey, Sen Gill and Sen Rice all objected, as Sen O'Toole via the Assignment Judge Costello, A.J.S.C. tried to influence two other judges up for tenure taht if hey did not support Paula Dow, Esq. Christie's first corrupt NJ Attorney General followed by all his acting and State confirmed NJ AGs to be a Superior Court judge their careers would be ruined simply by Gov Christie not nominating them for tenure. After Sen O'Toole (R) efforts failed, then Gov Christie simply had Paula Dow,Esq. appointed as a judge in a different district. Sen O'Toole, Esq. also lead Christie's defense on the Select Committee Investigation on Abuse by Christie as Republicans block its investigation efforts and Sen O'Toole, Esq. was rewarded with the high level position on the corrupt Port Authority of NY and NJ as neither any government official filed any Title 2C criminal charge against anyone in NJ nor did any official on the corrupt Port Authority of NY and N, nor anyone from NY file any State criminal charge affidavit as the corrupt U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch, Esq. was the made the corrupt US Attorney Ref: and reporting federal crimes and seeing any Special Agent while its FBI public Access line which received telephone calls from an person has in effect banned me from complying with U.S laws 18 U.S.C. Section 4 Misprision of Felony as every person in the USA that become aware of a federal crime by law MUST report it t other FBI otherwise they themselves are committing a federal crime. Las, codes of Ethics for judges and Attorneys do not matter to U.S. District Court Judges, State Supreme Court, Superior and municipal court judges in Nevada nor New Jersey nor California nor Eastern District PA. See http;//,, http;//, and http;// as examples.

Steve Parker the FSR President, Corbin Seti FSR's corrupt VP; he is also the corrupt Community Manager for AMA and supervisor of the corrupt FSR's Florida operations with its corrupt Supervisor Larry Souter called the CONNECT SYSTEM who refuses to provide me copies of my more then 5 pages of complaints in dozens of telephone calls I made concerning tis corruption as well as the HOA's Board members. The corrupt President of both HOAs is Michael Breault Sr. with his accomplice Stanley Wright. The HOAs corrupt law firm is the corrupt FSR law firm's Koch and scows' Steven B. Scow, Esq. as he is the corrupt attorney for FSR and its corrupt collection agency Red Rock Financial services RRFS for the corrupt Home Owner Associations (HOA) Aliante Master Association (AMA) and its corrupt sub-association Autumn Ridge at Aliante Community Association AURI as the corrupt HOAs law firm is Leach Kern Gruchow Anderson Song as you will get U.S. District Court filings, court videos, Certified Affidavits, and urls to numerous corrupt federal, state, county and municipal criminal organizations including corrupt law firms for the corrupt State of Nevada a Major multi-state Community management firm Firstservice Residential (FSR) is protected by the FBI, NV AG, Police Departments in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson, Clark County Commissioners, Sheriff, NV Bar Association, Nevada Real Estate Division as the corrupt Judges Bonaventure and Sciscento in the Justice Court Dept 2 are protected by the Commission on Judicial Discipline for in NJ the Advisory Committee on Judicial Discipline with its corrupt executive director Glen Grant, J.A.D. who is also the corrupt Administrator of Courts protects judges and court staff as the NJ Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics and its District Ethics Committees protect corrupt attorneys as the series of NJ attorney Generals under Corzine (D), Christie (R) and Murphy (D) administrations protect everyone from Title 2C State criminal indictments as shown by Bridgegate not one person was indicted on any State criminal charge per the corrupt NJ enforcement agencies Bridgegate the closing down lanes on the George Whasington Bridge in retribution against the Mayor of Ft Lee a democrat who did not support most corrupt gov in NJ's history Chris Christie, Esq. (R) by the corrupt Hudson Review democrat machine and corrupt Port Authority of NY and NJ>

Watch the corrupt Justice Court of Las Vegas in action on 17PO1335 FSR v. Thomas Caggiano via the corrupt Judge Joseph Sciscento and the corrupt attorney for FSR Koch and Scow LLC of Henderson, NV Steven B. Scow, Esq. on the Court video

The Justice Court of Las Vegas court records on 17PO1335 and last two sessions were destroyed by the court, the corrupt court transcriber Shawn Ott refuses to make transcripts, my attorney John Taylor Obald Esq. was fired, embezzled funds and refused mediation to return my records while in the corrupt State of NJ the NJ Supreme Court's Administrator of Courts municipal division directed the corrupt Sussex, Morris and Mercer Count Superior Court municipal division managers to get my court records from numerous corrupt municipal courts as all ignored the directive as I have not been able to get my own court records which included over 50 Probable Cause affidavits signed under penalty of perjury with extensive witness lists filed in many corrupt municipal courts per R 7:2 none which had any hearing before any corrupt municipal judge and all were dismissed by their County corrupt Superior court judges. Similarly the corrupt Government Record Council GRC which s been corrupt for over 12 years under Corzine, Christie and Murphy administrations in NJ denied by Dishonest Fraudulent Services and Conspiracy to give aide to other State, County and municipal governments and to prevent their apprehension and detection over 100 denials of access without conducting any hearing and without any in-camera reviews as it protected the Office of gov, Sussex County Prosecutor, Stat Police and numerous municipalities by Fraud.

Red my request for reconsideration to the corrupt GRC as it took over 2. 5 years to put my complaints on its agenda for Thomas Caggiano v. Office of Gov of NJ and wrote 3 fraudulent findings in Nov 2018 for Complaints 2015-276, 2016-68 and 2016-83 to protect the Establishment. U.S. Attorneys Eric Holder,Lynch,Sessions, the Council of Inspector Generals on Integrity and Efficiency CIGIE
FBI director Comey, and his corrupt replacement Chris Wray,Esq. known by U.S. Attorney Nominee William Barr,Esq.

This public record is an opinion published under Freedom of the Press by the registered publisher Inside on the Outside and includes tiered referenced files, court videos, audio recordings, images on its directories which are: COURT, corruption, corruptjudges, transcript, COURT, pdf, CLINTON and nevada Download or view this 190 plus page summary via

Thomas Caggiano
7086 Arcadia Glen Court
North Las Vegas, NV 89084
Home telephone: 702-586-6768
Fax 702-297-6504
Cell 973-945-0480

Government Political Parties are excessive partisan as President Trump correctly stated: The Establishment protects itself. I had voted Democratic for over 50 years and was a Sanders delegate but as shown by the Wikileaks as the emails were never denied to be accurate by any Democrat as the corrupt Democratic National Committee (DNC) was totally corrupt and with its Super Delegates, paid lobbyists and members of The Establishment under took to destroy Bernie Sanders who in fact won 20 States and in the State of nevada, trounced Clinton in all Counties but one Clark County winning those other counties by 80 to 20 as the Rust belt turned against the Democrats turning from Blue to Red as most of her Electoral votes came from California, New York and New Jersey as the GOP picked up about a thousands State, County and municipal elections as it was a total debacle fro the Democrats.

President Trump, an outsider like President Reagan, correctly said: Clean out the swamp...

He had the largest change allowing undocumented immigrants to become Green Card holders and if they did not have any criminal issues in the past or after registering in 18 months became citizens of the USA. How corrupt is the Establishment now that moderates have left in disgust for compromise on anything is treated as treason by the extremely partisan politics that George Whasington warned the County about in his farewell address as did Ben Franklin. including the Judiciary Branch and Congress that can't agree on anything and almost all votes are party line votes? Totally.

Read my 41 page filing to the WHITE HOUSE, U.S. Attorney Sessions, other cabinet officials and the Minority leaders of the Senate Schumer and the House of Representative Pelosi on

Like all Government organizations, the party or judiciary branch circles the wagons to protect the power structure and throws the lower level subordinates under the bus.

To read how corrupt the courts are in Nevada, NJ and US Courts are read my filing in the corrupt Justice Court of Las Vegas Township, County of Clark, State of Nevada, before Judge Joseph S.Sciscento on Docket Docket 16PO1647 Firstservice Residential, Nevada,LLC v. Thomas Caggiano on

Take a look at the closing of the George Whasington Bridge by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. NO person in New York nor New Jersey was charged with any State crime by any official or police officer in NY, NJ nor did the corrupt Port Authority file any State charges.. To the corrupt Gov of NY Cuomo(D) and corrupt Gov of NJ Christie (R) Bridgegate never happened. False traffic studies, lies, tens of thousands impacted, criminal disbursement of funds, and not one person has been charged with any State crime. No one. Bridgegate never happened as far as the attorney generals of NY and NJ are concerned.

Some examples are the corrupt New Jersey Gov Chris Christie, now thrown out of President Elect Trump's transition team and Bridgegate for NOT one person in NJ or the corrupt Port Authority of NY and NJ has been charged with any State crime.

On Clinton violations in the Clinton Foundation, her aides having three conflicting jobs at once and multiple billings them for same hours, for having 13 devices that were unsecured having classified and sensitive information violating President Obama's and President Clinton's Executive orders on National Security and having Secretary Kerry not enforce nor his corrupt under secretary of management Patrick Kennedy nor its Diplomatic Security Branch and Obama's corrupt National Security Council along with the Democratic party and liberal news media enforce its own Guideline K concerning yearly mandatory reviews on Information Technology security compliance as President Obama knew Clinton did NOT have a government secured email address as he used a phony email address himself 18 times to communicate with Hillary Clinton on her non-government email accounts and U.S. Attorney Lynch met former President Clinton on our jet as Lynch blocked an investigation of the Clinton Foundation that made that family rich with over $120 million dollars in speaking fees and billions of dollars put by foreign governments into their own personal piggy bank which is not a charity but used by the Clinton's and her staff to travel the world in private jets, stay in Presidential suites and live like royalty on their international travels getting millions in Speaking fees.

The ignored Presidential Executive orders by media, the Democrats and the National Security Council are published on:

My letter to the corrupt Chief Justice of New Jersey's Supreme Court Stuart Rabner, the former corrupt NJ Attorney General and former corrupt U.S. Attorney District of NJ under the corrupt U.S. Attorney Christie who was replaced y he corrupt Paul Fishman, Esq. with his gang of felons such as now NJ Lt Gov and secretary of State, press spokesperson, numerous Cabinet level positions, et. al. and his long time accomplice the Acting Administrator of the Courts and executive director of NJ's corrupt Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC which is filled with retired judges and attorneys that protect Judges, Court staff and attorneys also by violating 18 U.s.C. Section 4 Misprision of Felony, 18 U.S.C. Section 1346 violates Honest Services Fraud Act, 18 U.S.C. Section 2 Conspiracy, Codes of Ethics Rules of Professional Conduct 8.3.a and 8.3.b. and give aide to others with their conduct and their court rules designed to aide others in commissions of federal and state crimes N.J.S.A. 2C:5-1.c to obstruct the administration of law and other government functions N.J.S.A. 2C:29-1.a in a structured governmental enterprise in a repeated pattern of official misconduct in agreed upon criminal activity and pattern of racketeering N.J.S.A. 2C:41-1.1.c and d(2)

Letter to the State of Nevada's Gov Sandoval concerning the corruption that is wide spread among his executive branch along with Las Vegas Metro Police and its courts that protect the corrupt Autumn Ridge at Aliante Master Association, the Aliante Master Association, the Nevada Real Estate Division, the Business and Industry Department and the State of NV Attorney General that protects them all along with the corrupt U.S. Attorney Lynch, the CIGIE, DOJ and FBI Director Comey and FBI Special Agents in Las Vegas, Whasington D.C., Newark, Woodland Park and Hamilton, New Jersey along with U.S. Treasury , IRS, US Post Master General Inspection Service other government organizations, and

A 50 page compilation of documents published by Inside on the Outside

dated Jun 19, 2016 is a compilation of government records from 2003 through Jun 2016 that exposes the total corruption of government at all levels coast to coast A 35 page filing with the corrupt Shared Municipal Court of the Borough of Hopatcong and Borough of Stanhope requesting additional court records NOT provided with massive evidence using government documents proving a conspiracy involving hundreds of government officials, employees, judges, attorneys, professional engineers, planners and more A Nov 4, 2016 filing with the corrupt Morris County Superior Court o Docket SSX-C-21-15 Township of Wantage v. Thomas Caggiano to Judge Brennan, PJ.Ch. who replaced the corrupt Superior Court Judge S. Hansbury, PJ. Ch. who retired but issued a court order without jurisdiction violating my U.S. Constitutional Civil Rights by fraud as Thomas Caggiano was NOT even notified of the corrupt Judge Hansbury's revised Trial date until AFTER his conspiracy with Senator Lesniak's corrupt law firm Weiner Lesniak LLP gave criminal aide to the infested Township of Wantage, Sussex County and submitted false filings to the U.S. District Court, Sussex County Superior Court, Morris County Superior Court and Government Record Council. The corrupt State of NJ Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics and tis corrupt District XB have not assigned a Docket number in over four months and the corrupt GRC has not placed two denial of access complaints on its agenda in four months; as they protect the attorneys and the municipality in a continuing conspiracy of fraud, official misconduct. The corrupt Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC was provided an Ethics Complaint against the Assignment Judge, General Equity Judge Hansbury, PJ CH, the presiding municipal court judge and the corrupt Judges for the Township of Wantage Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. who retired and as replaced by the corrupt Glenn Gavan, JMC who was never appointed by the Gov nor confirmed by the Senate in direct violation of the NJ Constitution and State Statutes as he refused to provide copies of my own court records and has like Judge Dana, JMC ignored all motions for years. The corrupt municipal prosecutor Dolan and Dolan PA, Newton, NJ William Haggerty, Esq. was also referred to the corrupt District XB and they sent the complaints without docket numbers to their accomplice the State of NJ Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE) which as not assigned an investigator nor even a docket number in 4 month as the cover-up continues. The Supreme Court's Administrator of Courts municipal division directed the Morris, Sussex and Mercer County municipal division managers (MDM) to get me copies of my own court records denied Thomas Caggiano, the defendant, for over 5 years and report the criminal conduct to the County State prosecutor and Local Police but they are corrupt.

like the Gov of NJ Christie, his Lt gov and Secretary of State Kim Guadagno,Esq., the Government Record Council GRC) and every assistant attorney for the corrupt NJ Attorney Generals under Jon Corzine and Chris Christie as they are protected b the corrupt U.S. Attorney Lynch, DOJ, FBI and lots more in a corrupt ESTABLISHMENT that circles the wagons and retaliate against witnesses or those requesting investigations.

The corrupt GRC is known by the NJ Attorney General

Whereas the U.S. Attorney Lynch, FBI director Comey, last 7 Attorney Generals of NJ under Gov Jon Corzine and Chris Christie are corrupt as well as the State of NJ Supreme Court's ACJC, OAC, OAE and DRB, and as the FBI will NOT released under FOIA its response to my FOIA request which I agreed to pay as stated in the FBI letter of Feb 23, 2016 which the FBI sent ONLY after the OGIS telephoned the FBI was made March 26, 2015. The current estimated delivery date is since it is "in the agency's complex queue per the OGIS email of Jul 1, 2016 is NOT expected to be available until noted in my useless appeal to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Information Policy, Suite 1030, 1423 New York Avenue, NW, Whasington DC 20-530-0001 June 11, 2-16 letter from OIP Appeal No. DOJ-AP-2016-003363 as while the FBI stated my FOIA request is in process, the National Archives Office of Government Information Services contacted the FBI on my behalf based upon my voice mail and provided the following information:

My FOIA request which I agreed to pay the cost and provided a check which was returned has 132 large queue requests ahead of mine and I should expect the response on April 21, 2018 which is 1,123 days after I agreed to pay or 3 years and 27 days. This delay is expected to increase much further as Congress passed and the President signed a FOIA reform Act which required the FBI to prepare a portal wit the Government, added ability of thousands of more FOIA requests to be submitted and in the law specifically DID NOT added any funding which will only case more delay: In effect, the only true change to FOIA was The only change is to FOIA's Exemption 5, which exempts from disclosure of inter agency or intra-agency memorandums which would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with the agency. and requires a new federal government wide portal and retains Congress long standing practice of exempting itself from FOIA.

TAKE NOTICE for your benefit those that exempt themselves from FOIA are NOT exempt from Common Law rights of Access but expect to go to a U.S. District Court and submit a Show Cause motion against the member of Congress or other State legislative representative that exempt themselves from a State Open Public Record act. Also note while emails must be retained if prepared by a federal official or employee that is NOT true in States which have their own laws for in the State of NJ it does require retention for emails but that law is NOT enforced and in the State of Nevada the State officials are NOT required to retain emails. So it depends on your State.

So much for improvements in transparency hailed by the politicians for in effect the only output is political rhetoric some historic change was made. The only thing done is to continue Congress' exemption and not provide any additional funds to make a portal nor process the thousands of new FOIA requests expected. Expect the FOIA new portal system that allows easy access to generate tens for thousands of FOIA requests and time lines to only increase. Perhaps I might get my response in 3 years ahead of schedule

Congress, on a bipartisan basis, has provided the legislation to codify some of the reforms we've already made and to expand more of these reforms so that government is more responsive," Obama said. "And I am very proud of all the work we've done to try to make government more open and responsive, but I know that people haven't always been satisfied with the speed with which they're getting responses and requests.

Example: When Thomas Caggiano submitted a FOIA request to the corrupt FBI, initially I was told in writing the FBI had no records responsive to my request. I then in formed its corrupt FOIA office read for then you will see FBI USPS certified mailings and some of the many ignored FBI tip line input portal. Then David M. Hardy, Section Chief, Recording / Information Dissemination Section, Records Management Division FBI, Whasington DC. wrote me the FBI had located 1,336 pages responsive to my FOIA request and I could purchase copies or they could be provided on 3 CDs for $35 which I agreed to pay on May 26, 2015 and in fact mailed in a check which was returned. The FBI portal as required by U.S. District Court case law MUST provide an estimated completion date but does NOT. After a year of complaining to the DOJ OIG, OPRA, AAG, PIN and PCU, I turned to the National Archives Office of Government Information Services ( OGIS) and after complaining endlessly to the OGIS they telephoned the FBI and two days later the FBI mailed me a letter admitting the above dates of Mar 20, 2015 of notification, May 26, 2015 of my acceptance and of the 1,336 pages on 3 CDs but they never came. On Feb, 23, 2016 under FOIPA Request No. 1281753-001, CAGGIANO, THOMAS, the FBI stated it found approximately " 8 CDS consisting of audio and video files that are potentially responsive to the subject of my requests and I would owe $120 at $15 for each CD bringing the total owed to $160 for CDs or $181 of paper releases and I responded immediately that I would pay up to $200.00. After getting no response or expected date as required by Case law, I made an appeal to the DOJ Office of Information Policy as I had sent it dozens of emails of complaint and made useless telephone calls. On Jun 11, 2016 Christina D. Troiani, Assistant Chief, for Sean O'Neill, Chief, Administrative Appeals Staff sent me a letter subject: Appeal No. DOJ-AP_2016-003363, Request No.: 1281753-001 which is a form letter which then you can't even make an appeal to DOJ OIP ONLY after the FBI determines no adverse determination was made by the corrupt FBI under 28 CPR & 16.8(a).

& 16.8 Business information.
(a) In general. Business information obtained by the Department from a submitter will be disclosed under the FOIA only under this section.
(d) Notice to submitters. A component shall provide a submitter with prompt written notice of a FOIA request or administrative appeal that seeks its business information wherever required under paragraph (e) of this section, except as provided in paragraph (h) of this section, in order to give the submitter an opportunity to object to disclosure of any specified portion of that information under paragraph (f) of this section. The notice shall either describe the business information requested or include copies of the requested records or record portions containing the information. When notification of a voluminous number of submitters is required, notification may be made by posting or publishing the notice in a place reasonably likely to accomplish it. (i) Notice of FOIA lawsuit. Whenever a requester files a lawsuit seeking to compel the disclosure of business information, the component shall promptly notify the submitter.

After NOT getting any expected date. I again contacted the National Archives OGIS and on Jul 1, 2016 I was informed by email

Dear Mr Caggiano, This email responds to your recent voice mail message regarding your Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) FOIA request and subsequent appeal. Thank you for contacting the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS).

In response to your voice mail, OGIS staff contacted the FBI to inquire about the status of the request (No. 1281753-001) that was the subject of your appeal.

FBI FOIA staff explained that your request, which comprises over 1,300 pages of material, is in the agency's complex case queue (for requests of 951-8000 pages) to be processed on a first-in, first-out basis.

According to the FBI, there are 132 large queue requests ahead of yours; the agency estimates that it will complete your request in 659 days.

The FBI further informed OGIS that if you wish to narrow your request to fewer than 951 pages, it would be assigned to the agency's medium processing queue. Requests in this queue are processed more quickly. If you wish to negotiate the scope of your request, you may do so by contacting the FBI's negotiation staff at (540) 868-1695, Monday Friday from 7:00 am until 3:30 pm, Eastern.

We hope that this information about your request is useful to you. We will take no further action on your submission.
The OGIS staff

To put this in context, The FBI after stating it had NO records responsive to my request, when informed that statements was absurd as I told the corrupt FBI headed b the corrupt FBI director see and review in one can see certified return receipt letters and many FBI tip line reports, go redo your search if you enter as a url

Use and enter the search parameter as: FBI+"thomas caggiano" and your search will give you dozens of matches.

As my request and approval were made on Mar 26, 2015 to the notice of availability made in the Mar 20, 2015 letter from the FBI as to the availability of 3 CDs, based upon the response from OGIS it will take another 659 days to get these CD or a total estimated time of 1,123 days or 3 years and 27 days AFTER the number of record wee determined by the FBI and that is before the unfunded mandate signed by Congress and President Obama to only in truth make it easy to file FOIA requests as the new law ONLY demands a PORTAL to be developed and exempts Congress as usual from transparency laws which will ONLY cause yeas more of delays making FOIA useless and ONLY functional if you file a civil suit in a U.S. District Court like Judicial Watch vs. the corrupt Department of State did. Take judicial notice: under Common Law Rights of Access the FOIA restrictions are moot and YOU can also get the records of your federal Senators and Congressman and State Senators and Assembly and the corrupt U.S. Capitol Police as they are NOT exempt from your excising this U.S. Constitutional civil right but expect it to be ignored hen file a show cause order in a u.S. District Court. you have access to more records then under the now under funded FBI which is just corrupt as the FBI director showed the world as he changed he Presidential executive orders an laws for negligence to his own term willful intent to protect the Clinton as Loretta lynch visited President Bill Clinton on he jet as his Clinton foundation is under investigation but Lynch of course forgot to mention that as the corrupt FBI director like Obama neve read Obama's executive orders but hey are published on A 57 page letter filed in the corrupt Morris County Superior Court Docket SSX-C-21-15 Township of Wantage v. Thomas Caggiano that responded to the false memorandum Motion for Summary Judgment to remove Thomas Caggiano Open Public Record Act and Common Law Right of Access civil rights to obtain any government record from the Township of Wantage because Thomas Caggiano was NOT a State of New Jersey citizen. that would mean all permanent residents, all travelers through NJ, all State officials and permanent residents, all visitors, owners of rental property or homes in New Jersey, business owners that were NOT NJ citizens would NOT be able to get a copy of any State, County, Municipal government form, codes, regulation, application form, deed, death or birth certificate or any other government record.

The Motion for Summary Judgment to unconstitutionally remove Open Public Record Act and Common Law Rights of Access which is a U.S. Constitutional Civil Right was made by New Jersey powerful Senator Lesniak's, a member of New Jersey's corrupt Senate Judiciary Committee which is filled with State senators who are attorneys as Codes of Ethics Rules of Professional Conduct nor 18 U.S. Code § 4 Misprision of Felony are enforced against them by the corrupt State of New Jersey's Supreme Court Office of Attorney Ethics fro this committee confirms corrupt attorneys to New Jersey's corrupt Judiciary branch now lead by the corrupt Chief Justice Stuart Rabner with his Acting for many years the unconfirmed executive director of the corrupt Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct (ACJC) who is also the corrupt Administrator of Courts (AOC) Glenn Grant, J.A.D. known coast to coast as the corrupt U.S. Department of Justice's Public Integrity Section assigned Case folder DA 30037340 who protects corrupt Trial court administrators and numerous court administrators that willfully refused to comply with his own directive 3-11 to provide me access to my own court records eve non ripe cases in the corrupt Township of Wantage as they violate the U.S. Constitution, N.J Constitution by refusing to give a defendant Thomas Caggiano in a ripe case in the infested Joint Municipal Court of the Township of Wantage, Borough of Sussex and Township of Stillwater not only access to his own court records but seeks to deny him access to even the Office of Municipal Prosecutor records or any government record because as stated by Steven R. Tombalakian, Esq. a member and partner in the firm of Wiener Lesniak who the Supreme Court of New Jersey's Caroline Record, Esq. being the Secretary did not enter a Docket number nor even list on her June 6, 2016 letter to Isabel Mc Ginty, Esq. the OAE's State wide Ethics Coordinator, 840 Bear Tavern Road, P.O. Box 963, Trenton, N.J. 08625-0963 the law firm being Weiner Lesniak LLP and Dolan and Dolan PA the corrupt Office of Municipal Prosecutor's William Haggerty, Esq. as Dolan and Dolan PA is also the attorney fro the corrupt State of New Jersey's Department of Agriculture's infested Sussex County Soil Conservation District lead by its corrupt Chair Clifford Lundin, Esq. the former Mayor of the Borough of Hopatcong with now corrupt shared municipal court of the Borough of Hopatcong and the Borough of Stanhope. The corrupt law firm of Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC, 60 Blue Heron Road, Sparta, NJ infests corrupt municipalities throughout Sussex County Joint and its Shared municipal courts as municipal attorney, municipal prosecutor, or land use board attorney or in multiple positions in the same town for many decades for the law firms simply divide of the municipalities among themselves and the municipalities use the exception in the Local Government Contracts Law to retain the services of the same professional engineer, professional planner or attorney for more then 30 years such as the corrupt Richard A. Stein, Esq. the corporate attorney for Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC as the attorney for Stanhope as Richard Stein is now the municipal attorney for both the corrupt Township of Green and Borough of Stanhope and the municipal attorney and prosecutor for the corrupt Town of Newton NJ the county seat a seat of total corruption.

, law firm Weiner Lesniak LLP for the infested Township of Wantage, Sussex County, N.J. with copies to the latest corrupt Acting Attorney General Christopher S. Porrino, Esq. who was Christie's Chief Counsel and the corrupt Director of the State of New Jersey's Attorney General's Department for Law and Public Safety's corrupt Division of Law who replaced the 3 month Acting Attorney General the corrupt Robert Lougy, Esq. who was confirmed to be a judge by the corrupt State of New Jersey Judiciary Committee filled with corrupt State Senators who many are attorneys. They are: Scutari, Nicholas P. - Chair,Gill, Nia H. - Vice-Chair Bateman, Christopher View Votes Cardinale, Gerald, Doherty, Michael J., Kyrillos, Joseph M., Lesniak, Raymond J, O'Toole, Kevin J., Pou, Nellie View Votes Sarlo, Paul A., Smith, Bob, Stack, Brian P. and Weinberg, Loretta. Also mailed to the corrupt FBI and many others.


160410WANTAGEadjournmentrequest.pdf" Read Thomas Caggiano's Apr 10, 2016 letter filed in the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Chancery Division General Equity with tis corrupt Assignment Judge Stuart A. Minkowitz, A.J.S.C. (973) 656-4030, corrupt Superior Court Judge Stephen Hansbury, P.J. General Equity and corrupt Vicinage X Trial Court Administrator Docket SSX-C-21-15 Township of Wantage v. Thomas Caggiano by N.J. legislative District Senator Lesniak's law firm's partner Steven R. Tombalakian, Esq. as Thomas Caggiano provides a listing of retaliation, three State police assaults, false imprisonments with bodily harm and retaliation to these the submitted complaints to the infested State of New Jersey stated by an FBI Special Agent in the press to be the Most corrupt State in the United States of America as official corruption is ingrained into all three branches of government and its U.S. District Courts, U.S. Attorney District of New Jersey Chris Christie replaced by the corrupt Paul Fishman, its corrupt former NJ Attorney General Stuart Rabner now NJ Chief Justice with the aide of his accomplice Glenn Grant, J.A.D. who is the acting administrator of NJ's corrupt Administrator of Courts and is also the executive director of the totally corrupt State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct that has given itself by its own rules total immunity, operates in total secrecy and even had is corrupt Superior Court's Appellate Division give immunity to Judges and their accomplices State and municipal prosecutors that conduct malicious conduct against its victims denying their victims even the civil right to file a Tort Act violation of Outrage, Breech of Duty and Causing Emotional Distress civil suite.

The protection of NJ judicial branch includes its Senate President Sweeney, its Speaker of Assembly Vincent Prieto and all the State legislators that are attorneys on the State of NJ Senate judiciary Committee as THEY ARE THE CORRUPT ESTABLISHMENT.


To understand the depths of the Courts in the USA read: Corrupt U.S. District Court District of New Jersey U.S. Courts Coast to Coast, U.S. Attorney Lynch and FBI director Comey U.S. Court of Appeals Ninth Circuit You have no civil rights based upon fraud built into the system of government
Use of NJ Senator Lesniak's law firm Weiner Lesniak LLP with Township of Wantage to foster total corruption
Use of Deputy Republican Leader Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco, Esq. law firm Murphy McKeon, P.C. as the corrupt Borough of Netcong's attorney to prevent by fraud any government record by a non-citizen of New Jersey in the infested State of N.J."> A Sep 9, 2011 expose to the corrupt FBI and NJ corrupt Courts Oct 10, 2013 State of NV Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto noting federal crimes rise in the Conspiracy to life or death sentences.

Read Clinton's 30,000 emails via a searchable data base prepared by WikiLeaks

On Jul 5, 2016, the corrupt FBI director Comey decided to change the executive orders of President Obama and President Clinton which can be used by all future felons to violate the national Security executive orders an also changed the national security laws by using adding a requirement that does NOT exist in these laws stating the government must show willful intent but the laws simply require gross negligence which by I guess President Bill Clinton's dictionary on what does "is" mean as the FBI director's definition reminds one of Clinton.

Read a second batch of 1,258 Clinton emails via Wikileaks posted Jul 4, 2016 on

FOIA U.S. Department of State F-2016-02226 Thomas Caggiano

Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 1:05 PM
To: thomas caggiano

Mr. Caggiano,

The e-mail and information you sent in has been forwarded to the Analyst working on your case.

I hope this information is helpful. If you have further concerns or have any questions regarding any FOIA-related matter, please contact the FOIA Requester Service Center (FRSC) at (202) 261-8484, or fax us at (202) 261-8582 or send an e-mail to
U.S. Department of State
FOIA Requester Service Center
(202) 261-8484
In accordance with Executive Order 13526, this message is UNCLASSIFIED

Read what President Obama's and President Clinton's Executive Orders are regarding Protection of Sensitive and Classified materials and the yearly training the persons having security classification in categories TOP Secret, SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL are required to be given and also NOT these are Categories they are NOT the actually classifications as dozens of classifications within these three General Categories are classified in many cases.

One also must have a NEED to known and a compilation of unclassified or sensitive documents can become highly classified as noted in President Obama's Executive Order 13526, Section 1.8(e)(1)and (2) Classification Prohibitions and limitations Also note even if materials is just sensitive foreign policy issued and not even classified at any Category the compilation itself can become classified. President Obama and his National Security council should read his OWN Executive order for he is using his power to adversely interfere for purely Political purposes in a Presidential Election to directly influence his corrupt pawn U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch and the corrupt FBI director Comey.

Obama should fire his corrupt Secretary for the State Department John Kerry, his Press Office's director Elizabeth Kennedy Trudeau and its Under Secretary of Management Patrick F. Kennedy and its Diplomatic Security Office as it is required to conduct a Suitability Review.

Obama should replace those on his National Security Council for it is obvious without even having a secured .gov email account Hillary Clinton constantly violated the U.S.A. National Security laws and its President's Executive Orders

Read Executive Order 12958 Provisions and my letter to the State Department's Office of Legal Affairs published on

Read my letter on Presidential Executive Orders that Clinton has violated and her staff that as NON-government officials retain TOP Secret category clearances who violated laws during her entire tenure as Secretary of State and used an unapproved unsecured server for all her foreign policy emails and her staff for solely her convenience as the NSA informed her in writing her Blackberry cell phone was NOT a secured device and NEVER certified her home server to store any Sensitive nor Classified information.

Thousands of court records, court video recordings, photographs, tampered with drawings certified by the State of New Jersey, petitions, FBI tip line reports, certified mail receipts, photos, fraudulent responses to Open Public Record Act(OPRA) requests, willful violations of Common Law Rights of Access and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests by the U.S. Attorney Eric Holder followed by the corrupt U.S. Attorney Lynch, corrupt U.S. Attorney's State District offices, the corrupt accomplice FBI director Comey are known from coast to coast in the highest levels of Government as illustrated by the 16 page letter published on filed in U.S Courts, NJ Courts and corrupt Government agencies. Also published are false government news bulletins ,transcripts, official minutes as unconstitutional court orders violating 18 U.S.C. Sections 241 and 242 are common place that have life or death sentences for violating my civil rights by public officials and the corrupt judges, perjured Statements of Information prepared by government, proof of decades of tax fraud and mail fraud, assault by State Police, threats from U.S. Marshall's office and U.S. Capitol Police, false imprisonment with wide spread criminal disbursement of federal, state, county and municipal funds are routine. Codes of Ethics for Judges, Attorneys and judicial staff is the norm. Safety and health laws in the State of NJ nor the State of Nevada are enforced as developers are protected.

With over 20,000 pages of Court records, over 100 witnesses the corruption only increases.

Supporting this exposure of government retaliation and corruption are published records in the following directories and their adopted references: Complaints filed with the corrupt NJ Judiciary Branch Complaints and evidence sent politicians, et. al. Government data bases expose their own corruption Corrupt NJ Attorney General Division of Consumer Affairs transcripts U.S. District Court case 2:15-cv-08480 corrupt Township of Wantage v. Thomas Caggiano records Corruption in Nevada exposed

The Beginning: The now 15 year review of government corruption by Inside on the Outside's partner and author of and, Thomas Caggiano was originally a State of New Jersey registered publisher but to the retaliation, death threats left the infested State of New Jersey now lead by the totally corrupt Chris Christie administration as known by its Republican and Democratic Senators and Members of its General Assembly as NJ Attorney Generals under Gov Jon Corzine (D) and Chris Christie (R) have been totally corrupt protecting corruption widespread in its infamous State

Inside on the Outside is now a registered publishing enterprise in the State of Nevada. The retaliation against its author Thomas Caggiano and other government officials that requested investigations continues as shown now in the U.S. District Court District of New Jersey as its Court has not even address a motion to transfer the Case Township of Wantage Sussex County NJ v. Thomas Caggiano to the District of Nevada as the corrupt FBI Special Agents in Las Vegas, NV, five IRS Special agents and members of Senator Harry Reid, Senator Dean Heller and the corrupt Congressman Hardy's staff would be called as witnesses.

When a meeting was attempted to be arranged with Congressman (R Nevada 4th) Crescent Hardy's staff once he replaced my former corrupt Nevada Congressman Horsford ( D Nevada 4th ) the request resulted in a threatening telephone call to the corrupt U.S. Capitol Police. After many additional complaints filed with the Congressman's offices in Las Vegas, NV and Whasington D.C. a useless 40 minutes meeting was held in North Las Vegas between Congressman Hardy's Chief for Staff Alan Tennille and Thomas Caggiano part of the devastating evidence hand-out given Tennille who has never returned a telephone call in months to the Congressman's office by any of his staff. The hand-out is published on

As noted in the prior State of Nevada Attorney General letter of Oct 10, 2013 published on the federal crimes 18 U.S.C. Sections 241 and 242 rise to life or death sentences with violations of her noted violations of the Police Enforcement Act ignored at all levels of Government executive branches and Judicial Branches which operate in a repeated pattern of planned agreed upon CRIMINAL CONDUCT in a structure governmental enterprise of government with hundreds of accomplices called RACKETEERING that violate 18 U.S.C. Section 4 Misprision of Felony, oaths of office and give aide to others to prevent their own detection and apprehension by repeated acts of official misconduct.

The immediate retaliation by local government began immediately in the infested Borough of Stanhope with its accomplices being the corrupt law firms of Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC and its corrupt corporate attorney Richard A. Stein, Esq., 60 Blue Heron Rd., Sparta, NJ and Dolan and Dolan PA its Land Use Board Attorneys and its bribed not under contract for decades incompetent and corrupt John Cilo Jr. Associates falsely writing inspection reports and signing drawings and maps in violation of the MAP FILING LAW began after 14 property owners in the Borough of Stanhope, 7 Main St, Stanhope, N.J. 07874 filed a petition published on which was noted in the official newspaper the New Jersey Herald published on by 15 property owners showing the vast knowledge of corrupt government officials was only met by more unending retaliation continues under Docket SSX-C-21-15 by the corrupt Township of Wantage, NJ which like more then a dozen court orders issued by corrupt Superior Court and municipal judges known to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the ninth Circuit in a 350 page filing against corrupt U.S. District judges published on as Thomas Caggiano filed motions to the U.S. District Court District of New Jersey to remove the civil case from the corrupt Sussex County and Morris County Superior Court Judge S. Hansbury, P.J. General Equity now under Docket 2-cv-0484-SDW-LDW noted in the new directory . The U.S. District Court judge Susan Wigenton, U.S.D.J. did not address the motions to TRANSFER then now federal Case from the infested State of New Jersey as shown in the filed and widely distributed letter published on

TRANSPARENCY IN GOVERNMENT: Does not exist as deceptive official minutes are prepared and the State of New Jersey's Open Public Record Act (OPRA) is useless for in over 100 denials of access complaints submitted by Thomas Caggiano, the corrupt Government Record Council (GRC) did NOT hold a single hearing and wrote deceptive finding after deceptive findings over 100 times.

. The GRC used the corrupt Office of Administrative Law to bury denial of access complaints and with the Jersey Superior Courts and municipal courts in ever increasing supersession for evidence under Docket SSX-C-1-13 Consolidated malicious filings by the corrupt Township of Green, the Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, the Sussex County Counsel Dennis Mc Connell, Esq., the Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders now deceased Clerk Elaine Morgan and the corrupt Sussex County Sheriff Strada to not only remove my OPRA rights but all Common Law Rights of Access and even the ability to hire any attorney, any representative or write the County officials or representatives or Sheriff for any reason. The corrupt Judge Hansbury, P.J. General Equity even retroactively changed his court order, fined me thousands of dollars and issued his final threat if I did NOT pa the fines by May 2015, i would have an arrest warrant issued against me. Rather then pay I as usual reported the corrupt Court to al levels of government uselessly as published on,, as know by the corrupt U.S. Attorney Lynch and FBI Director Comey

to the corrupt Sussex County Borough of Stanhope Town Council to comply with an approved site plan for 2 and 6 Oak Drive, Stanhope, N.J., State of NJ Department of Agriculture minor sub-division Block 10902 Lots 10 and 12 identified by the corrupt Sussex County Soil Conservation District, Newton, N.J. AFTER Thomas Caggiano notified the corrupt State organization and the corrupt State Sussex County Prosecutor, Newton, N.J. 07860 of the illegally developed subdivision which has massive health and safety violations, fraudulent inspection reports prepared by the Borough's corrupt bribed and uncontracted professional engineering firm with its corrupt Borough Engineer John Cilo Jr. and corrupt Town Planner Scarlett Doyle in conspiracy with the State's professional engineer James Seidivy, District manager Winifred Straub, District manager Clifford Lundin,Esq. who was the former corrupt Mayor of the Borough of Hopatcong and then all levels of federal and state agencies as the corruption has been reported though federal senators, members of Congress to the corrupt then U.S. Attorney Chris Christie, Esq, and his corrupt Assistant U.S. Attorneys now controlling the State of New Jersey, being Stuart Rabner Chief Justice of N.J. Supreme Court, Kim Guadagno Lt Governor and Secretary of Stanhope and his former corrupt Chief Council Jeffrey Chiesa who the corrupt Chris Christie made NJ Attorney General then interim federal senator who replaced the former Sen Lautenberg who died while representing WE the PEOPLE in office as shown in Senator Lautenberg's letter of Nov 15, 2005 to the corrupt U.S. Attorney District of New Jersey that remains corrupt under the President Obama administration being Paul Fishman,Esq.

The retaliation has continued since a Petition was filed with the corrupt Borough of Stanhope and has included the use of Stanhope Police, State Police of NJ, and thereafter after 4 death threats made against Thomas Caggiano, his assault and false imprisonment, defamation, after Thomas Caggiano and Kathryn Caggiano fled New Jersey for their own safety, the corruption continues from the U.S. Marshall's and U.S. Capitol Police as known by the highest levels of the corrupt 3 Branches in the Federal Govt as shown by publicly available filings in corrupt U.S. Courts from coast to coast the most recent one being published on

The corrupt NJ Attorney General ACTING and never nominated to be the NJ Attorney General in 12 months John Jay Hoffman, Esq. resigned effective Mar 1, 2016 is now employed by Rutgers and his corrupt replacement as Acting NJ attorney general is Robert Lougy, Esq.

President Obama's puppet U.S. Attorney Eric Holder replaced by the corrupt Loretta Lynch, Esq. as her accomplices include FBI director Comey, Esq. and Department of Justice's office of Inspector General supervisor Eric Johnson including the other Federal agencies that continue to cover-up trough the Counsel of Inspector General's Inspector General's Security and Exchange Commission SEC OIG a chair of the CIGIE investigation Committee not on tax fraud, criminal disbursement of federal, state and municipal funds, conspiracy but violation of civil rights laws which have life or death sentences as noted by the State of Nevada Attorney General and other crimes noted on

with its corrupt politicized controlled Courts retaliation that continues as despite 3 federal Senators, 2 members of Congress, two State Senators, 2 members of the Assembly and 25 others requested investigations and petitions signed by 15, 14 and 9 property owners.

As stated by Judge Edward Gannon, J.S.C., Sussex County, NJ 07860 it would be a waste of his time to file a complaint against his corrupt Sussex and Morris Counties Superior Court Assignment judge as the State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct (ACJC) as the the judiciary branch circles the wagons to protect the power structure as can also be send for over 1 year as the Democrats protect Hillary Clinton and her aides on having over 1,800 classified emails on her personal server as the Government knew she never has any government account email address as its Secretary of State for years and her aides maintain top secret clearances for if they were not of the power elite, they would be in jail but People vote their own pocket book and Party as massive National Security violations by the Secretary of State officials who were all aware Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State never had a secured server get special favorable treatment in your face as President Obama and Vermont Bernie Sander's infamous remark during a Presidential debate said: Enough of the emails to a Democratic audience that erupted in joy.

Senator Rubio blasting away at Trump as a CON Man when asked if he would support Trump as President if he won the Republican nomination said YES in the very same Presidential Republican debate tells you how corrupt the entire process is. As Trump constantly calls Senator Cruz a liar and as the Republican establishment label rump a fraud. The nominee selection process is completely corrupted for 40 % of the delegates called super delegates are party so called elite and most were committed to a candidate before the public ever voted or the first debate. As an example, in New Hampshire the press published deceptive stories many cartoons and made the slogan FEEL THE BERN as Clinton's opponent Bernie Sanders implied Sanders won the vote in the in a landslide 62% v. 38% but was essentially tied in delegates for the super delegates, the party's ESTABLISHMENT were already committed to the liar Hillary Clinton the worst of the ESTABLISHMENT.

A NJ FBI Special agent stated the State of New Jersey is the most corrupt State in the United States of America, but Trump parades his new hit man against Senator Rubio to support his nomination as even Trump complained of the enormous corruption in Atlantic City where his casinos went bankrupt and Christie after denying the State would take over Atlantic City financing did exactly who he promised NOT to do.

The arrogant, bully Christie even had the State's major newspaper, the Star Ledger, stated he was a lair, but now stands behind Trump at news conferences.

In USA, be corrupt and bold faced liars like Chris Christie and Hillary Clinton who promises like politicians I will keep all my promises and the political parties and extreme loyalists give you their highest honors while in the same breath they distain you if you are their opponent or have a fellow Senator, Congressman or political newspaper or TV network like Fox or MSNBC do the dirty work for you.

That's the USA today, a land where outrageous behavior is not only tolerated but rewarded

The Department of Justice, U.S. Attorney Lynch and the FBI director Comey are corrupt as the Department of Justice to prevent its own exposure violates the Freedom of Information Act;

Filing complaints with the Department of Justice Public Integrity Section, the Public Corruption Unit, the DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility,the DOJ Office of Inspector General as well as the CIGIE chair for the CIGIE investigation chair being the SEC OIG were useless as the SEC denies that mission.

Only after filing with the U.S. Courts, the corrupt U.S Attorney, the corrupt State of New Jersey Attorney General, the acting John Jay Hoffman,Esq. who served as a criminal protecting the corrupt Chris Christie administration as does the Democratically controlled NJ Senate and General Assembly as well as the corrupt Government Record Council under in fact both the Democratic Gov Jon Corzine and the Republican Chris Christie as shown by my more then 100 denials of access that were submitted to the corrupt GRC which never had a hearing on any complaint and if you read its minutes in 2015 and 2016 you do NOT even know who voted nor what records I submitted to the corrupt GRC.

for 11 months was some press made but that took the filing of a civil suit against Thomas Caggiano to the corrupt State of New Jersey Superior Court under Docket SSX-C-21-15 Township of Wantage v. Thomas Caggiano that was one of OUTRAGE as the corrupt Township by fraud, corruption has refused to address court motions in over 5 years, refused to deny access to Thomas Caggiano for his own court records and even after its Office of Municipal Prosecutor, the corrupt law firm of Dolan and Dolan PA, Newton, N.J. 07860 twice wrote the corrupt municipality that controls the corrupt Joint municipal court for the Township of Wantage, the Borough of Sussex and the Township of Stillwater that had requested a change of venue twice, the corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.c. never addressing motions in years returned and was replaced by the corrupt Glenn Gavan, Esq. as the municipal judge but in violation of NJ laws continues to be its corrupt municipal judge never having been nominated by the corrupt Gov Christie nor confirmed by the Senate for over 11 months and served on the Sussex County College trustee but resigned with another trustee after a $50,000 Saiber investigation report made findings Glenn Gavan,Esq. violated ethics laws and use the State's facility for his own private law practice.

As shown by Thomas Caggiano's letter on an 18 page summary letter with thousands of pages of adopted exhibits, the corruption has continued at the highest levels for the U.S. Government.

- Tyranny in the United States of America and THE ESTABLISHMENT that via speaking fees, nihilism, Super PACS, political donations gain access via lobbyists to put into laws, with a totally immune and secretive judicial complaint process as the Judicial branches of US Courts, State Courts and municipal courts are infested with corrupt unethical judges and attorneys for out of 150 judges and attorneys NONE complied with codes for ethics nor 18 U.s.C. Section 4 Misprision of felony nor NJSA 2C:2-1 and their fraternity of black robbed judges conspire and continue to conspire with the other branches for government they protect as shown in more then 30 cases filed against Thomas Caggiano in retribution and to intimate other witnesses as retaliation is the method for control and supersession through fear of the Government and its police is the way of government in USA.

corrupt judges and prosecutors that use its court systems to issue unconstitutional court orders but are protected by a=corrupt US and State attorneys selected by the ESTABLISHMENT, allows THE ESTABLISHMENT in its ever search for more power and greed as the Government grows with more strangling regulations every week to appease the special interest that foster its existence

To understand the pandemic level of official corruption in the United States of America read and published materials in the directories: COURT , corruption , corrupt judges , pdf , transcripts and Nevada


Thomas Caggiano
7086 Arcadia Glen Court
North Las Vegas, NV 89084
Home telephone: 702-586-6768
Cell (USA not global): 973-945-0480
Feb 23, 2016

A Public Record published by the State of NV registered publisher Inside on the Outside to expose government corruption at all levels by its author Thomas Caggiano on


CIGIE OIG SEC protects as its role of chair of the CIGIE investigation committee the corrupt DOJ OIG and is corrupt supervisor Eric Jackson. As known to OGIS, the OIP, FBI, EOUSA and US Attorney ALL violate FOIA. The US Courts are corrupt and protect Eric Holder and now Loretta Lynch. The State of NV Attorney General doesn't even have an organization chart in 4 months and the State's Business and Industry Department and Nevada Real Estate Division protect corrupt HOAs and the FirstService Residential contractor as fraudulent minutes are prepared and the corrupt Autumn Ridge at Aliante Community Association canceled my approved executive discussion period request and ignores other letters but fines you and is itself protected from fines the corrupt State of Nevada should be giving to the HOA president and third corrupt contractor who prepares false minutes.

is corrupt The courts from coast to coast, the corrupt now departing corrupt acting NJ Attorney General John Jay Hoffman is becoming the general counsel of Rutgers college and he has been totally corrupt protecting Christie's administration and its corrupt Government Record Council (GRC).

The OIG Security Exchange Commission (SEC) denies its role as chair of CIGIE investigation committee. Contact CIGIE administrator Brent Wilson. The National Archives' Office of Government Services (OGIS) after many months wrote me a letter they mediated with the corrupt FBI and I will be getting over 1,500 pages of FBI tip line reports and letters I sent to the corrupt FBI which will be published on this web site as the corrupt FBI even returned my check of $35 to obtain 3 CDs full of its records as the corrupt Department of Justice's Office of Information Policy (OIP) not only doesn't perform its mission to assure the DOJ agencies comply with FOIA but itself violates FOIA.

Two years ago the NV Attorney General wrote the crime rise to life or death sentences. the Civil Div Special Litigation unit is corrupt. See,,, and and and

The ESTABLISHMENT rigged the game with super delegates
Sanders won 62% v. Clinton won 38% in New Hampshire but the ESTABLISHMENT rigged the delegate count by having Super Delegates controlled by the ESTABLISHMENT committed to Clinton before We the People even cast our first vote.

WE the PEOPLE must vote OUT the Establishment. Vote and take control our Government NOT a Government controlled by lobbyists, companies that give huge speaking fees or directed Super PACS and the nation with its newspapers controlled by billionaires.

The ESTABLISHMENT candidates are Rubio and Clinton while he Anti-ESTABLISHMENT are Sanders(D), Trump (R), CARSON (R) and Cruz(R)- vote for any of the ANTI_ESTABLISHMENT candidates otherwise WE the PEOPLE will continue to be ignored and the top 0.1% will continue to control the corrupt USA Government.

Disclosure: Thomas Caggiano is a State of NV Clark County Democratic Delegate for Senator Sanders but if Hillary Clinton and senior staff are NOT indicted for transmitting over 1,800 classified emails on unsecured internet lines and having her attorney have 3 thumb drives which he had NO need to know, yet her aides retain top secret clearances by the corrupt U.S. Attorney Lynch and the corrupt Secretary of Defense for which I worked for 30 years in highly classified programs, with the super delegates committed to her before voting even stated by We the People she will be the Democratic candidate. So pick anyone but the liar Hillary Clinton who said she was broke after she left the White House and has made with Bill Clinton and her daughter who gets $65,000 speaking fees got over $100 Million in speaking fees and with her aides act criminally and above laws. If Clinton is President, the Supreme Court will simply become her tool to have its activist court reinterpret the U.S. Constitution the original framers would NOT recognize.

Don't believe the smoke screen by the press that Clinton feels the Bern as she already locked up 50 % of the super delegates before her PAC and Clinton Foundation s give through the lobbyists the money to these other thousand establishment bureaucrats to be elected To them its a WIN - WIN. Super delegates are the evil of elections paid for by speaking fees, lobbyists and more

As Sanders said to Clinton paraphrasing: Do you believe we the people are idiots these hundreds of millions of dollars are not being spent by the companies with no expected financial return. Its called access and their lobbyist give the bills to the bureaucrats for even the Congressional and Senate aides get Speaking fees and treated like royalty to put into their "suggested words" directly into legislation. Who read Obamacare and its regulations as the stack of paper is five feet tall.

But we know what isn't in it. You can keep your doctor.

The insurance and other companies that pay millions of dollars in SUPER PACS contributions and paying hundreds of thousands in so called Speaking fees.

Why? Its called ROI.. short for Return on Investment. As they say proof is in the pudding they keep putting the money in only more and more Billions to be President so obviously these firms want to make profit. They do not donate money to loose money. It's a cost of doing business buried in over head expenses or more likely officially sanctioned bribery as I call it. The insurance firms with the bureaucrats and lobbyist is the States do NOT allow people to have competition across state lines as noted by Trump. Vote of a person without a PAC which they say they do NOT want Tell those running for President, if you support the way the ESTABLISHMENT functions and do NOT promise to return OUR GOVERNMENT of WE the PEOPLE not WE the ESTABLISHMENT, a revolution as noted by Bernie Sanders will be coming only greater in the next elections.

Tell Trump never allow the corrupt former U.S. Attorney District of NJ Chris Christie who got that job AFTER he was voted out of Office on the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders and lost a civil case as he defamed a prior member to get the job, the only reason without any experience he got the job was Christie was a President Bush campaign fund raiser backed by a Billionaire and then Christie emplaced his many former corrupt U.S Assistant Attorney's to take control of New Jersey criminal run State government protecting NJ's dozens of corrupt municipalities where corruption is engrained. used his position to retaliate against Democrats who did NOT support him for power, arrogance, bullying and fear is how Christie controls the infested State of NJ. If you see Christie on the same stage as with Trump then vote against Trump as Christie is just sucking up to get a position of power in any Trump administration.

Both parties including the U.S. Courts that design their own rules to reduce transparency to a minimum despite words stated by President Obama: This administration will be the most transparent administration in US history aka Clinton's emails using a private unclassified server to hold over 1,00 classified emails widely known by U.S. Government officials or Clinton's Wall Street speech transcripts for getting over $625,000 in speaking fees. What is not stated is the Clinton's have gotten over $100 Million in speaking fees and if a college can not afford her $265,000 fee her daughter will give a speech for a mere $65,000.

procedures or court rules and they always to give themselves and prosecutor absolute immunity even if he use their posts maliciously like Christie did when he was a corrupt U.S. Attorney and before that when he ran for a corrupt Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholder (NEW JERSEY) position and defamed by lies and existing member, lost the follow-on civil suite and as voted out of office which is when President Bush's people made me=him the corrupt U.S. Attorney for District of NJ bringing with him all his loyal corrupt attorneys Stuart Rabner, Kim Guadagno, Jeff Chiesa, Richard Constable III, John Jay Hoffman, et. al. )to control the State of NJ which continues protected by the U.S. Attorney Lynch and the corrupt FBI director Comey and U.s. District Court District of NJ under Docket 2:15-cv-08480-SDW-LDW Township of Wantage v. Thomas Caggiano as i removed SSX-C-21-15 from the corrupt Morris County and Sussex County Chancery Division's corrupt Superior Court Judge S. Hansbury, P.J. General Equity for a federal question and counter-claim of millions.

as Judge Susan D. Wigenton, U.S.D.J. has refused to address my motion to transfer the case from the infested State of NJ to the State of Nevada known from coast to coast by reading noted below as all three branches of Government are corrupt protected by the U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, this corrupt replacement Loretta Lynch as they protect Clinton and her many corrupt officials in eh Sec of State department from willful violation of handling classified government records. Every confidential email is a separate federal felony that's over a 1,200 as even admitted by the corrupt U.S. Government as Clinton and her aides should already be in jail.

Do NOT have a trial until AFTER Obama leaves for he already said she is NOT GUILTY as that is the ESTABLISHMENT and with Harry Reid the KING of the DEMOCRATIC ESTABLISHMENT soon to be headed by Shumer who said he would NOT confirm ANY judge for the Supreme court that Present Bush nominated with-out any person being nominated he objected to every one in advance just like the corrupt now majority leader Mitch Mc Connell.. Read

Under President Obama the Banks that are to obliged to fail or bring criminal charges against have ONLY GOTTEN BIGGER. Do NOT listen to the rhetoric like Hillary Clinton's I will fulfill ALL MY PROMISES. Liar, liar she tells so many lies she probably believe them in he warped mind.

The price you pay for their goods such as high drug costs includes these bribery costs for legislation they suggest to Congress for as we say, the USA has the best Congress money can buy. So vote for Sanders or Trump or anyone that doesn't have a PAC paid by huge companies seeking access to increase their profit. As Sanders said these huge speaking fees are not given out of the hearts of the companies or countries given millions to the Clinton Foundation but to directly influence and retain the laws as written like the hedge fund managers paying lower tax rate then their maids in their multi-million dollar homes.

It was nice of Clinton's daughter to get a $10,000,000 Manhattan apartment the day she got out of college. Didn't every graduate afford that?

If you want government for the People and by the People DO NOT VOTE FOR the establishment candidate or else the corrupt system of government stays the same = Corrupt. Vote for term limits in your State. Do NOT vote for Clinton the nation's biggest liar who will tell you anything to get your vote. She hasn't drive a car in 25 years. Said she said she was broke when she left the White House but forgot to mention the Clinton's received over $ 100 million in speaking fees in last 10 years. If college students who have massive loans can't afford her $275,00 speaking fee then all they have to do to assure access is pay her daughter $65,000 as a speaking fee. Or if your Goldman Sacks who run the U.S. Government in closed door meetings as hedge fund managers using a corrupt tax law put in by their lobbyist pay a lower tax rate on income then the middle class or their workers. paid a $ 5 Billion fine without any of its Wall Street gang going to jail even for a day or even having a civil trial as the Security exchange Commission to assure the Public does NOT have a clue of the depths of the corruption on Wall Street never has a civil trial even after a bank admits it violated criminal laws, NO criminal charges are brought by the Obama administration U.S. Attorney Holder or his latest corrupt U.S. Attorney Lynch.

READ and and read how corrupt DOJ and the FBI are

She IS THE ESTABLISHMENT like politicians say: She will keep ALL her promises. That lie a whopper for her promise of Utopia

Below is a summary of Thomas Caggiano's Case study and his retaliation by government at all levels for the last 15 years as I now have court orders issued against me I can not even hire an attorney, can't go into any Structure in Sussex County, NJ, and when you request a meeting with Congressman's Crescent hardy's Staff ( NV 4th Congressional District) they have the U.S. Capitol police threatened you after they had the U.S. Marshall;s come to your home and were assaulted in NJ by Sate police three times and out in jail for requesting a Government record in writing.

Corruption is exposed in U.S. District Courts Coast to Coast, legislators, newspapers, corrupt U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch and former U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, FBI Director Comey, corrupt State of NJ Supreme Court Administrative Office of Courts (AOC) Glenn Grant, J.A.D. a series of State of New Jersey Generals under Gov Jon Corzine and the totally corrupt Chris Christie administration, Government Record Council (GRC), its totally immune Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct (ACJC) and its corrupt staff for if the ACJC or District Ethics Committee do NOT assign a docket number as done in more then a dozen of m complaints NO ONE can get any ACJC Government Record via its self designed rule to completely avoid transparency: All records of and investigations conducted by the ACJC's staff are confidential in accordance with Court Rule 2:15-20 and the ACJC even fought the State to prevent its corrupt Mr. Tonneli from appearing under a subpoena in a criminal trial against an attorney., its corrupt Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE) with its District Ethics Committees as both protect judges and the attorneys. They are accomplices and part of the ESTABLISHMENT which protects itself and allows it to operate in total secrecy via its self made R 1:20 as 18 U.S.C. §4 Misprision of Felony crimes, Codes of Ethics R: 1-14 Cannons for Judges, Rules o Professional Conduct for Attorneys as the Judicial staff give their loyalty not to the U.S. and N.J. Constitution but to the Mayors and Governing bodies and judges that hire them.

Laws are not only NOT enforced instead criminal abuse of court processes, assault, false imprisonment and even death treats were made after 14 property owners signed a petition to the infested Borough of Stanhope, Sussex County, NJ 07874 were made to comply with the approved site plan noted in the deeds for Block 10902 Lots 10 and 12, and 6 oak Drive, Stanhope as shown its their deeds

as an illustration of the corruption of the State of New Jersey NOT to enforce tis laws the world known closing of the George Whasing Bridge in retribution to those that did NOT support the corrupt Christie to further his now dhased Presidential ambition, his pawn, the Acting State of NJ Attorney General John Jay Hoffman, Esq. who has been acting for 10 months and never been nominated for rejection by the Senate has not indicated anyone on any Title 2C State of NJ crime not even the petty disorder charge for harassment N.J.S.A. 2C:33-4.a

Enjoy some of Late Night Show's Jimmy Fallon's impressionistic songs

Furthermore another example, in the total racketeering Sussex County, N.J.. The State laws require Joint Municipal Court judge to be approved by the Governor and then confirmed by the Senate but for example in the Township of Wantage which is suing me under Docket SSX-C-21-15 Township of Wantage v. Thomas Caggiano to take away my civil rights to even get copies of any Government Record under the State's Open Public Record Act (OPRA) eve my own municipal prosecutor records on a case that has been ripe before its corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and tis corrupt Office of Municipal prosecutor Dolan and Dolan PA, Newton, N.J. 07860 for years continues under the corrupt Glenn Gavan, J.M.C. who was never appointed by the Governor nor obviously never confirmed by the Senate as required by N.J.S. 2B:12-4 instead, Glenn Gavan, Esq. resigned from the Sussex County College Trustee position after the taxpayers spent over 4 50,00 on a Saiber investigation which determined two trustees violated the Codes of Ethics and both resigned and it was determined Glenn Gavan, Esq. even used the State facilities for his own law practice. Without ever being appointed in over 10 months, the corrupt Assignment judges simply appoint corrupt judge of their own choosing in Vicinage 10, Morris and Sussex County where laws simply do NOT apply but bribery conspiracy false added reports, retaliation is th way of business for the ESTABLISHMENT that protects itself in all three branches of NJ government protected by the U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, then Loretta Lynch, the FBI director Comey and the any department in the corrupt Department of Justice as known to the Government Accountability Office, the Security and Exchange Commission' OIG which is the organization that leads the corrupt independent U.S. Council on Government Integrity and Effectiveness (CIGIE) as shown in the following email

Sussex County joint municipal courts judges are NOT appointed by the Governor nor confirmed by the Senate but appointed by a corrupt series of Sussex County and Morris County Assignment judges appoint corrupt attorneys as joint municipal court judges through-out Sussex and Morris County.

Title 18 U.S.C. Section 4
Misprision of Felony occurred over one thousand times by Hillary Clinton as Sec of State for every classified email confidential or other that was obviously a classified email MUST be reported to the FBI by the recipient if sent from or to an unclassified server with the proper security protocols and for NOT doing so Hillary Clinton and he aides and others was a felony criminal act on every email. Secretary Clinton and her talented aides excuse is NONE of these highly intelligent paid staff could tell materials within the email was classified at any level. They insult our intelligence with such lies. Ripley believe it or not would put her thousand lies in the Record Books ... just like under Obamacare you can keep your own doctor. The insurance companies are losing millions but in passing Obamacare a all their losses are covered until AFTER the presidential election.

Just wait for the premiums to increase for under Obamacare the insurance companies are being bailed making profits just like the Banks that get essentially free loans from the FED. Remember, UNDER Obamacare you can keep your own doctor.

Hillary Clinton said her family was broke when they left the White House, well thanks to speaking fees they received in excess of $100 Million dollars in speaking fees and if college students can't afford her $275,000 speaking fee then have her daughter give a speech for only $65,000

You as a citizen have no Standing so read U.S. District Court and NJ Superior Court orders that are frauds: Corrupt U.S. District Court District of Nevada magistrate George Foley, U.S.D.M court order on Docket 2:12-cv-01484-GMN-GWF Thomas Caggiano v. Eric Holder former corrupt U.S. Attorney General replaced by Loretta Lynch both Obama's pawns Corrupt Morris County and Sussex County Superior Court Judge Thomas Manahan, P.J.S.C. as Manahan issues a court order with NO docket number, spells my wife's name Kathryn wrong, without any hearing issues or notice issues his own court orders against her and myself that NO municipal court judge per State of New Jersey court R. 7:2-1 can even have any Probable Cause hearing on any affidavit we signed under oath, with crime of perjury if they are false and dismissed them all without having any witnesses also saying falsely we have NO Standing to appeal his unilateral decision dismissing complaints against corrupt Judges, Prosecutors and other government officials he protects. Manhanan issued his court order in secret, and did NOT give either of us a copy of his court order he sent to every municipal court in Sussex and Morris County, New Jersey.

Above is my latest postcard to two former U.S. Attorney District of New Jersey attorneys being now the corrupt Gov Chris Christie, Esq. and his Lt Gov and Secretary of State Kim Guadagno, Esq. as his pawn the un-nominated Acting New Jersey Attorney General for 10 months is the corrupt John Jay Hoffman, Esq. whose corrupt Criminal Division has indicted NO ONE on any criminal or even harassment charge on Bridgegate as Paul Fishman,Esq. the replacement for Christie is his replacement as U.S. Attorney General for District of New jersey and the infested Department of Justice, CIGIE, DOJ OIG protects many former corrupt U.S. Attorney District of New Jersey attorneys that Christie brought his loyalists to control NJ corrupt administration at all levels. Stuart Rabner was Christie's former lst Assistant prosecutor and is now Chief Justice of New Jersey Supreme Court AFTER Senator Sweeney had a coupe among infested Essex County Hudson river democratic machine and replaced Senator Richard Codey as Senate President as the Hudson River Democrats are Senate President Sweeney and Speaker of Assembly Vincent Prieto for in New Jersey the question is NOT which party is corrupt but only which party is the most corrupt.


Read a sixteen page summary of retaliation, corruption, fraud filed in courts on

To see actual mailed envelops, letters and how corrupt Government is at all levels read

See court documents in the directory TAKE JUDICIAL NOTICE: A new directory has been created on

Now exposed in a U.S. District Court District of New Jersey court action by Thomas Caggiano for Removal from the corrupt Sussex County / Morris County Vicinage 10 Civil Part General Equity is Docket SSX-C-21-15 Township of Wantage ( Sussex County, New Jersey) v. Thomas Caggiano for a Federal Question as the requested court restraints requested by State of New Jersey's Senator Lesniak's Weiner-Lesniak LLP law firm as trail court attorney violate my U.S. Civil Rights and as note such orders violate 18 U.S.C § 241 and § 242 which have life or death sentences noted in the Nevada Attorney General's letter published on

In addition, the request violated State of New Jersey criminal law N.J.S.A. 2C:5.c Declarations relative to deprivation of civil rights by public officials as was also done by the corrupt Superior Court under SSX-C-1-13 Township of Green v. Thomas Caggiano and consolidated with SSX-C-43-13 Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Sheriff, Office of Counsel and Board Clerk

The court verified summons that was false, my ANSWER and 3 responses as well as the FBI tip line and my complaint to the corrupt State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's Acting Administrator of Courts (AOC) Glenn Grant, J.A.D. as the corrupt Joint municipal court for the Township of Wantage, Borough of Sussex and Township of Stillwater court has refused to provide me copies of my own court records, its corrupt Office of municipal prosecutor of William Haggerty, Esq. of Dolan and Dolan PA Newton, NJ wrote two letters he recluse himself but the corrupt Township in response to my Open Public Record Act and Common Law Right of Access NOT performing its official duty to search for records prepared by its own employee stated it has no such records. As the Township has not assigned any alternative prosecutor nor has the court addressed motions in over 4 years neither its former corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. nor the current corrupt attorney Glenn Gavan, Esq. who resigned because of Ethics complaint findings from his position on the as its second member to resign and also used its facilities for his own law practice was never appointed by the Gov nor has Senate confirmed in over 8 months as the President of the Borough of Sussex Council Linda Masson objected to the Township of Wantage which has sole selection authority of the municipal judge. and seeks to prevent me from getting any government record including Office of Municipal Prosecutor records. Accordingly, as all due process rights are violated for YEARS I have with filing fees exceeding $700.00 in the Corrupt Sussex County Superior Court and required filing fee in U.S. Court to remove the Case SSX-C-21-15 from any New Jersey Superior Court thereby both the Township, the Joint court have been reported to numerous federal, state agencies, the Sussex County prosecutor and Morris County Prosecutor, the State of New Jersey Superior Court Clerk, New Jersey Attorney General, State Senators and members of the Assembly, the corruption noted herein continues as the Department of Justice' Office of Inspector General, Office of Information Policy, National Archives and Records Administration's Office of Government Information Services, Office of Management and Budget, CIGIE, U.S. Attorney Lynch, FBI director Comey and CIGIE which reports directly to the present of the United States of America have allowed the corruption to continue now for 13 Years, I have filed a Motion to REMOVE the Sussex County Docket to a U.S. District Court.

These public records in U.S. District Court, in New Jersey's Superior court, in the Township of Wantage and known to newspapers coast to coast are published as OPEN PUBLIC records on: with a adobe formatted print-out of its index.htm control file and narrative on

Listen to Thomas Caggiano's opinions on Judicial fraud and corruption be described by Thomas Caggiano to the Chief for Police for Morristown, N.J. 07963

This News Digest published by Inside on the Outside expresses the opinion of the author Thomas Caggiano

Government Corruption Exposed in U.S.A.
Coast to Coast at all levels of Government

Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories. --Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, 1787

A government of hubristic hypocrites controlled by Wall Street tycoons, Hollywood billionaires and Special interests

The U.S.A. is the world's biggest arms seller and spy, infested with corrupt attorneys and black robed diseased judges that do the bidding of its corrupt political system of despots for greed, power and self glory.

In the U.S.A., We the People is just a propaganda slogan for its a corrupt county with a totally dysfunctional government where free speech and liberty are suppressed by a criminally, politically controlled run Judiciary System with nihilism rampant and its newspapers and cable TV are controlled by money mongrels salivating at their abuse of power.

Read George Whasington's farewell address as he warned the county of the rise of political parties and their coming tyranny upon the people.

Last Update Dec 5, 2015

You can download this report
exceeding 150 pages via

Author Thomas Caggiano's Background

Read the State of Nevada Attorney General
describe the federal crimes on

that have federal sentences of life or death penalties

as the State of NJ crimes NJSA 2C:30-6 with bodily harm, terrorism and false imprisonment in a conspiracy and complicity now exceeding a 13 year cover-up of fraud, bribery, perjury, tax fraud, tampered with government records and retaliation rise to the lst degree

Read a 17 Page letter and CD
as the files are published and available on which are noted in the letter
mailed to corrupt New Jersey Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC
FBI Las Vegas, Nevada as directed by Department of Justice CASE File DA30037340
Select Committee on Investigation against the corrupt Christie and Guadagno Administration
and Gov Chris Christie's appointed corrupt former U.S. Attorney District of NJ Assistant now Acting NJ Attorney General John Jay Hoffman, Esq.
Senator Sweeney and other State of NJ Senators were advised of
the corruption of Chief Justice Stewart Rabner who worked for Christie also as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the corrupt District of NJ's Newark office.

Speaking at Peking University , Mrs Obama's propaganda that does NOT exist in the U.S.A. was: "When it comes to expressing yourself freely, worshipping as you choose, and having open access to information - we believe those are universal rights that are the birthright of every person on this planet"

By Josh Silver: Most of us will dutifully pay our taxes to a government that no longer represents us. Policy decisions on nearly every issue, regardless of public opinion, are decided in favor of a select few who can afford to write massive checks, host campaign fund raisers, and hire armies of lawyers and lobbyists. That might read as an exaggeration to some, but it's a verifiable fact of the American political system.

A new analysis of 1,779 recent policy outcomes by researchers at Princeton and Northwestern found that "economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy," while average citizens -- the people in "We, the People" -- "have little or no independent influence."


Because if you want representation in today's Whasington, you must buy your way in.

Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.

Harry S Truman, August 8, 1950 33rd president of US (1884 - 1972)

People don't remember the Truman scandals as his popularity dropped to 22% so here's how corrupt the IRS was: The government indicted or dismissed 166 IRS officials for taking bribes in return for fixing tax issues. Under Obama, the IRS targeted opposition groups

A 28.4 Meg 24 page record mailed to the corrupt U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, NJ Select Committee on Investigation, FBI Las Vegas, NV, corrupt U.S. Attorney District of NJ Paul Fishman, the corrupt Acting NJ Attorney General John Jay Hoffman and Christie's press spokesman Michael Drewniak who praised his former employee the corrupt U.S. Attorney District of New Jersey and those many corrupt attorneys brought to the Christie Administration especially the corrupt former NJ Attorney General District of New Jersey's Assistant Attorney Stuart Rabner now Chief Justice of the corrupt New Jersey Supreme Court. What's amassing is Michael Drewnail stated the highest levels of the Port Authority from New York HATED the New Jersey appointees. What does that say about Christie's review of his nor removed appointee as Gov Christie who appoints the Chair of the Port Authority own spokesperson states the level of hatred among the top officials in the Port Authority of NY and NJ

Gov Christie's Press secretary Michael Drewniak praising the many corrupt U.S. Attorney District of NJ Assistant Attorneys now working in the corrupt Christie Administration and stating he is aware the State of NJ members and NY members on the Port of Authority of NY HATE one another. Does NOT give much credence to Christie's selection of his appointees on that huge pork barrel operation where Ex Gov Corzine gave his corrupt former Commissioner of Community Affairs Susan Bass Levin, Esq. a do nothing deputy job with a $250,00 salary and a part time Job on her corrupt Local govt Services Dept Local Finance Board as now Christie corrupt Commissioner is Richard Constable III, Esq. Why is New Jersey so corrupt. It's NIHILISM and protection of the Department of Justice itself and its many former corrupt Federal attorneys that worked under Chris Christie in the District of New Jersey now installed by a corrupt government to control its Judiciary and Executive Branches as the Republicans on the State of New Jersey Select Committee on Investigation and the Democrats solely focus on Bridgegate and not the vast corruption embodied into the system of government as stated by NJ own prior corrupt Gov Jon Corzine who was thrown out of Goldman Sacks, developed the mortgage derivatives market in the Trillion Banking crisis, voted out of office because of his own corruption and then brought as CEO of MF Global brought it into bankruptcy making risky bond bets using segregated client funds but he is a Multi Millionaire and campaign donor to President Obama and Christie was the fund raiser for Bush and the Republicans which was how he got the job as U.S. Attorney District of NJ without any experience as a prosecutor as Morristown,NJ remains a central a hive of corruption with its corrupt Superior Court, Morris County Ethics County Supreme Court District Ethics Committee and corrupt State prosecutor and corrupt municipal court. Chris Christie was notorious in Morristown and after getting campaign funds for Bush he got the job as U.S. Attorney for District of New Jersey without any former prosecutor experience and supported by Wall Street money he would become the Chair of the Republican Governor's Association and bring home the money for the party as his Press Secretary Michael Drewniak a former spokesman for the U.S. District of NJ praised the former U.S. many U.S. Assistant Attorneys now infesting the Christie / Guadagno Administrations and his many corrupt Cabinet officials and the ubiquitously corrupt racketeering counties of Morris and Sussex County.

The corrupt former chair of the hideous Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, et. al. v. Thomas Caggiano Docket SSX-C-43-13 ( see court records under Docket SSX-C-4313 in the corrupt Superior Court of Judge S. Hansbury. P.J.Ch as they are open records combined with SSX-C-1-13 the corrupt Township of Green v. Thomas Caggiano Docket SSX-C-1-13 both with corrupt attorneys. Hal Wirths as you can listen to the 10 minute presentation I made before the corrupt Board, its corrupt Counsel Dennis Mc Connell, Esq and the corrupt Board Secretary Ms Morgan on 081105SussexCountyFreeholdersMtg.mp3 describe the corruption, fraud, conspiracy on Aug 11, 2011. now Christie's corrupt Commission of Labor hiring the former corrupt perjurer and executive director of the corrupt Department of Community Affairs Government Record Council GRC which is totally corrupt under both the Corzine (D) and Christie (R) administrations.

Gov Chris Christie, LT Gov and Secretary of State Kim Guadagno, Chief Justice of NJ Supreme Court Stuart Rabner an many other Christie administration officials are former U.S. Attorneys for the District Of New Jersey and are protected by the corrupt U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, his corrupt Department of Justice, Office of Inspector General and his many former District of NJ Assistant Attorney Generals infesting the Department of Law and Public Safety and his cronies from Morristown NJ the infested Superior court therein controlling its corrupt Vicinage X protected by the Sussex County / Morris County District Ethics Committee, the Office of Attorney Ethics as its Judges are protected by the ACJC headed as executive director the corrupt administrator of Courts Glenn Grant, J.A.D. from Essex County the home of the corrupt Essex County Prosecutor Paula Dow, Esq who Christie made his NJ Attorney General, then his Chief Counsel Jeff Chiesa the NJ Attorney General and interim federal senator of NJ and now the corrupt Acting AG John Jay Hoffman with Christie's corrupt Chief Counsel Kevin O'Dowd waiting to be confirmed as Christie's and the infested State of NJ next Attorney General. Read a short 24 page assemblage of charts and documents that prove in an instant the conspiracy of hundreds of govt officials and employees which includes over 140 govt attorneys and more then 30 judges at all levels of government that cover-up has continued not just for 8 yeas as shown in the package but in actuality over 30 years as the Republican Control Morris and Sussex Counties have been protected by both Democrats and Republicans and still are.

Listen to Thomas Caggiano describe in his telephone call to the Chief of Police of Morristown, Morris County, New Jersey 07963 the total corruption of its Superior Court and Municipal Judges and ubiquitous corrupt Government attorneys for the infested Sussex County and its many corrupt municipal governments protected by U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, the U.S. Attorney for District of New Jersey Paul Fishman, Esq. and the infested Gov Christie, Esq. (R) and LT Gov Guadagno, Esq. (R) Administration and before Christie the corrupt Ex-Gov Jon Corzine (D) administration with the corrupt then N.J. Attorney General Stuart Rabner, Esq. now Chief Justice of N.J.'s corrupt Judiciary Branch with its corrupt ACJC, OAE, AOC and DRB and District Ethics Committees as known by the a series of NJ AG the latest being Paula Dow,Esq. Jeff Chiesa,Esq. Acting John Jay Hoffman,Esq. who will resign in Mar 2016 after being NJ's corrupt Acting NJ Attorney General for 11 months and Christie's pawn. known to Christie's Chief of Staff Kevin O'Dowd,Esq. Christie's nominee to replace Hoffman. State of NJ Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee, N.J. State Bar Association, Republican, Democratic and National Governor's Associations, members of N.J. Select Committee on Investigation, Leadership in NJ Senate and Assembly, Federal Senators and Members of the House of Representatives and Newspapers coast to coast. Tyranny defined

Gov Christie made his Office of Legislative and Inter governmental Affairs with his corrupt Deputy Chief of Staff a political arm so the c corrupt Gov Christie through his loyalists under the bus.

The disbanding of the governor's Office of Legislative and Inter governmental Affairs was recommended by Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, a law firm hired by the Christie administration to represent it in Bridgegate scandal.. The office was once led by Bridget Kelly, the former Christie aide who sent an email that is symbolic of the scandal: "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee."

The Office of Legislative and Inter governmental Affairs role became an instrument of Christie's political agenda for he desired with his Wall Street backers to be President of the Untied States and is a major fund raiser fro the Republican Party and still Chair of the Republican Governor's Association and even leads in some polls as the Republican Nominee for President in 2016 supported by the Major news paper of New Jersey the Star Ledger's Editor Tom Moran and per its chief reporter Mulshine nothing other then dirty tricks is how he describes and justifies the criminal abuse of power and use of tax payers money to foster Christie's agenda to be President.. Hogwhas, don't bother reading the drivel from the Star Ledger.

Per the Gibson Dunn investigation, Staffers received directives to not return the calls of mayors who were out of favor, and the Commissioner of the State Department of Community Affairs the corrupt Richard Constable III, Esq. and corrupt voting member on the infested Government Record Council (GRC) said he was told to clear local meetings with the office and not respond to the Mayor of Hoboken who declined to endorse Mr. Christie. To understand how corrupt Constable's Department of Local Government Services LGS and Local Finance Board are read a ninety seven page OPRA response from that corrupt LGS office on proving the Department of Community Affairs under Gov Jon Corzine (D) and his campaign manager the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' Commissioner Susan Bass Levin, Esq. (D) who Corzine appointed to a deputy job on the infested patronage machine called Port Authority of NY and NJ for $260,000 per year while also giving her a dual part time position on the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' Local Government Services's corrupt Local Finance Board that is responsible for Ethics complaints and doesn't even log the complaints Thomas Caggiano mailed them into the system so that any member of the public or press would NOT know a complaint was even filed. Nor did the corrupt State of NJ Supreme Court's District Ethics Committees in Essex County, Mercer County, Morris County nor Sussex County as the Office of Attorney Ethics Statewide coordinator William Ziff, Esq. buried them with Harry Norton Jr., Norton, Sheehy & Higgins, P.C. One Garret Mountain Plaza Interstate 80 at Squirrelwood Road, Woodland Park, NJ 07424-3396 on the same floor and building as the FBI field office at 3 Garret Mountain Plaza, Woodland Park, N.J.

The corruption extends to the City of Trenton, City of Newark, corrupt Morris and Sussex County Prosecutor Offices and the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, its corrupt Sheriff Strada, County Counsels Campbell, Mc Connell and Lenard and the corrupt Townships and Boroughs like Stanhope, Wantage, Green, Stillwater, Netcong, Mt. Olive, Morristown, Newton, Fredon, Hampton, Frankfort Township, Borough of Sussex, Borough of Andover and More and More and their ubiquitous corrupt municipal courts ,.. and the Republican Gov Christie, his LT Gov and Secretary of State Kim Guadagno, a former employee as just another of the many corrupt former U.S. Attorneys from District of New Jersey's infested Newark Office a City where corruption triumphs in its many federal, and State agencies such as the corrupt Independent Office of Administrative Law under the felon in charge Laura Sanders as its Chief and Director and conspirator with the corrupt Department of Community Affairs Government Record Council with the Governor's Commissioner of Community Affairs and the Secretary of Education all corrupt under the Jon Corzine administration and total tyranny in the Chris Christie and Kim Guadagno and Richard Constable III, Esq. all involved in abuse of power using Sandy Funds as a tool of coercion to get Projects approved or get a Democrat to support Christie for Gov of NJ so he could become the Republican Governor's Association chair and darling to be President in 2016 support by NJ's corrupt Newspaper the Star Ledger's editor Tom Moran and his accomplice Paul Mulshine who write Bridgegate is only a dirty trick there is no crime committed as Christie's corrupt Appointed New Jersey Attorney General's are simply controlled by Christie Paul Dow the former corrupt Essex County prosecutor, Jeff Chiesa, Esq his comer chief counsel made NJ Attorney General then NJ federal interim Senator, replaced by the corrupt John Jay Hoffman with Christie Chief of Staff Kevin O'Dowd to replace him as the NJ AG is a potion of Nilsson as Stuart Rabner plays the game the best being counselor to U.S. Attorney Christie, then counsel to the corrupt Gov Corzine, made NJ Attorney General and then by both the efforts of Christie and Corzine the Chief Justice of NJ corrupt Judiciary Branch of Government. Christie's other corrupt Cabinet officials include the Secretary of Treasury Andrew P. Sidamon-Eristoff, Commissioner of Labor Hal Wirths the former corrupt chair of the Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders. Listen to Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders meeting of Thomas Caggiano's 10 minute presentation on rampant corruption of Nov 5, 2008 ,

Commissioner of Mental Health Services Jenn Velez, Esq., Secretary of Education, Commissioner of Department Enviornmental, Secretary of Agriculture, State of NJ Attorney General, Superintendent of State Police Col Fuentes, Chief Justice of N.J.s Supreme Court and former corrupt NJ Attorney General Stuart Rabner and hundreds more were both fully knowledgeable to the absolute total corruption in the Republican dominated racketeering structures known as Sussex and Morris Counties that are totally corrupt with many apparent corrupt law firms per RPC 5.1 such as Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC, Dolan and Dolan PA, Hollander, Strelzik, Pasculli, Pasculli, Hinkes, Wojcik, Gacquin, Vandenberg & Hontz, L.L.C., Morris, Downing & Sherred LLP, Kelly and War LLC, Newton's Robert Mattia, Esq. and its corrupt Sussex County Counsels Mc Connell, Lenard and Campbell with a totally corrupt Judiciary Branch headed by Stuart Rabner and Glenn Grant, J.A.D. known to the Senators on the State of NJ Judiciary Committee and leadership positions in the Senate and Assembly. That's New Jersey politics. The Office kept a map of local officials who had supported Mr. Christie's policies, Gibson Dunn lawyers wrote. The Office has been abolished.

It seems American's have forgotten how corrupt the Second President of the United States of America John Adams and Congress were

-- so read the Sedition Act for in the U.S.A. you had NO rights of Free Speech nor the Press. It's called the Sedition Act and
today of course we have the NSA spying on the entire world.

U.S.A. Sedition Act

Read Thomas Caggiano's 4/16/2014 letter to the State of New Jersey's Commission on Investigation SCOI with emailed links to the corrupt Department of Justice's Criminal Division's Public Corruption Unit, FBI, Courts noting Thomas Caggiano's pending N.J. Superior Court's Appellate Division's Appeal Docket A-001721-10 re-submittal to remove dozens of unconstitutional court orders issued by NJ's corrupt Superior and Municipal Courts that have life or death sentences as noted by the State of Nevada Attorney General in her published letter on

Read Thomas Caggiano's Appeal to the U.S. Treasury's Chief Counsel to unseal the many redacted pages in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) response from the U.S. Treasury's Whasington D.C.'s FOIA response published on and the OPRA request sent the State of N.J. Treasury published on

Read Thomas Caggiano's Motion to change Venue from the corrupt Sussex County and Morris County Vicinage which was denied by the corrupt Judge Hansbury, P.J.Ch as he also denied other motions to remove unconstitutional court orders on Dockets SSX-C-1-13 Township of Green v. Thomas Caggiano and SSX-C-43-13 Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders's, Sussex County Sheriff Strada, Sussex County Counsels Mc Connell, Campbell and Lenard and Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholder's corrupt Board Clerk Elaine Morgan v. Thomas Caggiano. Other corrupt court cases included but not limited to: MER-C-102-07 Government Record Council v. Thomas Caggiano, SSX-L-847-07 Borough of Stanhope and Frankfort Township v. Thomas Caggiano and GRC and more then two dozens others in the City of Trenton, Hopatcong, Stanhope, Green, Hampton, Stillwater, Wantage, Fredon, Borough of Sussex, Borough of Andover, Frankfort Township and more then a dozen quasi-criminal charges all filed by Borough of Stanhope Officials and employees all transferred to other municipal corrupt courts in Netcong, Frankfort Township, Mt. Olive, Wantage, Stillwater, Borough of Sussex and more courts like Joint Municipal Court Frankfort - Lafayette - Branchville - Sandyston - Walpack - Montague. Judge James G. Devine Prosecutor Peter J. Laemers in violation of Court rules and now Shared Borough of Hopatcong and Borough of Stanhope Municipal Court 111 River Styx with Judge William Bowkley, Jr. and his corrupt municipal prosecutors. Anthony Arbore 973-584-1501 as Clifford Lundin, Esq. was Hopatcong corrupt Mayor with tis corrupt Police Department. Clifford Lundin, Esq. is also the corrupt Department of Agriculture's Sussex County Soil Conservation District chairman Clifford Lundin, Esq. before the corrupt Hopatcong municipal court judge C. William Bowkley, J.M.C. and the corrupt municipal prosecutor Anthony Arbore, Esq. and before the corrupt Judge John Mulhern, J.M.C. and his corrupt Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC municipal prosecutor Andrew Fraser, Esq. with the aided of Clifford Lundin, Esq and Brian Smith, Esq. there corrupt State Attorney and also District Attorney they retaliated against another informant Mary Pawar, 12 East Drive, Stanhope, NJ 07874 for filing an OPRA request an put Thomas Caggiano in jail for mailing an Open Public Act Request t other infested Sussex County Soil Conservation District that certified two false Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans for only 1/2 the Project, block 10902 Lots 10 and 12, 2 and 6 Oak Drive, Stanhope, NJ 07874 never approved by the municipality, the first was appealed and then voided by the corrupt State of NJ's Soil Conservation Committee and the second denied eve not exist with threats by Brian Smith, Esq. to Thomas Caggiano that he would be jailed again if he continued requesting the following certification signed by Clifford Lundin, Esq. not approved by Stanhope and denied to exist

Winifred Straub the corrupt SCSCD manager who became the corrupt Board of Supervisors member as they certified two false Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans for only 1/2 Project Minor Sub-division Block 10902 Lots 10 and 12, 2 and 6 Oak Drive, Stanhope. N.J 07874 in file folder SH 44 with also a violated wetland permit, violated Uniform Construction Code and violations of the Map Filing Law, Municipal Land Development codes, Shade Tree Commission codes, Deed restrictions, Map Filing Law, Local Public Contracts Law as with bribery, conspiracy, trickery, criminal coercion, and two false certified Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans for on 2 Oak Drive by the corrupt Department of Agriculture of tampered with false filed drawings with protection by the corrupt Office of Attorney General's Division of Law and Public Safety, State Ethics Commission, State Police Official Corruption Bureau, Office of Government Integrity, Office of Administrative Law, Government Record Council, Local Finance Board, Department of Health Services, State of NJ Department of Treasury and Secretary of State and other Cabinet level officials in many departments including the corrupt Division of Consumer Affairs' Board of Professional Planners and the infested Board of Engineers noted on the transcript records themselves published on as a chronology of historical events shows how wide spread the corruption is. The old chronology lists Stat and municipal codes that were violated as a 13 year cover-up of tax fraud, bribery, perjury, conspiracy continues to ever new heights through the U.S. District courts, State of New Jersey and State of Nevada's own courts.

Read complaints filed with Chief Justice of the United States of America Roberts, U.S. Court of Appeals, Chief Federal Judge in the Office of Circuit Executive 9th District Court Alex Kozinski in San Francisco, California and the corrupt U.S. District Court District of Nevada and known by the corrupt U.S. Attorney Eric Holder and U.S. Attorney District of New Jersey Paul Fishman, DOJ and FBI and U.S. Treasury on

Just the facts:

Born in USA, Thomas Caggiano was jailed for submitting grievances of government corruption at Open Public Meetings and requesting copies of Government records and can't even get copies of his own court records on convictions over turned on Superior Court appeals and criminal charges dismissed with prejudice against the State IND 08-09-316-I.

On a civil case based on false verified certified affidavits submitted by NJ's corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders and its Sheriff Strada, Caggiano is NOT even allowed to hire an attorney nor remove the unconstitutional court orders issued Apr 4, 2013 by the corrupt Morris County Assignment Judge Weisenbeck, A.J.S.C. and upheld by Hansbury, P.J.Ch under Docket SSX-C-43-13 held in Morristown, N.J. repeatedly by conspiracy 18 U.S.C. Section 2 and N.J.S.A. 2C:5-2.b with attorneys Richard Campbell, Dennis Mc Connell, Dennis Lenard and Kevin Kelly. Thomas Caggiano has greater freedom of speech and civil rights in Russia then U.S.A. where none exist. In USA, State sponsored terrorism is how Government suppresses free speech and even mailing grievances.

Read Thomas Caggiano's request for Court records mailed to the corrupt Morris County Superior Court with copy to the FBI in Newark, Woodland Park, NJ and FBI in Las Vegas per the direction of the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General, the DOJ Civil Rights Division Criminal Investigation Unit and the State of Nevada Attorney General which tells you how utterly corrupt the Morris County and Sussex County Vicinage X is among its many infested Superior Court Judges and ubiquitous corruption of appointed municipal judges that owe their part time jobs as they rove around different municipalities and do what the Mayors, Governing Body members and the corrupt appointed Borough Attorneys and Municipal prosecutors agree upon in wide ranging conspiracy with the corrupt Office of Attorney General's Department of Law and Public Safety's Division of Law attorneys and the attorneys and retired judges on the State of NJ's infested Supreme Courts' review bodies for ethics called Codes of Ethics which do NOT apply by the ACJC for Judges, the OAE and DRB for attorneys and the AOC for judicial staff so why write the Codes of Ethics R:1-14 as they are a charade as are Rules Governing NJ courts and Federal codes do NOT apply in the State of New Jersey protected by the corrupt U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, his DOJ Public Corruption Unit and the U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey Paul Fishman, Esq. who replaced the corrupt former U.S. Attorney for NJ Chris Christie, Esq. now Gov of New Jersey as his administration and the Port Authority a bastion of Nihilism of New Jersey and New York where the Gov of NJ appoints his cronies to lead positions are now under investigation because of Bridgegate by the State of New York's Manhattan District Attorney, the State of New Jersey Select Committee on Investigation and the corrupt U.S. Attorney District of NJ Paul Fishman, Esq. but Christie remains the Chair of the Republican Governor's Association for he brings in Wall Street money and power brokers funds. Now that the Zionist Society says: Don't trust Christie even though the New Jersey's major newspaper the Star Ledger supports Christie for President in 2016 he is doomed as there is NO chance of his being the Republican Presidential candidate as the Republicans now turn on the third Bush - Jebb Bush as a likely 2016 nominee and USA will again witness the Bush clan v. Clinton clan as the USA has become a two family system of government instead of the Hatfield's and Mc Coys as over $ 4 Billion dollars will be spent on campaign propaganda filling the cable propaganda networks like Fox and MSNBC, the airwaves and internet with deceptive ads.

Read Thomas Caggiano's request for copies of his own court records which illustrates the depravity if its courts, its corrupt judges and unethical and corrupt attorneys and their bribed law firms that flourish in the corrupt State of New Jersey with a corrupt Supreme Court and its hideous Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC, its corrupt Office of Attorney Ethics OAR and tis corrupt Administrator of its Courts AOC) Glenn Grant, J.A.C. protected by a series of corrupt State of New Jersey Attorney Generals under the corrupt ex Gov Jon Corzine administration and totally corrupt Chris Christie administration both protected by Eric Holder and his corrupt Department of Justice, FBI and U.S. Chief Justice of the United States of America Roberts, the U.S. Judiciary Committee, U.S. Court of Appeals, U.S. Chief District Judge Alex Kozinski and corrupt U.S. District 9th District of Nevada Chief Judge Gloria Navarro and U.S. magistrate George Foley
Read recent Morris County Superior Court SSX-C-43-13 and SSX-C-1-13 filed motion to change venue.
Complaint filed with NJ Supreme Court's ACJC
against NJ Vicinage X Weisenbeck, A.J.S.C. and Hansbury, P.J.Ch
Complaint filed with corrupt Morris County Prosecutor - audio recording
Evidence filed with DOJ, FBI, Newspapers, Representatives and
State of New Jersey Select Committee on Investigation
against corrupt Gov Christie and Lt. Gov Guadagno Administration

In USA, whistle blowers are attacked and retaliated against by all levels of government: Federal, State, County and Municipal.

In the USA, Government is controlled by MONEY, lobbyists and insatiable desires of Greed and Adoration

Mar 23, 2014 a 179 Megabyte U.S. Treasury report obtained under FOIA from Whasington D.C.

Other Directories:
corrupt judges | corruption thru U.S.A. | pdf detailed reports | Dept of Law and Public Safety's Division of Consumer Affairs' Corrupt Board of Engineers Transcripts

PROLOG READ a report Thomas Caggiano obtained under the Freedom of Information Act with many redacted pages from the U.S. Treasury in Whasington D.C. proving the IRS and hundreds of other were aware of the tax fraud, money laundering, trickery, obstruction of law to prevent detection and apprehension, criminal abuse of court processes, HIPPA violations, conspiracy and racketeering in the State of New Jersey protected by its Governors and series of New Jersey Attorney Generals, New Jersey Treasury and NJ IRS for many years as well as the corrupt U.S.P.S. Postmaster and its corrupt investigation inspection service centers in Arizona, Illinois and New Jersey and U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, Federal Senators, members of Congress, newspapers, members of NJ Senate and General Assembly, a hundred government attorneys, dozens of Judges at all levels of government by is adopted referenced exhibits including over 10,000 court pages for years.

In USA, FREEDOM OF SPEECH and DUE PROCESS are meaningless exist only on appear in its US and State Constitutions, Case law and Codes of Ethics. as corruption is deeply embedded in NJ's won constitution with appointed judges thereby owing their loyalty NOT to the Constitution but to those that appoint them. In New York and Nevada Judges are NOT appointed by Government officials to protect themselves but elected by We the People. In NJ, court rules are made giving themselves total immunity and allow themselves to operate in TOTAL SECRECY of pandemic fraud and corruption. In NJ, in my opinion the Government is far worse then the impeached President Nixon.

The hubristic despots Governor is Chris Christie funded by mega donors of Wall Street and his conspirators the corrupt Lt Gov Kim Guadagno also Secretary of State, the corrupt Chief Justice of NJ Supreme Court Stuart Rabner and his accomplice the executive director of the corrupt Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC and Administrator of the Courts AOC Glenn Grant, J.A.D. and his own Chief Counsel to the Office of the Governor. The IRS has its Special Agent John Kirk, employee ID 3062, ASAC Phoenix, Az Post Las Vegas threaten Thomas Caggiano with a tax audit and then criminal charges when you say you will exercise your civil rights by going to the corrupt U.S. District Court in the District of Nevada in Las Vegas and are confronted by a corrupt Office of Circuit Executive OCE in San Francisco California for the Ninth Circuit and a corrupt Federal Nevada Senator and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid with a corrupt Office of Inspector OIG General of Department of Justice DOJ Case file DA30037340 and corrupt Judges in Las Vegas and through NJ protecting over 200 corrupt officials, government employees and over 100 government attorneys at all levels of govt as none of the attorneys comply with Codes of Ethics called Rules of Professional Conduct nor do the Judges except Judge Edward Gannon, J.S.C. who reported his corrupt Assignment Judge Thomas Weisenbeck, A.J.S.C. in Vicinage X, Morristown, NJ 07963-0910 to the corrupt Office of Attorney General of NJ as the last Six attorney generals under ex-govt Jon Corzine and the totally corrupt former U.S. attorney District of NJ Chris Christie administration bringing a horde of corrupt former Assistant U.S Attorneys in Newark into his despotic Gov Christie administration including the corrupt Lt Gov Kim Guadagno, Esq. the former corrupt sheriff of Morristown the county with the infested Morris County Superior courts protected by the U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, Department of Justice Public Corruption Unit and Christie's pawns which is far worse then of the ego maniac, revengeful and hedonistic Chris Christie.. The opposite occurs when you expose Government Corruption and Tax Fraud by officials and their bribed law firms and inept bribed professional engineers and planners. Christie and U.S. Attorney for District of New Jersey Paul Fishman his replacement in the District of New Jersey is protected as corrupt IRS Special Agent John Kirk was protected by his corrupt IRS Supervisors and the Treasury's Inspector General for Tax Administration IGTA as proven by the Mar 18, 2014 response from the Dept of Treasury FOIA response of over You are retailed against severely by its corrupt courts at all levels in the Federal and State Governments as Thomas Caggiano discovered in New Jersey, Nevada and California as the government as stated by Judge Edward Gannon, J.S.C. of his higher level Superior Court Assignment Judges and the Supreme Court of New Jersey's ACJC "They circle the wagons to protect the power structure" shown by every complaint I filed never having any investigator contact Thomas Caggiano as some of complaints which can not be obtained from the ACJC have been published for years on the directory and filed in U.S. District and NJ Superior Court Appellate Division Docket A-001721010 State v. Thomas Caggiano an Supreme Court court after court as adopted referenced ethics of tyranny in government that exists in the United States of America from Coast to Coast.

The more you expose the fraud and corruption the greater the retaliation.

As noted within the U.S. Treasury's own FOIA print-out: Complaint 3/14/2014 Complaint Number: 63-1306-0034-C Received 6/11/2013 55 pages on page 12 is stated on Jun 9, 2013, the taxpayer THOMAS CAGGIANO sent an e-mail to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) Complaint Unit and reported public corruption in the State of New Jersey. CAGGIANO stated he is one of many informants against over 200 corrupt state, county and municipal officials in NJ CAGGIANO provided a detailed statement which included allegations of political corruption in New Jersey with large redactions. taking away by court orders time and time again all your civil rights under color and in a conspiracy involving hundreds of government attorneys, Judges, and officials at the highest levels in Government use to criminally coercive its own workforce and We the PEOPLE to fear its evil continuous wrath that continues under Docket SSX-C-1-13, SSX-C-43-13, MER-C-102-07, SSX-L-847-07 more then a dozen petty order convictions for harassment and defiant trespass to attend Open Public Meetings and talking with another informant who hired her own attorney and reported the corruption to 10 government agencies such as FBI, Office of Gov of NJ, State Police Official Corruption Bureau which are all corrupt themselves including their superiors NJSA 2C:2-6.b(1), b(4), c(1) and e(3) called AN ACCOMPLICE - Complicity - liability for another. and others and can't file criminal complaints nor attend Open Public Meetings, write grievances or hire an attorney to defend yourself and they involuntarily force drugs into your body as done to Thomas Caggiano at Carrier Clinic. Thomas Caggiano was also falsely imprisoned in Sussex County Keogh Dwyer Jail twice on High Street, Newton N.J. 07860 once by the corrupt Judge John Mulhern, J.M.C. and then by the corrupt Judge C. William Browley, J.M.C. as both issued court orders violating Thomas Caggiano's civil rights under color and in a conspiracy to intimidate him and other retaliated informants such as Mary Pawar, Iqbal Pawar and Kathryn Caggiano, Richard Stewart, Ian Brennan and Ms Robin Kline to give criminal aide to others to prevent the exposure of the corrupt State of New Jersey's Department of Agriculture Sussex County Soil Conservation District chaired by the corrupt former Mayor of Hopatcong Clifford Lundin, Esq. which continues to conspire with the law firm of Dolan and Dolan PA via William Haggerty,Esq. the municipal prosecutor in the corrupt Joint municipal court of Wantage, Stillwater and Borough of Sussex where Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. as refused to schedule motion hearings for over a year in violation of court rules which require the motions to be heard at the next motion calendar and refused to provide copies of Thomas Caggiano own court records in both the Wantage and Township of Green's Courts also stating in Green that the former Assignment Judge Bozonelis, A,J,S.C. issued secret court orders that no defendant can get copies of their own court records and the municipal court administrator Maria Speigler wrote Thomas Caggiano per State of New Jersey laws NO defendant can get a copy of their own court records.

In Sussex County, NJ Newton's Jail cruel and unusual punishment is condoned as inmates are maltreated and NOT given proper medical care for months. The corrupt Sheriff Strada under Docket SSX-C-43-13 with the corrupt Sussex County infested Board of Chosen Freeholder's, the Sussex County Council Dennis Mc Connell an his partner in fraud Richard Campbell, Esq. engaged in a criminal conspiracy itself over one year that continues with the latest court order issued by Judge S. Hansbury, P.J.Ch filed on Mar 25, 2014 denying my right to hire an attorney nor any representative, discovery, writing grievances by mail, requesting a copy any government record by any means or examining County and municipal codes in the infested Township of Green, getting copies of my own court records in Township of Green. Thomas Caggiano is NOT even allowed to file denial of access complaints to the Government Record Council for denials that occurred even before the Civil Suite was filed as the Judge issued retroactive violation of Thomas Caggiano's civil rights before the filing date. Thomas Caggiano has no Common Law Right of Access to any government records even deeds for property he is a lien holder under foreclosure proceedings nor tax property sales records to aid in tax assessments as he is not allowed to contact the Sussex County Clerk's Office nor its engineering department to determine what County Standards are nor allowed to participate in any Sussex County Planning Board meetings during its Open Public Session nor request copies of minutes of meetings, telephone, email nor fax any Sussex County employee nor any in the Township of Green and by Judge Craig U. Dana's court orders in Green he can not contact anyone in the Township of the Borough of Stanhope where non-criminal charges were filed by against Thomas Caggiano in State v. Thomas Caggiano by a dozen separate complaints ALL of which were transferred with NO authority to the Township of Green by Judge John Mulhern, J.M.C. who also jailed Thomas Caggiano in the former Stillwater and Hampton Municipal court and made no required court docket reclusing himself in Stanhope's corrupt municipal court now combined with that of the corrupt Shared municipal court of Hopatcong and Stanhope with its corrupt Municipal Judge C. William Browkley Jr., J.M.C. and corrupt municipal prosecutor Anthony Arbore, Esq.

Common Law Rights of Access require a 3 prong balancing test and give one MORE Rights to govt records then the Open Public Records Act Per corrupt Superior Court issued court orders I not even contact the Sheriff to deliver required court documents or any reason. In short, tyranny continues.

Read my filing with the FBI in Las Vegas, NV per direction of the FBI in Whasington D.C. and the Department of Justice's Civil Division Criminal Investigation Unit and to the FBI Field offices in Newark, Woodland Park and Hamilton (Trenton) on 140302faxtofbi.pdf FBI Tip

Read my April filing to the corrupt State of NJ Supreme Court's corrupt Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC on Complaint filing against Morris County and Sussex County Assignment Judge Thomas Weisenbeck, A.J.S.C. and his co-conspirator S. Hansbury, P.J.Ch and many other uselessly filed complaints buried in the corrupt ACJC for not a single docket number was assigned nor did any investigator contact me on

Writing the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Special Litigation Section as suggested by the State of Nevada Attorney General has resulted in only more retaliation and NOT one telephone call from anyone in its department as usual.

In the corrupt Joint Municipal Courts by Judge John Mulhern, J.M.C., Craig U. Dana, J.M.C., C. William Browkley,J.M.C. and Devine, J.M.C. Thomas Caggiano was convicted over a dozens times. In the corrupt City of Trenton Thomas Caggiano was also convicted by the corrupt Judge Louis Sancinto, C.J.M.C. and the corrupt City of Trenton municipality pal prosecutor Robert Yostembski on a malicious petty disorder charge Docket S2007-075464 which conviction was overturned by Superior Court Judge Mitchel E. Ostrer, J.S.C, docket 18723 on Appeal 2009-24 on Jun 17, 2011. by the perjurer Catherine Starghill, Esq. the corrupt executive director of the Department of Community Affairs; Government Record Council now a State employee under the corrupt Commissioner of Labor Hal Wirths;s the former corrupt chair of the Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders as another member of the corrupt Board of Chosen Freeholders is now Assemblyman Parker Space replaced on the Board by the corrupt George Graham a member of the infested Borough of Stanhope's Governing Body who also charged me with harassment in the Borough of Stanhope with its corrupt Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC Borough Attorney and Municipal prosecutor the perjurer Richard A. Stein, Esq. and ring leader of corrupt attorneys including the corrupt Department of Law and Public Safety's Division of Law and its GRC Deputy Attorney General Debra Allen, Esq. who conspired with three Mercer County Superior Court Judges under MER-C-102-07 GRC v. Thomas Caggiano. A witness against the set-up by many corrupt State officials is SGT Eric Fowlkes Badge 4792 and the corrupt direct assistant to the Superintendent of State Police Col Fuentes Major L. Littles-Floyd Badge 5375. with the other corrupt representatives Senator Orocho and Assembly woman Alison Mc Hose.

then after spending over $1,000 for the court transcript was found NOT guilty upon Superior Court municipal appeal. Thirteen criminal charges were filed by the corrupt Sussex County prosecutor David Weaver and his team of corrupt Assistant Prosecutors's under IND 08-09-316-I State v. Thomas Caggiano. All charges were Dismissed with Prejudice against the State after a year of fraud by the court and Sussex County Prosecutor's office in Newton, NJ 07860 before a jury was even selected.

In NJ courts the following U.S Supreme Court cases of a defendant's rights DO NOT exist nor does the Code of Conduct for Judges, Prosecutors or Judicial employees except on paper. Thomas Caggiano's own attorney Robert Mattia, Esq. of Newton , N.J. refused to read court orders and transcripts and has refused for years to provide copies of my his attorney - client records but that corrupt court refuses to provide Thomas Caggiano his own court records as does the corrupt Municipal prosecutor's office refuses to provide copies of its municipal prosecutor records.

Stillwater, Hampton, Green, Fredon, Frankfort Township courts on cases transferred in violation of court rules from the Racketeering enterprise structured as the Borough of Stanhope, Sussex County, New Jersey 07874 with its corrupt law firms of Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC, Sparta, NJ and Dolan and Dolan PA, Newton, NJ protected by the corrupt State of NJ Office of Attorney Ethics and Morris County / Sussex County District Ethics Committees as done for others in the corrupt State of NJ Supreme Court's Sussex, Morris, Essex, Mercer and Passaic District Ethics Committees and investigator Harry Norton JR, Esq of Woodland Park, N.J. and Disciplinary Review Board DRB as NJ's Judiciary of appointed judges is protected by the Federal and State of NJ government. See as I was twice totally over 100 days and suffered cruel and unusual punishment as prescribed drugs were denied Thomas Caggiano for over 80 days of his illegal an false imprisonment by the Township of Green (Sussex) in the corrupt Sussex County Newton Jail being tacked in handcuffs and shackles to the Newton Memorial Hospital and handcuffed to the Hospital emergency room bed while receiving IVs thereafter in other rooms and needed medial care thereafter while denying his prescribed drugs the entire time and the corrupt Sheriff using tax payer dollars to prevent Thomas Caggiano from getting any government record even his own medical records while imprisoned.

Thomas Caggiano was assaulted by State Police numerous times, hand cuffed about sixteen times and denied all his civil rights in a conspiracy violating 18 U.S.C. 2, 241 and 242 which have life and death sentences for violation of federal laws and following State felonies NOT within FBI jurisdiction and NOT prosecuted by a series of corrupt State of NJ Attorney Generals under the corrupt Gov Jon Corzine but far worse Gov Chris Christie's Administration and his corrupt NJAGs' Paula Dow, Jeffrey Chiesa who Christie appointed his Chief Counsel a federal Senator from NJ an latest John Jay Hoffman to be replaced by Christie's Chief of Staff Kevin O'Dowd, Esq. if approved by the NJ Senate with the corrupt former NJ AG Stuart Rabner, Esq. made Chief Justice of NJ Supreme Court supported by NJ's unethical State Bar Association for out of over 100 State and municipal attorneys NOT one complied with the Code of Ethics called Rules of Professional Conduct RPC 8.3.a and 8.3.b .

N.J.S.A. 2C:30-5.c Findings relative to deprivation of civil rights by public officials, 2C:30-6.a Crime of official deprivation of civil rights with bodily harm and terrorism a State Crime of the First Degree, 2C: Pattern of Official Misconduct, 2C:29-1.a Obstructing a Government Function, 2C:Conduct designed to aide another in commission of a crime, 2C:2-6 An Accomplice - Liability for the conduct of another, 2C:5-2.b Conspiracy, 2C:21-3.b Offering a false instrument for filing, 2C:28-3 Unsworn falsifications to authorities and many more.

Read my extensively documented filed Motion to the corrupt Morris County and Sussex County Vicinage X, Morristown, NJ Superior Court Judge S. Hansbury, P.J. Ch to change venue from his totally corrupt court wherein court orders were issued denying me even the right to an attorney or any person to help represent me in civil suites filed against me by the corrupt Docket SSX-C-43-13 Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, the corrupt Township of Green and the corrupt Sheriff of Sussex county located on High Street in Newton, NJ 0760 the central hive of racketeering and corruption with the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, assistant prosecutors and many corrupt detectives, the corrupt State of New Jersey's corrupt Department of Agriculture's Sussex County Soil Conservation District with the District chair being the former corrupt Mayor of Hopatcong Clifford Lundin, Esq. and law firms engaged in fraud, bribery as attorneys in roles as Borough Attorneys, Land Use Board Attorneys and as municipal prosecutors are protected by the Townships and Boroughs and the corrupt Gov of NJ Chris Christie (R), his corrupt Lt Gov and Secretary of State Kim Guadagno, Esq. (R) the last six Attorney Generals of NJ which includes those under the corrupt Ex-Gov Jon Corzine administration (D) and an infested judiciary branch headed by Stuart Rabner the corrupt former NJ Attorney General in the corrupt Gov Jon Corzine administration as the Gov of NJ both Corzine and Christie appointed their henchman to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey which is a political patronage machine that shut down lanes on the George Whasington Bridge in retribution and intimidation. shows you how NJ political bosses operate.

READ Thomas Caggiano's filing wit the FBI in Las Vegas, NV, and Newark, Woodland Park and Hamilton (TRENTON field office) concerning the criminal conduct that continues unrelentingly

Read FAX to FBI dated Mar 2, 2014

Listen to Thomas Caggiano on Mar 2, reporting telephonically the corrupt in Morris County State Prosecutor located in Morristown, N.J.

The court filed MOTION for Dockets SSX-C-1-13 and SSX-C-43-13 is published here on and includes just one of dozens detailed criminal tip line reports Thomas Caggiano filed with the corrupt Office of Attorney General known to the corrupt U.S. Attorney Eric Holder and his corrupt District of New Jersey's US Attorney's Office in the corrupt City of Newark now with the corrupt Paul Fishman, Esq continuing the corruption of the U.S. Attorneys now infesting the Gov Christie administration in many positions via his Nihilism. for the infested State of NJ and a photograph of many letters sent to dozens of organizations and major newspapers exposing the corruption in USA coast to coast now published also separately on to the corrupt Department of Community Affairs Local Government Services, GRC and codes and standards departments which have been corrupt for over 10 years. The corrupt Government Record Council (GRC) has two corrupt cabinet officials as voting members.

Watch State of New Jersey Superior Court Videos from the infested Vicinage X Sussex County / Morris County Assignment Judges and corrupt government attorneys for Sussex County, Newton, NJ, Township of Green and Borough of Stanhope

Watch on Morristown's corrupt Superior Court Assignment Judge Weisenbeck, A.J.S.C. and the corrupt attorney Richard Campbell, Esq. of Mc Connell, Lenard and Campbell LLC of Stanhope, NJ 07874 for the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Newton, N.J. 07860, the corrupt Sussex County Counsel Dennis McConnell, Esq. the corrupt Board Clerk Elaine Morgan and

the corrupt Sussex County Sheriff Michael Strada under the new Docket SSX-C-43-13 assigned in lieu of Docket SSX-L-164-13

After Judge Edward Gannon, J.S.C. found NO harm and issued NO temporary restraining order requested by the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, et. al. v. Thomas Caggiano.

The corrupt Morris County / Sussex County Superior Court Civil Division Presiding Judge Stephan C. Hansbury, P.J. Ch court order assures a completely corrupt trial as he denied my motion to remove the unconstitutional court order for relief as I have no due process rights nor have a scheduling conference I requested over a year ago. I have no civil rights in NJ as its judges are totally corrupt. I can not even do discovery nor write the Sheriff for any reason nor visit the Sussex County Clerk to review deeds on property I am the lean holder nor use the corrupt Sheriff to serve court documents or use my Federal Civil rights to conduct a video recorded discovery session nor submit any OPRA or Common Law Right of Access request to the County or request any information or procedure from several municipalities nor read municipal codes nor get copies for court orders issued against me nor any court or government record nor even municipal prosecutor records on cases I was found NOT guilty so the corruption just continues along at the same level violations of 18 USC Sections 241 and 242 with life or death sentences as noted by the State of Nevada Attorney General in a day.

The Judge Hansbury filed court order was issued when I was out for the country as known to the Judge on Feb 28, 2014.

My motion is published on

Read how corrupt the State of New Jersey's Supreme Court is at all levels being its corrupt Chief Justice Stewart Rabner, the Administrator of NJ Courts Glenn Grant, J.A.D. who is corrupt as the executive director of the corrupt Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct (ACJC) and also as the Administrator of Courts AOC who has two additional duties he is corrupt therein. One is to review Codes of Ethics complaints against corrupt ad unethical judicial staff such as the Joint Municipal Court Administrator for the Township of Green, Hampton, Fredon and Borough of Andover Noted is another case involving corrupt Sheriffs office protected by the corrupt Assignment Judge Thomas Weisenbeck, A.J.S.C.

"A judge in Sussex County, upset over his removal from a case against a former sheriff's officer, recently aired his grievances with the court system in a strongly worded letter, according to a report on

  • Watch on the corrupt former Assignment Judge was B. Theodore Bozonelis,A.J.S.C. and you can review the criminal conduct of the Judge, Richard Stein, Esq. the corrupt Borough Attorney for the Borough of Stanhope and listen to other corrupt Attorneys representing the corrupt Frankfort Township ( Sussex ) and not hear the corrupt attorneys from the infested Department of Community Affairs' Government Record Council as the case docket was Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano and GRC Docket SSX-L-847-07 and watch me present evidence of bribery, perjury and racketeering in the infested Borough of Stanhope and its corrupt law firms of Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC and Dolan and Dolan PA. On Feb 20, 2014 Judge Hansbury, JSC denied my motion for relief as per his existing court order signed by Judge Weisenbeck, A.J.S.C. I am not allowed to hire an attorney, nor have anyone represent me.

    I can NOT do discovery for I am banned by court orders from writing any letter to the Township of Green, the Sheriff, the Board of Chosen Freeholders, nor can I even telephone the court for any reason as the court also cut off my home telephone number nor can I attend any pubic meeting in Stanhope nor get copies of court records on cases that I was found NOT guilty on my municipal appeal in the corrupt City of Trenton nor court records from the corrupt Morristown municipal court nor even have any Probable cause hearing by any municipal judge on NON-criminal charges nor my wife based upon a court order issued by Judge Thomas Manahan, JSC with NO docket number and never had a hearing nor did he even send me a copy.

    In July, Superior Court Judge Edward Gannon was taken off the case of Jason Campbell, a former officer for the Morris County Sheriff who had been suspended for enlisting the help of Boy Scouts to set fires, and later showing off an old badge during a traffic stop to avoid drug charges. Gannon rejected a plea deal offered by Morris County prosecutors, a rare move for a judge, after he called the agreement an affront to his judicial integrity. In the deal, Campbell would have been allowed to seek entry into the state Drug Court program instead of serving jail time. In the letter, sent to the Passaic County judge to whom the case was transferred, Gannon wrote that Morris County Assignment Judge Thomas Weisenbeck let political influences persuade him into moving the case. Gannon said Weisenbeck removed him from the case because of statements made to the press during that trial. The Star-Ledger reported in July that Gannon was both stern and sarcastic in his rejection of the plea deal. "He did not have possession of the transcript and relied upon the newspapers. I told him how ridiculous this was and that it appeared to violate the court rules as well as being retaliatory," Gannon wrote in the letter. Gannon said he decided not to formally protest his removal, writing, "Besides, filing a complaint will accomplish nothing in a Judiciary which time and again has circled the wagons to protect the power structure and thrown the trial Judge under the bus"

    To understand how corrupt NJ Court Rule R1:20 is as the ACJC operates in TOTAL secrecy with total immunity and does NOT assign investigators nor docket numbers read my uselessly filed complaints to the corrupt ACJC on the directory Of course the corrupt series of NJ Attorney Generals have known of the corruption for 675 pages of criminal tip line reports were filed in the corrupt criminal division and hundreds more field with the corrupt U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, Department of Justice, FBI, New Jersey State Police official Corruption Bureau and Department of Justice's corrupt Public Corruption Unit as can be read on as the corruption extends to the Gov of Nevada, the Attorney General for the State of Nevada, the North Las Vegas police and the Clark Court District Court and State of Nevada and State of New Jersey legislature including the Office of Inspector General for DOJ , HHS and U.S. Treasury and US Assistant Attorney General for the U.S. Criminal Division and the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) and U.S. Court of Appeals for 9th Circuit in California. Read what the FEC, FBI and federal representative and State representatives know about the ubiquitous nihilism and official corruption on, and as the FBI is corrupt at all levels is corrupt as now known by the State of New Jersey Select Committee on Investigation and the Gov of New Jersey's nominee being his Chief of Staff Kevin O'Dowd, Esq. to become New Jersey next corrupt NJ Attorney General as all three Attorney Generals under Chris Christie and LT Gov Guadagno's administration are corrupt: Paula Dow, Esq. former corrupt Essex County Prosecutor, Jeff Chiesa former counsel to the corrupt Gov Christie made NJ Attorney General then interim federal Senator replacing the felon and imprisoned former State Senator Sharpe James the corrupt Mayor of the City of Newark as NO State criminal charges were filed against the corrupt Mayor of Newark by the Essex County Prosecutor and the corrupt mayor for the City of Trenton was convicted on Federal charges and it took Judge Mary Jacobson's court order to have the corrupt Trenton Mayor Tony Mack removed from office but the corrupt Mercer County Prosecutor never filed any State Title 2C criminal charges against the corrutp Mayor of Trenton nor did any corrupt State of NJ Attorney General ever file any State Title 2C criminal charges against the federally imprisoned former N. J. State Senators Lynch and Byrant or those dozens convicted in many corrupt Hudson River controlled political machine of bosses for corrupt officials are apparently given total immunity for having any State prosecutor even file for a State Grand Jury or convened or have a municipal court determine if Probable Cause exists with the issuance of a warrant or any state prosecutor filing criminal charges against any of them.

    Below are comments made by others on the internet blogs aware of the corruption of the NJ Judiciary known by the State of NJ Senate's Judiciary Committee members who are all attorneys.

    The situation in Morris County involving the conduct of Judge Thomas Weisenbeck, the Assignment Judge for Morris and Sussex was considered so egregious the Complainant, a Superior Court Judge, Edward V. Gannon in Sussex County elected to bypass the Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC and refer the matter directly to the Attorney General. We need more Judge cannon's with the courage to uphold the judicial integrity...

    WHAT A WASTE OF ENERGY AS THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY ATTORNEY GENERALS ARE AS CORRUPT as the State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's ACJC that operates in total secrecy per its own self made court rules R 1:20 WHICH YOU CAN DETERMINE BY READING MY COMPLAINTS Thomas Caggiano FIELD AGAINST A SERIES OF NJ Corrupt JUDGES ON the directory as the U.S. District Court for the ninth circuit is also corrupt as shown by which protects the corrupt U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, the Department of Justice and its Office of Inspector General and FBI. The federal and state politicians protect the State's judges and the US Attorney General and State of NJ and NV Attorney Generals do also. The conspiracy is Standard Operating Procedure for the branches of government is from coast to coast.

    Others state the obvious: It's about time that the people of New Jersey realized that the New Jersey judicial system from the municipal court level all the way up to the New Jersey Supreme Court and the New Jersey law enforcement establishment is nothing but a racketeering enterprise, but you won't read about it in the mainstream media because they are afraid of retaliation from the black robed cult.

    After Judge Mc Govern III, J.S.C. stated the court records were in error and recluse himself as did Judge Edward Gannon, J.S.C., after the corrupt Assignment Judge Weisenbeck, AJSC combined SSX-C-1-13 and SSX-L-164-13 and issued court orders I could NOT even hire an attorney, have the Sheriff deliver court records, or contact the Sheriff for any reason in any manner or request any record by OPRA or Common Law Right of Access all violating U.S. Federal Civil and NJ court rules and the US and NJ Constitutions and court rules do NOT matter with the corrupt attorney from Kelly and Ward LLC Kevin Kelly, Esq. for the infested Township of Green and its corrupt Joint Municipal Court with Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and William E. Hinkes, Esq. as Borough Attorney and alleged by fraud as municipal prosecutor who admitted in verified in verified certified statements under oath to the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' Government Record Council that William Hinkes, Esq. destroyed the Office of Municipal Prosecutor records in violation of State record retention laws M170000 thereby violating my due process rights and other civil rights AND COMMITTING N.J.S.A. TITLE 2C CRIMINAL ACTS TO PREVENT HIS OWN DETECTION AND APPREHENSION ON MORE THEN A DOZEN CASES TRANSFERRED TO THE MUNICIPAL COURT in violation of NJ court rule which require approval of the Assignment Judge for a change of municipal court jurisdiction. of which all fines were returned in my Superior Court municipal appeal to the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and a string of corrupt NJ attorneys in the infested Sussex County Prosecutor's office which in its replies to me on the dismissed criminal indictment of Thomas Caggiano under IND 08-09-316-I State v. Thomas Caggiano were all criminal charges filed by the corrupt State of NJ prosecutor's office were dismissed with prejudice against the State and even that was done by fraud by the Superior Court Judge Conforti, J.S.C. and the corrupt Sussex County first assistant prosecutor Gregg Mueller, Esq. along with the corrupt Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health Services Jennifer Velez, Esq., the Anne Klein Forensic Center with its corrupt CEO Mr. Main and corrupt State psychologists Christine Joseph, PhD and Peter Paul,PhD. Thereafter the corrupt Office of NJ Attorney General's Department of Consumer Affairs Board of Psychological Examiners and Board of Medical Examiners and the U.S. Department of HHS and its Region II with the corrupt Board of Medical Examiners protected my own corrupt fired Dr. Nielsen, MD who released his own false mental evaluation report without my permission violating HIPPA but was protected by HHS Region II disregarding my filed complaint to the HHS and transferred to the corrupt Region II, order a drug for anxiety apparently to the corrupt Sussex County jail which tried to force me to take the drug as Kevin Kelly, Esq. who was hired by the corrupt and incompetent Dr. Nielsen, MD denied in his false report to my own corrupt attorney Robert Mattia, Esq. In addition the corrupt Attorney Kevin Kelly, Esq. of Kelly and Ward has falsely stated to the NJ Herald that I submitted 70 OPRA requests to the Township and also submitted false verified affidavits and violated the Rules of Professional Conduct along with the corrupt Richard Campbell, Esq to the corrupt Morris County Superior Court. ( see

    The Sussex County prosecutor's office apparently does NOT even have copies of court orders issued by the corrupt Vicinage Presiding Judge Thomas Manahan, P.J.S.C. for the corrupt Vicinage under IND 08-09-316-I which were also made against my wife Kathryn but the Judge Manahan, J.S.C. never had any hearing and even spelled her name wrong as Katherine and never even informed her of his court offer denying her own ability and that of Thomas Caggiano both retaliated against for over a decade to comply with Rule 7:2-1 on filing any quasi-criminal case before a municipal judge anywhere in Sussex County or Morris County for any reason with any probable cause hearing by a municipal Judge. On May 4, 2009 the corrupt Municipal Judge C. William Bowkley, Jr. J.M.C., reclused himself as Elizabeth Mertz, the Jeffersion Township municipal Court administrator 1033 Weldon Road, Lake Hopatcong, N.J. 07849 reclused himself. Hopatcong's corrupt municipal prosecutor is Anthony Arbone, Esq. of the law firm Forster and Arbor. The court orders provided Thomas Caggiano by the Sussex County Superior court include them and many of those provided by the court do NOT agree with those provided me by the Prosecutor nor my fired attorney Robert Mattia, Esq. who conspired with the Judge and Prosecutor's Office and for years both David Weaver and my own corrupt attorney Robert Mattia, Esq Newton, NJ 07860 have refused to provide me copies of my own court records and my complaints to Robert Mattia, Esq. of the corruption of the courts.

    Read my complaint to the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' GRC which has corrupt Cabinet officials as voting members and many corrupt government attorneys Robin Berg Tabakin, Esq. (Chairwoman) Owner of Technoforce, LLC and former State President of the New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners Richard E. Constable, III, Esq. Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Chris Cerf Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Education, Steven F. Ritardi, Esq. Partner with the law offices of Carmagnola and Ritardi, LLC protected by the State of NJ series of corrupt NJ Attorney Generals, ex-Gov Jon Corzine and the totally nihilistic, despots corrupt Gov Chris Christie,Esq. and Lt Gov and Secretary of State Kim Guadagno, Esq. administration and NJ's corrupt Chief Justice Stuart Rabner a corrupt former NJ Attorney General in the Corzine administration, the corrupt executive director of the ACJC and Administrator of NJ Courts Glenn Grant, J.A.D. - read and the corrupt U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey Paul Fishman, Esq and the U.S. Department of Justice's Criminal Division's Public Integrity Section, and Public Corruption Unit. See

    The corrupt voting members of the corrupt GRC which have been corrupt under both the Corzine and Christie administrations are currently: Robin Berg Tabakin, Esq. (Chairwoman) Owner of Technoforce, LLC and former State President of the New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners Richard E. Constable, III Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Chris Cerf Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Education Steven F. Ritardi, Esq. Partner with the law offices of Carmagnola & Ritardi, LLC with the corrupt Office of Attorney General's Division of Law's Deputy Attorney General for the GRC and the most recent corrupt GRC executive director noted in for reconsideration as the GRC did NOT make a finding of denial of the Township of Green's government records by Hinkes and his conspirator the Town Administrator Linda Peralta on for the corrupt Joint municipal court of the township of Green, Hampton, Fredon and Borough of Andover. William E. Hinkes, Esq. of Hollander, Strelzik, Pasculli, Hinkes, Vandenberg and Hontz, LLC is a former law partner of the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq. who indicted Thomas Caggiano on 13 separate criminal charges brought by corrupt officials and employees of the racketeering enterprise structured as the Borough of Stanhope which fired its Town Administrator Richard Stewart after he reported the corruption to the FBI and the corrupt Office of Attorney General for the State of New Jersey's corrupt Department of Law and Public safety and its corrupt Division of Law, Division of Consumer Affairs, corrupt State Police with its corrupt Official Corruption Bureau, corrupt State Ethics Commission, corrupt Board of Engineers, Board of Professional Planners, Board of Medical Examiners and Board of Psychologists Examiners.

    Watch the Morris County Superior Court video of Docket SSX-L-847-07 Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano and Government Record Council and watch the corruption of lots of corrupt attorneys for the Borough of Stanhope being the corrupt Richard A. Stein, Esq. protected by the Office of Attorney Ethics, Morris/Sussex County District Ethics Committee and its corrupt investigator Harry Norton, JR and William Ziff, Esq. the Supreme court's corrupt Statewide coordinator who coordinates the corrupt Supreme Court District Ethics Committees in Mercer County, Morris County, Essex County and more. Read how corrupt Essex County Vicinage Assignment Judge Patricia Costello,A.J.S.C. and FBI are on and how corrupt the City of Trenton's municipal court and municipal prosecutor's office are on, the corrupt Frankfort Township as its assistant prosecutor was not even an employee and without any authority its corrupt James Devine, J.M.C. transferred the malicious charge against me filed in the jurisdiction of Stanhope to the corrupt Frankfort Township court that bribed the attorneys to convict me and based upon my Superior Court municipal appeal the corrupt Sussex County Assistant prosecutor told the corrupt Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. she never even read the evidence clear violations of U.S. v. Agurs, 427 U.S,, 97 (1976) and Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83, (1963), When I challenged the false reports submitted by the corrupt Chief of Police for Stanhope the corrupt Judge throu the conflicting evidence out, admitted the corrupt Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. stated did NOT know what I was doing but stated I was guilty of the conviction in the Frankfort Township court that had NO jurisdiction and with an alleged but bribed assistant prosecutor Angela-C-Paternostro as she is an attorney for the law firm who was bribed and admitted by the township's own municipal clerk she never heard of her which is amazing as Paternostro, Esq. represented herself for years apparently by fraud with the help of the corrupt Joint Municipal Court of Frankfort, Lafayette, Branchville, Sandyston, Walpack and Montague municipal prosecutor Peter Laemers, Esq. and the municipalities Mayor, Governing Body, Municipal clerk and Borough Attorney.

    and the GRC which did NOT even show up.

    After the records show the case was dismissed the corrupt Morris County Superior Court Judge David Rand, P.J.Ch was completely corrupt re-opening the case years later and issuing court orders removing all my constitutional rights with the corrupt Richard Stein, Esq. again being the lead criminal coordinator with the Judges and many other unethical and corrupt government attorneys infesting the State, Sussex County, Morris County and municipalities as known by the politicians at all levels shown on and newspapers coast to coast and on internet blogs and in the 20,000 pages of court records against Thomas Caggiano.

  • Read how corrupt the FBI, Mercer County Prosecutor, and City of Trenton are on

  • Read how corrupt the Department of Community Affairs Division of Local Government Services and hundreds of officials and government employees and bribed law firms are on

  • Read how corrupt the Shared municipal court of Borough of Hopatcong and Borough of Stanhope is on

  • Read how corrupt the Government Record Council and Mt. Olive and Netcong, Morris County are on

  • Read how corrupt the FBI is on
  • Published under Freedom of Press to expose tyranny and corruption in Government at all levels

    This blog is an internet digest to expose tyranny in Government. Read an introduction to those that know such as the U. S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Inspector General, the DOJ Civil Rights Division's Special Litigation Section, FBI in Whasington D.C., Las Vegas, Trenton, Woodland Park and Hamilton, N.J. and DOJ's Criminal Division's Public Integrity Section (PIN), Public Corruption Unit (PCU), Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys, DOJ Civil Division Criminal Investigation Unit and FBI, Federal Senators, members of Congress and newspapers and US. District Courts coast to coast.. CASE FILE DA30037340

    The additional directories with government records and reports are available:

  • Numerous Federal Senators, Congressman, Governor's Associations, et. al.
  • Office of Gov of NJ records prior reports and older reports including detailed chronology
  • Complaints to NJ Supreme Court's corrupt Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct(ACJC)
  • Transcripts of the corrupt NJ Office of Attorney General's infested Division of Consumer Affairs' Board of Engineers

    that protects corrupt Professional Engineers for the State, Municipalities and developers. Note the Board of Professional Planners, Board of Medical Examiners and Board of Psychological Examiners are also corrupt in addition to the Department of Community Affairs' Codes and Standards Department that protects Construction Code Officials, its Local Government Services Division and Local Finance Board protect municipalities and the Government Record Council protects State, County and Municipal Governments, as well as other corrupt Departments DEP, Dept of Agriculture, Department of Mental Health Services, Comptroller, State Police, Dept of Education, State Treasurer, Secretary of State as misconduct and official corruption are ubiquitous in New Jersey as the wagons including its corrupt Judiciary Branch lead by the former corrupt State of New Jersey Stuart Rabner was made Chief Justice of NJ's corrupt Supreme Court being appointed by the corrupt former Gov Jon Corzine President Obama's multi-millionaire money bundler and the then corrupt U.S. Attorney Chris Christie for District of New Jersey as Stuart Rabner worked as an counsel for both these corrupt officials. The corruption in the hubristic, nihilistic Christie and LT Gov Guadagno is engrained in NJ political corruption culture as stated by a former US Attorney NJ official New Jersey is one of the most corrupt States in the United States of America if NOT THE MOST CORRUPT

    Even NJ laws and court rules are designed for protection of the power structure and tis courts that operate in TOTAL SECRECY by the corrupt State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct (ACJC) that is totally corrupt. Read the useless filings to the corrupt State of New Jersey ACJC on and useless letter to the corrupt Administrator of New Jersey courts who is also the corrupt executive director of the SECRET ACJC on for Glenn Grant is also the person that over seas the ethical conduct of corrupt Judicial Employees who violate the Codes of Ethics and Rules of General Application is suppose to get you copies of your own municipal court records when the corrupt Vicinage Trial Court administrator and the corrupt municipal clerk both refuse to give one access to their own court records as AOC he is also responsible for reviewing the unethical conduct per R 1:14 Codes of Ethics for the municipal court and staff but since he protects himself from complaints as the executive director of the ACJC he protects himself with the support of the corrupt Gov Chris Christie who is protected by Stuart Rabner as Chief Justice and its all done in SECRET by the court rules R:1-20 the Judiciary passes to protect themselves and they give themselves total immunity. The power structure through-out the federal, state, county and municipal governments surround the wagons and use the State Police, its corrupt Department of Mental Health Services with Glenn Ferguson, Ph.D. replacing the former corrupt CEO Mr. Main and again its court rules to involuntary imprison those that complain, have conflicting false mental evaluation and conflicting reports made by Ann Klein Forensic Center's corrupt State Psychologists Catherine Joseph and Peter Paul used as a weapon by the corrupt Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J,S.C., 43-47 High St, Newton, NJ and the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq. indicts you on 13 Separate criminal charges State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano IND 08-09-316-I filed in the Borough of Stanhope that transfers cases in violation of court rules to the corrupt Township of Green,Sussex and have David Weaver's former law partner William Hinkes, Esq. who is not even a properly hired municipal prosecutor convict you and with Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. issue court orders with is corrupt court administrator Maria Speigler stating NO defendant can get access to their own court records per State Law and then the Township of Green sues you and with the corrupt Assignment Judge Thomas Weisenbeck, A.J.S.C. have temporary court orders issued on Apr 4, 2013 Docket SSX-C-1-13 that you can NOT submit any request to the Township of Green and upholds the court orders issued by the Township of Green that you can not get any government record or court record nor write the Township of Green, the Borough of Stanhope nor the infested Board of Chosen Freeholders for Sussex County for any reason as shown in my filings to the corrupt Morris County Superior Court published on and

    The Power Structure of Tyranny developed has made its own NJ Court rules and Case Law providing total secrecy, nihilism, depostism and immunity for themselves and even prevent the Writ of Mandamus for the formation of an independent federal Grand Jury to determine if Probable Cause even exists. At all levels government of the United States of America now spies on everyone in the world via the NSA.

    They sent municipal police, State police to our home in NJ after we received four death threats reported to the corrupt Stanhope Police Department. and in Las Vegas, NV the US Government sends U.S. Marshals to your home to criminal coercive and retaliate against you when you file a complaint against the corrupt U.S. District Court Judge and U.S. Magistrate George Foley and the Office of Circuit Executive for the 9th Circuit issued false findings dismissing my complaint against the corrupt U.S. District Judge even in your complaints to the corrupt U.S. District Court of Appeals and ignores the complaint filed against the U.S .Magistrate available for the world to read on as known by the corrupt State of Nevada and U.S. Senate Majority Leader and pawn of President Obama being Federal Senator Harry Reid- NV and my new corrupt Congressman Horsford who protect the corrupt U.S. attorney Eric Holder and former U.S. Attorney for NJ Chris Christie now Governor of NJ and his corrupt replacement Paul Fishman, District of New Jersey with a corrupt Department of Justice Public Integrity Section, Public Corruption Unit,and Assistant Attorney General Criminal Division and corrupt Office of Inspector General for the Department of Justice that mislead and deceived my former Congresswoman Berkley (D) Nevada when she requested a review by the Office of Attorney General Inspector General for the corrupt U.S. Department of Justice with a corrupt FBI inspection Service in Whasington D.C. and corrupt FBI in New Jersey and Nevada.

    In USA, I can't even write grievances to the corrupt officials in the State of NJ nor even hire an attorney or any person to represent me, my home telephone number was cut-off from calling the court or its court staff for any reason and my email is blocked and I am not allowed to enter Open Public Meetings nor even walk on the side walk in front of the corrupt Department of Community Affairs by court orders issued by three corrupt superior court judges under MER-C-102-07 GRC v. Thomas Caggiano as you can read the threat from the Office of NJ Attorney General's Department of Law and Public Safety's infested Division of Law's GRC Deputy Attorney General's Debra Allen, Esq. who got three corrupt Mercer County Civil Division Judges to confirm these corrupt court orders under MER-C-102-07 GRC v. Thomas Caggiano as noted on her letter published on nor am I allowed even to submit complaints to the corrupt GRC for OPRA denial of access that occurred by the corrupt Morris County Superior Court temporary issued restraining orders issued against me by the corrupt Judge Thomas Weisenback, A.J.S.C. on April 4, 2013

    The State of New Jersey, County and municipal Govt and U.S. magistrate use U.S. Marshals, State troopers and Chiefs of Police and Patrolman to all attack the informant, courts that jail him and take away all his civil rights as freedom of speech, assembly and due process are all removed as noted in my letter to Assembly woman Handlin (R) a member of the State of New Jersey's Legislative Select Committee on Investigation as she is an obstructionist on the party line vote like her other Republican members being Senator O'Toole, Assemblyman Michael Carroll and Holly Schepisi who protect the corrupt Christie Administration as does the corrupt Acting State of New Jersey Acting Attorney General John Jay Hoffman, Esq. appointed like the prior corrupt NJ Attorney Generals by Christie Jeff Chiesa,Esq. his former Counsel appointed Federal Interim Federal Senator for NJ and the corrupt Paula Dow, Esq. Essex County's former State prosecutor in the infested City of Newark home of the Democratic political machine that supported the RINO Chris Christie over their own Democratic Senator nominee to as shown if you were a Democrat in Essex and Bergen county and did NOT support Chris Christie for Gov so he could improve his opportunity to become President in 2016 which is supported by Wall Street made billionaires which is still supported by the dubious Star Ledger's Editor in Chief Tom Moran of course.

    Assembly woman Amy Handlin (R) in my opinion is a doubled tongued, two faced hypocrite

    as noted in my letter to her from those that defend such rights and those that dare file grievances so they with corrupt U.S. Courts, NJ corrupt Supreme Court, Superior Courts and Municipal Courts ban me from hiring an attorney or any representative, writing government for any reason, walking on the side walk, emailing, faxing, block his home phone number 702-586-6768, his email address so he can't even call the courts nor file a criminal charge and have any Docket number assigned, and preventing him from attending Open Public meetings of other organizations in the Department of Community Affairs, Filing Affidavits of Probable Cause or giving the Netcong, Stanhope or Township of Green's (Sussex) Police voluntary Police reports or filing complaints to the many corrupt State of NJ Supreme Court District Ethics Committees in Mercer, Essex, Morris or Sussex Counties nor get copies of his own court records from Newark, Trenton, Morristown and courts through-out Sussex County... s short summary of tyranny

    As reported by the New York Times on Feb 9, 2014 by hasLEY SOUTHALL:

    Read the paradox, the New Jersey's Star Ledger's Christie propaganda sheet prepared by Editor-in-Chief Tom Moran on its Opinion page

    The Star Ledger's editor regrets his newspaper supporting Christie for governor but supports Christie for President in 2016.

    New Jersey's largest newspaper continues to spew its support for the corrupt Governor Christie to be President of the United States as it pooh pooh's the closing of traffic lanes in retaliation impacting thousands of inter-state commuters, ambulances, police, emergency services and the children of former Senator Buono for Governor of New Jersey supporters yet calls Chris Christie a bully.

    Nearly four months after his Star ledger Statewide major newspaper endorsed Chris Christie for a second term as Governor of New Jersey, the editorial page editor of the Star-Ledger on Sunday called the paper's decision to back him "regrettable" and blasts his corrupt Lt. Gov Kim Guadagno. Despite his regrets, Tom Moran bringing illogic to new heights, wrote that he would endorse Chris Christie for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. In addition adding to Moran's absurdity , Moran elaborates on Christie's character: "Christie has boycotted the editorial board for years, an attempt to bully us into more loving coverage. So we've had a front-row view of what a creep he can be". Yet, the Star Ledger Editor-in-Chief Tom Moron continues supporting Christie for President?"

    To understand the depths and breath of corruption in the State of New Jersey and U.S. Federal Government
    Read my seventeen page letter dated Nov 25, 2011 on

    The corruption of the FBI HQ, the Office of Attorney General for the State of New Jersey under Paula Dow,Esq. then Jeff Chiesa, Esq. appointed interim Federal Senator by the corrupt Governor Chris Christie, Esq, and now Acting NJ Attorney General John Jay Hoffman, Esq. the corrupt State of NJ Supreme Court Chief Justice Stuart Rabner, the ACJC, OAE, DRB, State Ethics Commission, U.S.P.S. Inspection Service in Chicago. Il, the Chief of the Corruption and Govt Fraud Division for the Division of Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Professional Standards Office, the State of NJ's Appellate Division Superior court , the Office of the NJ Comptroller Matt Boxer and his investigations Division read my Nov 25, 2011 mailed to each one of them on Nov 25, 2011 on

    Read More: Star Ledger Editor Tom Moran Regrets Star-Ledger's Christie Endorsement

    The corrupt Township of Green, Sussex County corrupt attorney Kevin Kelly, Esq. of Kelly and Ward LLC, Newton, NJ objected to my filing to the Morris County Superior Court under Docket SSX-C-1-13 Township of Green v. Thomas Caggiano and on Feb 17, 014 the corrupt attorney for the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, the corrupt Sussex County Sheriff, the Corrupt Sussex County Counsel Dennis Mc Connell's his law firm's partner of Mc Connell, Lenard and Campbell LLC joined in the fray

    Nine years later the entire Sussex County and Morris County's Vicinage X Corruption is Exposed
    and tyranny exposed coast to coast at all levels of Government
    Docket SSX-C-43-13 and SSX-C-1-13 as the retribution only increases

    As you can read my filing with the court on Apparently these two corrupt attorneys never read the State of New Jersey Constitution as I have no civil rights. I can't do discovery, hire an attorney or any person to represent me on any matter, , write the Township of Green or the Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders for anything. So to aide them I mailed them a notes on the State of New Jersey's Constitution

    (UPDATED THROUGH AMENDMENTS ADOPTED IN NOVEMBER, 2013) A Constitution agreed upon by the delegates of the people of New Jersey, in Convention, begun at Rutgers University, the State University of New Jersey, in New Brunswick, on the twelfth day of June, and continued to the tenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven.

    We, the people of the State of New Jersey, grateful to Almighty God for the civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing upon our endeavors to secure and transmit the same unimpaired to succeeding generations, do ordain and establish this Constitution.



    1. All persons are by nature free and independent, and have certain natural and unalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and of pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness.

    6. Every person may freely speak, write and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right. No law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press. In all prosecutions or indictments for libel, the truth may be given in evidence to the jury; and if it shall appear to the jury that the matter charged as libelous is true, and was published with good motives and for justifiable ends, the party shall be acquitted; and the jury shall have the right to determine the law and the fact.

    18. The people have the right freely to assemble together, to consult for the common good, to make known their opinions to their representatives, and to petition for redress of grievances.

    The court order simply requests these rights denied me. Read the motion of the court order for the motion would simply confirm my constitutional rights.

    The corrupt court orders of the Township of Green's corrupt municipal court with its corrupt Magistrate Craig U. Dana, J.M.C.. and its with corrupt alleged municipal prosecutor William Hinkes, Esq. the former law partner of the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq. William Hinkes, Esq. of the corrupt law firm Hollander, Strelzik, Pasculli, Pasculli, Hinkes, Wojcik, Gacquin, Vandenberg & Hontz, L.L.C. 40 Park Place, Newton, New Jersey 07860, Phone: 973-383-3233, Fax: 973-383-4922 wrote in a Certified Verified Affidavit to the corrupt Department of Community Affair's Government Record Council (GRC) that he destroyed his municipal prosecutor files that he is personally required to maintain for 15 years on the malicious convictions in the corrupt Joint municipal court of the Township of Green, Hampton, Fredon and Borough of Andover that bribed William Hinkes, Esq to pretend he was its court's municipal prosecutor. The court orders issued by Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. were in the municipal court in Green which did NOT even have jurisdiction to have any municipal trial as the jurisdiction was the corrupt Borough of Stanhope. In the kangaroo courts as they are both corrupt I was convicted based upon more then a dozen malicious quasi-criminal or NON-criminal charges filed by more then a dozen corrupt Borough of Stanhope officials including its then corrupt Mayor Diana Kuncken who committed perjury as proven by court records and she was supported by other , corrupt Borough of Stanhope's Governing Body members and the corrupt perjurer Richard A. Stein, Esq. the Stanhope's municipal prosecutor and also its Borough Attorney for over 30 years. Richard Stein is the corporate attorney for eh corrupt law firm Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC, 60 Blue Heron Rd, Sparta Township, NJ 07871 (973) 729-1880 also with the corrupt Andrew Fraser, Esq who also did NOT keep his corrupt Joint municipal court records in the corrupt then Joint Hampton and Stillwater municipal courts which is now the corrupt Joint municipal court of Township of Wantage, Stillwater and Borough of Sussex With the corrutp magistrate Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and the corrupt Law firm of Dolan and Dolan PA, 1 Legal Lane, Newton, NJ 07860 Phone:(973) 383-1600 wit the attorneys Roger Thomas, Esq. the corrupt Borough of Stanhope's Land Use Board attorney and William Haggerty, Esq. the corrupt attorney for Wantage and the corrupt Department of Agriculture's Sussex County Soil Conservation District, 186 Halsey Road, Suite 2, Newton, NJ 07860 Telephone: 973-579-5074, Facsimile: 973-579-7846, E-Mail- and its corrupt Consulting professional engineer Joseph Sedivy see . I can't even get my own court records. These many corrupt courts, municipal prosecutors and municipal judges are all protected by the corrupt NJ Attorney Generals under Chris Christie's corrupt administration. The Judges are protected by the ACJC. The attorneys are protected by State of NJ Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics, its corrupt N.J. Supreme Court OAE Statewide County coordinator William Ziff, Esq. and his corrupt investigator Harry Norton, Jr, Esq. whose office is on the same floor and same building as the corrupt FBI field office in Woodland Park's Garret Mountain Plaza. Now George Graham was rewarded for his corruption by being made a corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders member who with the corrupt Freeholders are suing me under Docket SSX-C-4313 using tax payer funds to also prevent me from even writing them, attending Open Public meetings, or even hiring an attorney are like more then 200 government officials and employees and bribed law firms protected by U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, his accomplice the District of New Jersey U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman, the FBI, the Gov of NJ, his Chief of Staff Kevin O'Dowd and spokesman Colin Reed. The current corrupt Acting NJ Attorney General is John Jay Hoffman, Esq. All fines imposed by Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. in the infested Township of Green's municipal court were returned years ago as well as all Dana's and Hinkes probation were vacated when I filed a Superior Court municipal appeal before the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and a series of corrupt State prosecutors who indicted me under IND 08-09-316-I State v. Thomas Caggiano and even these criminal charges were all dismissed with prejudice against the State and even that was done by fraud to prevent me from having a criminal trial wherein the corruption noted in 20,000 pages of court records would be exposed and not hidden by the corrupt official newspaper the New Jersey Herald writes deceptive reports in its News paper for years to protect the dozens of corrupt municipalities and State officials infesting Sussex County a Republican controlled despots racketeering structure of government where bribery, cronyism and nihilism is constant. The Sussex County Prosecutor's Office with its totally corrupt under David Weaver, Esq. the corrupt State prosecutor its corrupt first assistant prosecutor Gregg Mueller, Esq. and other corrupt assistant prosecutors wit the knowledge of dozen Detectives paid by Sussex County taxpayers via the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders. The Township of Green's court orders state my only rights in the Borough of Stanhope are:

    Pay your taxes, water bill, sewer bill and you can make 911 calls.

    I was even threatened with jail after the Borough of Stanhope's Town Administrator Richard Stewart and former Mayor for the Township of Andover, its town administrator and Chief of the Fire Department himself reported the corruption in the Borough of Stanhope to the FBI and the corrupt State of New Jersey's corrupt State Police's Official Corruption Bureau. Richard Stewart was fired in retaliation by the corrupt Stanhope municipal government and paid severance pay. He was fired Dec 2, 2010. And many have been retaliated against after they reported the corruption to the corrupt FBI and the corrupt State Police and to the Criminal Division as noted in the 675 pages of criminal tip line reports tip line reports mailed me.

    The corrupt Kevin Kelly, Esq objected to my request, lied in his letter to the court to have these unconstitutional court orders continued. The court filing is published on include

    My Feb 10, 2014 letter to the corrupt Gov Chris Christie, Esq. his corrupt Lt Gov Kim Guadagno, Esq. and his Chief of Staff Kevin O'Dowd, Esq. Christie's nominee to replace the corrupt Acting appointed New Jersey Attorney General John Jay Hoffman, Esq. with a copy to the State of New Jersey Legislative Committee on Investigation with tens of thousands of referenced pages of evidence and names of many retaliated informants and other witnesses reporting the corruption to the FBI and NJ State Police. The State Police's Official Corruption Bureau is corrupt itself and lead by the Superintendent of State Police Col Rick Fuentes as its Intelligence Section is lead by Major Raymond Guidetti

    The Department of Law and Public Safety's Criminal Division provided me 675 pages of my own criminal tip line reports as noted in its response to my OPRA request W81084

    Also noted for years on are over 20,000 of pages of court records, the corrupt U.S. Attorney for New Jersey Paul Fishman, U.S. Attorney Eric Holder and Department of Justice were even sued by me as noted in the U.S. District Court Records under District of Nevada Docket 2:12-cv-01484-GMN-GWF, Thomas Caggiano v. Eric Holder and others. I filed suite against the corrupt U.S. Attorney Eric Holder three times in U.S. District Courts yet the corruption exposed on for over a decade continues not only unabated but increases.

    The corruption of the U.S. Government's Courts, Eric Holder's Department of Justice and other Federal agencies, such as U.S. Treasury, U.S.P.S. Inspection Service Criminal Unit in Chicago. Il and through-out the State of New Jersey State, County and Municipal governments in all three branches of Government executive, legislative and judiciary and in parts of Nevada are now exposed coast to coast.

    Read or download a 53 page report concerning corruption of the U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, Esq. the corrupt U.S. Attorney for NJ Paul Fishman, Esq. who requested the newly assigned Legislative Select committee on Investigations Committee's Special Counsel Reid Schar, Esq. to delay its investigation. Gladly Reid Schar, Esq. told Fishman NO.

    The first witnesses called by the State of New Jersey Legislative Select Committee on Investigation under the co-chairs of State Senator the Hon. Loretta Weinberg and State of New Jersey General Assemblyman Hon. John Wisniewski to determine if State of New Jersey Title 2C crimes were committed which are NOT within the corrupt FBI jurisdiction which rise to lst degree N.J.S.A. 2C:30-6 with bodily harm, terrorism and false imprisonment with cruel and unusual punishment with permanent injury by hundreds of persons in a more then decade of conspiracy, bribery, perjury, tax fraud, criminal abuse of court processes, obstruction of law, tampering with govt court records and other Safety and Health drawings, violating violation of safety and health laws, wetland permits by a conspiracy among Cabinet level officials, agreed upon pattern of deceit, fraud, perjury, accomplices, tampered with government records, criminal disbursements of Federal, State, County and Municipal funds, false municipal audited financial reports reported to the corrupt U.S. Attorney, IRS Special Agents in Las Vegas ( NOTE TIGTA complaint 55-1401-0072-C dated Jan 29, 2014 ) and series of many corrupt N.J. Attorney Generals with its corrupt Department of Law and Public Safety, Division of Law, Division of Consumer Affairs and State Ethics Commission and corrupt State Police Official Corruption Bureau with a corrupt NJ Comptroller and Inspector General being Matt Boxer, Esq. are the U.S. Solicitor General, the FBI in Newark, N.J. and corrupt Lt Gov Kim Guadagno and Secretary of State for the State and municipalities destroy government records willfully without punishment to avoid detection and apprehension, the State of Nihilism brought to new heights by the corrupt Gov Christie backed by corporate money as stated by Christie's major supporter Ken Langone, a co-founder of Home Depot and among Christie's biggest supporters on Wall Street protected by U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, the Security Exchange Commission and the former corrupt U.S. Attorney NJ Chris Christie and Paul Fishman.

    NJ Legislative Select Committee on Investigation subpoena issued

    The first persons to have subpoena issued against them for their records regarding the total corruption of the Chris Christie Administration is Eric Holder and demand production of the records in the box of evidence he has against hundreds of corrupt government officials including 35 Judges and over 100 government attorneys shown below.

    What do other say about Christie>/b>: Christie is the caricature of a Third World despot. He has a vicious temper, a propensity to bully and belittle those weaker than himself, an insatiable thirst for revenge against real or perceived enemies, and little respect for the law and, as recent events have made clear, for the truth. He is gripped by a bottomless hedonism that includes a demand for private jets, huge entourages, exclusive hotels and lavish meals. Wall Street and the security and surveillance apparatus want a real son of a bitch in power, someone with the moral compass of Al Capone, in order to ruthlessly silence and crush those of us who are working to overthrow the corporate state. They have had enough of what they perceive to be Barrack Obama's softness. Christie fits the profile and he is drooling for the opportunity.

    The corrupt U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman should investigate himself, the corrupt Newark FBI office and the corrupt Department of Justice's Public Integrity Section (PIN) Chief which assigned DA Case file DA30037340 and denied her own mission Statement having sole responsibility to investigate corrupt U.S. District Judges noted in my filings to the Office of Circuit Executive, the Chief Justice of the United States of America Roberts and the corrupt FBI and the corrupt Chief Justice of NJ's Supreme Court Stuart Rabner, the former corrupt NJ Attorney General and former counsel to the corrupt ex-Gov Jon Corzine and U.S. Attorney Chris Christie using the Office of Gov of NJ's own data base against them.

    Those many records have been published on directory for years but you can access them directly via http// that was filed in numerous U.S. District Court's against the corrupt U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, Paul Fishman and Dept of Justice, Dept of Justice office of Inspector General, and even the Chief Justice of the United States Roberts and the Judicial Conference and its Chief Judges in the county of tyranny The United States of America where Wall Street mega donors with unlimited money and power control the 99.9%.

    Read my Feb 5, 2014 letter to the corrupt State of New Jersey's Department of Community Affairs' Government Record Council which was also sent the FBI, NJ Legislative Select Committee on Investigation Office of Legislative Services, State House Annex, Mr. Charles A. Buono Jr. P.O. Box 068, Trenton, NJ 08625 and the corrupt Acting Attorney General for New Jersey John Jay Hoffman,Esq. who replaced the corrupt former N.J. Attorney General and former Counsel to the corrupt Gov Chris Christie Jeff Chiesa, Esq appointed NJ interim federal Senator to be replaced by the corrupt Mayor of the City of Newark Cory Booker. Read my letter to the Federal Election Commission, the FBI, Federal Senators and members of Congress on to learn how political corruption in New Jersey operates.

    The infested Township of Green, Sussex County and hundreds of corrupt officials, government employees, judges and bribed attorneys are exposed in my request for reconsideration of GRC Complaint 2012-252 Thomas Caggiano v. Township of Green (Sussex) the corrupt GRC false final decision of Jan 28, 2014 stating there was not enough evidence provided by me so this time I provided a CD with copies of the documents shown in my letter which are available as published filings to the Office of Gov Chris Christie's Chief of Staff O'Dowd, the Select Committee on Investigation's Special Counsel Reid Schar, the 100 plus file available on and more

    The tyranny of Government and abuse of power provided the State of New Jersey's Jenner and Block LLP's Special Counsel Reid Schar, Esq. for the State of NJ's Legislative Select Commission on Investigation Co-chaired by the NJ Senate's Hon. Loretta Weinberg and the Assembly's Hon. John Wisniewski published on

    Read my letter to the corrupt Gov Chris Christie, his corrupt Lt. Gov Kim Guadagno and Christie's Chief of Staff Kevin O'Dowd, Esq. all corrupt attorneys and the State of New Jersey Legislative Select Commission on Investigation Office of Legislative Services Charles A. Buono Jr. and the Special Counsel Reid Schar, Esq. hired by the Senate and Assembly to investigative Abuse of Power and the concealment of Abuse of Power by the corrupt Christie Administration on

    Read the motion field with the corrupt Morristown's Morris County and Sussex County Superior Court on Docket SSX-C-43-13 and SSX-C-1-13 filed using taxpayers funds by the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Township of Green, Sussex County Sheriff, et. al. to remove the unconstitutional court orders issued against me by its own court and many corrupt infested Sussex County Superior Court in the infested Republican controlled racketeering Enterprises through-out Sussex County called Townships and Boroughs with infested municipal judges and municipal prosecutors and borough attorneys in dozens of municipalities like the Borough of Stanhope, Sussex County Zip 07874 appointed for decades using the exception clause in the Local Public Contracts Law but in Stanhope that does NOT even apply as its professional engineers and professional planners had NO valid contracts for perhaps 30 years and every tax deduction taken since these were supposed Government officials like the bribed law firms ( and per Court rules partners and shareholders therein ) were NON-deductible as money was laundered through the Borough of Stanhope's escrow accounts to bribe them and the law firms Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC, Sparta, N.J. and Dolan and Dolan PA, Newton, N.J. as shown in the corrupt Morristown's Morris County Superior Court under Docket SSX-L-847-07 Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano and Government Record Council. Watch the Superior Court video on

    Read my Feb 8, 2014 Superior Court filing which includes my reconsideration request to the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' Government Record Council on GRC Complaint No. 2012-252 Thomas Caggiano v. Township of Green is the Township Town Administrator Linda Perlata, the Borough Attorney William E. Hinkes, Esq and the Municipal Prosecutor William Hinkes, Esq. admit under oath in a Statement of Information noted in the GRC's own findings they both in violation of State record retention laws destroyed all emails from and all municipal prosecutor records in cases the corrupt Joint Municipal court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover convicted me as the municipal court had more then a dozen cases filed within the jurisdiction of Stanhope transferred to the Township of green without any approval by an Assignment judge and as noted in my Superior Court municipal appeals to the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C., the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor's Office lead by the corrupt David Weaver, Esq. and his corrupt Assistant Prosecutor Gregg Mueller, Esq. and my fired attorney their accomplice Robert Mattia, Esq., Newton, NJ who has refused for years to provide me copies of my own attorney-client records, the State and Court made findings that Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and his accomplice the bribed William Hinkes, Esq. who in fact was not even a properly contracted employee for the four corrupt municipalities t hereby defrauding all defendants for years issued court orders constantly violating court rules and falsely imprisoning me demanding a voluntary mental examination after sentencing for which he NO such authority even during a trail which he had NO authority to hold in his jurisdiction for over 80 days.

    In the infested State of NJ as known to a series of NJ Attorney Generals and the corrupt U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman, Esq and tis corrupt Supreme Court and the U.S. District Court in the District of Nevada and the Office of Circuit Executive in San Francisco, California on Complaint Thomas Caggiano v. U.S. Magistrate George Foley on, its Joint municipal court administrator Maria C. Speigler known by its Deputy Court Administrator write me NO defendant per State law can get access to their own court records and the municipal magistrate the corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana J.M.C. abolishes the U.S. Constitution and NJ Constitution, Common Law Right of Access, Open Public Meeting Act, Open Public Record Act, .s. Supreme Court Case law on Press Enterprise II, and issues court orders without any municipal jurisdiction in his court , denies to allow witnesses for the defense, sees and has direct proof of perjury in his municipal court by Borough of Stanhope's Mayor and other Governing Body members now on the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders being the corrupt George Graham and the prior chair for the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders Hal Wirths is Now Christie's corrupt Commissioner of Labor and the corrupt new Assemblyman for the District is the corrupt Assemblyman Parker Space who was a member of the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholder's

    What is Judge Craig U. Dana's court order?

    You must pay taxes, the water bill and sewer bill and can make 911 calls ONLY in the Borough of Stanhope. You have NO civil rights.

    So much for Gov Christie's official duty to insure that NJ constitution is enforced and by the corrupt Chief Justice of New Jersey's Supreme Court Stuart Rabner and the Administrator of NJ's corrupt Judiciary Branch Glenn Grant, J.A.D. and the people are protected. Instead his Cabinet Officials are corrupt in many departments so his official duty to oversee the conduct of his cabinet officials is violated. In the State of NJ the Superior of a corrupt Subordinate is also liable under the Title 2C Criminal Code N.J.S.A. 2C:2-6 An Accomplice - Complicity - Liable for the conduct of another, N.J.S.A. 2C:5-2.b Conspiracy and N.J.S.A. 2C:5-1.g Leader of the organized structured enterprise in a repeated pattern of crimes committed by those in his own office and his appointees and Cabinet level officials on the corrupt Government Record Council (GRC) whose position is a Denial of Access to Government records does NOT exist if that Government official admits they illegally and criminally destroyed the records to prevent their own detection and apprehension of a conspiracy admitted by the two persons responding under oath themselves.

    RELATED COVERAGE Paul J. Fishman, the United States attorney for New Jersey since 2009. In Inquiry, Christie Against Prosecutor FEB. 9, 2014 Gov. Chris Christie at a news conference addressing the bridge scandal, a story advanced by The Record in New Jersey.

    The Media Equation: Local Papers Shine Light in Society Dark Corners FEB. 9, 2014 "Yes, we knew Christie was a bully," Mr. Moran wrote. "But we did not his crew was crazy enough to put people lives at risk in Fort Lee as a means to pressure the mayor. We didn't know he would use Hurricane Sandy aid as a political slush fund. And we certainly didn't know that Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer was sitting on a credible charge of extortion by Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno." Mr. Moran wrote that the decision to endorse Mr. Christie over Ms. Buono had been a close call and a split vote of the editorial board. The paper could have skipped the endorsement altogether, but felt that The Star-Ledger should offer its advice to voters. Despite his regrets, Mr. Moran wrote that he would endorse Mr. Christie for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 over more conservative alternatives like former Gov. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky or Senator Ted Cruz of Texas.

    You can watch and enjoy Jon Stewart's sardonic parody on the Comedy Channel

    of his widespread praise of New Jersey's typical high class level of world known official corruption and how pitiful and low class the vindictive closing of the George Whasington Bridge entrance at Ft Lee entrance lanes was retaliation against the FT Lee mayor, Buono supporter's children in school buses and tens of thousands of travelers in northern New Jersey that use the Bridge to cross the Hudson River by his now fired Deputy Chief of Staff and his removed Governor's appointee on the corrupt Port Authority of NY and NJ who plead the fifth.

    Jon Stewart's expose on hilarious comedy skit as Senior New Jersey correspondent

    What State does the FBI and Hollywood time and time again go to show Official Corruption ?

    If required, you can download a powerful free video player from

    Double Click on Christie's nose and have a laugh

    A sing along - Corruption, Oh! Corruption, Corruption, Corruption
    That's the State I grew up in - New Jersey

    Watch the music video by Bruce Springsteen and Jimmy Fallon that Christie is too afraid to watch

    Springsteen and Jimmy Fallon skit Traffic Jam video

    What do ALL the Governors across U.S.A. know about the pandemic Official Corruption in New Jersey via their Associations:

    The Republican Governor's Association

    The Democratic Governor's Association

    Read how Home Depot's billionaire founder and Christie mega-donor Langone describes how Corporate money drives Christie's candidacy by BIG money to put their boy in the White House.

    What do many Federal and State of NJ represenatives know about Christie's corrupt administation,the Federal Election Commission and FBI Republicans and Democratic leadership at Federal and State level corrupt Federal Election Commission, FBI and other parties

    TRENTON via Associated Press - A member of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's administration who has been subpoenaed in an alleged political payback investigation has resigned. Christina Genovese Renna left the governor's office Friday, Jan 31, 2014 - the same day former Christie loyalist David Wildstein claimed to have evidence contradicting the governor's account of a lane closing operation, apparently to create traffic chaos as a political vendetta. Renna reported to Deputy Chief of Staff Bridget Kelly, who apparently set the lane closings in motion with an email to Gov Christie's high school friend Wildstein now portrayed by the Christie administration Wildstein was a bad boy in school. Didn't Christie know that when Christie appointed Wildstein as his tacky on the Port Authority of NY and NJ

    Of course the Christie administration did but now uses it to say his appointee should never had the job that Christie appointed him .. his lackey on the patronage filled Port Authority of NY and NJ agency the Port authority of NY and NJ used to place hacks voted out of office by the voters

    Christie appointed Wildstein to the Port Authority of NY / NJ without his having any experience in transportation as done of course by the corrupt Ex-Gov Jon Corzine who appointed his former campaign manager and the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' former Susan Bass Levin, Esq. also giving her a dual do nothing part time job on the corrupt Local Government Services Department's Local Finance Board so she could get two years service credit and get free medical insurance at tax payers cost while getting a salary over $250,00/yr as a deputy on the Port Authority of NY/NJ for like the world knows it's not what do you know but who do you know our who was your Daddy or Mom in the elite of corruption. Just another corrupt State of NJ agency filled with corrupt officials as they protect one another regardless of party unless its for their own political advantage. Renna confirmed her resignation to The Associated Press through a statement Sunday Feb 2, 2014 from her lawyer, Henry Klingeman.

    Office of Gov of New Jersey's Chris Christie's Chief of Staff Kevin O'Dowd, Esq. Gov Christie's Chief of Staff Kevin O'Dowd, Esq. records

    Read the data provided the Gov Christie's Chief Spokesperson Colin Reed, Esq. received on Colin Reed letter and evidence

    How many web pages does the corrupt U.S. attorney for New Jersey Paul Fishman, Esq. found via a google search restricted to his name and Thomas Caggiano>?

    The U.S. Attorney off ice of the corrupt Eric Holder is in the infested City of Newark the HUB of Democratic corruption with ex-Speaker of NJ Assembly Shirley Oliver, the corrupt Office of Administrative Law (OAL), the U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman, FBI for New Jersey with field offices with vast amounts of evidence Woodland Park and Hamilton ( Trenton ) and FBI in Las Vegas, NV and Whasington D.C. and Alexandria, Va all have ... its corrupt Essex County Prosecutor's Office, the corrupt City of Newark municipal court, and the corrupt Office of New Jersey's Office of Attorney General's Division of Consumer Affairs with its corrupt Board of Engineers, Board of Professional Engineers, Board of Medical Examiners and Board of Psychological Examiners - All corrupt. Just request to these corrupt Agencies a copy of the complaints I filed or filed in the corrupt OAL by the corrupt Department of Community Affairs notorious Government Record Council (GRC) that did NOT even appear for its own Docket numbers cases in a conspiracy with the Governor's independent agency the corrupt OAL and in each of the Division of Consumer Affairs corrupt Boards that protect felons not We the People

    Evidence listed on the OAL Rutgers's we site is available with another 50 denial of access complaints on the GRC web site looking up Thomas Caggiano as exact match, on the Rutgers's OAL listing you can get the following evidence:

    Numerous documentation is listed therein via the Rutgers's links:

    Corrupt J. Howard Solomon, OAL Docket ALJ GRC07725-07 Agency GRC 2006-02

    Corrupt James Geraghty, ALJ OAL Docket No. GRC09424-06 where I was even charged with misconduct by the corrupt Judge as the Borough of Stanhope via its corrupt attorney Laddey, Clark and Ryan's LLC Richard A. Stein, Esq. submitted 18 false Statements of Information and the corrupt Judge said he was going to charge me with a $21,000 fine. Get the audio recording of 4.5 hours of testimony by Thomas Caggiano, Kathryn Caggiano and Mary Pawar all retaliated informants for over a decade never contacted by any FBI investigator or the corrupt Comptroller Matt Boxer who is NJ's corrupt Inspector General for corrupt State agencies nor by the corrupt State Police Investigative Sections' Official Corruption Bureau. Want a felon contact the Superintendent of the State Police Col Fuentes and Major Littles-Floyd. http://

    Click here

    Christie's series of Commissioners of Community Affairs and those under Ex-Gov Jon Corzine Obama's protected money bundler were corrupt as the latest under Christie is Richard Constable III, Esq for with the corrupt Lt Gov Kim Guadagno as reported by the New York Times Article the Mayor of Jersey City was told to approve a Multi-billion dollar Rockefeller Group project for her town to get Sandy funds.

    The Mayor of New Jersey a Democrat was also requested to support his Christie's Republican candidacy like many other Hudson River Mayors in the infested Democratic County machine of Essex County and other Mayors that were democratic have come forward and ALSO stated they were retaliated against for NOT supporting Gov Christie who lusts to be President of the United States of America with his his power brokers.

    I suggest NO politician from NJ be given any Federal job with-out complete vetting by simply using a google search with their name and see what bloggers have posted on the new social networks with the understanding that some postings may be completely false or deceitful.

    I note that data may be false entries.

    The corrupt and infested State of NJ's Department of Community Affairs' Commissioner Richard Constable III,Esq. controls and is a voting member on the corrupt Government Record Council (GRC)with other corrupt Christie cabinet level officials and attorneys from the corrupt Department of Law and Public Safety's Division of Law as GRC Deputy Attorney Generals such as the corrupt Debra Allen, Esq. as known to a series of Director's of the Division of Law under Chris Christie.

    Read how corrupt the GRC is on http// as Christie's former Commissioners of Community Affairs were all corrupt Lori Grifa, et. al. as well as ex-Gov Jon Corzine's.

    as the corrupt Gov Jon Corzine rewarded his corrupt campaign manager and Commissioner of the infested Department of Community Affairs a voting member on the corrupt Government Record Council where Cabinet officials of both Jon Corzine and Chris Christie being the Commissioner of Community Affairs Constable and Commissioner of Education have been corrupt since the inspection for the corrupt Government Record Council protected by the corrupt Department of Law and Public Safely's Division of Law and used by that corrupt Department with three corrupt Superior Court judges under MER-C-102-07 GRC v. Thomas Caggiano. Read my complaint to the corrupt State of New Jersey's Supreme Court ACJC on and my complaint to the corrupt State of New Jersey Supreme Court's Mercer County District Ethics Committee buried by the Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE Deputy Statewide coordinator William Ziff, Esq. with the corrupt investigator Harry Norton, Jr. in Woodland Park, N.J. located in Garret Mountain Plaza on the same floor as the FBI field office that has volumes of evidence of violation of federal laws for many years.

    The complaint about the corrupt attorneys for the State government in Trenton and its corrupt GRC executive directors are published on to prevent me from attending Open Public meeting of any organization in its State building other then the infested GRC where I am NOT allowed to speak even wit the demanded State Trooper and the State of NJ State Police are so corrupt they put my name on its Restricted access list so I could NOT even gave a CAG report or talk with former State Senate President Richard Codey who requested a criminal investigation as did Senator Littell and both were ignored by the corrupt NJ Attorney Generals ever since. The apparent corrupt Senate President Sweeney and his power brokers had removed from being Senate President and as Senate President Sweeney initially directed the so called impartial Senate Select Committee NOT to look at actions between the Port Authority and the corrupt Gov Jon Corzine administration even though requested by a Republican State Senator as reported in the newspapers I suggest the history of both the State of NY and the State of NJ Governor's use of the Port Authority be reviewed as it appears both use the Port authority as a patronage machine.

    the history of how the corrupt Port Authority of NY and NJ was improperly used by the Democrat Gov Corzine or any other actions by Gov Christie.


    Per the State of Nevada Attorney General review IOTO agrees with her assessment published on which is known to every Governor in the United States of America as you can read the correspondence to the Republican Governor's Association, Democratic Governor's Association, and US District Courts that the federal crimes committed in a wide ranging conspiracy 18 U.S.C. Section 2 and N.J.S.A. 2C:5-2 which are separate felonies for separate and independent sovereigns in a decade cover-up of fraud, bribery, perjury, criminal disbursement of federal, state, county and municipal funds as continuing criminal conduct to obstruct the administration o federal, state, court rules, municipal codes continued under the Jon Corzine and far worse corrupt Chris Christie and Lt Gov / Secretary of State Kim Guadagno administration has been and continues to be protected by the U.S. Government Attorney General Eric Holder, the Department of Justice and the a series of State of New Jersey Attorney Generals including the State of Nevada Attorney General, U.S. District Courts and the U.S. Judicial Review Committee and DOJ's CIGIE as hundreds of politicians at the federal and state levels, governors, judges at all levels and over 100 government attorneys and others including news papers that are to a major degree partisan as the US Congress has divided the county as well as news papers into Red and Blue States with straight party line votes a way of doing business for the parties NOT We the People as stated by George Whasington in his farewell address, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin who stated the rise of political parties would destroy the Constitution of U.S. in 200 years and whereas Thomas Jefferson stated based upon his review of all government empires they all collapse by getting bigger, making the people dependant on the government and taking away their rights .. and as Perot stated during his failed rd party campaign having increasing debt which now is 17 Trillion dollars. Obamacare, unlimited unemployment benefits, unearned income credits, and a National Security Administration obtaining tens of millions of text messages and emails every day all around the world show NO privacy exists as the U.S. govt approves security standards with doors so the NSA can open the methods of encryption by software firms and use equipment directly attached to internet fiber lines to intercept every internet communication. Privacy does NOT exist. Constitutions exist only on paper in U.S.A. a county of terrorism with its ally Canada a county I can not even pass on a cruise ship Eurodam without being forced into Canada unescorted by Canada's incompetent immigration officials who took my passport forcing me unescorted into Canada.

    A new directory exposing Government corruption since 2013 is now published on

    This 100 plus page report is available as a Adobe formatted file on web address The corrupt United States Department of Justice has as apparently assigned the U.S. Attorney for NJ located in the infested Essex County's Cit of Newark the corrupt Paul Fishman, Esq. with the corrupt FBI in New Jersey as the corrupt U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman stated essentially corruption does NOT exist in New Jersey but he's totally corrupt himself as well as U.S. Attorney Eric Holder the US Attorney protecting the Christie administration with its gaggle of corrupt former U.S. Assistant attorneys as high level officials within his corrupt Administration which included the three NJ Attorney Generals Paula Dow, Jeffrey Chiesa who Christie made NJ interim federal Senator and now Acting John Jay Hoffman with his Chief of Staff Kevin O'Dowd, Esq as his new nominee for State of NJ Attorney General.

    On Jan 16, 2014 I contacted his assistant by telephone and requested O'Dowd's assistant to give him this web page address and also contact the Office of Governor Office of Constituent Relations (OCR) again to inform the corrupt Governor Christie and corrupt LT Gov of NJ I provided this web site address to the new N.J. Speaker of the Assembly and others investigating him. that worked for Christie as U.s\s. attorneys which include the corrupt LT Gov of New Jersey and the Chef Justice of NJ's Supreme court Stuart Rabner.

    About 20 subpoenas were issued in the case on Thursday, according to Democratic state Assembly member chair of the newly formed Investigative Committee chair John Wisniewski. Retribution is the way of business fro the hubristic, arrogant, self serving Chris Christie with his political drones as you can read how NJ operates in my letter to the Federal Election Commission, FBI and politicians on They included some 17 people and three organizations, he said, but no names would be disclosed until subpoenas are served.

    He said Christie was not among those subpoenaed. NOTE: I shall be subpoena him under Morris County Superior Court, Morristown, NJ Docket SSX-C-43-13 consolidated and filed an initial motion for compulsory delivery of government records by Court order. See

    The NJ's Governor's office said it retained the law firm of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP to help with an internal review which I call a Damage Control Press Relations firm and to cooperate with an investigation announced last week by U.S. Attorney for New Jersey Paul Fishman who is corrupt as well as the U.S. District Court Office of Circuit Executive OCE in California and the U.S. District Court judges and U.S. Magistrate George Foley in the 9th District Court in Nevada as I filed numerous cases against may corrupt U.S. DOJ agencies an they are protected by the DOJ's Office of Inspector General and the FBI which does no investigations as well as the IRS for the federal govt and State of NJ as NONE contact retaliated informants in over 13 years. but protects hundreds of corrupt Government officials, employees and bribed law firms and professional engineers protected by Governor's of New Jersey, its corrupt State of NJ Supreme Court and its Administrator of Courts (AOC) Glenn Grant, J.A.D. who is also the corrupt executive director of the corrupt New Jersey's Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC with a corrupt Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE) and Disciplinary Review Board and State Bar Association as Rules of Ethics do NOT apply to NJ Judges nor attorneys nor apparently any in the U.S.A. nor such regulations as 18 U.S.C. Section 4, N.J.S.A. 2C:2-1 Crime of Omission nor C.E.P.A. and other public duties and a corrupt Office of Attorney of New Jersey and its corrupt Department of Law and Public Safety, Division of Law, State Ethics Commission, and State Police Official Corruption Bureau and its corrupt Division of Consumer Affairs' with its corrupt Board of Engineers, Board of Professional Planners, Board of medical Examiners and Board of Psychological Examiners with Corrupt Cabinet officials in Department of Consumer Affairs, Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Agriculture, Department of Mental Health Services, Department of Education, Department of Treasury, and independent Office of Administrative Law Director and /chief Laura Sanders and corrupt ALJ that have conspired wit the corrupt Department of Community Affairs Government Record Council (GRC) read,, and corrupt Department of Local Government Services

    I notified the Governor's PR law firm of the corruption of his administration. As well as Gov Christie's Office of Constituent Relations (OCR) and his Chief of Staff Kevin O'Dowd assistant as O'Dowd is Christie's latest appointee to be the State of NJ Attorney General as his former appointees all approved by the State of New Jersey Judiciary Committee members who are aware of the corruption in the Christie administration had his former U.S. Assistant attorney and corrupt Essex County Prosecutor Paula Dow, then his corrupt Counsel Jeff Chiesa,Esq. and his latest Acting Attorney General John Jay Hoffman in his series of corrupt State of NJ Attorney Generals while the corrupt Gov Jon Corzine gave his corrupt Campaign manager Susan Bass Levin, Esq who he made Commissioner of the corrupt Department of Community Affairs as all Commissioners from her to the present Commissioners under the corrupt Jon Corzine and Gov Christie have been totally corrupt protecting dozens of corrupt municipalities along with the Boards of Freeholders therein and their Vicinage Assignment Judges in Essex County, Mercer County, Morris County and Sussex County.

    In NJ and the State of Nevada I have found out in our 13 year Case Study of Government corruption its engrained right in court rules and laws that protect themselves and developers and of course the appointed Judiciary branch in NJ's own corrupt Constitution and the Case law the Judges pass to protect themselves and their court rules such as R 1:20 giving absolute immunity and secrecy as one can't under a Freedom for Information Act request t other corrupt Department of Justice's Executive Office of U.s. Attorney any redacted record concerning themselves nor even court records from its many corrupt municipal courts in the City of Newark, /city of Trenton, Stanhope, Hopatcong, Green, Wantage, Stillwater, Hampton, Fredon, Hampton, and more

    They are: DOCKET SSX-C-43-13 Corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, et al and corrupt Township of Green, Sussex County, New Jersey under Docket SSX-C-1-13 gets four Superior Court Judge - Morris County, Morristown to take away all of Thomas Caggiano civil rights including common law rights of access, Open Public Record Access rights, First amendment rights under Publisher Inside on the outside constitutional rights confirm by Press v. Enterprise II U.S. Supreme Case law and more.

    Read my filing to the Morris County Superior Court published on corrupt State of New Jersey Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Sussex County Sheriff M. Strada, and its corrupt Sussex County Council's law firm McConnell, Lenard and Campbell, Stanhope, N.J. 07874 filed a malicious civil suite against me in the Sussex County Superior Court before Judge Edward Gannon, J.S.C. who rejected the findings by the corrupt attorneys Richard Campbell, Esq. and Kevin Kelly, Esq of Kelly and Ward LLC of Netcong, New Jersey representing the corrupt Township of Green used by the infested racketeering structure identified as the Borough of Stanhope which transferred quasi-criminal charges to the corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, JMC and his bribed attorney William Hinkes,Esq. in the corrupt Joint municipal court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover. protected by the State of New Jersey Supreme Court and tis corrupt Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE), its Sussex County and Morris County District Ethics Committee and the OAE Statewide coordinator William Ziff, Esq. and DRB and Glenn Grant, J.A.D. as the FBI at Garret Mountain Plaza, Woodland Park, NJ know the situation and are located on the same floor and same building as the corrupt Harry Norton Jr. where William Ziff,Esq. buried all my many Complaints against attorneys to the various Supreme Court District Ethics Committee from Mercer to Essex County complaints without any docket numbers except those two on William Hinkes,Esq. and Richard Stein,Esq. the corrupt Borough of Stanhope attorney AND municipal prosecutor who lies constantly.

    You can watch Richard Stein lie to the former corrupt Vicinage X assignment Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis.A.J.S.C. on another court video published on

    Read my complaints to the corrupt ACJC, State of NJ Supreme Court and the corrupt Dept of Justice Public Corruption Unit on

    who falsely represented himself as an authorized municipal prosecutor defrauding all defendants.

    The filed a civil suite with requested restrictions under Docket SSX-L-847-13 based upon fraud, deceit, criminal coercion, obstruction to prevent the detection and apprehension or obtain any government record via OPRA or Common Law Right of Access request. The threats by the corrupt Dennis Mc Connell, Esq. and what was returned from the infested Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders is published on His law partner Richard Campbell, Esq. was not even the designated attorney on the CIS filed by Richard Campbell, Esq. it was his law partner Dennis Lenard, Esq. who denied he had anything to do with the case. Interesting that the designated attorney by four separate plaintiffs tells you I have nothing to do with the case? Perjured verified Certified Affidavits which I noted on Apr 4, 2013 before the corrupt Assignment judge as you can watch the Morris County's Superior Court video on listen to me describe the corruption of many attorneys and municipalities protected by the corrupt U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, a series of N.J . Attorney Generals under the corrupt Gov of New Jersey Chris Christie being Paul Dow, Jeffrey Chiesa whom Christie appointed interim New Jersey federal senator and now has John Jay Hoffman, Esq as his current corrupt Acting New Jersey Attorney General ( Note I called the Office of Gov of NJ on Jan 15, 2014 for the Chief of Staff for the corrupt Gov Christie Kevin O'Dowd, Esq. who Christie has nominated to be NJ Attorney General and gave her this web site and the fact that the Department of Law and Public Safety OPRA custodian while informing me they had 675 pages of my Criminal Tip line reports which I submitted have not apparently to mail them to me even though I paid for the records.

    The Stat of New Jersey has a corrupt Department of Law and Public Safety, its Division of Law, the State Ethics Commission, State Police and its Official Corruption Bureau and the corrupt Division of Consumer Affairs with its corrupt Board of Engineers, Board of Professional Planners, Board of Medical Examiners and Board of Psychological Examiners and too many corrupt Cabinet level officials to mention but let's start the corrupt Commissioner of Labor Hal Wirths the former chair of the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders as you can hear his voice on the recorded Open Pubic Meeting of Nov 5, 2008 when I exposed the corruption in hundreds of pages of evidence and a ten minute presentation you can listen to their recording on Judge Gannon,J.S.C. did NOT issue any temporary restraints on Docket No. SSX-L-164-13. The corrupt Sussex County and Morris County Vicinage X Assignment Judge Thomas Weisenbeck, A.J.S.C. then combined that multiple civil suits with the one filed by the corrupt Sussex County's Township of Green and were consolidated as Docket SSX-C-1-13, then Judge Mc Govern, III,J.S.C. filed a court order noting the Chancery Division's court records were not correct and reclused himself. Thereafter, Judge Edward Gannon,J.S.C. reclused himself apparently and Judge Stephan Hansbury, P.J.Cv took of the case and assigned another Docket number SSX-C-43-13 Consolidated. My reply, a verified certified affidavit with adopted exhibits based upon my own knowledge is evidence per Rules of Evidence in courts and in administrative hearings. Upon my return form a 34 day trip to Australia, New Zealand, New Calodonia and Fiji, I found out a fourth Judge was assigned the case. My reply was provided the Court in one day and corrupt N.J. Attorney General John Jay Hoffman, FBI and others were given the link for review as so much evidence is contained therein.

    NOTEPlease access was filed and is published as a public record available from the Morris County Superior Court in Morristown, NJ with hundreds of pages of exhibits proving beyond any reasonable doubt the tyranny from Coast to Coast.

    on Also Democratic mayors on the Hudson River that did NOT support the corrupt Republican Gov Chris Christie nomination and his corrupt Lt Gov and Secretary of State Kim Guadagno his former employee in the corrupt U.S. Attorneys Office in Newark, NJ now lead by the corrupt Paul Fishman, Esq. and protected by the Department of Justice's Eric Holder, FBI, Office of Inspector General for DOJ and CIGIE.

    Also protect them is the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th District

    and Senator Harry Reid U.S. Senate majority Leader and U.S. Senate minority leader Mitch Mc Connell (R). Read and even Canadian immigration officials in St. John's

    Senator Harry Reid (D) has known about the corruption for five years protects them all read .

    for re-election have reported they were retaliated and those that did according to press stories not unexpectedly got favors from the Corrupt Christie Administration. I suggest that those democrats on the podium with him be subpoenaed so the real facts of Christie's terroristic campaign will be told. and the corrupt Speaker of Assembly Oliver who is an Essex county employee and was fully knowledgeable of the corruption or like Christie told his staff do not tell me like Obama and HHS and Bengasi. I do NOT want to know so do NOT tell me.

    Against which is Christie's pattern of corrupt Government as shown in the news article available on General Assembly headed by Assemblyman

    was provided links to an updated directory exposing the continuous corruption of the U.S. Department of Justice and hundreds of government officials at all levels of government.

    That listing is available on Massive Corruption and Nihilism in the U.S. Government and throughout the State of New Jersey are exposed in a 13 year study that continues and is published on and also

    Published under the Freedom of the Press by Inside on the Outside to expose systemic Official Corruption.
    Thomas Caggiano,7086 Arcadia Glen Court,North Las Vegas,NV 89084 fax 702-577-0097

    Click here to Download or Printout Adobe formatted report exceeds 100 pages with hundreds of references to records

    Click here to send an email inquiry or comment to Inside on the Outside

  • Warning from
    the author of the
    Declaration of Independence
    Thomas Jefferson

    All Governments
  • Get bigger
  • Make you dependant on it
  • Then take away your rights
    Keep your muskets

    Thomas Caggiano
    Background and

    Defend your
    inalienable rights
    denied many
    in the U.S.A.
    and infested
    State of
    New Jersey
    by corrupt
    at all levels
    that usurp our rights

  • On Nov 21, 2012 United States Magistrate George Foley, Jr. Ordered my Petition for Writ of Mandamus for a Federal Grand Jury opened against hundreds of government officials and others and vacated his prior court order wherein he dismissed my petition because the petition exceeded 30 pages.
    A Writ of Mandamus is your prerogative right to force a Federal Grand Jury to determine Probable Cause exists against hundreds of persons

    Note on this web site also has extensive directory indexes regarding pdf (reports), corrupt judges and transcripts

    Evidence received by U.S. Attorney included CDs with video and audio recordings, listing of hundreds of criminal acts and codes for U.S.C. and State criminal offenses, extensive witness lists, and analysis

    Some of the evidence provided including CDs for Grand Jury

    Federal Grand Jury against hundreds of Government officials at all levels, criminal disbursement of funds, tax and mail fraud, conspiracy against my civil rights, deprivation of my civil rights under color of law, criminal disbursements, racketeering, trickery, kidnapping, terrorism, criminal coercion, , corrupt judges and prosecutors, bribed law firms, engineers and professional planners, False tampered with official records, deceptive investigation reports, Conspiracy, Complicity (liability for another), Misprision of Felony (failure to report criminal conduct of others, Complicity )liable for conduct of another) Racketeering, Mail Fraud, False Imprisonment, Terrorism, Retaliation, Cover-up, Tax Fraud, Perjury, False unsworn statements, Criminal coercion, Giving aide to another in commission of criminal acts, hindering apprehension and detection. criminal abuse of court processes, informant retaliation, submission of false records, complicity, trickery, kidnapping, Repeated Pattern of Official Misconduct, Assault and more

    Read the current Petition for Writ of Mandamus already served upon the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr., the Department of Justice's Solicitor General, DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility, FBI and info copy to the corrupt State of NJ Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa,Esq. http:/ for a Federal Grand Jury.

    What is the procedure the corrupt State of New Jersey Supreme Court Office of Attorney Ethics Committee uses to bury ethics complaints? Send'em to Harry Norton for burial!

    Harry Norton Jr. Esq.,Norton, Sheehy & Higgins, P.C. One Garret Mountain Plaza Interstate 80 at Squirrelwood Road, Woodland Park, NJ 07424-3396

    The OAE Countywide Coordinator William Ziff, Esq. does NOT note in his email he requested the corrupt attorneys William Hinkes, Esq. and Richard A. Stein, Esq. to be further evaluated by Harry Norton, Esq. based upon additional evidence William Ziff,Esq. buried with Harry Norton as Mr. Ziff's statements infers whomever reads his mail that Harry Norton and the OAE actually did a valid investigation. They did NOT. Harry Norton Jr. after 2 years wrote a bogus analysis and never even contacted threatened informants who themselves requested criminal investigations. Many witnesses were identified to Harry Norton, as known by William Ziff, Esq. and Norton refused to contact them nor does he answered my telephone calls and letters. You can't even tell whom the complaint is against as neither the Mercer County District Ethics Committee NOR did the OAE Statewide County Coordinator William Ziff. Esq. assigned any docket number nor docket caption. My Mercer County complaint is against the corrupt new executive director Karyn Gordon, Esq. of the infested Department of Community Affairs Government Record Counsel (GRC) and the former In-House GRC attorney Karyn Gordon, Esq. now elevated to the Acting executive director position.

    Sending directly as required by Rules governing the State of NJ complaint process to Sussex County, Essex County and Mercer County District Ethics Committee complaints now all are forwarded by them without any communication from the District Ethics Committees and then William Ziff sends them without any document number or caption to Harry Norton as that is sequence used in the AOE's burial operations. SEND'EM to HARRY

    The Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct (ACJC) and the Office of Administrator of the Courts Glenn Grant, J.A.D. are even worse as the ACJC does NOT assign any investigator and just buries them in the ACJC and the OAC does not answer complaints nor acknowledge the OAC even received one against Judicial Employees. These three corrupt State of New Jersey Judicial review organizations are of course headed by the corrupt Chief Justice Stuart Rabner who was corrupt as Gov Jon Corzine's NJ Attorney General with his Department of Law and Public Safety as one can read the data that was placed into the Office of Gov data base during 2007 and sent to the Department of Law and Public Safety by Ian Brennan before he was fired for requesting an investigation himself.

    Read my Jan 13, 2013 letter to the FBI HQ, New Jersey's State Newspaper Star Ledger, the Department of Labor's Catherine Starghill's new superior in the Department of Labor headed by the corrupt Hal Wirths as its Commissioner as he was the former Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders and was aware of the corruption for years. The Jan 13, 2013 letter is a;so provided the State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics with more evidence of the corruption of Catherine Starghill, Esq. the GRC panel and my Sussex County Counsel Dennis Mc Connell, Esq. OAE Ethics complaint as another of more then a dozen filed complaints against State and municipal government attorneys.

    TYRANNY and

    READ the Oct 29, 2007 OPRA Response
    from the Office Governor Jon Corzine and the even more corrupt Gov Chris Christie and Lt Gov Kim Guadagno as to some of the many complaints of corruption the office has had for his entire tenure and that of his corrupt appointed yet independent Attorney General Paul Dow, Esq. and current corrupt NJ Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa,Esq. with his accomplice and conspirator Director of Criminal Justice James Taylor, Esq. and before that Director V. Mc Koy and a series of corrupt NJ Attorney Generals Harvey, Farber, Rabner and Milgram.

    The CORRUPTION STATE = New Jersey as Racketeering is its operational method with informant retaliation, criminal coercion, false imprisonment, defamation, slander libel, perjury, tampered with or destroyed government records, false audited reports, rampant fraud, criminal abuse of court processes in its treasonous court system of appointed judges in a continuing display of corruption of the U.S. Department of Justice under President Obama and US Attorney Eric Holder that protects these despots for cronyism and nihilism is supreme not WE the PEOPLE are just serfs as the spin doctors on TV and reporting media go on and on as Senate and House of Representatives Kabuki Dance and lie to get your vote to stay in power for their false self-respectability, satisfy their own ego and greed...

    Karyn Gordan, Esq. is a protected conspirator among hundreds of corrupt officials, law firms and more. Conspiracy is a federal felony 18 U.S.C. Section 2 and a separate State felony N.J.S.A. 2C:5-2 let alone a totally unethical attorney violating the Rules of Professional Conduct for the last 6 years or more.

    The Department of Community Affairs has had a series of corrupt Commissioners from Susan Bass Levin Esq. who was Gov. Jon Corzine's campaign manager who was given dual jobs so she could rip off the retirement system in the part time job for two years on the Department of Community Affairs corrupt Local Government Services Local Finance Board and given a $250,000 job as Deputy Executive Director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey as she retired from State government as soon as she became eligible with a drastic the increase in retirement pay. Charles A. Richman who the Department keep recycling as Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner until an other crony is appointed. Following raids by federal investigators of his home then Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs Doria resigned as Doria was a former State Senator and Mayor and after awhile the next corrupt Commissioner was Lori Grifa, Esq. who eventually returned to private practice at Wolff & Samson, a law firm with close ties to the corrupt Gov Chris Christie administration followed by the former member in U.S. Attorney Chris Christie corrupt U.S. Attorney's Office in Newark, NJ the current corrupt Commissioner another attorney Richard E. Constable III, Esq. The Commissioners of Community Affairs continue to be corrupt and just one of the State's Centers of Official Misconduct. The State also has a corrupt series of Attorney General's that never prosecute the likes of political bosses Senator Lynch, Senator Byrant nor Senator Sharpe James the former corrupt Mayor of Newark as all were put in Federal Prison but NOT ONE of them had a single State Title 2C criminal charge was filed against any of them. Contrary to these felons the infested State of NJ charged with dozens of petty disorderly charges and 13 criminal charges under the eventually dismissed IND 08-09-316-I State v. Thomas Caggiano and even that was done by fraud as part of the on-going informant retaliation that never stops. I like dozens of others was repeatedly said: Comply with laws as I am just one example of informant retaliation in the protect corrupt State of NJ by US attorneys.

    The corruption in NJ is now lead by Gov Chris Christie, Esq. and his corrupt Lt Gov Kim Guadagno, Esq. who also served as the corrupt Morristown, NJ Sheriff and member of the infamous U.S. Attorney Office in Newark, NJ where the corrupt Paul Fishman, Esq is the latest corrupt U.S. Attorney(NJ). Karyn Gordon, Esq. was corrupt as the GRC's In-house attorney under the continuing reign of corrupt GRC chair Ms. Robin Berg Tabakin, Esq. as the prior corrupt executive director Catherine Starghill, Esq. was Karyn Gordon's Esq. mentor in corruption. Catherine Starghill, Esq. was transferred to the Department of Labor to be the corrupt Commissioner of Labor Hal Wirths Director as Wirths was the former corrupt Chair of the Republican dominated Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders in the infested county seat in Newton, N.J. 07860. The perjurer Catherine Starghill, Esq. as now known to the investigators in the State's Department of Labor and the U.S. Dept of Labor staff is now the Director in the State's Department of Labor in charge of Workforce Development Field Services.

    Note: William Ziff does NOT actually request an investigation nor does he or the District Ethic Committees assign any Docket numbers and they keep all their records confidential so NO one can even know any complaint was received and if you are fortunate enough to learn one was received you can't get any of the OAE records either - A nice corrupt designed system to protect the State's cease pool of attorneys..

    The State's State Wide Coordinator William Ziff, Esq. get Attorney Ethics complaints sent to him somehow by the Essex County District Ethics Committee without any Docket number ever being assigned and the Mercer County District Ethics Committee ALSO without any Docket number assigned and the Morris County and Sussex County Ethics Committee without any Docket number being assigned as its called a repeated pattern of Official Misconduct, a criminal violation of Conspiracy N.J.S.A. 2C:5-2.b and Pattern of Official Misconduct N.J.S.A. 2C:30-7.a, Conduct designed to aid another in commission of a crime N.J.S.A. 2C:5-1, Hindering Apprehension or Prosecution N.J.S.A. 2C:29-3 and Obstructing the Administration of Law or other Government Function N.J.S.A. 2C:29-1 and other state and federal criminal acts.

    None of these Districts sends the complainant a letter that the case is assigned to some other District's investigator being the corrupt Harry Norton Jr, Esq. of Norton, Sheehy & Higgins, P.C., One Garret Mountain Plaza Interstate 80 at Squirrelwood Road, Woodland Park, NJ 07424-3396 U.S.A. is the same building where the corrupt FBI Supervisor Doug Veivia worked and Veivia was protected by the corrupt FBI In-take Office in Whasington D.C. after the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General Assistant Special Agent (ASAC) Cella at 1 Battery Plaza, New York filed a complaint from the OIG TO THE FBI HQ. whom the OAE would transfer any complaint I filed even against the corrupt OAE investigator Harry Norton Jr. Esq. himself!

    The OAE by rules of its own ethics can NOT investigate its own investigator which should be done by the corrupt Disciplinary Review Board (DRB) which then tells you they have no investigation authority. A nice Catch 22 system of lies. In reality William Ziff, Esq. doesn't task Harry Norton, Esq. to investigate anything on the last 13 complaints just answer a question YES or NO and he doesn't in months.

    Harry Norton, Jr. has refused to contact witnesses or me in over two years and does NOT answer letters nor telephone calls nor does William Ziff, Esq. in actually.The OAE's method on receiving a Rules of Professional Conduct Ethics Complaint filed in different District Ethics Committees is burial in the law office of Harry Norton, Esq. who would not have the time to even investigation the most recently one buried into his corrupt office. That's the way the State of New Jersey's Supreme Court OAE handles ethics complaints bury them with Harry Norton, Jr. Esq. his corrupt Supreme Court's investigator.

    For you can read the 21 page complaint filed with the Mercer County Ethics Committee which assigned NO Docket number, in some manner without notice to me the complainant sent the complainant to the AOE's Statewide Coordinator the leader of the BURIAL SQUAD William Ziff, Esq. who did NOT assign any complaint number nor requested any investigation but buried the complaint per his usual methods with the corrupt AOE investigator Harry Norton, Jr. Esq. on and understand why the assigning by William Ziff, Esq. is noting but his own breach of duty and unethical conduct expected of the Office of Attorney Ethics. Karyn Gordon. Esq. the corrupt State attorney in the infested State of New Jersey's Department of Community Affairs Government Record Council GRC whose name William Ziff doesn't even mention in his email is whom the complaint is filed against Thomas Caggiano v. Karyn Gordon which should have been given a District VII Case file number and title caption Thomas Caggiano v. Karyn Gordon, Esq. and then when transferred to the corrupt OAE should have given n OAE District number room the OAE for tracking purposes and I should have been notified of these numbers but was NOT, of course, so NO person reading the email government record from Ziff to me would have any real knowledge a Docket number was NOT assigned by either the Mercer County District Ethics Committee nor the OAE and Karyn Gordon's name is NOT even mentioned. She conspired with a dozen other corrupt State attorneys and municipal attorneys. That's how the corrupt Supreme Court of New Jersey Operates in non-transparency, in secret, with immunity and non-disclosure a perfect recipe for it tort violations of outrage, breach of duty and causing emotional distress and repeated pattern of criminal conduct and corruption.

    READ my Dec 10, 2012 letter published on to the corrupt Joint Municipal Court Committee and Mayors of the Joint Municipal Court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover with my letter to t he corrupt State's Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq., 19-21 High Street, Newton NJ 07806 requesting approval of an abbreviated court transcript to the State of New Jersey Appellate Division Superior Court which was erroneously dismissed by the of the Appellate Division Deputy Presiding Judge who based upon the data submitted should have notified the FBI, the Supreme Court's ACJC of unethical judges per his own Code of Ethics and the government attorneys or issued his own court order to remove the unconstitutional court orders but didn't of course. Under Docket A-001721-10 State v. Thomas Caggiano regarding numerous municipal quasi-criminal convictions which are non-criminal convictions as NO JURY was involved just the corrupt municipal magistrate Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and his accomplice the bribed William Hinkes, Esq. who by deceit and fraud posed as the municipal prosecutor without legal authority was then followed in more corruption by the State of NJ in my many municipal appeals to the Superior Court 13-04-08, 19-05-19 and 31-09-07 and the bogus malicious criminal Indictment IND 08-09-316-I State v. Thomas Caggiano on 13 separate criminal charges by their conspirators in the Borough of Stanhope, NJ 07874 as the corrupt Judge Dana, J.M.C., and the corrupt Morris County / Sussex County Vicinage Trial Court administrators and Judge Glenn Grant, J.A.D. have violated their of office, engaged in Official Misconduct by NOT performing their official duty to obtain my own municipal court records as the Judiciary Branch is lead by the corrupt former NJ Attorney General, former counselor to the corrupt Gov Jon Corzine and former counsel to the then corrupt US Attorney Chris Christie, Esq. now NJ's corrupt Governor with his corrupt Lt Gov Kim Guadagno, Esq. the former corrupt sheriff in Morristown, NJ and a prior attorney in the infested U.S. Attorney's Office in Newark, NJ as Gov Chris Christie has taken his unethical and corrupt band of US Attorneys in Newark, NJ into high level State of NJ Cabinet or Sub-cabinet positions to become a government of threats and tyranny.

    The corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. who is protected like the other corrupt judges in NJ by the Speaker of the Assembly Oliver who does not perform her official Constitutional Duty to impeach dozens of corrupt State of NJ judges thereby Oliver fosters the wide spread corruption in the most corrupt State in the United States of America that being New Jersey with its 1,000 towns and fiefdoms with their corrupt attorneys as over 80 attorneys were reviewed and NOT one complied with their Code of Ethics called Rules of Professional Conduct nor does the NJ State Bar Association as they protect one another in a fraternity of evil. The corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver. Esq. was corrupt from his first day in office and has had a swarm of corrupt State prosecutors in the infested Sussex County Prosecutors Office which included its First Assistant Prosecutor Gregg Meuller, Esq. and gang of assistant prosecutors as known by the Sussex County Detectives assigned to work in the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor's Office 19-21 High St., Newton, N.J. 07860. In these corrupt courts, court rules do NOT exist nor ethics but tyranny. Due process does NOT exist as the Appellate Division Superior Court appeal Docket A-001721-10 State v. Thomas Caggiano was to remove dozens of unconstitutional court orders issued in violation of the U.S. Constitution, the State of NJ Constitution, the right-to-know common law, the Senator Byron M. Baer Open Public Meeting Act (OPMA) and the Martin O'Shea Open Public Record Act (OPRA) nor am I permitted to even examine the municipal court records nor obtain copies of its records nor copy of the audio recording on a CD permitted by R. 1:38 and directives issued by the State of NJ Supreme Administrator of the Courts Glenn Grant, J.A. D.

    who violated his own official duty by his official misconduct and failure to perform his duty to order the corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and his Joint Municipal Court Administrator and Trail Court Administrator to provide me the defendant copies of my own court records needed to prepare my Appellate Division Appeal which the Appellate Division did also NOT order the release of such public records needed in the preparation of my appeal to its own court.

    . In addition useless record retention regulations and record keeping for destruction of records are ignored by many municipal courts from the City of Trenton, to Mt. Olive Township in Morris County and through-out Sussex County. The State of New Jersey has issued other Policy statements and regulations such as record retention schedules required to be complied with by the municipal prosecutor and municipal clerk policy number M170000-001 which requires under the responsibility of the municipal prosecutor to retain his records for 15 years or longer as the cases are still under appeal. the letter includes receipts of mailings to the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, the NJ Attorney General, the FBI, the Whasington D.C. Department of Justice's Office of Professional Responsibility and U.S. District Court filings in the District of Nevada Docket 2:12-cv-0484-GMN-GWF, Caggiano v. Holder and the State of Nevada Clark County District Court showing the depths of corruption and cover-up of an illegal development by fraud in the Borough of Stanhope, NJ 07874 on Block 10902 Lots 10 and 12, 2 and 6 Oak Drive falsely filed deeds to the corrupt Sussex County Clerk and other hundreds of illegal transactions on Projects in the Borough of Stanhope for perhaps 20 years or more. In my case 12 years have passed as Official Misconduct is condoned and supported actively and planned with criminal coercion, informant retaliation and criminal abuse of court processes to issue clear court orders that violate the Constitutions and one's civil rights.

    Listen to a 21 minute recording of my Jun 14, 2006 meeting, I as an informant gave proof of massive bribery, racketeering, perjury, official misconduct and unending corruption in the infested Borough of Stanhope and other State organizations to the Sussex County First Assistant Prosecutor William Fitzgibbons, Esq. and another County Detective under the control of the State's prosecutor I had in the 19-21 High Street, Newton, N.J. 07860 Grand Jury room that on the outside looks like a normal house but was has a modified interior with its blackened painted walls, bare light bulb and has the second floor removed so you feel psychologically isolated in a large empty space with chairs against the wall for a Grand Jury controlled by the corrupt State prosecutor who thereafter had me indicated on 13 malicious criminal charges filed by Borough of Stanhope officials and employees IND 08-09-316-I State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano which was nothing but a judicial fraud and retaliation as for two years the corruption continued in the Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C superior Court as court orders filed in the court records do NOT even agree with the court orders provided the court;s directed attorney Robert Mattia, Esq. who did NOT even read court transcripts nor court orders and aided the corrupt Judge and Prosecutor and did NOT lied complaints to the corrupt ACJC and OAE nor contact the FBI as required by the federal crime of Misprision of Felony nor State Crime of Omission but did their bidding as he did not i interrogate any witness and the corrupt Superior Court with the aide if the corrupt Commissioner Jennifer Velez, Esq. of the State's controlled corrupt Department of Mental Services lead by the corrupt Commissioner Jennifer Velez, Esq. Anne Klein Forensic Center's State psychologists both referred to the corrupt State of New Jersey's Office of Attorney General's Department of Consumer Affairs in formal complaints against Christine Joseph and Peter Paul who issued different contradictory opinions allowed NO defense witnesses nor any confrontation of the State's own corrupt employees and the corrupt Judge Conforti, J.S.C. and his accomplice the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor's Gregg Mueller, Esq. dismissed the criminal charges by stating I was so mentally incompetent even with an attorney I could NOT represent myself so the malicious charges were dismissed without prejudice as I was not even allowed to object. Thereafter I filled Pro Se motions in that Robert Mattia, Esq. was no longer my court directed attorney as I nor the State paid him and without any mental examination the purpose of which using slander, deceit, and libel is to have you characterized as insane and not even able to defend yourself even by an attorney. The court orders now in the Sussex County Superior Court files DO NOT agree with the court orders given my attorney Thereafter the corrupt Judge Conforti, J.S.C declared me sane without any demanded re-examination that I demanded a requested evaluation session be video recorded and with a polygraph at my expense so that per court rules the recording could be used by me as evidence for I became sane for only the municipal appeals NOT the indictable criminal offenses even though I was before Judge Conforti on both court issues at the same time! I then filled Pro Se motions to dismiss the 13 criminal charges with prejudice and without any hearing or any motion or notice of motion prepared by the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor's new first assistant prosecutor Gregg Mueller, Esq. as William Fitzgibbons the former Sussex County First Assistant Prosecutor could no longer take the stress and unbridled corruption after reclusing hi,self as did another detective, William Fitzgibbons suffered a stroke and retired.

    How do NJ courts operate: By judicial fraud, tort violations of outrage, deception, trickery, coercion, breech of duty causing not only emotional distress to the informant but the family and others as persons have drivers licenses taken away, are put in jail for a year for trivial reasons so the county jail can get funds in its house of horrors and medical care is NOT provided as cruel and unusual punishment is given to persons shackled for NO reason but intimidation.

    The corrupt Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. with the aide of William Fitzgibbons Superior the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq. and other assistant prosecutors continue there corruption 6 years later. William and another Detective reclused themselves and told me go to the FBI. Note: The FBI does NOT prosecute State crimes of officials as the protection is by the corrupt Gov Chris Christie, Esq. and Lt. Gov Kimberly Guadagno, Esq. prior corrupt U.S. Attorneys in Newark, N.J. Essex County where laws do NOT apply and prior corrupt Gov Jon Corzine administrations and the last five State of NJ Attorney Generals instead the Attorney General with the aide of the corrupt Chancery Division and the corrupt Superior Court's Appellate Division allow unconstitutional court orders in criminal abuse of court process in a pattern of repeated unethical and criminal conduct N.J.S.A. 2C:30-7 with conspiracy N.J.S.A. 2C:5-2.b, and accomplices and complicity N.J.S.A. 2C:5-2.g and dozens of other criminal codes violated hundreds of times. violating Title 18 U.S.C 241 and 242 and M.J.S.A. 2C: 2C:30-6 Crime of official deprivation of civil rights, with false imprisonment, issue court orders that retaliate against informants, criminally coercive other informants in their coordinated terrorism to have repeated pattern of conduct designed to aide another in commission of State and separate Federal Crimes which continues as the U.S. Attorney Eric Holder and his Department of Justice and FBI so called investigators and those of the Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC protects Judges, the Office of Attorney Ethics protects attorneys, the Administrator of the Courts Glenn Grant, J.A.D. protects corrupt judicial employees, the corrupt Chief Justice Stuart Rabner a former corrupt State of NJ Attorney General emplaced there by the corrupt Gov Jon Corzine's administration and even more corrupt U.S. Attorney now Gov Chris Christie protects them all as known by federal Senators and members of Congress by reading:

    The Governor's Office of Administrative Law in Newark, NJ is a hive of corrupt State attorneys called ALJs as they support the corrupt Governor as they are his employees and not true judges but should be called what they are administrators which do NOT comply with their own administrative regulations.

    CORRUPT U.S. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE: Read the complaint against U.S. District Court Judge Gloria Navarro who is now under review by the U.S. District Court's Chief Circuit office of the Executive located in San Francisco, CA.

    CORRUPT GOVERNMENT RECORD COUNCIL AND ATTORNEYS: Read the 21 page Dec 2, 2012 R. 1:14 Code of Ethics Rules of Professional Conduct complaint Thomas Caggiano v. Karyn Gordon, Esq. the Acting Executive Director of the Government Record Council with over 10,000 pages of referenced court records as adopted exhibits per R. 1:4-3 in a Verified Certified Affidavit per R. 1:4-4(b) filed with the Supreme Court of the State of New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics Mercer County District VII Ethics Committee against the corrupt Acting Executive Director of the infested Department of Community Affairs Government Record Council GRC Karyn Gordon, Esq. also mailed to the FBI for prosecution of Federal statute violations such as U.S.C.'s Title 18 and 42 criminal act, the Office of Attorney General for New Jersey for investigation of State of N.J. Title 2C criminal acts with a copy to the unethical ( Rules of Professional Conduct RPC 5.1 violations) and N.J.S.A. 2C:2-6 criminal violations as an accomplice and liable for the conduct of his sub-ordinates called complicity as the Commissioner Richard Constable III, Esq. (609) 292-6420 had his Chief of Staff Paul B. Macchia appoint Karyn Gordon, Esq. the former in-house corrupt GRC attorney as the acting executive director of the GRC and the GRC has no letter of the former corrupt executive director Catherine Starghill, Esq. resignation from this critical job as the voting members of GRC panel has been essentially a rubber stamp of corrupt officials and attorneys in the conspiracy and violations of ethics per RPC 5.1(b) and (c) and R. 1:4-8(b)(3) themselves. Starghill submitted a letter to the on Jun 1, 2012 to the Department of Community Affairs Office of Human Resources stating effectively Jun 4. 2012 she was transferring t other NJ Department of Labor and Workforce development where the corrupt Commissioner of Labor is Hal Wirths the former chair of the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders. Below is a photo of 1.5 feet and 20 pounds of evidence of records within that corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders as Hal Wirths has known of the racketeering for years.


    Catherine Starghill, Esq. the corrupt executive director of the GRC for years has been promoted to be the Department of Labor's Director of Workforce Field Service. On Dec 10, 2012, I called the Dept of Labor's internal auditor Jerry Calamia to get evidence from the Mercer County Prosecutors Office which sent many CDs of evidence to the FBI and me and about the corruption of his Commissioner Wirths.

    TAKE NOTICE The independent Federal Grand Jury will determine if PROBABLE CAUSE exists against 250 conspirators and accomplices violating Title 18 U.S.C. Sections 2, 4, 241, 242, 1513, et. al. officials, FBI, IRS, USPS, NJ Gov Chris Christie, Esq. running against for a second term as his administration is the most corrupt in NJ sordid history of official corruption, the first Lt Gov and Secretary of State Kim Guadagno , Esq. whom selects New Jersey's corrupt Judges also and was the former sheriff of the corrupt Township of Morristown, Morris County where the hub and county seat houses a horde of corrupt Superior Court and the Chief municipal presiding Judge Frank Zinna, P.J.M.C. located at Whasington and Court Streets Morristown, NJ 07960-0910 (973)656-4000 with its prior corrupt Assignment Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C. and current corrupt Assignment Judge">Thomas L. Weisenbeck, A.J.S.C. with a gaggle of other corrupt Superior Court Judges Thomas Manahan, David Rand,P.J.Cv , Philip Maensa, N. Peter Conforti and more who are protected by the State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC as some of the filing of complaints with the corrupt ACJC, that assist the corrupt NJ's Supreme Court Chief Justice Stuart Rabner and former corrupt New Jersey Attorney General NOT investigate allegations of unethical judicial conduct as it buries complaints per its own R. 2:15-20 to protect New Jersey's corrupt Judiciary with its members being: Chair: Justice Alan B. Handler (Ret.), Vice Chair: Chief Justice James R. Zazzali (Ret.), Members of the New Jersey Bar: Justice Virginia A. Long (Ret.), Hon. Theodore Z. Davis (Ret.), Hon. Edwin H. Stern (Ret.), John J. Farmer, Lay Members, Not Holding Public Office: David P. Anderson, Alice Olick, Richard W. Roper, Executive Director: John A. Tonelli ACJC Counsel: Candace Moody,Esq., and Disciplinary Counsel: Tracie H. Gelbstein,Esq. as known by the corrupt Morris County State Prosecutor are published on the directory and available on-line The corrupt Morristown's municipal court administrator MARY ANN DILLION violated her own oath of office repeatedly and Code of Ethics governing judicial employees and instead aides others in her own conduct designed to aid another in commission of crimes N.J.S.A. 2C:5-1.c by NOT filing as required by the rules of the court R. 7:2-1(b) a Complaint-Summons (CDR-1) nor per R. 7:2-1(c) a Complaint-Warrant form (CDR-2) so the public is NOT knowledgeable a required R. 7:2-1 Complaint Process was provided the court administrator under oath.

    Many of Gov Christie's and former Gov Jon Corzine's Cabinet level officials, NJ Supreme Court review committees, Superior Court and Municipal court judges, Office of Administrative Law (OAL) attorneys, mayors, State and Municipal prosecutors, State and municipal police, treasurers, chief financial officers, law firms, professional engineers and planners and more. U.S. District Court Judge Gloria Navarro has refused to perform her official duty protecting those who had her appointed a Federal District Court Judge and I filed a complaint against Judge Navarro to the Circuit and Court of Appeals Executive in San Francisco,CA filing the complaint for JUDICIAL MISCONDUCT in the U.S. District 9th Circuit of the State of Nevada court files.

    U.S. District Court of State of Nevada

    Docket 2:12-cv-01484-GMN-GWF Caggiano v. Holder


    Writ of Mandamus Writ of Mandate Demanding Independent Grand Jury
    Determine if Probable Cause exists against 250 federal, state and
    and municipal officials and employees,law firms, judges and others to include

    Title 18 Section 4
    Misprision of Felony
    for failure to perform public duty to
    report apparent federal crimes to the FBI

    Proof of Service to
    U.S. Attorney Eric Holder
    U.S. Solicitor General
    U.S. DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility
    DOJ Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Las Vegas, NV


    State of NJ Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa, Esq.
    for an investigative interrogative per N.J.S.A. 2C:21-29
    against hundreds of persons
    for Indictment for violation of
    dozens of different Title 2C State crimes
    to include violations of
    conspiracy, complicity, fraud, obstruction of law and
    one's public duty for failure to report
    apparent State of NJ criminal acts

    N.J.S.A. 2C:2-1
    Crime of Omission

    The Government corruption spans the U.S.A. from coast to coast.

    Read State of Nevada District Court filing of Nov 7, 2012 before Chief District Court Judge Jennifer P. Togliatti
    Thomas Caggiano v. Las Vegas Jury Commissioner in the State of Nevada's District Court Docket A-12-671554-C

    USE the index file to read many filed complaints regarding NJ's wide spread corrupt judiciary and prosecutors to its corrupt Supreme Court review committees; ACJC, OAE, District Ethics Committees and OAC AS THESE Supreme Court officials protect one another.

    My extensive complaint against the corrupt Superior Court Chancery Division Judge Paul Innes, P.J.Cv. is available on and assigned Complaint ACJC 2013-067 on Nov 9, 2012 regarding his massive violation of Codes of Judicial Conduct with the aide of hundreds of other government officials, judges and attorneys

    Read the transcript records of four corrupt professional engineers protected by hundreds of federal, state, county and municipal officials, judges, prosecutors and employees recorded in the State of New Jersey's open public records in its Office of Attorney General's Department of Consumer Affairs' Board of Engineers as the cover-up, conspiracy, violation of civil rights, fraud. terrorism, retribution, perjury, criminal abuse of court processes, unconstitutional court orders and informant retaliation continues for over 10 years.

    Listen to an audio recording in the Office of NJ's Attorney General's Sussex County Prosecutor's, 19-21 High St., Newton, NJ 07860 Grand Jury room as I gave a 21 minute presentation to the First Assistant Prosecutor William Fitzgibbons, Esq. and a Sussex County Detective as they both reclused themselves and told me proceed with evidence to the FBI which is equally corrupt. William Fitzgibbons could no longer take the strain and corruption and suffered a stroke and retired. The corruption continues infesting the Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver's office, the Director of the Criminal Division's Department of Law and Public Safety and a series of corrupt NJ Attorney Generals, suffered a stroke and thereafter retired. The corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. illegally refused to allow me discovery and then even hiring my own attorney as he conspired with the despotic State of NJ's Department of Human Services Commissioner Jennifer Velez, Esq. and her corrupt Ann Klein Forensic Center CEO Mr. John Main to have two corrupt State psychologists as you can READ my filed complaints to the corrupt Office of NJ Attorney General's Department of Consumer Affairs Peter Paul, Ph. D. and Christine Joseph Ph. D. as they wrote conflicting reports without allowing any due process declaring me so insane that even with an attorney that I could NOT defend myself. The Office of Attorney General's Department of Consumer Affairs' New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners began an investigation of my own hired psychiatrist Dr. M. Nicolai Nielsen, MD of Inhealth Associates who released private medical HIPPA protected private records a federal felony with a $250,000 fine and a decade in prison without my permission and refused to give even my attorney Robert Mattia, Esq, Newton, NJ my own medical records. Dr. Nielsen has his attorney respond with lies and was placed under investigation on Nov 13, 2012 by the Board of Medical Examiners Case number 89217. My POC is Christina Smith, New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners, P. O. Box 183, Trenton, New Jersey 08625 and telephone 609-826-7134. The matter was opened on November 13 and a letter has been forwarded to you acknowledging receipt of the complaint. The case number assigned is 89217.

    Once free after dismissing all charges he then declared me sane so I filled a summary dismissal with prejudice motion and by fraud he and the Sussex County Prosecutor dismissed had criminal indictment 08-09-316-I with prejudice against the state and even did that by fraud. in the malicious criminal indictment brought by the superior if William Fitzgibbons the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq. who was the prior law partner of William Hinkes, Esq. of Hollander, Strelzik, Pasculli, Pasculli, Hinkes, Gacquin, Vandenberg & Hontz, LLC who with the corrupt Joint Municipal Court's treasonous Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. whom even banned me from not only the Borough of Stanhope but Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and his Joint Municipal Court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover court administrator Maria Speigler protected hundreds of corrupt officials violated due process rights in the U.S. Constitution and NJ Constitution, common law existing for over 125 years and the NJ Court rules in their refusal to give me access to my court records in the infested Joint Municipal Court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover as the four municipalities all bribed by fraud William Hinkes,Esq. who acted fraudulently as an officer of the law as he did NOT even have a contract to act as a municipal prosecutor and still defrauds with the four corrupt municipalities all defendants.

    Why is New Jersey so corrupt? NJ's Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg takes action to change the structure of N.J. Government to reduce its infamous public corruption by sponsoring bills S-1451 and S-1452
    NJ has Appointed Judges NOT Elected Judges like NY and NV where THE PEOPLE can vote out of office corrupt or ineffective judges as fraud, perjury, bribery, cronyism and official misconduct in NJ is pandemic Published under the Freedom of the Press by
    Publisher Inside on the Outside on

    Gov Christie's corrupt Cabinet members and his control over the Government Record Council which is to insure transparency in Government to reduce official misconduct will be removed once S-1451 and S-1452 similar bills by sponsored by Assemblyman Gordon become effective.

    Speaker of the General Assembly

    Constitutional duty

    Remove corrupt judges
    and impeachment

    Official Misconduct
    Failure to
    Perform one's duty

    N.J.S.A. 2C:30-7.a and b

    18 U.S.C. Sec 2 and 4

    Sheila Y. Oliver

    Governor of the State of NJ
    Official duty
    Protect We the People
    Remove corrupt cabinet officials that serve at his pleasure
    High Crimes and misdemeanors
    Criminal Complicity
    N.J.S.A. 2C:2-6

    Leader of organized
    criminal conduct
    N.J.S.A. 5.2.g

    Chris Christie

    Chief Justice
    NJ Supreme Court
    Insure equal justice
    Remove corrupt judges
    High Crimes and misdemeanors
    Criminal Complicity
    N.J.S.A. 2C:2-6

    Enterprise of Racketeering
    N.J.S.A. 2C:41-1.1

    Crime of Omission
    N.J.S.A. 2C:2-1

    Stuart Rabner, Esq.
    former corrupt
    NJ Attorney General

    Congratulations and Acclamations to NJ Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg

    improving Government Transparency and punishment of government violators for sponsoring S-1451 and S-1452 sponsoring drastic improvements in
    Senator Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) and
    Martin O'Shea Open Public Record Act (OPRA)

    Removes Gov Christie's corrupt Cabinet officials from the corrupt Government Record Council (GRC) voting panel and adds four additional public voting members appointed by the Senate and Assembly Majority and Minority leaders, makes GRC independent of the corrupt Department of Community Affairs Commissioner Richard Constable III, Esq. and protects the GRC chair from the Governor's removal for pleasure. The current corrupt chair is Ms. Robin Berg Tabakin, Esq. as the GRC is filled with corrupt attorneys and staff. The Office of Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa, Esq. and his corrupt Criminal Division's Department of Law and Public Safety and Division of Law attorneys as they violate laws and obstruct the administration of law and hinder the apprehension of hundreds of corrupt New Jersey officials, judges, prosecutors from the corrupt City of Trenton to the corrupt City of Newark to Morristown and through-out Morris and Sussex counties.

    The widespread corruption is exposed by the GRC on its own web site in my denial of access complaint against the corrupt NJ Office of Attorney General's plagued Sussex County Prosecutor's Office

    Evidence of Corruption

    Thomas Caggiano v. State's Sussex County Prosecutor's Office Complaint 2010-211 Read the Jul 6, 2011 Court filing in the infested Sussex County, NJ's Wantage municipal court
    to the corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. who is protected by the corrupt State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC that protects NJ's infested judiciary and read complaints filed against other corrupt NJ Judges on The corrupt Joint Wantage, Stillwater and Borough of Sussex's Municipal Court municipal prosecutor is Dolan and Dolan PA's William T. Haggerty, Esq. who is protected by the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq. and the Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics OAE, Supreme Court's corrupt investigator Harry Norton, Jr. Esq. as he with others protected the corrupt Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC law firm and its pathetic perjurer Richard A. Stein, Esq. as you can watch of court recorded movie taken in a hearing on Docket SSX-L-847-07 Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano and Government Record Council as you can obtain 1,740 pages of court records by contacting the excellent Sussex County Superior Court Civil Law Division Assistant Manager Marie Sette-Hughes at 973-579-0918 Sussex County Superior Court Judicial Center 43 - 47 High Street Newton, NJ 07860 and cite the court case above in your request for court records and obtain evidence beyond any reasonable doubt of the tyranny and treason sponsored by the State of New Jersey Government itself.

    And you can contact the outstanding Criminal Part Scheduler Kay Mack 973-579-0633 and obtain 4,748 pages of court records on Municipal Appeals for State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano for Superior Court Municipal Appeals 13-04-08, 19-05-09 and 31-09-07 on dozens of malicious charges filed against me and the additional 13 Count criminal charge Indictment 08-09-316-I State v. Thomas Caggianothat was dismissed with prejudice against the corrupt State of NJ and even that was done by fraud by Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and the State's Sussex County First Assistant Prosecutor the corrupt Gregg Mueller, Esq. before a jury was selected after years in court in a criminal abuse of court processes, criminal coercion, willful defamation of my character and informant retaliation with criminal coercion and conspiracy among State Superior court and municipal judges and State and municipal prosecutors violating Title 18 U.S.C. Section 1513 and N.J.S.A. Title 2C:28-5.

    Nov 7, 2012 an 8 Page Filing in State of Nevada 8th District Court Docket A-12-671554-C
    with copies of letters from Department of Justice, Las Vegas's FBI and IRS offices,
    and Mercer County Prosecutor's Office, Trenton, NJ exposing massive Government Corruption

    New Jersey Star Ledger Report: Former Stanhope man free to appeal


    A former Stanhope man, known for his frequent e-mail dispatches and "feet of evidence" on alleged corruption in all levels of government, is free to appeal his 2009 municipal court convictions on his own.

    Thomas Caggiano, 65, who last year announced he was moving to Nevada, waived his appearance Thursday at the Superior Court in Newton, allowing attorneys and the judge to discuss whether his psychiatric competency had any relevance to his pending appeal. Ultimately, they decided it did not.

    Caggiano is contesting convictions in the Green Municipal Court for harassment and criminal trespass, both petty disorderly persons offenses, and resisting arrest, a disorderly persons offense.

    The case, transferred from Stanhope to Green, stemmed from Caggiano allegedly contacting borough officials by telephone and through e-mails, postcards, letters, face-to-face threats and hand-delivered memos.

    On Thursday, Judge N. Peter Conforti said a doctor at the Anne Klein Forensic Center in West Trenton last year found Caggiano incompetent to proceed on counts of contempt for allegedly flouting a court order that prohibited him from contacting or visiting Stanhope Borough Hall. {Note: These malicious criminal charges were dismissed with prejudice under IND 08-09-316-I after I submitted a Pro Se Summary Motion and I have filed complaints against the corrupt two State psychologists who themselves wrote conflicting reports These complaints were filed to the Office of Attorney General's corrupt Department of Consumer Affairs as it corrupt Board of Engineers and Board of Professional Planners protect incompetent corrupt PEs and Pps. The transcript records of the corrupt Board of Engineers against four PEs are on along with a letter from its former Director Kim Ricketts to the corrupt U.S. Attorney, corrupt NJ Attorney General's Department of Law and Public Safety and its corrupt Department of Agriculture that continue to conspire 10 years later. The corrupt Commissioner of Mental Health Services is Jennifer Velez, Esq., the corrupt CEO of Ann Klein Forensic is Mr. Main and the who corrupt state psychologists are Christine Joseph CASE file complaint 88784 Thomas Caggiano v. Christine Joseph, Ph. D. and against the even more corrupt Peter Paul Case who stated I was insane and even with a stand by attorney or attorney representing me I could NOT defend myself Thomas Caggiano v. Peter Paul, Ph. D.) file 88722 with the Office of Attorney General Jeffrey S. Chiesa, Esq. Board of Psychologist Examiners.)

    But the finding had no bearing on the municipal court matters, and prosecutors asked Conforti to dismiss the contempt charges in Superior Court in September 2009. The request was prompted by Caggiano's plans to move to North Las Vegas, Nevada. {To flee for our safety and health from the infested corrupt despotic government and courts in New Jersey that continues its threats, unconstitutional court orders as corruption continues and informant retaliation continues only to be confronted by even more corruption in Las Vegas and from sea to sea as the on-slight of a corrupt federal, state government has continued for 12 years)

    The judge that day also threw out various aspects of Caggiano's municipal sentence from Green regarding jail time, court supervision and fines.

    Now, Caggiano is free to pursue his appeal based on the legal issues with or without attorney Robert Mattia, who was assigned to assist him in light of last year's finding of incompetence (another doctor found Caggiano competent, Mattia said).

    Mattia said he doesn't know if he will be retained to assist Caggiano in his appeal, scheduled for argument on Oct. 19.

    "I think he'll be proceeding pro se on that," Mattia told the court.

    Want massive additional proof of treason and tyranny? Then Obtain Superior court records in Trenton State v. Thomas Caggiano Dockets MER-C-102-07 corrupt Judge Paul Innes, P.J.Cr 175 South Broad Street - 1st floor Civil Law Post Office Box 8068 Trenton, New Jersey 08650-0068

    Read my detailed Complaint filed to the corrupt State of New Jersey Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial; Conduct ACJC known to hundreds of persons ignored by all investigators and the Speaker of Assembly, corrupt Office of Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. and New Jersey Attorney General and his corrupt Department of Law and Public Safety as others have been ignored for over a decade Thomas Caggiano v. Paul Innes,P.J.Cv

    Read the comprehensive R 1:14 Ethics Complaint against Paul Innes, P.J.Cv Chancery Division Superior Court Presiding Judge to NJ's corrupt Supreme Court

    and the corrupt State of New Jersey's Appellate Division Superior Court Docket A-001721-10 corrupt Judge Carmen Messano Deputy Presiding Judge for Administration and and others therein P.O. Box 006, Trenton, New Jersey, 08625 Phone: (609) 292-4822

    MORE COURT EVIDENCE Watch the video of the corrupt Morris County and Sussex County Vicinage Assignment Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis and Richard Stein, Esq. spew deceit and use selected words out of a sentence without context and lie after lie and then listen to the corrupt Frankford Township attorney Ken Hobrook as the corruption of Frankford Township and its attorneys Peter J. Laemers, Esq. who destroys his municipal prosecutor records in violation of State law namely M170000. Records Retention and Disposition Schedule as he is responsible with the municipal clerk for retaining control for 15 years and reporting destruction of these records and his corrupt fellow attorney Amgela C. Paternostro-Pfister, Esq. of Morris, Downing and Sherred LLC who posed as an assistant municipal prosecutor to convict me by judicial fraud with the Judge James Devine, J.M.C. and thereafter the corrupt Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and the deceased Sussex County State Prosecutor Ms Robin Lawrie, Esq. admitted she never looked at the evidence in my Sussex County Superior Court municipal appeal 31-09-07 for the corrupt Joint Municipal Court of Frankford, Lafayette, Branchville, Sandyston, Walpack and Montague is exposed at the end of the video as bribed is the way of doing government business through-out Sussex County including the Joint municipal court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover where William Hinkes, Esq. and his law firm Hollander, Strelzik, Pasculli, Pasculli, Hinkes, Gacquin, Vandenberg & Hontz LLC were apparently bribed by these municipalities to pose as its municipal prosecutor defrauding hundreds of defendants and thousands of tax payers. N.J. Attorney General Jeffrey S. Chiesa, Esq. and U.S. Attorney General for New Jersey the former Chris Christie, Esq. and current U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman, Esq. lead by the corrupt U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. Esq. and his Department of Justice's Criminal Division AAG Lanny A. Breuer including its Supervisor of the Public Integrity Section from the top to the bottom where a fraternity of government fraud, trickery, obstruction of law, informant retaliation, criminal abuse of court process, criminal coercion, assault, false imprisonment, violation of civil rights under color of law, bribery, tax fraud, mail fraud, conspiracy, complicity and corruption. The outstanding court Wantage Court administrator is Tania Ell.

    If you try to proceed to the corrupt Superior Court's Appellate Division to remove unconstitutional court orders issued by fraud in many courts, you'll find more Judicial fraud by the Appellate Division Presiding Judge Carmen Messano, P.J.AD that do NOT allow your own access to your own court records nor any record of the corrupt Borough of Stanhope that filed dozens of malicious charges against you to prevent you to attend any Open Public meeting, write any OPRA request, contact any current or former employee nor even allow you to get a book out of the public library met the Borough's tax assessor as done by the corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and even more corrupt Superior Court Judge David Rand, P.J.Cr on Docket SSX-L-847-07 Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano and GRC and where the corrupt Morris County Superior Court Judges changed the docket Caption from Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano and GRC and the Mercer County Chancery Division's corrupt Judge Paul Innes, P.J.Cr changed the Docket from State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano to the false Docket title Government Record Council v. Thomas Caggiano as Judicial fraud reaches all NJ Superior and municipal courts. You can read my complaint filed to the corrupt Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC and sent to dozens others on ACJC filed PAUL INNES Complaint

    Notice: I am not an attorney but a victim of Government corruption, one of many informants retaliated against in our continuing 12 year exposure of conspiracy, complicity, frauds, perjury, violations of rules governing courts, safety and health laws, deceptive official minutes, official misconduct, racketeering, bribery, tax fraud, tampered with government records, false records entered into judiciary data bases, defamation, slander, liable, and criminal abuse of court processes and cover-up of Government corruption.

    I suggest you always add a common law request to any OPRA request and NEVER even to a restructured GRC take any Denial of Access to the GRC and go directly to the Superior Court otherwise you lose this right to proceed to a Superior Court under the new proposed OPRA law and must go to the much more costly Appellate Division. The new OPRA takes away your rights. The contents are NOT to be considered attorney advice as laws and court rules vary in States and Courts and U.S. Districts have local rules. Use of information on this web site is at your sole responsibility or seek your own attorney to represent you or be your standby attorney which gives you the right to be Pro Se that will be restructured. The proposed N.J. Senate Committee Substitute bill S-1452 takes away your rights you now have. I suggest you Do not file a denial of access to the restructured GRC if the Senate Committee substitute to S-1452 becomes law. An example of the extreme corruption in New Jersey courts is illustrated by the corrupt municipal judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C., who is typical of corruption in the despotic State of New Jersey being the corrupt Morris County Superior Court Judge David Rand, P.J.Cv and corrupt Trenton's Mercer County's Superior Court Chancery Division's Judges Shuster, M. Sypek and Paul Innes, P.J.Cv under Docket MER-C-102-07 State v. Thomas Caggiano have already taken away your rights INSTEAD have a show cause order issued, file a complaint with the FBI 18 U.S.C. Sections 2, 241 and 242 and file an affidavit of probable cause using the State of NJ's Criminal Code Title 2C: 30-5.c and 2C:5-2.b criminal codes and file complaints t other corrupt State of N.J. Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC and Office of Attorney Ethics against the prosecutor for violations of Rules of Professional Conduct and also proceed directly to a Superior Court for denial of access under OPRA and under COMMON LAW and save yourself money. I suggest you ignore the GRC if you already have dozens of corrupt unconstitutional court orders issued against you such as Thomas Caggiano by the corrupt Superior Court Judge Thomas Manahan, P.J.S.C. as he issued his own unconstitutional court order without any Docket number, no hearing, no due process and even falsely stated you had no standing as he simply violated all court rules as known to every municipal court in the Sussex County and Morris County vicinage! NJ is a hopelessly corrupt Government of tyranny. Ignore the corrupt GRC unless you desire to see more corruption as I suggest take your denial of access via common law which gives you MORE access to government records then OPRA directly to the Superior Court and do NOT waste your time and money.

    If you have any wonder how corrupt the State of New Jersey and its infested corrupt judiciary branch is and is protected by its Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct, (ACJC), its General Assembly which by the NJ Constitution has the exclusive jurisdiction to remove NJ's corrupt Judges and the corrupt Gov Chris Christie and his executive branch read my filing in the corrupt Joint Municipal Court in the Joint Municipal Court of Wantage, Stillwater and Borough of Sussex with the corrupt Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and Dolan and Dolan PA, 1 Legal Lane, Newton, N.J. 07860 municipal prosecutor William T. Haggerty, Esq. from a case transferred from the corrupt Joint municipal court of Stillwater and Hampton with the corrupt Judge John E. Mulhern, J.M.C. and Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC, Andrew Fraser, Esq. protected by the corrupt Laddey Clark and Ryan LLC Borough of Stanhope's attorney Richard A. Stein, Esq., Corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David J. Weaver, Esq. Gregg R. Mueller, Esq., Joseph Corrassa, Michel W. Briegel, Esq., and Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C., Thomas V. Manahan, P.J.Cr., Linda R. Feinberg, A.J.S.C., B. Theodore Bozonelis,A.C.J.C., Thomas L. Weisenbeck, A.J.S.C., Phillip Maensa, J.S.C., C. James A. Farber, J.S.C., Frank Zinna, P.J.M.C.,Paul Catanese, P.J.M.C., Louis Sancinito, P.J.M.C., Paul Innes, P.J.Cr., Shuster, J.S.C., M. Sypek, P.J.Cv, Carmen Messano,P.J.AD., Glenn Grant, J.A.D. and hundreds more.

    My Nov 3, 2012 My reply to the corrupt Department of Community Affairs Government Record Council (GRC) to remove Gov Christie's executive members from the GRC voting panel, my reply against Mt. Olive Township, Morris County, New Jersey false Statement of Information response regarding my OPRA request for municipal prosecutor records that must be retained 15 years per State record retention policy. Copy of Information for massive fraud filed Oct 31, 2012 with U.S. Treasury Internal Revenue Service Form 3949A and my filed complaint of Oct 25, 2012 to the State of New Jersey's Treasurer Andrew P. Sidman-Erstorr, Esq. is available on

    My Oct 28, 2012 detailed complaint against State of New Jersey Superior Court's Chancery Division's Presiding Judge Paul Innes, P.J.Cv filed with the corrupt Supreme Court of New Jersey's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct {ACJC} which protects unethical State Judges with specific complaints of judicial fraud and ethics violations including criminal codes as they have violated violating of the Judicial Cannons with impunity and for lawyers the Rules of Professional Conduct they are protected by the Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE) and voluntary State Bar Association for out of 100 judges and lawyers NOT a single one was found to comply with the Rules of Ethics which include the Chief Justice Stuart Rabner, the Gov Chris Christie, Esq. and the Lt. Gov Kim Guadagno, Esq. from the corrupt Essex, Hudson and Morris Counties as Suffolk County and Mercer County are also infested.

    Complaint filed via U.S. District Court of State of Nevada for Judicial Misconduct by U.S. District Court of the State of Nevada Judge Gloria M. Navarro. The State of Nevada Court per Local Court Rules filed my complaint with the United States Courts for the Ninth District in the Office of the Circuit Executive in San Francisco, CA. I also filed the complaint as a public record in the State of Nevada District Court under Docket 2:12-cv-01484-GMN-GWF Docket Caption Caggiano v. Holder and mailed by certified mail return receipt per the State of Nevada rules instead of by U.S. Marshall per U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge George Foley discretion and his court order as he determined my request for delivery by U.S. Marshall was not necessary to keep the peace so I saved money in the delivery service allowed by the U.S. Court Magistrate.

    OPRA rights are meaningless to the
    current corrupt GRC attorneys and staff
    See Senate bill S-1452 that gets rid of executive branch cabinet officials as voting members
    The State of New Jersey's Department of Community Affairs voting members, Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. in the Joint Municipal Court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover, the attorney William Hinkes, Esq. who is protected by the Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics OAE Director Charles Centinaro and its investigator Harry Norton, Jr. and the Borough of Stanhope attorney Richard A. Stein, Esq. and corrupt Morris County Superior Court Judge David Rand, P.J.Cv under Docket SSX-L-847-07 Caption Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano and GRC are so corrupt the GRC even denies the publishing company Inside on the Outside of the State of Nevada that the company can submit any written an OPRA request to the Borough of Stanhope, New Jersey for any government record, in an obvious violation of the Legislative intent of OPRA and common law to prevent its own criminal conduct exposure, as fraud, and obstruction of law in a federal conspiracy violating Title 18 U.S.C. Section 2 and N.J.S.A. 2C:2-5.2, and N.J.S.A. 5-1 Conduct designed to aid another in commission of a crime. The GRC's decision is on the GRC web site under complaint Inside on the Outside's denial of access complaint GRC 2012-25.

    George Whasington's Farewell Address 1796 and warning to We the People about our freedoms obtained in our revolution against tyranny.

    Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally. This spirit, unfortunately, is inseparable from our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the human mind. It exists under different shapes in all governments, more or less stifled, controlled, or repressed; but, in those of the popular form, it is seen in its greatest rankness, and is truly their worst enemy. The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty.

    It is important, likewise, that the habits of thinking in a free country should inspire caution in those entrusted with its administration, to confine themselves within their respective constitutional spheres, avoiding in the exercise of the powers of one department to encroach upon another. The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, a and thus to create, whatever the form of government, a real despotism

    You can watch a video taken in the corrupt Morristown, N.J. Superior Court with Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C., the corrupt Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC's, Sparta, N.J. Borough of Stanhope's Borough Attorney Richard Stein, Esq. and watch me read from government records showing the fraud, conspiracy, deceit, lies and proving the corruption that continues of hundreds of government officials, employees, judges and bribed law firms, engineers and planners and read complaints filed with the corrupt State of New Jersey Supreme Court's Chief Justice Stuart Rabner and NJ's former corrupt N.J.'s Attorney General and his corrupt Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct (ACJC) in the directory corrupt judge

    Recently I was provided at my request and cost 1,740 pages of court filed documents by the excellent Sussex County Superior Court Civil Division staff Marie-Sette-Hughes weighing 21 pounds, as the comments are stamped filed in the Superior Court and stacked 7 inch high providing massive Proof beyond any reasonable doubt of the tyranny of government at all levels.

    Watch the video

    Summary: A continuing now 12 year Case Study of corruption in Government as over apparently corrupt 250 officials, judges, prosecutors, employees, law firms and engineering firms identified on the web site using Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) analysis and Network Analysis techniques. An EXCELLENT GUIDE on how to manage risk, plan and analyze progress and take alternative approaches using feed back and feed forward analysis is available on the Department of Defense Planning and Schedule Guide

    Read my U.S. District Court State of Nevada Motion to Amend on Caggiano v. Holder, a complaint filed with the U.S. District Court concerning the apparent criminal conduct of U.S. District Court Judge Gloria M. Navarro under Docket 2:12-cv-01484-GMN-GEP filed also with the U.S. Attorney General, N.J. Attorney General and widely distributed by email and fax.

    What do many Federal and State Representatives know about the corruption and the Congress, Senate, State of N.J. Speaker of the General Assembly Oliver and N.J. Senate's Law and Public Safety and Judiciary Committee do NO oversight then read what was mailed to many of these leaders who will put the flag on their lapel and talk our freedom that does NOT exist in America instead its a the land of despots, deceit, tyranny and corruption as suggest every read George Whasington's and Five Star General and President Eisenhower's farewell addresses. Whey do they tell the truth after they leave political office and NOT before?

    Read or read my Oct 16, 2012 letter now a public record in the corrupt Joint Municipal Court of townships of Wantage, Stillwater and Borough of Sussex with the corrupt magistrate Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and municipal prosecutor Dolan and Dolan PA's William Haggerty, Esq. based upon my ignored motions to remove unconstitutional court orders that violate also the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) and the Open Public Records Act (OPRA issued in the former corrupt Joint municipal court of Stillwater / Hampton by the corrupt magistrate John Mulhern, J.M.C. who was also corrupt in the corrupt Township of Newton and the Borough of Stanhope corrupt municipal courts with the corrupt Law firm of Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC's corrupt municipal prosecutors Andrew Fraser,Esq. and Richard Stein, Esq. all protected by the corrupt former Vicinage Assignment Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C. and current corrupt Vicinage Judge Thomas L. Weisenbeck, A.J.C. leading the pack of corrupt Superior Court and Municipal Judges through the infested Morris County and Sussex County Republican controlled towns as the Gov Chris Christie, Esq. and Lt. Gov / Secretary of State Kim Guadagno, Esq. is even more corrupt then the Jon Corzine administation but at least the corrupt Stuart Rabner is constant as he has been corrupt as Counsel to both of these felons and after being one of five corrupt New Jersey Attorney Generals in a row, the corrupt former Attorney General of N.J. is now NJ corrupt Chief Justice of a State with a constitution unlike New York or the State of Nevada where WE THE PEOPLE can vote out of office not only corrupt Judges but on efficient ones but in the State of NJ they are given essentially absolute immunity and the Speaker Oliver supports the corruption by her own Official Misconduct by NOT having impeachment hearings to remove these corrupt fraternity of black robed diseased dishonorable Judges. Warning: If the person shows their ego like the so called Honorable Judges or the Board of Chosen Freeholders they are most likely to be corrupt.

    To the FBI, N.J. Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC and the Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE) for 12 years NOT one complied with the Rules of Ethics called Judicial Cannons for judges and Rules of Professional Conduct for attorneys nor the Rules governing the courts NOT one out of over 100. nor are the U.S, District Court Judges ethical as they protect others who protect them such as the corrupt Department of Justice's Criminal Division's Public Integrity Section's Supervisor who refused to identify herself in any many, refused to tell me whom she reported to organizationally and refused to admit her own exclusive jurisdiction and when she asked me "Where am I getting that information?" I told her from her own web site show below.

    All you need to read is the official newspaper the New Jersey Herald Article of Aug 1, 2002 and read the False Deeds submitted by the protected corrupt developer ENF Development Co LLC for 2 and 6 Oak Drive, Stanhope NJ 07874 entered into the Sussex County Clerk's Office in Newton, New Jersey as the annotated deeds were given to the Sussex County Administrator John Eskilson and I briefed the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders years ago with its then corrupt chairman Hal Wirths on Nov 5, 2008 now the State of New Jersey Commissioner of Labor. You can obtain copies of the twenty pounds of evidence with the false tampered with Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan submitted by the developer ENF Development Co, LLC to the corrupt State of New Jersey's Department of Agriculture's criminally run organization in Newton's Sussex County Soil Conservation District and another 2,70 pages of evidence by reviewing its file folder SH#44 for the minor subdivision Block 10902 Lots 10 and 12, 2 and 6 Oak Drive, Stanhope, N.J. 07874 as NO State Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan was ever approved by the Borough of Stanhope and certified by the State as required by State Law and also the Borough of Stanhope's municipal code as fraud, conspiracy has continued for over 10 years with manipulated erased and tampered with plans submitted to the corrupt State's Sussex County Soil Conservation District by ENF Development Co. LLC and signed by the corrupt chair Clifford Lundin, Esq. The first of two false tampered with Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans by ENF Development Co, LLC and his hired corrupt professional engineer Wendell Ihoffer ( see the transcript records of the corrupt Office of Attorney General's Department of Consumer Affairs' Board of Engineers that protected four corrupt professional engineers on and 2,700 pages of evidence in application file SH#44 for the PROJECT, Minor Sub-division, Block 10902 Lots 10 and 12, 2 and 6 Oak Drive of the massive fraud and corruption that continues in the corrupt State of New Jersey's Department of Agriculture's Sussex County Soil Conservation District, 186 Halsey Road, Suite 2, Newton, New Jersey 07860, such plans signed by the Sussex County Soil Conservation District was invalidated by Thomas Caggiano's third party appeal to the corrupt James Sadley the executive secretary of the Department of Agriculture's State Soil Conservation Committee and the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Community Affairs' and its corrupt Codes and Standards Department were aware that during its own investigation of Block 10902 Lot 12 or 6 Oak Drive the investigator John Maher was deceived by the corrupt former manager Winifred Straub as the corrupt Sussex County Soil Conservation District Manager and former Mayor of the corrupt Borough of Hopatcong is Clifford R. Lundin, Esq. 378 Maxim Dr, Andover, New Jersey 07821-2911, (973) 398-2511 Areas of Practice: Environmental Law with its corrupt new Shared municipal court of Borough of Hopatcong and Borough of Stanhope has the corrupt court magistrate C. William Bowkley, J.M.C. and corrupt municipal prosecutor Anthony Arbore, Esq. District Chairman is Clifford Lundin, Esq. and bribed engineering firm by the Borough of Stanhope for over a decade John Cilo Jr. Associates who with perjured false filings along with his employee Scarlett Dolye who posed as the Borough of Stanhope's Town Planer as both did NOT have valid contracts per the Local Public Contracts Law and have been protected by over 200 corrupt officials and judges with the Department of Community Affairs' corrupt Local Government Services Department and its corrupt Local Finance Board with his corrupt incompetent employee professional Scarlet Doyle who also filed false perjured reports stated under perjury they were officials for the Borough of Stanhope but for more then 10 years with the Borough deceived thousands of taxpayers, the State and filed false tax returns the were officials of the borough of Stanhope. See transcript records of the corrupt Office of Attorney General of New Jersey Department of Consumer Affairs Board of Engineers in the directory published on Or read the letter the corrupt Joint Municipal Court of Green, Hampton,Fredon and Borough of Andover's Maria Speigler wrote me that NO defendant per State laws can get a copy of their own court records or statement made therein by the corrupt Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC Attorney for Stanhope when asked by the corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C.

    Judge Craig U. Dana, JMC: Can any person pay their taxes in advance: Richard A. Stein, Esq. For Stanhope : Yes, except Mr. Caggiano.

    My wife Kathryn was threatened by mail when she attempted to pay our Sussex County taxes in advance to reduce our federal income taxes. And what happens when you tell and give Cds of evidence of tax fraud, perjury, false reports to authorities during investigations by government officials, money laundering to the corrupt U.S. Treasury IRS Special Agents in Las Vegas? Their IRS Special Agent John Kirk threatens you ( reported to TIGTA investigators as case files 54-1206-0001-C and 54-1103-00005-C) with a tax audit and when that fails threatens you with criminal charges by stating you are going to the U.S. District Court in the State of Nevada and report him and his corrupt Superiors t other corrupt U.S. Treasury TIGTA via complaints 54-1103-0005-C and 54-1206-0001-C nothing but these corrupt persons stay in their jobs and the corrupt U.S. District Court Judge Gloria Navarro ignores all motions in violation of Federal District Court rules Caggiano v. Holder Docket 2:12-cv-01484-GMN-GWP as the corrupt Department of Justice's Criminal Division Public Integrity Section supervisor refuses to even admit the office has sole jurisdiction of investigating Federal judges. Based upon DA 30033777340 the advice of the Department of Justice's Criminal Division's Public Integrity Section after notifying the DOJ's Public Corruption Unit" we notified the DOJ's Office of Professional Responsibility and the General Council of Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys were both advised of the corruption of U.S. Attorneys, FBI agents, USPS inspection service agents and US Treasury agents and others. certified plan for the PROJECT with approval of the municipality has never existed as the way of government is informant retaliation, violation of health, safety and environmental laws, criminal coercion, criminal abuse of court process and violation for the Constitutions of the US and NJ, court rules, OPRA and OPMA. perjury, false statements to investigators and by State investigators in an cover-up now through the U.S. District Court in the State of Nevada and U.S.P.S. Inspection Service in Chicago, and U.S. Treasury/IRS in Arizona and of course the corrupt Whasington D.C. Department of Justice and NJ's Governors, has focused the corruption machine to the corrupt Lt Gov Kim Guadagno, Esq. as she is also the corrupt Secretary of State and now her Chief of Staff Matthew McDermott is responsible for finding and vetting judicial and other administration nominees. Just do what Christie has done bring over to the corrupt Cabinet and other positions former attorneys that worked for the corrupt Chris Christie in his role as the corrupt U.S. Attorney (NJ) as that's where the hive of corrupt Cabinet level or high level officials the corrupt Christie gets them from or the totally infested republican controlled Morris Court where the corrupt Sheriff Kim Guadagno, Esq. was informed of the massive corruption in the Morristown's municipal court,the Superior Court and Municipal Judges centered in the corrupt Morris County seat with its corrupt Morris County Prosecutor and the Sussex County Prosecutor protecting corrupt officialdom. Who are the corrupt Governor of NJ's key staff as the Office of Constituent Relations has volumes of complaints? They are: Kevin O'Dowd, Chief of Staff, Louis C. Goetting, Deputy Chief of Staff, Maria Comella, Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications and Planning, Deborah Gramiccioni, Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy and Cabinet Liaison, Bill Stepien, Deputy Chief of Staff for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs, Charles B. McKenna, Chief Counsel, Paul Matey, Deputy Chief Counsel, Matthew McDermott, Appointments Director, Regina Egea, Director of the Authorities Unit, Rosemary Iannacone, Director of Operations, Melissa Orsen, Chief of Staff to the Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno.

    The corrupt Morristown municipal court administrator and court staff apparently never read their mission statement on its municipal court's web site We are an independent branch of government constitutionally entrusted with the fair and just resolution of disputes in order to preserve the rule of law and to protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States and this State.

    The corrupt Morristown municipal court with Judge Noonon, J.M.C. would NOT even allow me to have court docket numbers assigned on any one of dozens of Affidavits of Probable Cause filed and agreed with the criminal conduct of his corrupt Presiding Superior Court Judge Thomas Manahan, J.S.C. who without any hearing dismissed them all and wrote me a false finding I had NO standing to appeal his corrupt criminal actions and reported them uselessly as corruption of the court to protect their fellow corrupt government officials and the bribed law firms is the law they follow which is written in tyranny.

    would NOT even allow me to enter complaints into its Judicial record system so the public could review these public records and she herself could have issued arrest warrants and more with false imprisonment with terrorism and bodily harm, assault by State police, false judicial records sent to other governments, bribery, racketeering, money laundering, false deeds, perjured testimony and of course defamation, false mental conflicting mental evaluations ordered by the corrupt Sussex County Criminal Division Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. under State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano IND 08-09-316-I that was even dismissed by fraud and the court orders provided to me by Kay Mack the Superior Court criminal scheduler DO NOT AGREE with those provided me by the Court;s directed defense attorney Robert Mattia, Esq. on Oct 3, 2012 as false Superior Court records are common place let alone the court orders are unconstitutional and violate also OPMA and OPRA as laws to not apply nor court rules in New Jersey.

    and retaliation, slander and libel against informants N.J.S.A. 2C:28-5b and Title 18 - CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE PART I - CRIMES, CHAPTER 73 - OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, Sec. 1513 - Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant.

    As stated by Thomas Jefferson:
    Keep your muskets
    My analysis of history shows: All governments get bigger, they make you dependant on it and then take away your rights
    ( and amass great debt USA, Spain, Greece, et. al. with false promises - The CAG)

    To learn how corrupt the U.S. District Court Judge Gloria Navarro and the U.S. Attorney Eric Holder are read this section and click on the link to read a copy of my filing against her to disqualify herself as I reported her corrupt conduct to the corrupt Department of Justice's Criminal Division's corrupt supervisor of the Public Integrity Section as that tells the story when the head of the INTEGRITY SECTION herself is corrupt.

    U.S. District Court of the State of Nevada Judge Gloria Navarro Caggiano v. Holder Docket 2:12-cv-01484-GMN-GWF in her apparent obstruction of justice, detection and apprehension of a massive conspiracy Title 18 USC Section 2 has done nothing on Motions to her apparently corrupt Federal Court as she has violated the court's own Local Rules which is to approve my motion to have the U.S. Marshall serve the corrupt U.A. Attorney a coy of my motions and ignored my Oct 2, 2012 motion to have disqualify herself based upon my prerogative rights and for cause.

    Caggiano v. Holder Docket No.: 2:12-cv-01484-GMN-GWP Writ of Mandamus to force a Federal Grand jury against over 250 persons including Federal Department of Justice, U.S. Treasury/IRS and U.S.P.S. Inspection Service officials and State of New Jersey former Governor Jon Corzine, current corrupt Governor Chris Christie, Lt Gov Kimberly Guadagno as she is also the corrupt Secretary of State, the Chief Justice of New Jersey's SUPREME COURT STUART RABNER, NJ ATTORNEY GENERAL JEFFREY S. CHIESA, AND FORMER CORRUPT NJ ATTORNEY GENERALS PAULA DOW, ANNE MILGRAM, STUART RABNER, many CABINET LEVEL OFFICIALS, the corrupt State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's advisory review committees as the Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct (ACJC) protects corrupt judges see for a some of the complaints filed with the corrupt ACJC which no longer even assigns Docket files complaint numbers nor respond to Thomas Caggiano in years.

    SENATE STATE GOVERNMENT, WAGERING, TOURISM & HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE STATEMENT TO SENATE COMMITTEE Substitute for SENATE, No. 1451 of Mar 6, 2012 and Substitute for No. No. 1452 of Mar 5, 2012 which retains the corrupt executive branch voting members but increases the number of public members from 3 to 7 thereby reducing the influence of the total control by NJ's Governor. Now instead of having no time limit t other corrupt GRC to make a decision the proposal gives the GRC 5 months to make a decision 150 days and hopefully the decisions of the newly formulated committee will NOT be as corrupt as my 50 denial of access complaints mostly administrative closed as NO hearing was conducted with confrontation on any of the fifty complaints and verified certified affidavits based upon my own knowledge which by NJ court rules which per Rules of Evidence are evidence were all ignored by the GRC as the Borough of Stanhope's own OPRA custodian Ms Robin Kline, RMC reported the corruption after hiring her own attorney Mr King, Esq. to report the criminal conduct to the FBI, State Police Official Corruption Bureau, Commissioner of Community Affairs office and the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq. and other agencies and was retaliated against as was the fired Town Administrator Richard Stewart who also reported the corruption to the FBI and State Police Official Corruption Bureau as they are both corrupt. And other witnesses have been continuously retaliated against after reporting the corruption to the Director of the Department of Law and Public Safety and the Office of Consumer Affairs being Thomas Caggiano, Kathryn Caggiano, Mary Pawar and Iqbal Pawar and NO investigator in 10 years has contacted there retaliated witnesses such as the corrupt Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics nor its Mr. William Ziff, Esq. nor its corrupt Supreme Court investigator Harry Norton Jr., Esq. who with the OAE cleared the corrupt perjurer of Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC;s Borough Attorney Richard A. Stein, Esq, as you can watch his corruption anywhere in the world by clicking on the streaming move The Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE) and its District Ethics Committees in Mercer County, Morris County, Sussex County and their Passaic County Supreme Court investigator Harry Norton Jr. Esq. protect unethical attorneys that violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, and the Office of Administrator of the Courts (OAC) Glenn Grant, J.A.D. protects Judicial employees and violates its official duty to obtain court records denied even the defendant by Vicinage Judges, Superior Court Criminal, Civil, Law and Chancery Division Judges and Municipal Judges that infest New Jersey's Courts in violation of R. 1:38-1 and the OAC's own Directive 03-11 as corruption, high crimes, judicial fraud and tort violations of OUTRAGE, BREECH OF DUTY and CAUSING GREAT emotional distress by also issuing court orders to aide others in criminal conduct criminally retaliation against informants a federal felony violation of federal code Title 18 Section 1513 and the State of New Jersey Criminal Code Title 2C:28-2. is the Standing Operating Procedure of the corrupt Appointed Judges in the State of NJ as the Constitution should be change to reduce the pandemic political corruption in the State of NJ is infamous by changing its constitution to be like that of New York and Nevada by having instead of appointed judges that are not impeached by NJ's corrupt Assembly Speaker Oliver to allow WE THE PEOPLE to vote the corrupt or ineffective Judicial Judges out of office and allow the Legislator to appoint the Director of the Office of Administrative Law as the OAL is only under the control of the corrupt Gov Chris Christie ass they are protected attorneys. over a dozen Superior Court and Municipal Court Judges, over 80 attorneys, County and municipal officials, bribed law firms, bribed attorneys acting by fraud as municipal prosecutors, and bribed professional engineers and planners

    To obtain listing of four civil suites filed in U.S. District Court of Nevada and PA against the Department of Justice officials including U.S. Attorneys, the DOJ's Criminal Division and Civil Division against various corrupt U.S. Department of Justice Officials, please click Click here for listing

    Under State of NJ's Sen. L. Weinberg bills S-1451 and S-1452 and Assemblyman Johnson sponsored bills, the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' Government Record Council (GRC) would be taken out of control by the corrupt Governors of NJ by removing the Commissioner of Community Affairs Richard E. Constable III, Esq. and the Acting Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Education Christopher D. Cerf as voting members of the GRC panel which currently includes the corrupt chair MS. Robin Berg Tabakin, Esq. Owner of Technoforce, LLC and former State President of the New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners, Richard E. Constable, III, Esq. the Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs, Christopher D. Cerf the Acting Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Education Steven F. Ritardi, Esq. Partner with the law offices of Carmagnola & Ritardi, LLC and corrupt staff attorneys Karyn Gordon, Esq. (Acting Executive Director), Harlynne A. Lack, Esq. (Case Manager/Staff Attorney with Frank Caruso (Senior Case Manager) who writes NO firm in the State of New Jersey can make a copy of the GRC audio cassette of its public meeting nor can anyone play the player and re-record the sound output onto any device such as a digital recorder a laptop with built-in microphone a smart cell phone or allow any telephone call be listened to by myself or wife Kathryn Caggiano who has been threaten with death sentences against me by a person using debit cards on a pay telephone calling himself Esposito after I testified under oath at the corrupt Land Use Board meetings in Stanhope against State and municipal officials and employees but you would Not know that as Ellen Horak wrote deceptive minutes or left out entire s make the new expected GRC chair "independent of removal at the pleasure of the State of N.J. Governor".

    FBI HQ Official Corruption Unit - with FBI HQ Public Integrity Section case reference DA3003337340
    The Public Integrity Section's Supervisor (no name given) on Oct 4, 2012 stated to me she powerless as did the Public Corruption Unit for they rely upon the corrupt FBI to perform investigations and have never contacted threatened informants such as Kathryn Caggiano, Thomas Caggiano nor Mary Pawar who all reported the criminal conduct to the corrupt Office of Attorney General's Director Mc Koy of the Department of Law and Public Safety.

    Based upon comments from the PCU I contacted the General Counsel of the Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys and the U.S. Treasury/IRS TIGTA Reference 54-1103-0005-C and 54-1206-0001-C

    U.S.P.S. Inspection Service Phoenix, Az Case File 16210546 for mail fraud, criminal conspiracy and harassment.
    Corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C., Commissioner of Mental Health Services Jennifer Velez, Esq., Corrupt Ann Klien Forensic Center with CEO Mr. John Main, and State of NJ's psychologists Peter Paul. Phd Case File 88722, and Christine Joseph, Phd Case file 88784 as complaints were filed with the Office of Attorney General's Department of Consumer Affairs' Board of Psychologists and against Dr. Nielson, M.D. with the Board of Medical Examiners who wrote wildly conflicting an false reports, Sussex County State Prosecutor David Weaver, Assistant Prosecutor Gregg Mueller, Assistant Prosecutors: Joseph Corazza, Michael Briegel, Robin Lawrie (deceased) DISMISSED with PREJUDICE against the infested State of New Jersey on 13 separate criminal charges filed by corrupt Borough of Stanhope officials and employees ( excluding its former Municipal Clerk Ms Robin Kline, RMC, MAS who herself reported the corruption in the Borough of Stanhope, N.J. to 10 agencies including FBI, Commissioner Susan Bass Levin, Esq., the corrupt Government Record Council lead by , State Police Official Corruption Bureau, as she was gravely mentally injured and suffered harm and criminal coercion.

    A vast criminal conspiracy by over 250 officials, government employees and bribed law firms, attorneys, professional engineers and professional planners CONTINUES Fed Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Congressman Rodney Frelinghausen (R-NJ), Congresswoman Berkley (D-Nevada), N.J. State Senators Codey(D) and Littell(R), Assembly woman Mc Hose (R), Assemblyman Gregg (R), and dozens have requested investigations including then NJ's Dept of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Lisa Jackson now EPA Administrator, Newton N.J.'s Sussex County Administrator Eskilson, Director Kim Ricketts of the Office of Attorney General NJ Department of Consumer Affairs, Borough of Stanhope Town Administrator Richard Stewart, Stanhope's Municipal Clerk Ms Robin Klein, RMC, Stanhope's Environmental Commission, Stanhope's Code Enforcement Official Arlene Fisher and Deputy court clerk in Newton and Court clerk in Wantage and Sussex County Superior Court criminal scheduler and dozens of other citizens of New Jersey as: Terrorism, Tyranny, Retaliation against federal and State informants, complicity, racketeering, trickery, conspiracy, fraud, tax fraud, false unsworn statements on public meetings and courts, tens of thousands of false mailed News Bulletins, assault, kidnapping, HIPPA violations, false imprisonment, perjury, bribery, prevention of apprehension and detection, illegal disbursements, criminal coercion, criminal abuse of court processes, tort violations of breach of duty, outrage and causing severe emotional distress, a pattern of official misconduct, mail fraud, violations of civil rights under color of law, false imprisonment as a court municipal prosecutor, etc. are available in hundreds of pages of court records and via -

    Government corruption exposed

    A 12 year continuing Case Study of tyranny in Government - Federal, State,County and municipal government and bribed law firms, professional engineering and professional planning companies.

  • On-line directories and other index links: Index of filings with links to the State of New Jersey's corrupt Supreme Court review agencies against unethical and corrupt judges, attorneys and municipal court administrators. Actual filing with the corrupt ACJC, OAE/DRB, and Vicinage District Ethics Committees and the apparently corrupt Supreme Court's investigator assigned by the Passaic District are included therein.

  • The massive corruption of over 240 federal, state, county and municipal persons and judges can be determined by this web site or obtain OPEN COURT RECORDS noted below;

    A 20 page detailed summary letter to the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' Government Record Council, with copies to the Federal Department of Justice's Criminal Division FBI HQ Public Corruption Unit as directed by the DOJ's Public Integrity Section Case file DA 300337340 and the corrupt Office of New Jersey Attorney General is available on-line which includes images of other letters in an Adobe .pdf formatted file to Federal and State legislative represenatives including Mitt Romney's running mate concerning the Republican keynote speaker the corrupt Gov of New Jersey Chris Christie (R) and the corrupt money bundler of millions for President Obama the ex-Gov of NJ Jon Corzine (D). At least in the State of Nevada WE the PEOPLE can vote NONE of THE ABOVE that is our vote.

  • The records in the New Jersey Appellate Court that dismissed my request fro my own court record and to remove the unconstitutional court orders was useless

    As I stated to Mary Pawar 10 years ago who is another informant that was retaliated against repeatedly THE WORSE IT GETS THE BETTER IT IS for a 8 year old can read the Bill of Rights

  • To get the Appellate Division of the State of New Jersey's Superior Court cite in your request per New Jersey court's rule R 1:38 copies of court records or to examine and photograph them for that is your right NOT mine the defendant ? Cite Docket A-001721-10T1 State of New Jersey vs. Thomas Caggiano by sending a court document request form ( note: form is NOT mandatory ) available on to P.O. Box 006, Trenton, New Jersey, 08625 Phone: (609) 292-4822. My motions filed with the court are available on this web site on: Jul 6, 2012 letter and much more detailed initial Jun 25, 2012 court filing available on to remove the dozens of unconstitutional court orders issued against me that violate the U.S. and N.J. Constitutions, Felonies - Title 18 Sections 2, 4, 241, 242, et. al. and State of New Jersey Title 2C indictable CDR-2 criminal felonies NJSA 2C:30-6, 2C:13-5, 2C:28-5 AND 2C:30-5, Etc.
  • My motion to the Superior Court Chancery Division General Equity Part gives you these motions but substantial other evidence introduced during hearings before the corrupt Superior Court Judge Shuster, J.S.C. and his follow-on corrupt Superior Court Judge Maria M. Sypek, P.J.Ch. Div. as the corrupt complaints included the State of New Jersey Attorney General, her corrupt Criminal Division's Department of Law and Public Safety Division of Law and the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' Government Record Council's (GRC) executive director Catherine Starghill, Esq. and former corrupt GRC's Operations Manager Gloria Luzzato. A witness against them and others is the excellent State Trooper Eric Fowlkes Badge 4792

    The GRC web site can be searched on-line for complaints or denial of access to government records by Thomas Caggiano and complaint Mary Pawar both informants to the corrupt Department of Law and pubic safety and its corrupt Department of Consumer Affairs' Board of Engineers as transcript records of the Board of Engineers proceeding are available under the directory and falsely submitted instruments for filing by the developer ENF Development Co. LLC on 2 and 6 Oak Drive, Stanhope, N.J. 07874 as fraud, trickery, perjury, false instruments, conspiracy, mail fraud, tax fraud, complicity, criminal coercion and retaliation are constant. The corrupt Sussex County government in Newton, NJ 07860 has more then 20 pounds of evidence of the growing widespread corruption of over 200 government persons as the deeds are on as property owners continue to be defrauded by the State of New Jersey as Governors, FBI agents, Judges and more are under investigation as racketeering has been cover-up for over 12 years. The POC info to obtain these court records is: Mercer County Courthouse, Chancery Division - General Equity Part, 209 South Broad St. Trenton, M.J. 08650-6111. Use the court record request form which is recommended above or simply send the court a letter.

    The court records of the 13 malicious criminal charges filed in IND 08-09-316-I State of New Jersey vs. Thomas Caggiano that was dismissed with prejudice against the corrupt State of New Jersey are available from the infested Sussex County Superior Court, 43-47 High St. Newton, N.J. 07860. The indictment was even dismissed by fraud by Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. ad the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq. and his corrupt First Assistant Prosecutor Gregg Mueller, Esq.

    Over 100 witnesses against 230 officials was provided to the Federal Government Department of Justice's Public Corruption Unit and the Public Integrity Section reference case file is DA300337340. The US Treasury TIGTA - IRS case file number is 54-1206-0001-C and the U.S.P.S. Inspection Service complaint no. 16210546 for mail fraud, criminal conspiracy and harassment underway by the criminal investigations section in Chicago, IL. The POC for the State Police is Captain L. Littles-Floyd Badge 5373 609-882-2000 ext 6506 , Acting Chief of Staff, West Trenton HQ, New Jersey.

    You may download an Adobe .pdf formatted copy of this web page
    by clicking the link for saving, filing and retransmitted

  • Latest filed documents as public records with references showing how pandemic the Government corruption is:
  • Jul 14, 2012 letter to the corrupt governor Christopher J. Christie, NJ's corrupt Lt. Governor and Secretary of State Kim Guadagno and his former counselor now NJ's latest corrupt Attorney General Jeffrey S. Chiesa, Esq. with print-out of my input to his corrupt Criminal Division's Department of Law and Public Safety and my compliant filed with the Supreme Court's Essex County District VA - Newark on the many unethical corrupt attorneys in the independent Office of Administrative Law which reports directly to the Governor with a horde of corrupt ALJs conspiring constantly for years on a repeated basis willfully ignoring their own administrative code in criminal conspiracy, mail fraud and trickery with the Department of Community Affairs and its insidious Government Record Council (GRC) with its corrupt chair members representing the Secretary of Education and Office of Attorney General;s corrupt Department of Law and Public Safety;s Division of Law Deputy Attorney Generals such as Debra Allen Esq. and the perjurer executive director Catherine Starghill, Esq. as proven in the court transcript in the Mercer County Superior Court under Case #24-009 I was found NOT guilty on the over turned conviction by the corrupt City of Trenton;s municipal court judge Louis Sancinito, C.J.M.C. petty order conviction and the City of Trenton's corrupt municipal prosecutor Robert Yostembski, Esq. as these are Open Court records under R. 1:38 and available to any person. The Docket number in the City of Trenton filed was filed by the corrupt GRC executive director Catherine Starghill, Esq. was S 2007-0754564 and in violation of the State's regulation M170000-001 which requires that the City of Trenton's municipal clerk must retain the prosecutor's records for 15 years, the City of Trenton destroyed the government records and did NOT submit a record of destruction either as a massive cover-up now numbering over 200 officials, employees, bribed law firms, bribed professional engineers and professional planners are under investigation by the HQ FBI Inspection Service, FBI Public corruption unit, U.S.P.S. Inspection Service and IRS as a series of corrupt State of NJ attorney generals DO NOT enforce Title 2C crimes instead they retaliate against you and charge you with 13 criminal charges under IND 08-09-316-I State of New Jersey vs. Thomas Caggiano and I was found NOT Guilty with prejudice against the corrupt State's Sussex County Prosecutor David Waver, Esq. and the corrupt Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. on malicious criminal coercion and informant retaliation with criminal abuse of court processes by the State and Borough of Stanhope which is infested with criminal conduct for perhaps 20 years or more.

  • Jul 8, 2012 letter to Mt. Olive and Netcong, Morris County, NJ municipal court, FBI, USPS, et. al.
    Jul 2, 2012 letter to the corrupt New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Esq informing him how utterly corrupt his Cabinet levels officials are and after he fires them he should resign like N.J. former Gov Mc Greevy
  • Jun 30, 2012 letter to the corrupt Joint Municipal Court of the Townships of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover with the corrupt Magistrate Craig U. Dana, J.M.C., his bribed municipal prosecutor William Hinkes, Esq, of the law firm Hollander, Strelzik, Pasculli, Pasculli, Hinkes, Gacquin, Vandenberg & Hontz LLC and court administrator Maria C. Spiegler that refuse to allow me as a defendant to copy my own court records, obtain a copy of State's or Defendant's court exhibits, allow perjury by the Former Mayor of Stanhope, 77 Main St., Stanhope, N.J. 07874 Diana Kuncken now a member of its corrupt Government Body with a new corrupt Mayor Rosemaries Maio and the former corrupt Mayor Brian Mc Neilly as Stanhope's Town Administrator with the following listing of corrupt Governing Body members: COUNCIL MEMBERS George Graham, Council President, James Benson, Brian Murphy, Doreen Thistleton, Michael Depew, Diana Kuncken, corrupt municipal clerk Ellen Horak and the corrupt law firm of Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC's attorney Richard A. Stein, Esq as Stanhope's Borough Attorney and corrupt Land Use Board with its law firm of Dolan and Dolan PA and attorney Roger Thomas, Esq. as they are protected by the Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC, the Office of Attorney Ethics OAE, Disciplinary Review Board DRB, Acting Director of Office of Administration of Court OAC, District X Ethics Committee, corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq, former chair of the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders now the State of N.J.'s corrupt Commissioner of Labor Hal Wirths and many other corrupt branches of State and Federal Government.

    This Case Study exposes fraud in the Federal Government's Department of Justice (DOJ) headed by AG Eric Holder Jr. ( Ref: DOJ Public Integrity Section file DA300337340 ) and New Jersey's widespread Government Corruption including its Supreme, Superior and Municipal Courts and corrupt Governor's executive Administrative Judges on the corrupt Office of Administrative Law lead by the Acting Chief Laura Sanders, ALJ for under the latest corrupt N.J. Governor Chris Christie's (R) administration is even MORE CORRUPT than prior corrupt ex-Gov Jon Corzine (D) administration for both parties are corrupt to their core as power or greed or ego are their driving common force.

    Per Jon Corzine who lead the collapse of MG Global just say: I had NO Intent in every sentence and the DOJ will protect its own = corrupt government officials as the higher you go the more corrupt or unethical you probably become is also universal practice

    As stated by Thomas Jefferson: Keep your muskets. My review of history has shown (1) Governments grow bigger, (2) Government makes you dependent upon it and (3) Government takes away your rights.

    Four Trillion yearly budget, Sixteen Trillion Dollar Debt, Medicare and Obamacare and the Patriot Act, Enemy combatants, Obama's remotely controlled drone kill list and Homeland Security

    Some of the spying agencies are: United States Intelligence Community, Director of National Intelligence, National Intelligence Council, National Counter terrorism Center, National Counter intelligence Executive, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence,Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration, Defense Information Systems Agency, National Drug Intelligence Center,Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement and hundreds more

    As stated by Benjamin Franklin: There is no way to stop the rise of political parties and they will destroy the Constitution in 200 years; e.g. Obama's health tax and hiring 16,000 new IRS agents to collect it with an ever growing welfare nanny state and Bush's Patriot Act and the new internet surveillance organizations as we are now an ORWELLIAN SOCIETY for FEAR is the tool of the Government as well as deficit spending to buy your votes with debt now at $ 16 Trillion and a Federal Reserve Private Bank that buys the US bonds with nothing as it just prints money as its called Quantitative Easing - print a Trillion dollars of new bonds called debt every year.

    The U.S.P.S. Inspection Service, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS SERVICE CENTER, ATTN: MAIL FRAUD. 222 S RIVERSIDE PLZ STE 1250, CHIC AGO IL 60606-6100 protects corrupt government officials and those bribed attorneys, professional; engineers and professional planners for mail fraud, criminal conspiracy and harassment by the Government agencies and its courts.

    The IRS special agents and their superiors in Las Vegas, NV protects its Special Agents and their supervisors who protect Governments where tax fraud, racketeering, perjured reports and court orders with threats if imprisonment and bribery are constant.

    And the corrupt U.S. Attorney Eric Holder Jr (D) of course is protected by the President of the U.S. of America Obama (D) using executive privilege and by most democrats (D) except those terrorized by the National Rifle Association withholding campaign contributions or worse horrors supporting a competitor.

    The Supreme Court's latest decision is the federal government can TAX you if you do NOT perform as it directs so much for your freedoms just went down the drain thanks to the 5-4 decision on Obama Case as the Government is authorized now to coercive your behavior by taxing to prevent your freedoms of your own body.

    The Democratic propaganda channels are MSNBC and New York Times while the Republican propaganda channel is Fox.

    The U.S.A. a county of tyranny run by not the top 1% but the 0.01 %, its corrupt Las Vegas IRS federal special agents threaten you with a tax audit and when that fails federal criminal prosecution when you bring the IRS massive evidence of tax fraud and money laundering and criminal disbursement of government funds as noted in my complaint to the U.S. Treasury via TIGTA complaint 54-12-6-0001-C as the IRS itself prevents the detection and apprehension of fraud and official corruption by over 200 corrupt government officials, employees and their bribed law firms, bribed professional engineers and bribed professional planners. The tools of Government are its own protected willful acts of deceit and of perjury, false reports, complicity, conspiracy, mail fraud, tax fraud, retaliation criminal disbursements, violation of civil rights under color of law, violation of due process as the President can imprison anyone by calling them and enemy combatant and take away all their rights, violation of HIPPA, health and safety laws, OPMA, OPRA and Open Court Records R 1:38-1 are pandemic.

    Gov Chris Christie's Administration is even MORE corrupt then Ex-Gov Jon Corzine's administration. Even worse is N.J.'s corrupt courts as NO Judge nor any attorney complied with the Rules of Ethics R: 1:14 but any law as a constant cover-up continues and grows. The so-called Supreme Curt review committee are just infested with self-protection of their own as oaths mean NOTHING just protect one another. the corrupt Rules of Ethics review committees are ACJC - Judges, OAE and DRB - lawyers and AOC -Judicial Employees.<> N.J.'s Superior and Municipal Courts which are lead by the corrupt Stuart Rabner as Chief Justice and former corrupt New Jersey Attorney General and counselor to Gov Corzine and U.S. Attorney (NJ) the big mouth Chris Christie, Esq also an unethical lawyer as its Supreme Court Review committees protect unethical judges, attorneys, state and municipal prosecutors and judicial employees that thrives in New Jersey from the City of Trenton in Mercer County, to the City of Newark in Essex County and through out Morris and Sussex County.

  • The Tyranny of United States of America's Department of Justice and Las Vegas's corrupt IRS Office and the infested the State of NJ and the corrupt State of New Jersey's former ex-Gov Jon Corzine was thrown out of Goldman Sacks, spent $100 Million to get a second term as Gov of NJ and was thrown out of Office not being re-elected and then thrown out as CEO of the bankrupt MF Global as he authorized using legally segregated client's funds in risky beats on foreign bonds which collapsed while getting no criminal charges filed against him as once again the WALL STREET scoundrels get a pat on the wrist from the Security Exchange Commission and U.S. Attorney.

    Jon Corzine's (D) administration was followed by an even MORE corrupt administration that being Chris Christie's (R)for as the corrupt U.S. Attorney (NJ) and now as New Jersey's corrupt Governor. The corrupt ex-Governor Corzine has returned as WALL STREET money man and as a money bundler of millions in funds for the Obama.

    My Jun 25, 2012, eighteen page motions tip the State of New Jersey Appellate Division Superior Court under Docket A-001721-10 State of New Jersey vs. Thomas Caggiano to vacate its court orders and the dozens of unconstitutional Superior and Municipal court orders that violated the U.S. Constitution, N.J. Constitution, Open Public Meeting Act (OPMA), Open Public Record act (OPRA) and court R. 1:38-1 Open Court Record regulation and to the Superior Court's Chancery Division General Equity Part under Docket MER-C-102-07 State of New Jersey vs. Thomas Caggiano to vacate its court orders issued by the corrupt Judge Shuster,J.S.C. and Judge Sypke, J.S.C. at the request of the corrupt State of New Jersey's Attorney General Anne Milgram, Esq., her corrupt Division of Law's Deputy Attorney General (DAGs) Debra Allen, Esq. at the request of the corrupt Department of Community Affairs Commissioner Susan Bass Levin, Esq. who was Gov Corzine's campaign manager and following Attorney Generals and Commissioners of the Department of Community Affairs and its corrupt Government Record Council (GRC) with the corrupt members of the Department of Community Affairs, private attorneys, the Commissioner of Education and the perjurer Catherine Stargill, Esq the executive director of the GRC and former operations manager Gloria Luzzato.

    My Jun 16, 2012, six page letter to the HQ FBI Public Corruption Unit at the direction of the Department of Justice's Public Integrity Service (PIN) with dozens of referenced letters and directories proving with proof beyond any reasonable doubt in the opinion of dozens of persons of the embedded corruption that is pandemic at all levels of government to protect themselves and their corrupt Judges and attorneys grows daily as the cover-up has now engulfed over 200 persons. The letter to the DOJ's Criminal Division is published on" My May 30, 2012 eight page letter" to the DOJ Assistant Attorney General of the Criminal Division's AAG Lanny A. Breuer and Public Integrity Section (PIN) describing the massive frauds and engrained government corruption.

    The U.S. Treasury's Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) in its Az HQ filed complaint 54-1206-0001-C against IRS Las Vegas' Special Agent John Kirk and the suppression of my complaints by his superiors as he threatened me with a tax audit and then criminal charges when I brought him and 3 other IRS Special Agents I met in Las Vegas of the money laundering, tax fraud, mail fraud, by the Borough of Stanhope's apparently bribed law firms Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC and Dolan and Dolan PA, professional engineers and planners for MORE THEN A DECADE with perjured submissions to the corruption in the Department of Community Affairs, its Local Government Services Division and Local Finance Board thrives

    A 4 page letter to the corrupt Supreme Court's New Jersey's Administrative Office of the Courts OAC's Acting Administrator Glenn A. Grant, J.A.D. to perform his official duty under NJ court Rule 1:38-10(b) to obtain court records illegally denied by the corrupt Morris/Sussex County Assignment Judge Thomas L. Weisenbeck, A.J.S.C., his trial court administrator and the infamously corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. in the corrupt Joint municipal court of the townships of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover and also the corrupt Joint Municipal Court of Borough of Sussex, Wantage and Stillwater.

    A 60 page report to the infected FBI HQ at the direction through Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D) Nevada through the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General (OIG) Cynthia Schnedar is included in the sixty page report /newjersey.pdf as letters from N.J. Federal Senator Frank Lautenberg (D) to the corrupt U.S. Attorney's Office under Chris Christie is also included in the report with other letters to the N.J. Attorney General under the corrupt ex-Gov Jon Corzine from N.J. State Senators Codey (D) and Littell (R) and Assembly woman Mc Hose (r) and Assemblyman Gregg (R) as the corruption of the N.J.'s Office of Attorney General and its Department of Law and Public Safety, Department of Consumer Affairs, Office of Government Integrity and Division of Law, State Police's Fraud and Government Corruption Bureau and New Jersey's Supreme Court of New Jersey under the Chief Justice and former corrupt N.J. Attorney General Stuart Rabner has only increased as the Judiciary Branch is infested with corrupt Superior and Municipal Judges and corrupt State Prosecutors and municipal prosecutors that protect them as noted in complaints to the New Jersey's Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct (ACJC) with an index and links to copies of the actual complaints filed to the corrupt ACJC on

    Another letter defining the massive fraud and official government corruption under Gov Christie (R) and ex-Gov Corzine (D) is published on The CASE STUDY of Government fraud, corruption, retaliation and tyranny uses as an example the MOST corrupt State in the United States of America the infamous State of New Jersey. The State of New Jersey, a small state, with over 1,000 local municipalities, independent fiefdoms, townships, commissions in a Government of infested corruption, outrageously high taxes, congested highways, tolls and is a fiscally and ethically broken group of pandemic ally corrupt officials, judges, lawyers, mayors and more.

    First our appreciation to my beloved wife Kathryn of 42 years for her love and support in the face of tyranny against us as four death threats were made against us and she was threatened by the corrupt Joint Municipal Court corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. with contempt of his corrupt court as he had falsely imprisoned me for 39 days and then in his illegal sentencing to 95 days as I signed under duress a statement that I would follow his illegal court orders so I could be released from jail and we both filed criminal charges with Affidavits of Probable Cause and CDR for violation of my civil rights under color of law N.J.S.A.2C:30-6 with kidnapping, false imprisonment and bodily harm but he was protected by the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and the corrupt State Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq. who was William Hinkes,Esq former law partner and in the malicious criminal indictment filed against me by David Weaver and his corrupt Assistant Prosecutors I as shackled in courts, in hospitals, not given my asthma drugs and threatened by corrupt Sargent's in the corrupt Keogh Dwyer Correctional Facility under the corrupt former Sheriff Untig and his corrupt under sheriffs. To those State and municipal officials that despite threats from their superiors and some being fired illegally, and threatened in public meetings and to the more then 15 Borough of Stanhope citizens that came forward to report the crimes. To those that were attacked by Judges, State District Attorney's and threatened with law suite being Mary Pawar, 12 East Drive, Stanhope, N.J. 07874 a lady of courage and dignity. The former Office of Gov staff member Ian Brennan who was removed from his position, the Borough of Stanhope's former municipal clerk Ms. Robin Kline, RMC, MAS who while a probationary new employee and OPRA custodian defended my right to to government records denied by the Borough of Stanhope and hired her own attorney to report the criminal acts which she recorded and performed outstanding service in English and Spanish to the community dispute being attacked and defamed by its Mayor Diana Kuncken of 8 Valley Road, its former corrupt Mayor Brian McNielly now the racketeering town's corrupt Town Administrator with a salary in excess of $106,000 a year with its latest corrupt Mayor Rosemarie Maio as Mayor Diana Kuncken has returned to being a corrupt member of its corrupt governing body with George Graham, James Benson, Brian Murphy, Mike Depew and a new corrupt Governing Body member Doreen Thistleton, as the former corrupt Town Administrator and part time municipal treasurer Teri Massood ran away from the Borough of Stanhope when the Government Record Council (GRC) under the excellent former advisory lawyer Vince Maltese, Esq., the Borough of Stanhope Town Administrator and former Fire Chief of the Township of Andover, its Mayor and Town Administrator Richard Stewart who reported the criminal racketeering in Stanhope to the FBI and State Police Official Corruption Bureau and was illegally fired on Dec 2, 2010, and to State Trooper SGT Eric Fowlkes, Badge 5375 who protected me in the corrupt Department of Community Affairs HQ building when they were ordered to remove me from the building but he refused and stated as every America should: We the People have Rights such as in the Bill of Rights - the right of free speech, freedom of assembly , and freedom to present grievances and in the Constitutions the Rights of confrontation, to have witnesses in our defense, called due process DENIED to its citizens in every New Jersey courts except that of the Hon. Mitchell Ostrer, J.S.C. in my Superior Court Municipal Appeal, State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano, Docket 18723 of a petty order conviction that I have appealed as the New Jersey judicial and administrative Office of Administrative Law under the corrupt Director Laura Sanders courts are infested with corruption.

    21 page re filing of motions to the corrupt Morris County Morristown's Judge David Rand,J.S.C. with copy of check forwarding filing fee. Copy sent through Administration Ben Dalessandro Morris County Superior Court and its Finance Department. After conversation between Dalessandro and Thomas Caggiano, he stated Judge Rand would consider the Motions. These motions included change of venue to a Federal District Court, Motions for Contempt of Court and Sanctions against the infested racketeering municipality the Borough of Stanhope, 77 Main Street, Stanhope, N.J. 07874 for NOT replying to writing OPRA requests from Thomas Caggiano as stated in the court order issued by the Vicinage Judge Bozonelis, AJSC therein and demand to produce records and court documents which the corrupt Borough, its corrupt Chief of Police have refused. The corrupt former Stanhope municipal judge was John Mulhern, J.M.C. and corrupt now retired court administrator Lorraine Lupo. The corrupt Borough of Stanhope municipal court has now been consolidated with the corrupt Lake Hopatcong municipal court 111 River Styx Road Hopatcong, NJ 07843 with its corrupt Judge William Bowkley Jr., J.M.C. and corrupt municipal prosecutor Anthony Arbone, Esq. as the corrupt State of New Jersey Department of Agriculture's corrupt Sussex County Soil Conservation District chair Clifford Lundin, Esq. was its former Mayor.

    It's corrupt Borough Attorney and Municipal prosecutor for 31 years was the Law Firm of Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC, 60 Blue Heron Rd, Sparta, N.J. being the lead coordinator and perjurer in courts and responses in Statements of Information to the corrupt Department of Community Affairs and its pathetically corrupt Government Record Council is Richard A. Stein, Esq. Jan 18, 2012 Motions to the corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. - Joint Municipal Court of Sussex, Wantage, and Stillwater, Sussex County as the corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. has conspired with other judges such as the felon Thomas Manahan, J.S.C. to NOT hold a hearing in over 8 months on my Motion to Change Venue or Dismiss the malicious petty harassment charges filed by the corrupt State's Department of Agriculture's Sussex County Soil Conservation District's Newton, N.J. as the Dolan and Dolan PA municipal prosecutor William Haggerty, Esq twice wrote the corrupt Judge Dana to change courts as he himself had a conflict of interest. This initial corrupt conviction was by the corrupt Stanhope Municipal Judge John Mulhern, J.M.C. the corrupt municipal judge in the former Stanhope municipal court with the corrupt Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC perjurer and ring leader Richard A. Stein, Esq. His corrupt fellow law firm's lawyer in Stillwater/Hampton municipal court now combined into to other municipal courts that are both corrupt also. The Joint Municipal Court in Green, Hampton, Fredon and Borough of Andover and the Joint Municipal Court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover while the corrupt Hopatcong municipal court wherein the felon and Chair of the Sussex County Soil Conservation District was Mayor Clifford Lundin, Esq. as the corrupt municipal judge is William Bowkley, Jr. and the corrupt municipal prosecutor is Anthony Arbore 973-584-1501. The corrupt municipal court in Green is the corrupt William Hinkes, Esq a former law partner with the corrupt David Weaver, Esq. in Newton, NJ with a cast of corrupt Assistant Prosecutors such as first assistant prosecutor Gregg Mueller, Esq., and others therein. A Nov 25, 2011 letter to the FBI HQ, Supreme Court of NJ evaluators being the OAC, OAE, ACJC, and many other agencies with massive amounts of evidence of the sustained corruption of Federal, State, County and Municipalities as for months AFTER this verified Certified Affidavit which is evidence per the Rules of NJ courts, the CORRUPTION and Tyranny Continues.

    May 5, 2011 letter to U.S.P.S. Inspection Service Criminal Section, FBI HQ, N.J. Attorney General, Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics investigator for District View the video of the Foundation of Open Government (FOG) forum conference with Vince Maltese, Esq as a primary panel member
    The Federal Government officials corruption and over 200 State of New Jersey Officials, Governors, Attorney Generals, Cabinet Officials under Gov Jon Corzine's and even more corrupt Gov Chris Christie's administration, Judicial Branch Chief Justice and former corrupt New Jersey Attorney General for New Jersey Stuart Rabner a former counsel to the former corrupt Sate of New Jersey Gov Jon Corzine and U.S. Attorney for N.J. Chris Christie, and his corrupt Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC, the Supreme Court's Mercer County District Ethics Committee that protects dozens of corrupt State Government Lawyers in Trenton, New Jersey its capital, New Jersey's corrupt Office of Attorney General, its Department of Law and Public Safety, Division of Law with infested unethical corrupt lawyers, and its Department of Consumer Affairs' Board of Engineers and Board of Professional Planners, and the Department of Community Affairs' Commissioners, Assistant Commissioners, and members of the Government Record Council GRC that is to assure access to government records but instead does the opposite by its Department of Community Affairs Commissioner Lori Grifa, Esq., former Commissioner Susan Bass Levin, Esq. who was Gov Corzine's campaign manager, corrupt GRC chair Ms. Robin Tabakin, Esq. and panel voting members, the corrupt executive director Catherine Starghill, Esq. and support lawyers In-house lawyer Karyn Gordon, Esq. and every Deputy Attorney General such as Debra Allen, Esq. from Attorney General Paula Dow, Esq. Division of Law as they will tell you to your face MY JOB IS TO PROTECT THEM ( the corrupt State Government Officials in criminal conduct), State and Municipal Prosecutors,Freeholders, Mayors, Governing Body Members, most Lawyers, Vicinage Trial Court Administrators, Sussex County Newton's Probation Departments, Professional engineers and Professional planners and major developers now numbering over 200 is exposed to their bones in their own Fed District Court of Eastern District of Pennsylvania in Dockets 09-mc-03, 09-mc-71 and 09-mc-09 and in thousands of New Jersey Superior and municipal court records, newspaper blogs and the internet by a search using Thomas Caggiano, or
    The Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics removed the complaints filed with the Morris County/Sussex County Vicinage from the District XA Ethics Case against the unethical and corrupt municipal lawyers and municipal prosecutors under Docket XA-10-018E against the corrupt lawyers Richard A. Stein, Esq. of Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC, Sparta, New Jersey and William Hinkes, Esq. a partner in This ten year long CASE STUDY is published under Freedom of the Press by Inside on the Outside now a State of Nevada Enterprise to aide others, in further analysis, to restore rights to We the People NOT Politicians that exempt themselves from laws they pass, in a controlled two party system embedded in laws so that these two political parties can spew lies and hatred of one another to remain in office.

    Read the warning from President George Whasington's in his farewell address to WE the PEOPLE about the rise of Political Parties One of the expedients of party to acquire influence, within particular districts, is to misrepresent the opinions and aims of other districts. You cannot shield yourselves too much against the jealousies and heart-burnings, which spring from these misrepresentations; they tend to render alien to each other those, who ought to be bound together by fraternal affection.

    They are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government; destroying afterwards the very engines, which have lifted them to unjust dominion<

    Jul 23,2009: The wide-ranging, 10-year probe of New Jersey corruption that led to charges against 44 people today stems from the "pervasive nature of public corruption in this state," acting U.S. Attorney Ralph Marra

    "New Jersey's corruption problem is one of the worst, if not the worst, in the nation," said Ed Kahrer, assistant special agent in charge of the FBI's white collar crime and public corruption program in New Jersey. The investigation has led to charges against prominent politicians including Assemblymen L. Harvey Smith (D-Hudson) Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano, Secaucus Mayor Dennis Elwel "It has become ingrained in New Jersey's political culture."

    Tyranny of Government in the corrupt State of New Jersey
    under the corrupt ex-Gov Jon Corzine (D) and even more corrupt Gov Chris Christie (R) Administration

    Click here to obtain this report in pdf format.

    You can download, save the pdf file for a record, forward the file to others and also Print it.

    Government officials corruption is exposed to their bones< in their own Fed District Court of Eastern District of Pennsylvania in Dockets 09-mc-03, 09-mc-71 and 09-mc-09 and in thousands of New Jersey Superior and municipal court records in the sampling of corrupt court cases as
    a. State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano, Indictment 08-09-316-I, 13 malicious criminal charges filed to criminally coerce the public made by Borough of Stanhope officials and employees. All charges were dismissed on Sep 10, 2009 with Prejudice against the State of New Jersey as the false charges were brought by the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver and his gang of corrupt Assistant State prosecutors in the corrupt Criminal Court of the dishonorable N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C., 43-47 High St, Newton, New Jersey 07860 with his corrupt Probation Services Group.

    b. Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano and Government Record Council - Sussex County Docket SSX-L-847-07 before the corrupt Morris County/Sussex County Vicinage Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C. on Dec 18, 2007. Case has NOT had any testimony in over 3 years, violating the U.S. Constitution and New Jersey constitution and Judge Bozonelis's court orders violate the Open Public Record Act by NOT allowing me to examine ANY Government Record in the Borough of Stanhope as he has conspired with Judge Conforti, J.S.C. Judge Dana, J.M.C. and the corrupt Department of Human Services Commissioner Jenn Velez, Esq.,and its corrupt Ann Klein Forensic Center, Stuyvesant Avenue, P.O. Box 7717 West Trenton, NJ 08628 609-633-0900 CEO Mr. Main, and corrupt Ann Klein Forensic Center's psychologists Christine Joseph,Phd and Peter Paul,Phd who wrote conflicting reports which were demanded by the corrupt Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. under the Criminal Indictment 08-09-316-I. My requested hearing with confrontation of these corrupt State witnesses, my request third examination with a video recorder and polygraph so that the evidence could be used in Judge Conforti, J.S.C.'s corrupt court never was responded by the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor Office. For but the corrupt Office of Attorney General of N.J., its corrupt Division of Law, the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' Government Record Council and the pandemic racketeering enterprise in Sussex County changed the purposes of the Docket without due process to Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano

    c. State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano, Docket MER-C-102-07 before the corrupt Mercer Superior Court Judges Neil Shuster, J.S.C. and Maria Marinari Sypek, P.J.S.C. who allowed NO witnesses or any cross examination and even returned my check for a cross complaint and then banned me from attending Open Public Meetings in the corrupt Department of Community Affairs or communicating by email, fax or telephone with its own Open Public Record Act Custodian.

    d. About 40 non-criminal convictions in State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano by the corrupt Joint Municipal Court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover's corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and his corrupt bribed municipal prosecutor William Hinkes, Esq. on non-criminal charges for attending Open Public Meetings, visiting the municipal clerk to conduct municipal business and issued treasonous unconstitutional court orders and falsely imprisoned me in Sussex County Jail for 95 days, and demanded illegally a mental examination AFTER sentencing. All fines were vacated on Sep 10, 2009 stating Judge Craig U. Dana, JMC repeatedly violated court rules in his sentencing and on Sep 30, 2010 the Superior Court determined Judge Dana had NO legal authority to demand any examination AFTER sentencing. His corrupt prosecutor William Hinkes, Esq. and the corrupt Borough of Stanhope Borough Attorney Richard Stein, Esq. who committed perjury on the witness stand are both under investigation by the Office of Attorney Ethics of the Supreme Court but the corrupt Judge Dana, J.M.C. was protected by the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C., the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq., and the corrupt Attorney General of New Jersey Paula Dow, Esq. and the corrupt Gov Christie Administration the worse ever in New Jersey. See Sussex County Superior municipal appeals court records under Appeals Dockets 13-04-08 and 19-05-09 and Trenton's Superior Court Appellate Division's records under Appeal Docket A-001721-10 State v. Thomas Caggiano as the Judges were protected by the corrupt State of New Jersey's Chief Justice Stuart Rabner, Office of Administrator of Courts, corrupt State of New Jersey Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct, Vicinage Judge Bozonelis, A.J.S.C., Vicinage Trial Court Administrator M. Arnold, and corrupt Vicinage Probation Chief Jon Bell and Deputy Vicinage Probation officer for Sussex County M. Lasko and his corrupt team of Jenn Jobbagy, Hinkes and others in the infested court system of New Jersey.

    Search the internet blogs and on-line web newspapers by searching for Thomas+Caggiano and using an internet search program such as or

    On May 23, 2011, the Supreme Court of New Jersey District XI Ethics Committee Investigator Harry D. Norton, Jr, Esq. sent me the relies of the corrupt and unethical lawyers Richard Stein, Esq. under Docket No. XIV-2010-2006E Mu>Thomas Caggiano v. Richard A. Stein, Esq. of the corrupt law firm Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC, Sparta, New Jersey and William E. Hinkes, Esq. under Docket No. XIV-2010-2011E Thomas Caggiano v. William Hinkes of the Newton corrupt law firm of Hollander, Strelzik, Pasculli, Pasculli, Hinkes, Gacquin, Vandenberg & Hontz, L.L.C. as the corrupt State's Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq. was Hinkes' former law partner and to criminal coercive me and intimate me filed the criminal indictment State of New Jersey v. Thomas J. Caggiano, Ind 08-9-316-I against me. before the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and my attorney Robert Mattia, Esq. is a recommended witness to investigators against these corrupt felons as he was also my attorney as a Stand by Attorney before the corrupt Joint Municipal Court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover on petty disorder charges filed in the cease pool racketeering Borough of Stanhope's municipal court before the corrupt Judge John Mulhern, J.M.C. who was the corrupt Judge in the then Stillwater/Hampton Municipal courts. The criminal charges were ALL dismissed with Prejudice AGAINST the STATE of New Jersey, and in my municipal appeal before the corrupt Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. he dismissed all fines and made determinations that Judge Dana, JMC violated court rules in his continuous re sentencing of me keeping more falsely imprisoned for 85 days of his changing sentences to 95 days and also made a finding Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. had NO authority to demand a high cost mental examination AFTER sentencing. I note in the proceedings before the corrupt Judge Conforti, JMC on the malicious criminal indictment which was dismissed with prejudice before any jury was even selected under two involuntary mental examinations by Dr. Christine Joseph, PHD who made a recommendation I was mentally competent to stand trial and all my voluntarily hired psychiatrist which I hired to defend myself to bring in them as expert witnesses if needed were NOT even allowed as my defense witnesses by Judge Conforti, J.S.C. to confront the so called State experts. That alone is a violation of due process. Both Dr. Joseph and then another mental evaluation was ordered by Judge Conforti, J.S.C. in the criminal trial of State of N. J. V. Thomas Caggiano and he also wrote I was NOT a threat to myself, any other person or physical but his report was false and the corrupt Commissioner Jennifer Velez. Esq. of Mental Health Services received conflicting reports from her own two corrupt Phds. Per State Law and court rules a mental competency hearing was required as part of due process and I demanded a third examine per my rights by the State of NJ and per court rules I made a motion to have the examination video recorded with a polygraph that I would pay for so that per State law and court rules the material could be used as evidence and required approval of the corrupt State's Prosecutor David Weaver but per the false court record issued as a final court order the Ind 08-09-316-I was Dismissed with prejudice against the State of N.J. based upon a submission to the corrupt court by the first assistant prosecutor Gregg Mueller, Esq. who never even sent me or the court a written motion to Dismiss the Charges with Prejudice against the State of N.J. as they were aware if I was found mentally competent I could act Pro Se with a standby attorney for in the Sep 30, 2010 mental competency review by Judge Conforti, JSC I was NOT allowed to hire my own attorney in my defense nor was Robert Mattia, Esq. who also objected to the court that he NOT be my attorney directed by the court as he was not paid by the State nor me and as I demanded due process and rights to bring in witnessed experts and have timely examination reports ALL denied the Judge Conforti, J.S.C. without putting in the motion for Dismissal with prejudice against the State in violation of court rules then made a finding that Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. had NO authority to demand any mental examine AFTER sentencing as I was jailed with massive violation of my civil rights in a conspiracy under the color (of law) but the corrupt Department of Justice's U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. and its Civil Rights Criminal Division f
    May 1, 2011 Fax to FBI for New Jersey's Special Agent in Charge: Michael B. Ward, Claremont Tower, 11 Centre Place, Newark, NJ 07102, Phone: (973) 792-3000, Fax: (973) 792-3035 as the FBI's New Jersey's office has protected corrupt State and Municipal officials for over 6 years. The Assistant Special Agents are: Kevin B. Cruise, Michael T. Harpster, Edward J. Kahrer, Jr., and David Velazquez http:/// mostly State of New Jersey Officials and Employees, Supreme Court of NJ, Superior Court and Municipal Judges, State and Municipal Prosecutors, etc. in a fraternity of those that suppose to enforce the laws instead infest them in the MOST corrupt State in the United States of America - New Jersey where Money and Politicians control their own criminal empire.
    Apr 30, 2011 Letter to Borough of Stanhope's Sussex County New Jersey 07874 corrupt Mayor Diana Kuncken and Governing Body /110430stanhope.pdf, with letter from the Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics investigator Harry Nolan, Jr. Esq. that their corrupt Borough Attorney Richard Stein, Esq. of Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC, must soon respond under oath to the allegations of his perjury, false statements to numerous judges, misconduct and other unethical and criminal acts with his fellow conspirator the municipal prosecutor for the corrupt Joint Municipal Court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover with its corrupt municipal judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and includes other documents and photographs proving beyond any reasonable doubt the racketeering, fraud, mail fraud, criminal conspiracy, trickery, obstruction of government functions by many dozens of State, County and municipal officials. The Apr 30, 2011 letter is also an OPRA Open Public Record Act request for Government Records which the Borough has repeatedly ignored and has been protected by the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' and other Gov Chris Christie Cabinet officials including the State of New Jersey series of corrupt Attorney Generals and the corrupt Judges protected by the Supreme Court of New Jersey's corrupt Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct - ACJC. After firing the law firms Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC and Dolan and Dolan PA as the Land Use Board law firm, Diana Kuncken and Governing Body members are requested to resign in infamy: Mayor Diana Kuncken and Governing Body members are: Rosemarie Maio, Council President, James Benson, George Graham, Brian Murphy, Edward Schwartz and Michael Vance. A letter signed by fifteen property owners on May 8, 2006 and those that have known of the corruption in the Borough of Stanhope that has only increased proves how corrupt the Federal, State, County, and Municipal governments are - /060508ltr15people.pdf to the Borough of Stanhope
    A Directory /transcripts of Transcript records under oath /transcripts in .pdf format from the Office of Attorney General's Department of Consumer Affairs, 124 Halsey St, Newark, New Jersey proving how corrupt the Board of Engineers was in protecting corrupt Professional Engineers where deceit and perjury is obvious.
    Apr 22, 2011, Letter to NJ's Gov Chris Christie and FBI HQ, Whasington D.C. at the directive of the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General's Special Agent in Charge Eric A. Johnson which exposes in graphic photographic evidence of signed false documents by the corrupt Department of Agriculture's Sussex County Soil Conservation District which was denied to exist for 8 years and now admitted by its lawyers that is with proof beyond any reasonable doubt of the corruption that is pandemic within the Chris Christie's NJ Executive Government Administration, Judiciary and Legislature, its Office of Attorney General and the corrupt Departments under Gov Chris Christie's administration which protects massive unrelenting corruption in the Soprano State, the Corruption State, the State of a Toxic mix of money and politics infesting its courts, its ethics boards and its Supreme Court.
    Apr 21, 2011 Letter to the Director of the State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics OAE and the Criminal Investigator of the Department of Justice's Council of Inspector Generals on Integrity and Efficiency Office CIGIE's Criminal Investigations Division as the CIGIE which reports directly to the President of the United States of America about the corruption of the New Jersey Judiciary and dozens of corrupt State, County and municipal government lawyers and the corruption in the Department of Justice Federal officials
    Read massive evidence that has been published on this web site, in Federal and in State Govt records for years within the corrupt State of New Jersey's Office of Governor's own State records available to any person by the Open Public Record Act OPRA known to the corrupt former Counsel to Gov Jon Corzine Stuart Rabner, Esq., who then became the State of New Jersey's corrupt Attorney General Stuart Rabner and is now Rabner is the corrupt Chief Justice of New Jersey's Supreme Court, with its corrupt Office of Administrator of Courts OAC, corrupt Superior Courts, corrupt Municipal Court judges, corrupt Vicinage Trial Court Administrators and Court Administrators within its cease pool Judiciary Branch and its corrupt Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC that has ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY, operates in total secrecy as Code of Ethics and State Title 2C crimes are committed on a constant basis by corrupt Government Officials at all levels of Government protecting their own infested community against its victims - We the People and the former corrupt U.S. Attorney for New Jersey Chris Christie and its Newark Based FBI as now the corrupt Gov of New Jersey is Chris Christie, Esq. with his corrupt Cabinet lawyers, mostly lawyers, controlling and infesting the corrupt State Government.

    Click here /071029GovCorzineOPRAdata.pdf

    Published on the internet as a CASE STUDY providing material to others to reduce pandemic public corruption and provide a basis for changing the form of Government in the extremely corrupt State of New Jersey wherein criminal conduct of Governors, Attorney Generals, Superior Court and Municipal Judges, Lawyers. Commissioners, County and Municipal governments are pandemic and grown much worse under New Jersey's latest corrupt Governor Chris Christie's Administration who is the "idol" of Conservative Republicans. With the aide of U.S. Attorney's Chris Christie's and Gov Jon Corzine's corrupt chief counsel, Stuart Rabner, now Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, and Gov Corzine's prior corrupt State of New Jersey Attorney General, the Gov Chris Christie's Cabinet is now filled with many corrupt attorney's from the historically corrupt Essex County with Newark New Jersey as its infested core of corrupt Federal and State executive agencies and Newark's corrupt municipal court and the former corrupt Chair of Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders Hal Wirths as the Commissioner of Labor joining the corrupt State of New Jersey' s latest corrupt Attorney General Paula Dow, Esq., Commissioner of Community Affairs Lori Grifa, Esq., Commissioner of Human Health Services Jennifer Velez, Esq. as all are felons. or Other CAG Reports some exceeding 100 pages are also available on the directory pdf by clicking here /pdf

    Thomas Caggiano is now a witness providing thousands of records, hours of audio recordings, court transcripts to Whasington D.C.'s FBI HQ, Federal and State of IRS criminal investigation divisions, U.S.P.S. Inspection Service for mail fraud, conspiracy and harassment in HQ, Arizona, Chicago, IL, Nevada, NJ, State of New Jersey's Supreme Court Office of Attorney Ethics OAE, and State of New Jersey's State Police's West Trenton's Official Corruption Bureau and Office of Comptroller/Inspector General.

  • Prior corrupt State of New Jersey Governor James Mc Greevy: Resigned from Office.
  • Prior corrupt Gov. Jon Corzine (D): State of the State Speech - New Jersey is a Toxic mix of money and politics. Voted our of office
  • Current Corrupt N.J. Administration Gov. Chris Christie(R) State of the State Speech: New Jersey is a Failed State
  • Moody's Investment Service: Downgrades New Jersey bonds do to fiscal unfunded liabilities and financially broke State.
  • View and Download a fourteen page Feb 21, 2011 letter to corrupt State of New Jersey's Department of Community Affairs' Commissioner Lori Grifa, Esq. and its corrupt Government Record Council GRC Panel to its excellent GRC Sr. Case Manager Frank Caruso and OPRA request with extensive details of violated U.S. Codes on criminal conspiracy, Title 2C State criminal acts, an annotated GRC transcript record proving the GRC's corruption with appreciation to its former counsel the excellent Vince Maltese, Esq. for bringing in a court reporter to document the GRC's corruption of its Chair Robin Berg Tabakin, Esq., and other corrupt Government State lawyers under the corrupt Governors of New Jersey the former Jon Corzine (D) and the even more corrupt administration of Gov Chris Christie (R) as his Government has engaged in fraud, racketeering, official misconduct, giving aide to others to prevent their detection and apprehension, violation of Rules of Professional Conduct and Ethics, criminal complicity and conspiracy during Gov Christie's entire existence in the Office of Governor.

    This letter is available in .pdf format /110221GRC.pdf

    and Word Processor .doc format /110221GRC.doc

    Photo of Billboard in Tombstone, Az by OK Corral and Street by its court house where the lawyers' officers are as the People of Tombstone changed the name of the street to ROTTEN ROW.

    The corruption of Federal officials, New Jersey officials and almost two dozen Judges exposed to their bones as they have attacked their own witness to prevent exposure of pandemic corruption:

    New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano and Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano and Government Record Council Docket SSX-L-847-07, State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano Indictment 08-09-316-I, State of New Jersey v Thomas Caggiano Appellate Division Appeal A-001721-10 with Sussex County Superior Court municipal appeals 13-04-08 and 19-05-09, State of New Jersey and Department of Community Affairs v. Thomas Caggiano MER-C-107-02, State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano Mercer County Superior Court municipal appeal 24-2009 Docket 18723, Fed District Ct E.D. PA Thomas Caggiano v. U.S. Attorney Eric Holder Jr., Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys, DOJ Dept of Justice Civil Rights Criminal Div, U.S. Attorney (NJ) Paul Fishman in Dockets 09-mc-03, 09-mc-71 and 09-mc-09, Sussex County municipal appeal 31-09-07 State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano, State of New Jersey's corrupt State of New Jersey's Department of Agriculture's Sussex County Soil Conservation District Chair Clifford Lundin, Esq. and its corrupt Board of Supervisors prior Manager Winifred Straub and corrupt Newark's Office of Administrative Law Judges under Dockets GRC 94224-2006N and 09424-04N .

    About the Author Thomas Caggiano
    Background and Experience
    A former 30 year career in Federal civil service with over 200 college credits, decades as a member of Project Manager's Offices, high level Army Acquisition Corps expert in Project Management, knowledgeable in fifty fields, including Chemical Engineering, member of Comptroller Society, International Technical Advisor to Corps of Engineers, Pentagon, Allies, Ft. Irwin's National Training Center, Special Operations Forces, Project Manager's Office Division Chief, Acquisition Business Manager, Chief of Engineering Branch and RDTE&E Policy Chief to thousands of procurement specialists, program analysts, lawyers, scientists, engineers, support staff and others. /tcb.htm
    7086 Arcadia Glen Court, North Las Vegas, NV 89084

    Formerly lived in Sussex County's Borough of Stanhope, N.J. 07874 from 1972 but fled our former home, moved to lovely Aliante, North Las Vegas, Nevada from the congested, criminally infested, fiscally broken State, County and municipal governments and commissioners in the State of New Jersey for our safety, health and general well being and tranquility as we have previously received four death threats reported to the State of New Jersey's Sussex County corrupt Borough of Stanhope's Police Department, 77 Main ST. Stanhope, N.J. 07874 in dozens of voluntary police reports describing the massive racketeering for decades including dozens of reports to the corrupt string of New Jersey Attorney Generals and its corrupt Department of Law and Public Safety, Division of Law and Department of Consumer Affairs.

    Department of Justice Criminal Investigations

    Whasington D.C. Office of Inspector General - Department of Justice Investigation
    File: /congresswomanberkley.jpg

    FBI Investigation

    United States Postal Service Inspection Service Criminal Investigation
    File: /uspsinvestigation.jpg

    A partial listing of corrupt Judges include Sussex County/Morris County Vicinage Assignment Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C., Superior Court Judges N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C., Superior Court Judge Thomas Manahan, J.S.C., Superior Court Judge Philip Maenza, J.S.C. and in Mercer County Vicinage Assignment Judge Feinberg, A.J.S.C., Superior Court Judge Shuster, J.S.C., Sypke, P.J.S.C. and more and in Sussex County, New Jersey Municipal Judges Judge Zinna, C.P.J.C. Morristown, Judge John Mulhern, J.M.C. of Stillwater, town of Netcong and Borough of Stanhope, Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. Green, Hampton, Fredon and Borough of Andover, Judge James Devine, J.M.C. Frankford Township, Judge Browkley Jr. Hopatcong, Judge Zinna, P.J.M.C., Judge Paparazzo, Netcong, and the infested executive branch's Office of Administrative Law in Essex County, Newark, New Jersey Chief and Director Laura Sanders, James Geraghty, J. Howard Solomon, and other corrupt Administrative Law Judges that are not Judges but administrators, and Trenton Municipal Court Sancinto, C.J.M.C. and the corrupt Essex County Newark municipal court.

    These Judicial Judges are protected by the Supreme Court's corrupt Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct and against impeachment hearings by the Speaker of the General Assembly and the State of New Jersey Senate President, its Senate Judiciary Committee, and state of New Jersey's corrupt Governor Chris Christie, Esq., and his corrupt Attorney General Paul Dow, Esq., the Chief of New Jersey's Supreme Court Stuart Rabner, the Office of Administrator of the Courts OAC, the Mercer. Morris and Sussex County Prosecutors and the State of New Jersey Office of Attorney General's Paul Fishman, Esq. and FBI offices both in Essex County one of the State of New Jersey haven for corrupt Federal, State and municipal officials in Newark, N.J. and Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders in Netcong and other members of the Joint County Committee of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover, the Mayors and Governing Body members and others.

    Based upon malicious petty disorder charges filed by the corrupt State of New Jersey's Department of Agriculture's Sussex County Soil Conservation District's chair, the former Mayor of Hopatcong, in the corrupt Hopatcong municipal court of Judge Browkley, Jr based upon the malicious false charges by Clifford Lundin, Esq. who signed two false Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans for only 1/2 of a two lots minor Subdivision by the corrupt developer E.N.F. Development Co. LLC. as Franklin Dawalt Jr. a part owner threatened my life by mail box on 2 Oak Drive as I gathered letters of complaint from all property owners surrounding the illegal development on 2 and 6 Oak Drive, Stanhope, N.J. 07874, Block 10902 Lots 10 and 12, whereas false non-approved as built drawings were made and not approved by any municipal engineer as the Borough of Stanhope bribed professional engineers John Cilo Jr, owner of John Cilo Jr. Associates and Omland Engineering Associates and its Vice President Eric Keller to pretend to be officials of the Borough of Stanhope as both of them and the Town's planner Scarlett Doyle signed false Annual Reports to the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' Local Finance Board for years and they were protected by the corrupt Office of New Jersey's Attorney General, her Division of Law, her Department of Law and Public Safety, Department of Consumer Affairs, Board of Engineers and Board of Professional Planners for years, and years, and years as over 2,700 pages of evidence against them exists in the corrupt Newton Sussex County Soil Conservation District's application file box SH#44 available for examination or obtaining copies via the Open Public Record Act. The corrupt Sussex County Hopatcong municipal prosecutor was Anthony Arbone, Esq. who with the corrupt Judge Browkley, Jr,J.M.C. convicted me at 12:20 a.m. in the morning issuing court orders violating the Constitution of the United States of America, Constitution of New Jersey, Open Public Meeting Act and Bill of Rights.

  • The corrupt municipal judge John Mulhern, J.M.C. convicted me on malicious petty disorder charges by the corrupt Department of Agriculture's Sussex County Soil Conservation District manager complaints by Winifred Straub now elevated to its corrupt Board of Supervisors in the infested Sussex County in the corrupt Stillwater municipal court where the corrupt Law firm of Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC's municipal prosecutor Frazier, Esq. with the corrupt District Attorney Brian Smith, Esq. the lawyer for the corrupt Sussex County Soil Conservation District engaged in fraud, criminal coercion of Mary Pawar, 12 East Drive, Stanhope, N.J. 07874, my wife Kathryn Caggiano and any person for even submitting an Open Public Act Request for a certified Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for the Project, Block 10902 Lots 10 and 12 which is approved by the State and the municipality as no such drawing was ever submitted to the Stater of New Jersey by the developer and two certificates of occupancy were fraudulently issued to the defrauded homeowners on 2 and 6 Oak Drive, Stanhope, N.J. known by the Sussex County Clerk, the Board of Chosen Freeholders in Newton, New Jersey, its county administrator and hundreds reading the web site as the fraud and conspiracy continue.
  • Thirteen malicious criminal charges filed against Thomas Caggiano in State of New Jersey v. its victim Thomas Caggiano by the corrupt Office of N.J.'s Attorney General and her corrupt State of New Jersey's, Sussex County, Newton 07860 based corrupt Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq. and his corrupt Assistant Prosecutors under criminal Indictment 08-09-316-I were ALL Dismissed with Prejudice against the State of New Jersey on May 11, 2010.

  • Thomas Caggiano is still defending himself against malicious petty disorder convictions by the corrupt Joint Municipal Court Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and his corrupt municipal prosecutor William Hinkes, Esq. in the corrupt State of New Jersey's Sussex County Joint Municipal Court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover. The corrupt Superior Court Judge in Sussex County Superior Court N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor engaged in fraud, criminal coercion and criminal abuse of court processes. All fines were vacated on Sep 10, 2009 as noted in the below transcript record as the corruption continues. I have appealed the court orders of Judge Conforti, JSC and Judge Dana, JMC as they are violations of 18 U.S.C. Sections 241 and 242 conspiracy against rights and deprivation of civil rights under color of law and N.J.S.A 2C: Crime against civil rights with bodily harm, kidnapping , false imprisonment and assault and other criminal act. Hughes Justice Complex's Superior Court's Appellate Division appeal made by Thomas Caggiano Pro Se on these dozens of non-criminal convictions which include malicious trespassing charges as I attended Open Public Meetings guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America, the constitution of New Jersey and the Senator Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act OPMA by the corrupt Municipal Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. as the corrupt Sussex County's Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. vacated the fines on Sep 10, 2009 under my municipal appeals but conspired to support the corrupt Judge Mulhern, J.M.C. in Newton and Stanhope and Stillwater municipal courts,Judge Dana, J.M.C. and his corrupt Vicinage Assignment Judge for Morris and Sussex Counties Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C. Also I am still defending myself against the corrupt Trenton municipal judge and corrupt Trenton municipal prosecutor's office on non-indictable petty disorder charge by the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' Government Record Council's executive director Catherine Starghill, Esq. as the Mercer County Prosecutor's Assistant Prosecutor recommended in my motions for Dismissal with Prejudice against the State of New Jersey that the charge be dismissed to Mercer County Superior Court Judge M. Ostrer, J.S.C.

    Thomas Caggiano was a falsely imprisoned, threatened inmate even while in Jail, denied his prescribed medication for asthma causing his emergency room hospitalization in Newton Memorial Hospital, forced to take malicious mental examinations by the corrupt Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and the corrupt Judge Dana, J.M.C. who has NO such legal authority to be released from Jail and for 85 days in the corrupt State of New Jersey's Sussex County Jail from Jan 7, 2009 to Apr 1, 2009. The illegal sentences and dozens of re sentencing was admitted on Sep 10, 2009 by the corrupt Sussex County Newton's Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. to have violated court rules with the corrupt State's Sussex County First Assistant Prosecutor Gregg Mueller, Esq. as David Weaver, Esq. is the corrupt Office of New Jersey's Attorney Generals, Board of Chosen Freeholders and has grown to include over 200 corrupt federal, state, county and municipal public officials, judges, trial court administrators, State psychiatrist, corrupt probation officials, corrupt State and municipal police, bribed professional engineers and professional planners, law firms and persons continuing to engage in fraud, mail fraud, criminal disbursements, obstruction of justice, perjury, false unsworn statements to enforcement officials, criminal conspiracy, witness retribution, complicity, obstruction of justice, trickery, terrorism, destruction of evidence and harassment to prevent their detection, apprehension and giving aide to another in an expanding and acceleration of continues rampaging criminal acts.

  • On Sep 30, 2010 the corrupt Judge Superior Court N. Peter Conforti,J.S.C. them dismissed his own demand for a mental examination which was used as a ruse to NOT even has a municipal appeal proceeding and dropped the requirement he imposed by stating Judge Dana, J.M.C. has no authority AFTER sentencing to require any voluntary mental examination as the Department of Human Services under the corrupt Commissioner Jenn Velez, Esq. is nothing short of a terroristic organization with conflicting reports issued by two corrupt State psychiatrist being Dr. Christine Joseph, Phd and Dr. Peter Paul, Phd. Judge Conforti, J.S.C was aided by the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor's Office in this constant conspiracy for years as it is a haven of corrupt Assistant Prosecutors.

    All guilty of federal and state conspiracy charges, criminal abuse of court processes, deprivation of civil rights under the color of law, conspiracy against civil rights with kidnapping and bodily harm, criminal coercion, giving aide to others to obstruct a government function and dozens of other crimes admitted on Sep 30, 2010 that the corrupt Sussex County Joint Municipal Court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover Judge Craig U. Dana, JMC and his corrupt municipal prosecutor William Hinkes, Esq. had no legal right to order any mental examine AFTER their illegal sentencing of false and malicious non-indictable offenses by felons in the Borough of Stanhope which has been a corrupt racketeering structured enterprise for decades under corrupt Mayors, corrupt Governing Body members and others. Thomas Caggiano was falsely imprisoned. kidnapped, assaulted Judge Dana's his illegal repetitive sentencing noted in the below transcript record of Sep 10, 2009.

  • Thomas Caggiano is now a witness to the State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics OAE that initiated initial investigations by Harry Nolan Jr., Esq. against the felons corrupt municipal government Borough Attorneys and municipal prosecutors Richard A. Stein, Esq. and William Hinkes, Esq., FBI HQ Whasington D.C.'s Inspection Service in Whasington D.C. based upon written direction by the Office of Inspector General Special Agent in Charge, U.S.P.S. Inspection Service in Chicago, Il and its HQ in Phoenix, Az, and Newark, N.J. based upon written direction by the State of Nevada's Las Vegas Special Agent in Charge for criminal mail fraud, conspiracy and harassment as the HQ, U.S.P.S. in Az has relocated its investigation to its own HQ, the State of New Jersey's Superintendent of the State's Police Col Rick Fuentes' Police HQ West Trenton, N.J.'s Official Corruption Bureau (POC SGT. Littles-Floyd) for many years as they use this web page as a listing of nearly 200 corrupt officials, judges, employees and bribed persons.

  • Thirteen malicious criminal charges filed by the Borough of Stanhope officials and employees to the corrupt Office of New Jersey Attorney General's Sussex County Prosecutor under Ind 08-09-316-I in State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano. ALL criminal charges were Dismissed with prejudice against the State of New Jersey.


  • About 40 non-indictable convictions by the corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. has all fines vacated on Sep 10, 2009 but the corrupt Judge N. Peter Conforti, JSC and the corrupt Judge Dana, JMC, Borough of Stanhope's Richard A. Stein, Esq. and William Hinkes, Esq. both being under investigation by the Supreme Court of New Jersey for violation of the Rules of Ethics engaged in issued unconstitutional court orders under color of law a violation of 18 U.S.C. Sections 241 and 242 and N.J.S.A. 2C:30-6 a conspiracy with deprivation of civil rights

  • On Feb 7, 2011 the Mercer County Prosecutor's Assistant Prosecutor issued a recommendation to the Superior Court Judge M. Ostrer, J.S.C. on my municipal appeal to dismiss the petty disorder charge filed in Trenton's corrupt municipal court by the felon who protects the Borough of Stanhope without analysis on GRC Denial of Access complaints of Thomas Caggiano v. Borough of Stanhope

  • The corrupt Vicinage X Assignment Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, AJSC under the malicious filed civil complaint Docket SSX-L-847-07 by Richard A. Stein, Esq. against Thomas Caggiano and the State of New Jersey's GRC for a stay of the GRC interim order finding and referral of the former Town Administrator Teri Massood who admitted in writing and under oath she willfully destroyed government records and the prior OPRA custodian Antoinette Battalgia admitted in writing and under oath she refused to provide any Government record on the illegally developed minor sub-division, Block 10902 Blocks 10 and 12 that has been a cover-up of false perjured statements by Richard A. Stein, Esq. to enforcement agencies, and willfully false statements to Judge Geraghty, ALJ, Judge Dana, JMC and Judge Bozonelis, AJSC know to each corrupt Judge. The rampage of criminal conduct continues.

    I have appealed the unconstitutional orders issued by the conspirators in the Vicinage X of Sussex County/Morris County Assignment Judge Bozonelis, AJSC, Sussex County's Superior Court Judge Conforti, JSC and their fellow corrupt municipal Judge Craig U Dana, J.M.C. to the Hughes Justice Complex's Superior Court Appellate Division and these corrupt judges and the corrupt Vicinage Trial court administrator M. Arnold refuse to provide its court records of my trials before Judge Dana, J.M.C. on a CD ROM needed for the Appellate Division appeal per the State of New Jersey's court rules as the refusal o Thomas Caggiano's court document requests as also provided to the corrupt Chief Justice of Supreme Court the corrupt STUART RABNER the State of New Jersey former corrupt Attorney General and Office of the Administrator of the Courts OAC have been advised for months of the corruption and inability to obtain court records.

  • On Oct 18,2010 when I appeared outside the Borough of Stanhope's municipal court. 77 Main St, Stanhope, New Jersey 07874 with the corrupt municipal court Judge John Mulhern, J.M.C. and met the Town Administrator Richard Stewart, who like Thomas Caggiano has been a witness to the FBI and the State Police West Trenton HQ's official corruption bureau was falsely told by Richard Stein, Esq. a hearing before the corrupt Sussex County Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. was canceled and I was threatened with arrest and imprisonment if I attempted to examine my court records. The Borough of Stanhope then illegally fired Richard Stewart on Dec 2, 2010 in retribution for his reporting their criminal conduct to the FBI in Newark, N.J. and State of New Jersey Police's Official Corruption Bureau in West Trenton, N.J.
    The corrupt JENNIFER VELEZ, ESQ. Commissioner New Jersey Department of Human Services criminally conspired and was criminally complicity with her CORRUPT Division of Mental Health Services (DMHS) is led by Acting Assistant Commissioner Valerie Larosiliere with the corrupt CEO Mr. Main of Anne Klien Forensic Facility, Sullivan Way - P.O. Box 7717 West Trenton, New Jersey 08628 (609) 633-0900 with her corrupt Dr. Christine Joseph, Phd and Dr. Peter Paul, Phd WHO conspired for years with these corrupt Judges and State and municipal prosecutors to declare me so mentally incompetent by Dr. Peter Paul that I could NOT even have any municipal appeal or criminal trial conducted even as Dr. Joseph and Dr. Paul disagreed with one another.

    In addition, the malicious 13 Criminal Charges filed against me by the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, acting for the corrupt Office of Attorney General for the State of New Jersey were dismissed with-out Prejudice against the State of New Jersey on Sep 10, 2009 under Indictment 08-09-316-I in State of New Jersey v. its victim Thomas Caggiano. and dismissed with prejudice against the Office of New Jersey Attorney General and Sussex County Prosecutor's Office on May 11, 2010. The corrupt Sussex County First Assistant Prosecutor Gregg Mueller on Sep 10, 2009 upon my municipal appeals but the corruption continues as I have appealed the corrupt unconstitutional court orders to the State of New Jersey's infested Hughes Justice Complex, Mercer County, Trenton, New Jersey's Superior Court Appellate Division but the corrupt Superior Courts and Municipal courts refuse to give me the court records on a CD-ROM which is required for an Appellate Division Appeal knowing I will post them in English and Spanish on this web site and use their own court records to expose the massive criminal abuse of court processes and criminal conspiracy against my civil rights under color of law violations of 18 U.S.C. Sections 241 and 242 punishable by life in prison or death and N.J.S.A. 2C:30-6 with bodily harm and kidnapping and assault and false imprisonment with witness coercion, terrorism, complicity and mail fraud.

  • The United States of America is controlled by its 100 Senators where Donors, Special Interests, POWER, EGO, MONEY and GREED are the drivers. Like the Roman Senators, beware the Tax Collectors, as they pass laws to take away your inalienable rights stated in the Declaration of Independence using the excuse I am taking away your rights in "the interest of National Security".

    Federal and State Laws don't give you rights of free enterprise and market capitalism but are of dictators to remain entrenched in power of incumbency and chairmanship and use their unconstitutional agreement among themselves as Senatorial Courtesy as they trade billions and our rights to keep themselves in power and money as they pass laws that DO NOT APPLY to themselves. We have a suggestion that is simple NO law can be passed that doesn't apply to those who legislate the law.

    Fortunately, WE the PEOPLE can vote out the incumbents. So citizens, VOTE out all those incumbents that increase the National Debt, take away our rights and pass laws that don't apply to themselves.

    Politicians were suppose to be temporary jobs NOT life time jobs of incumbency where they leave a multi-millionaires nor was the Senate to be composed of Millionaires.

    Many if not most politicians are forked tongue liars, won't answer a direct question and use the phone Congressional Budget Office that uses their phone books and false assumptions they preparing the false report are ordered to use by law. Department of the Treasury controlled by Wall Street former CEOs has set-up a Federal Reserve Bank, a private bank, issuing Trillions of Reserve notes without any backing other then debt and off-budget items as the Congress did NOT even pass a Budget for 2011.

    The United States of America Senators and members of Congress are on a treadmill for campaign dollars raising millions from any special interest group or have billionaires spending over a $100 million on their own campaigns to be a Meg Ryan spends $160,000,000 and ex-Governor Jon Corzine spent over $100,000,000 on his re-election campaign and both lost as they both feed their ego rather then give the money to the poor to feed them. New York City's Mayor Bloomberg had the term limits law changed and became Mayor of New York City a third term after spending $108,000,000.

    The United States' Security Exchange Commission SEC is a front for the New York Stock Exchange that gave its government Chairman Grasso who won his appeal millions of dollars stating: On July 1, 2008 the New York State Court of Appeals dismissed all claims against Grasso. The majority opinion stated that since the NYSE was now a subsidiary of a for-profit multinational corporation the State of New York had no oversight over the affairs of the company in this matter and that prosecution was "not in the public interest." Current Attorney General Andrew Cuomo stated that he had no intention to appeal this decision any further and that the case was effectively over. The court ruled that Grasso was entitled to the entirety of his compensation. The court also dismissed Grasso's actions against the NYSE and other parties as related to this matter. According to the Whasington Post, during a SEC investigation Grasso invoked his fifth amendment rights against self-incrimination in refusing to answer questions regarding his conduct during an NYSE investigation into possibly improper activities by Exchange specialist firms. The specialist firms paid $242 million in settlements with the SEC, and the NYSE itself was censured for failing to properly supervise the specialist firms.

    The corrupt Security Exchange Commission (SEC) gives civil fines in the hundreds of millions to the company's shareholders and criminal charges are NOT filed by the corrupt U.S Attorney as conspiracy is the method of operations while the Wall Street and Banker CEOs get billions in bonuses.

    The United States of America is NOT what the Declaration of Independence, nor Bill of Rights or politicians say but the United States of America installs many dictators in other countries, and is a County with depostism, deceit, constant lies, fraud, hypocrites and tyranny

    Click here index of reports

    About the Author
    Thomas Caggiano
    7086 Arcadia Glen Court
    North Las Vegas, Nevada 89084 fax 702-577-0097

    The Corrupt State of New Jersey - Exposed in its corrupt courts .........

  • This 10 year Case Study in Government Corruption originally focused on the corrupt State of New Jersey's government, its 1,000 fiefdoms and municipalities seem historically corrupt and infested in the Pay-to-Play State with thousands of corrupt State, County, Municipal government employees and contractors with hundreds of independent patronage job government agencies filled with local government political hacks, and family members of in your face nepotism seeping from every sewer such as the sample being the corrupt Passaic Valley Sewer Commission and as a sample listing of outrageous in your face public rip-off of taxpayers dollars in a State of Tyranny and a listing of corrupt Passaic officials in a prior sting operation


    Continuous stories on money laundering and bribes by New Jersey officials and investigation report on its corrupt Waterfront Commission but now includes the corruption of the Federal Government's Executive Branch as the exposure of massive corruption continues.

    A suggestion that the Legislature pass a law that the Salary of these independent commissioners and staff SHALL NOT EXCEED the Governor of New Jersey's salary

  • Another example is follow the former career of the Campaign Manager Susan Bass Levin, Esq. for the corrupt former Gov Jon Corzine of New Jersey who the New Jersey voters voted out of office. Commissioner of Community Affairs' Susan Bass Levin during her tenure was a lead felon of the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' and was then appointed to dual jobs by the corrupt Governor Jon Corzine to totally rip-off the tax payers.

  • The State of New Jersey's corrupt Department of Community Affair's Local Government Services Department's /100826DCALFB.pdf Local Finance Board in charge of Ethics of County and Municipal Governments. The corrupt Commissioner Susan Bass Levin was also in control of its corrupt /101216DCAGRCfraud.pdf Government Record Council, GRC, which is infested with other corrupt State lawyers being its Chair Ms. Robin Tabakin, Esq., its corrupt Office of Attorney General's Division of Law Deputy Attorney Generals such as Debra Allen, Esq. under the corrupt Governor Chris Christie, Esq. being the Division of Law's Gov Christie's Director Robert M. Hanna, Esq. and prior corrupt Directors of the Division of Law under Gov Jon Corzine. The Government Record Council's (GRC) lead felon being the New Jersey's Office of Attorney General Paula Dow's, the former Essex State's County Prosecutor, Deputy Attorney Generals coordinated the criminal conspiracy and criminal abuse of court processes directed against Thomas Caggiano as witness intimidation, criminal coercion, fraud, trickery and complicity of New Jersey Superior Court Judges in Mercer County's corrupt Superior Court Judges Shuster,J.S.C. and Maria Marinari Sypek, P.J.S.C. in State of New Jersey V. Thomas Caggiano on a malicious civil complaint filed by the corrupt executive director for the GRC Catherine Starghill, Esq. and the former corrupt GRC Operations Manager Gloria Luzzato who both prepared false analysis for the GRC as the Borough of Stanhope corrupt Borough Attorney Richard A. Stein, Esq. committed willful perjury in signing 18 FALSE Statement of Information known to be false by the corrupt Catherine Starghill and Gloria Luzzato but they protected the racketeering enterprise called the Borough of Stanhope now for years and continue their corruption in ever increasing futility as they write false responses to Thomas Caggiano's "reconsideration requests" for fraud, exceptional circumstances as the GRC states "NO Analysis" for the denial of access and do not request Statements of Information from those that deny access NOR have any hearings with confrontation of witnesses. That is how the corrupt GRC panel operators with complete criminal conduct as they themselves state as reasons the corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. issued unconstitutional court orders stating Thomas Caggiano could NOT even contact any prior or current official of the Borough of Stanhope in any manner for any reason. The corrupt Judges Shuster and Sypek without any cross examination of any affiant or any witnesses issued illegal court orders to prevent the detection and apprehension of the felons controlling the criminally run Borough of Stanhope where perjury, criminal claims, obstruction of government functions, bribery for decades is its method of operations for I was not even allowed to contact the Open Public Record Act Custodian by email, fax or telephone nor attend Open Public Meetings at any Open Public Meeting in the entire Department of Community Affairs with the exception of the GRC then kidnapped him when he arrived at an Open Public Meeting with his own complaints on the agenda from attending the Open Public Discussion Period wherein he would further expose the corruption of State and Municipal Governments by presenting grievances in a public assembly as the Bill of Rights does NOT exist therein. In addition, and Sussex County and Morris County cease pool of Superior Court Judges lead by its corrupt Vicinage X Assignment Judge for both Morris and Sussex Counties is Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C. with the corrupt Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC's law firm for the racketeering enterprise known as the Sussex County Borough of Stanhope's Borough Attorney and municipal prosecutor, the perjurer Richard A. Stein, Esq. now under investigation by the Supreme Court of New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics OAE investigator being the Passaic County District Ethics Committee investigator Harry Nolan, Jr. Esq. We suggest Nolan also investigate the lawyer for the Passaic Valley Sewer Commission.

    The Government Record Council whose mission to assure transparency in Government is a cease pool of corrupt lawyers and voting members, a gang of traitors, that not only protect their own fraternity in violation of the Rules of Ethics but conspired with the corrupt perjurer executive director Catherine Starghill, Esq. In-house lawyer Karyn Gordon, Esq. and other panel members being the corrupt now Gov Chris Christie's (R) Commissioner of Community Affairs Lori Grifa, Esq. and her Chief of Staff. After being given an appointment by corrupt Gov Jon Corzine (D) to the $291,252 Deputy Director Port Authority of New Jersey and New York on the patronage padded payroll where the Governors of New York and New Jersey use tolls funds to give their political buddies outrageous salaries. The Authority is the King of Patronage organizations as they are like Local Tax Appeal Boards places where hard copy minutes are NOT even made and the cease pool of Sussex County 87% that has farmland assessments were NOT even eligible as fraud is rampant on Tax Appeal Boards as the Sussex County Clerk admitted NO person in Government reviews what is submitted on Deeds as they ONLY check to see that the boxes are filled in. I suggest a simple computer program search out deeds that have farm assessments for a check by an independent evaluator and also check deed sales that are under $200 for many are false documents or just fraudulent arrangements to avoid county property transfer taxes. Susan Bass Levin a felon, was the former Mayor of Cherry Hill, is an example of corruption in New Jersey pays to be the Governor's Campaign Manager as she was ALSO given a dual position on the Local Finance Board so that she could increase her retirement pay in the part time 12,500/year job by over $5,000 per year and obtain FREE medical benefits for life as she was given the part time job to qualify for the rip off of free medical benefits for life.

    The corrupt Department of Community Affairs' Local Finance Board is a protector of corrupt Local Officials and the State's Ethics Committee are apparently both criminally run organizations or they interpret the Ethics Laws of New Jersey to allow massive corruption out right bribery and perjury for neither of these corrupt State organization found any Ethics Violations worthy of investigation as you can read one letter sent to the corrupt Local Finance Board that had the outright gall to write me there were NO ethics violations in response to hundreds of pages sent that corrupt agency

    Listen and Read evidence which is beyond any reasonable doubt of not only criminal conduct but Treason by these Governments. Our ten year Case Study proves the utter corruption of the Federal, State, County and Municipal Governments and its courts published on the internet.

    The United States of America were power corrupts absolutely is worse then Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Tunisia and North Korea as rights exist only on paper such as the Declaration of Independence as We the People have no rights and used as pawns wherein the State of New Jersey's Standing Operating Procedure in the "Soprano State" is Complicity, Conspiracy, Racketeering, Official Misconduct, Bribery, Fraud, Perjury and lies by Government officials is common place. False Imprisonment, Assault, Kidnapping, Destruction of Evidence by Government officials are its methods of Government in the United States with terrorism against its own citizens for as they say - YOU CAN'T FIGHT CITY HALL, False Government Press Releases, Witness Coercion, Obstruction of the Administration of Law, Criminal use of court processes and Constant Corruption as the desire for Power, fulfillment of Ego and Greed corrupts absolutely

  • The Corruption is exposed to their bones using the Government's corrupt courts
    own records

    About the Author Thomas Caggiano

    Listen to the recorded conversation in the State of New Jersey's Sussex County Prosecutor's Office in on High St in Newton, New Jersey 07860 five years ago /060614fitzgibbonsscpo.mp3 a 21 minute meeting describing corruption in Government

    Our one of dozens of reports in the corrupt Office of Attorney General of New Jersey's Department of Law and Public Safety a criminal run organization under the control of the felon New Jersey Attorney General Paula Dow, Esq. /110108dcjcriminalreport.pdf

  • THE CORRUPT U.S. Attorney Eric Holder Jr. Department of Justice, FBI Director and New Jersey Attorney General's Department of Law and Public Safety have 100 times the evidence

    The 13 malicious criminal charged against Thomas Caggiano under Indictment Ind 08-09-316-I were ALL dismissed with prejudice AGAINST the State of New Jersey on May 11, 2010 and the fines on dozens of malicious NON-criminal charges were ALL vacated on Sep 10, 2009 but Thomas Caggiano is spending thousands to defend himself on these non-criminal charges before the Superior Court's Appellate Division as the corrupt Superior Court Judges B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C., corrupt Morris County/Sussex County Vicinage Trial Court Administrator M. Arnold, and the corrupt Joint Municipal Court Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover of the corrupt municipal Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M/C. with is corrupt municipal prosecutor William E. Hinkes, Esq. who is under investigation by the Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics' investigator Harry Nolan Jr., Esq. refuse to provide the court records of my hearings, and kangaroo court or transcript record on a CD ROM needed for the Appellate Division Appeal.

  • The corrupt State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct {ACJC}
    protects New Jersey's wide spread corruption of Superior Court and Municipal Judges as
    the corrupt ACJC members have ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY

    Unlike Nevada and New York, New Jersey's corrupt Judges are appointed via cronyism by their protectors being its corrupt Politicians in the Pay-to-Play State

    The corrupt Governors of New Jersey act only after the Star Ledger prints the corruption of government officials on its front page as corrupt government is the operational mode of its government.
    New Jersey Attorney Generals like Stuart Rabner. Esq. now the corrupt Chief Justice of New Jersey's Supreme Court, Anne Milgram, Esq. and Paula Dow,Esq. under Democrat and Republican administrations are simply felons with their corrupt State County Prosecutors, Office of Administrative Law Judges, municipal law firms bribed with sole source contracts for decades
    as municipal prosecutors and local police are unethical protect their own as cops don't give cops tickets, as judges protect judges, as lawyers protect lawyers and where politicians protect those of their own party as Nepotism, cronyism and incest is constant.

    Like Federal Senators and members of Congress, State Senators and Members of the General Assembly, the Circle of Embedded Pandemic Corruption is PROTECT YOURSELF first AND YOUR PARTY second
    Get Power: The Constitution and Public be damned.

    Government Corruption Exposed

    A 10 year Case Study into the corruption of the United States of America's Federal Government's corrupt Executive Branches with a widely infested Supreme Pay-to-Play State of New Jersey, a "Toxic Mix of Money and Politics" (Quote: former corrupt Gov Jon Corzine ) and "a Failed State" (Quote: current corrupt N.J. Gov Chris Christie) as corrupt officials, including Governors, a constant stream of corrupt state of New Jersey Attorney Generals are protected by New Jersey's corrupt U.S. Attorney's Office and the FBI in New Jersey and Whasington D.C., almost two dozen corrupt Judges in its Supreme Court with its corrupt Chief Justice Stuart Rabner, and corrupt Mercer County, Sussex County and Morris Counties Superior Court Assignment Judges, other Superior Court Judges and every municipal judge we met was owned by the corrupt Mayors and Governing Bodies and State Senators. Six corrupt Office of Administrative Law judges in widely known corrupt Essex County are located in Newark, New Jersey where its corrupt Newark Municipal court is a cease pool of corruption.

    This web site, with links on page /page400.htm and reports provided in the directory at /pdf and massive Open Public Federal District court records of E.D. Pennsylvania expose a continuing massive cover-up that continues to spread through its Government in a wide criminal conspiracy for over a decade as the TYRANNY OF the United States of America Government and State of New Jersey, its Judges and counties and municipal governments are exposed to the world on the world wide web by Inside on the Outside under the Freedom of the Press under or .

    Over 200 corrupt Federal, State of New Jersey's corrupt Governors, judges, officials, bribed law firms, professional planning and professional engineering firms are exposed as felons violating federal and state criminal codes but are protected.

    In the State of Nevada AND NJ members of Congress Frelinghausen (R) and N.J. Senior State Senate Lautenberg (D) supported us as well as New Jersey Senate former President Richard Codey (D), State Senator Richard Littell (R) D-24, Assembly woman Alison Littell Mc Hose (R) D-24 and Assembly Guy Gregg (R) D-24 but ignored by District's new State Senator Steven V. Orocho (r) D-24 and ignored by Assemblyman Gary R. Chiusanio (R) D-24, 115 Demarest Rd., Suite 2B, Sparta, NJ 07871 Phone: (973) 300-0200, 227 Route 206, Bldg. 1, Suite 15, Flanders, NJ 07836 Phone: (973) 584-4670 and ignored by Federal NJ Senator Robert Menendez (D). We thank those representatives that supported their constituents and have distain for NJ State Senator Menendez, and the latter two so called representatives Orocho and Chiusanio who have received copies of dozens of complaints and did absolutely nothing to aide their constituents as instantly done by the above to support their constituent such as our now home state of Nevada Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D-NV)

    We were also supported by Federal Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Congressman Rodney Frelinghausen (R-NJ)

    New Jersey's Star Ledger Newspaper Blog on official corruption that is constant in the State of New Jersey

    On Jan 24, 2010 I contacted the Federal Government's Internal Revenue Service IRS Office on 110 City Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89106 to find out what office address to send written interrogatories. The person I initially talked with was Brain Peng's Supervisory Dave Lowe, then in their office his Supervisor Sever Osborne was in the IRS room and heard the telephone conversation as I described the tax fraud, etc. I explained to them I have just received from the State of New Jersey's Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, two boxes of emails and other evidence that would be Original Evidence from the Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders and requested that their office make a copy of these originals while still in the priority shipped boxes to prove the knowledge and massive federal tax fraud in the millions and IRS's Special Agent Brian Peng 702-868-5113, 110 City Parkway, Suite 200, Las Vegas, Nevada 89016, his Supervisor Dave Lobe 702-868-5120 as heard by his supervisor Steve Osborne directly refused repeatedly stating to me "He was NOT a copy service" and that I should scan in all the documents or go pay for copies BEFORE he would accept the evidence of massive federal tax fraud using the original documents still in their "proprietary mail boxes" for which I paid over $140. So much for a Government of public Servants. That happens to be a Tort Claim Act violation of Outrage, breach of duty and causing emotional distress and also refused to make a copy for the Department of Justice's FBI Office in Whasington D.C. that I was directed to send evidence. The corruption continues as now the IRS willfully refuses to take evidence unless YOU pay for copies as you need the originals for other copies. Having distributed hundreds of thousands of documents, paid thousands in copy cost already uselessly, I have decided to proceed to Federal District Court, Issue subpoena and other written interrogatories that I informed him must be answered oath as I am a defendant. The corruption Continues

    A 19 page CAG Report dated Jan 23, 2011, /110123cagreport.pdf sent to the State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics OAE using District XI Ethics Committee's Investigator Harry Norton, Jr. Esq. to investigate two major law firms Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC corrupt lawyer Richard A. Stein, Esq. OAE Docket XIV-2010-2006E and Hollander, Strelzik, Pasculli, Pasculli, Hinkes, Gacquin, Vandenberg & Hontz partner William E. Hinkes, Esq. OAE Docket XIV-2010-2001E which will begin exposing the vast corruption already exposed in open Federal District court records and State of New Jersey Superior Court Appellate Division's filed appeal Thomas Caggiano v. the State of New Jersey with the Hughes Justice Complex in New Jersey's State Capital of Trenton, New Jersey under A-001721-01 as the court records exposed the vast corruption network of the United States of American's Federal Government's Executive Branch, the State of New Jersey's Office of Governor, corrupt New Jersey Attorney Generals, corrupt State Cabinet officials in the current corrupt Gov Chris Christie's administration (R) and former corrupt Gov Mc Greevy (D) and corrupt Gov Jon Corzine administrations (D), including its corrupt Chief Justice of New Jersey's Supreme Court Stuart Rabner who was also the former corrupt State of New Jersey's Attorney General, and the State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's corrupt Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC, corrupt Department of Community Affairs' Commissioners and its corrupt Government Record Council GRC { exceptions are Vince Maltese, Esq., Case manager Dara Lownie and Frank Caruso who are favorable witnesses ) and corrupt Superior Court, Municipal Court, State Prosecutors, municipal governments and prosecutors as 200 corrupt officials, lawyers, judges, professional engineers and planners and more are exposed using the Federal District Court of Eastern District Pennsylvania Records, State of New Jersey Superior and Municipal court records and the corrupt State of New Jersey's Department of the Treasury's Office of Administrative Law OAL listed in the report.

    This Criminal Indictment on 13 criminal charges in State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano, Ind 08-09-316-I was dismissed without prejudice on Sep 10, 2009 then dismissed with prejudice against the State of New Jersey. It also address the corruption in Judge Craig U. Dana, JMC court with the corrupt municipal prosecutor William Hinkes, Esq. and the corrupt Borough Attorney of the Borough of Stanhope Richard A. Stein, Esq. as all fines were vacated but the corruption continues and I have paid thousands in transcript fees and the filing fees alone to the State of New Jersey's Hughes Justice Complex's Superior Court's Appellate Division A-007121-10 with Team Leader Lawrence Pinkus continues:

    Transcript Record of Corruption
    The corrupt State of New Jersey's Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. with corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor's Office David Weaver, Esq., corrupt First Assistant Prosecutor Gregg Mueller, corrupt Assistant Prosecutors as a gaggle of felons engaged in a willful criminal abuse of court processes via fraud, trickery, engaged in a criminal conspiracy for years. The court records filed in Sussex County Superior Court under Ind 08-09-316-I State of New Jersey v. its victim Thomas Caggiano was dismissed on Sep 10, 2009 by fraud to prevent a criminal trial wherein the corrupt of Government would be exposed. The corrupt Commissioner of Department of Human Services Jennifer Velez, Esq., Anne Klein Forensic Center corrupt CEO Mr. Main, and corrupt psychiatrists Christine Joseph, Phd and Peter Paul, Phd. The corrupt prior Sussex County Keogh Dwyer Correctional Facility Sheriff Untig, his corrupt OPRA custodian Under sheriff Armeno in the corrupt Keogh Dwyer Correctional Facility where I was falsely imprisoned for 85 days, and do to negligent medical care required emergency hospitalization on Jan 8 and 9, 2009 as prescribed drugs were NOT given to me for 2.5 months as the corrupt Sussex County Jail and other corrupt Sussex County municipalities were protected by the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders who former corrupt Chair Hal Wirths is now the corrupt Gov Chris Christie's Commissioner of Labor but is now lead by the prior Borough of Stanhope's corrupt Planning Board Chair Susan Zelman, with the corrupt former Mayor of Stanhope now Sussex County Deputy Clerk Brian Mc Neilly engaged in a cover-up of racketeering for decades by the Borough of Stanhope that continues unabated with continuing criminal conduct by the Federal Government by Tort Claim Act violations of outrage, breech of duty, negligence and causing emotional distress and planned civil suites in Federal District Court with show cause orders will further expose the corrupt of Federal Government agencies as done in three cases filed in Eastern District Federal Court noted in the CAG Report provided the State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's investigator available for download /110123cagreport.pdf

    The municipal appeal of the corrupt Joint Municipal Court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover's Judge Dana, JMC convictions with the aide of his corrupt municipal prosecutor William Hinkes under investigation by the State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics as he was protected from the criminal charges I and my wife Kathryn Caggiano who he also threatened in his court were buried by the corrupt Judge Conforti, J.S.C. without any hearing as the corrupt Superior Court dismissed them in my criminal indictment 08-09-316-I of State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano as court documents therein! Amasing and unbelievable but its available on the Public Record as the 13 criminal charges filed against Thomas Caggiano were all dismissed with prejudice against the State of New Jersey on May 11, 2010. The municipal appeal to the Superior court of the corrupt Sussex County / Morris County Vicinage 13-04-08 and 19-05-09 were further criminally compromised as corrupt Vicinage Assignment Judge Bozonelis, AJSC, the corrupt Trial Court Administrator Michael Arnold, the Vicinage Trial Court Administrator, the Vicinage Probation Officer Jon Bell, Sussex County's Deputy Vicinage Probation Officer Michael Lasko, Ombudsman Rodriguez, Probation officer Jenn Jobbagy aided others in criminal conduct, committed repeated acts of official misconduct in a continuing cover-up of accelerating criminal conduct protected by the federal government and other State agencies including the Supreme Court's OAC, the Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct, Supreme Court's Chief Justice Stuart Rabner, Judge N. Peter Conforti, JSC, the Township of Green's Judge Dana, J.M.C. and Stanhope's corrupt Judge Mulhern, JMC all refuse to provide me the court records in the Borough of Stanhope and Township of Green as I have requested the Supreme Court's OAE investigator Harry Nolan, Jr. Esq to obtain such records needed to prepare investigative materials for his own investigation under Docket OAE XIV-2010-2001E against William Hinkes, Esq. and XIV-2010-2006E against Richard A. Stein, Esq.

    See the Filed Hughes Justice Complex's Superior Court Appellate Division Appeal of the corrupt convictions and court orders issued by the corrupt Sussex County / Morris County Assignment Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C., the corrupt Superior Court's Presiding Judge Thomas Manahan, J.S.C., the corrupt Superior Court's Sussex County N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and their protected corrupt Joint Municipal Court of Green, Hampton, Fredon and Borough of Andover corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. in a conspiracy with William E. Hinkes, Esq., Richard A. Stein, Esq., the State's Office of Attorney General, the Division of Law and others on Appellate Division Appeal A-001721-10 State v. Thomas Caggiano /110103appellateappeal.pdf

    2 INDICTMENT NO. 08-09-316-I
    APP. DIV. #
    : OF
    7 Defendant.
    43-47 HIGH STREET
    10 NEWTON, NEW JERSEY 07860
    11 DATE: September 10, 2009

    For the STATE
    For the DEFENDANT
    22 43-47 HIGH STREET
    23 LICENSE NUMBER: 882
    . 2 1 INDEX
    4 none

    . MUNICIPAL APPEAL 3 1 THE COURT: The Court is reviewing the status
    2 of State versus Caggiano.
    3 Mr. Caggiano is the subject of Indictment
    4 08-09-316.
    5 The Court has received the competency
    6 evaluation that was ordered. Doctor Peter D. Paul, a
    7 licensed psychologist at the Anne Klein Forensic Center
    8 has issued a report dated August 11. That report finds
    9 Mr. Caggiano not to be competent to proceed.
    10 Subsequently, the Court has received from the
    11 State, yesterday, their motion asking the Court to
    12 dismiss the indictment without prejudice. The State is
    13 citing the fact that Mr. Caggiano was now a resident of
    14 the State of Nevada; and considers the report that has
    15 been received regarding competency, and, thus, asks the
    16 Court to dismiss the indictment without prejudice.
    17 Mr. Mueller, is there anything further you
    18 wish to add?
    19 MR. MUELLER: No, Judge.
    20 THE COURT: The State has the right to make
    21 the application to dismiss. It is within their
    22 discretion. And given the nature of the evaluation;
    23 the fact that defendant was now a resident of the State
    24 of Nevada, the Court will grant the application to
    25 dismiss without prejudice.

    1 The Court has previously ordered defendant's
    2 monetary bail exonerated. Given the fact that the
    3 Court was advised he is residing -- his new residence
    4 in the State of Nevada.
    5 So, the indictment can be ordered as
    6 dismissed without prejudice.
    7 The Court will enter the order.
    8 MR. MATTIA: Thank you.
    9 THE COURT: It will be stamped "file"; and
    10 copies distributed.
    11 Remaining matters involving this defendant
    12 concern a conviction in Green Township Municipal Court
    13 with regard to harassment allegations.
    14 Subsequently, there was a conviction in that
    15 Municipal Court for violation of a probation term that
    16 was imposed when defendant was sentenced on the
    17 underlying harassment conviction. In reviewing the
    18 statute with respect to imposing sentence on conviction
    19 for petty disorderly person's offense, it would seem to
    20 the Court that in the event of such a conviction, in
    21 terms of the sentence to be imposed, a sentencing Court
    22 can impose a sentence of probation, and it can impose a
    23 sentence of incarceration.
    24 For a conviction for petty disorderly
    25 person's offense, the maximum sentence that can be

    1 imposed is up to 30 days. The maximum monetary fine
    2 would be up to three years -- strike that. Would be up
    3 to $500.
    4 The question that I have, given the nature of
    5 the underlying offense, including petty disorderly
    6 person's offense, is whether the Court can impose both
    7 a sentence of probation and as a condition of that
    8 sentence, a sentence of incarceration.
    9 It's clear to the Court that if the
    10 conviction were for a disorderly person's offense, as a
    11 condition of a probationary sentence, the defendant can
    12 be ordered to serve up to 90 days in county
    13 correctional facility. I don't believe the statute
    14 though permits as a condition of probation, the
    15 imposition of a sentence of incarceration.
    16 Now, in this particular situation, as I
    17 understand it, the history, 30 days sentences were
    18 imposed for the conviction for harassment, multiple
    19 counts. With relation to each count regarding that 30
    20 day sentence being imposed. There was a suspension of
    21 all but three days of each particular sentence being
    22 imposed for each count.
    23 As it has turned out, the defendant has
    24 served a period of incarceration between December 1,
    25 and December 12, 2008, and January -- between January 7

    1 and April 12, 2009. That totals 108 days.
    2 The question that I have is if, indeed, it
    3 was the intent of the sentencing Judge to impose a
    4 sentence of probation, then the sentence of
    5 incarceration could not be imposed. If it was the
    6 intent to impose a sentence of incarceration, then we
    7 know the amount of time the defendant is incarcerated.
    8 And by the way, with regard to the sentence
    9 that was imposed, each period of incarceration was to
    10 run consecutive for each count.
    11 Then, as I said, if the intent was to impose
    12 a sentence of incarceration, then a sentence of
    13 probation could not be imposed.
    14 The reality is, Mr. Caggiano did serve 108
    15 days of incarceration.
    16 Given that history, what I'm going to do, on
    17 my own motion, is vacate the conviction for probation
    18 violation. Because you can't have both in terms of the
    19 sentence that was imposed.
    20 In terms of the remaining aspect of this
    21 matter that would involve the defendants -- Oh, one
    22 other point about the sentence of incarceration, I
    23 should make note of that Mr. Mattia argued this. In
    24 the Municipal Court, if I remember correctly from my
    25 review of the transcripts, when you impose a sentence

    1 of incarceration, you cannot then suspend it. You can
    2 suspend the imposition of a sentence of incarceration
    3 pursuant to the Code of Criminal Justice, but you
    4 cannot impose a term and then suspend that term.
    5 Be that as it may, based upon my
    6 determination vacating the conviction for the violation
    7 of probation. The reality, the defendant served this
    8 period of incarceration. In terms of the underlying
    9 conviction for harassment, that conviction still stands
    10 of record. Mr. Caggiano is filing an appeal of that
    11 conviction.
    12 Given the evaluation that was conducted at
    13 the Court's request, with the determination that
    14 defendant was not competent, I cannot address the
    15 argument on the appeal at this point in time. The
    16 appeal can be pursued by Mr. Caggiano. But before the
    17 Court can permit the argument to proceed, it would have
    18 to be a determination he's competent to proceed. With
    19 the evaluation that I have at this point, I can't let
    20 that procedure go forward.
    21 So, what I will do is adjourn the appeal of
    22 the underlying conviction. It will be for the State to
    23 make determinations from their perspective as to
    24 whether they are pursuing the conviction. It's up to
    25 Mr. Caggiano whether he wishes to pursue the appeal.

    NOTE: After more months of delay the corrupt Judge Conforti, JSC did NOT dismiss the charges and I filed an Appellate Division Superior Court Appeal A-001721-10. The Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC protected the corrupt Judges but the Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics has now assigned an Ethics Investigation against the corrupt William E. Hinkes, Esq. and the corrupt Richard A. Stein, Esq.


    1 But before, the Court can address that appeal, there
    2 has to be a determination he's competent to proceed.
    3 So, the Court will ask Mr. Mattia to present
    4 an order to vacate the conviction for the violation of
    5 probation; note the sentence of 108 days. The Violent
    6 Crime Compensation Board Assessment and $75 Safe
    7 Neighborhood Services Fund assessment, they continue in
    8 effect. But because of the sentence -- because of the
    9 time served, because of the determination and
    10 evaluation of him being incompetent, the Court would
    11 vacate the monetary fines that were imposed. And I
    12 don't see the utility in terms of the issue of
    13 deterrence, because of the competency evaluation. And
    14 because the defendant has served 108 days, the aspect
    15 of the sentence that required the sentence for the
    16 convictions for the violation of probation, an
    17 additional ten days, that will be vacated by the Court 18 as well.
    19 Mr. Mueller, is there anything you wish to
    20 indicate on behalf of the State?
    21 MR. MUELLER: No, Judge. No objection to
    22 proceeding the way the Court is proceeding.
    23 THE COURT: Mr. Mattia?
    24 MR. MATTIA: I think there might be
    25 mathematical error on the number of days Mr. Caggiano

    1 has served in jail. He tells me I think he's -- My
    2 records indicate 85.
    3 THE DEFENDANT: January 7th to April 1st. 85 4 days.
    5 THE COURT: Well, I'm looking at the computer 6 printout from the jail.
    7 THE DEFENDANT: Well, may have different
    8 person's name. I served from -- I was --
    9 MRS. CAGGIANO: That's right.
    10 MR. MATTIA: The wife concurs with that.
    11 THE DEFENDANT: It was January 7th, to
    12 April 1st.
    13 THE COURT: Anything else, Mr. Mattia?
    14 MR. MATTIA: Well, I think Mr. Caggiano
    15 regarding the -- I don't think we have any -- certainly
    16 no right to dispute; nor, does he wish to dispute the
    17 dismissal of the indictment your Honor. It's up to the
    18 Prosecutor's discretion to dismiss the indictment. And
    19 he has no objection to dismissal of the indictment.

    THIS IS FALSE as the Indictment can NOT be dismissed because of a mental examine that court rules demanded a hearing as Dr. Peter Paul Disagreed with the other corrupt Dr. C. Joseph as the "mental examine" was used to defame me, obstruct justice and was a pretence as on Sep 30, 2010 on a court order to have a mental competency hearing NO hearing was conducted as I demanded a video recorded mental examine that was required by the State and also be polygraphed paid by myself so that the evidence could be used in courts but to prevent any discussion, any witnesses the corrupt Judge Conforti, JSC. then issued a court order on Oct 4, 2010 for a brief 21 days later on Oct 25, 2010 and then had a hearing on Oct 19, 2010 with NO witnesses as on Oct 18, 2010 the Borough of Stanhope threatened me with arrest and bail when I went examine court records in Stanhope as Richard Stewart the Town Administrator of Stanhope, a witness for the FBI and State Police's Official Corruption Bureau was the fired illegally by the Borough of Stanhope on Dec 2, 2010.
    20 As far as the appeal, the Municipal Court
    21 matter, I think there is going to be a motion as far as
    22 competency issues is concerned. Mr. Caggiano asserts
    23 his competence. He wants the conviction of that appeal
    24 to be heard by the Court. But that's something he and
    25 I can discuss.

    1 Regarding the present outstanding order of
    2 the Municipal Court.
    4 MR. MATTIA: I get confused there.
    5 THE DEFENDANT: Judge Dana's Municipal court.
    6 MR. MATTIA: Judge Dana's order.
    7 There has been problems Mr. Caggiano has run
    8 into in the process of selling his house. He tells me.
    9 And, he needs -- he would ask the Court modify that
    10 Court order. The -- the -- now the Court has
    11 jurisdiction over this situation to allow Mr. Caggiano
    12 access to the Construction Code Official so that I can
    13 find out what's required as far as a fire extinguisher,
    14 carbon monoxide detector; those things necessary to
    15 necessitate the sale of the property of New Jersey, he
    16 has to get.
    17 THE DEFENDANT: He has to come to my house.
    18 MR. MATTIA: Let me talk.
    19 THE DEFENDANT: Sorry.
    20 MR. MATTIA: He has to get certificate of
    21 continued occupancy from the -- from the municipality.
    22 He tells me he doesn't have a fire extinguisher, or
    23 carbon monoxide. He wants to find out what he has to
    24 do, which is certainly not unreasonable.
    25 THE COURT: Is the house listed for sale?

    2 MR. MATTIA: It's currently listed for sale.
    3 Right. It's listed for sale.
    4 MRS. CAGGIANO: Yes.
    5 MR. MATTIA: Weichert --
    6 COURT REPORTER: One at a time. One at a
    7 time, please.
    8 THE DEFENDANT: Sorry.
    9 THE DEFENDANT: It has a for sale sign on the
    10 front lawn. New door was put in yesterday.
    11 MR. MATTIA: There's still some little
    12 outstanding issues here that Mr. Caggiano would like to
    13 address. They don't seem to be unreasonable. I note
    14 in the motion, that Prosecutor agrees that he hasn't
    15 had any recent contact with Stanhope officials in
    16 violation of existing Court orders. He has,
    17 apparently, perhaps, outstanding bill for the open
    18 public records he requested in the past. He would like
    19 to know what it is; he can get that taken care of. He
    20 like to -- apparently, he's tried to pay taxes to the
    21 town, which he feels he has a right to do in advance.
    22 I don't know why you would do it. There's a reason.
    23 He had -- he explained it to me. It makes sense. He
    24 should have the right to do what everybody else does.

    25 And he wants to exam his property card --

    1 THE DEFENDANT: Records con --
    2 MR. MATTIA: Okay. He would also -- Is that
    3 it or is there anything else you want to do?
    4 THE DEFENDANT: The current order of Judge
    5 Dana is I cannot have --
    6 MR. MATTIA: Stand up.
    7 THE DEFENDANT: I'm sorry. The current order
    8 of Judge Dana is rather unconstitutional
    . It doesn't
    9 allow me to write the Borough of Stanhope; or any prior
    10 employee, any current employee of Stanhope, for any
    11 reason whatsoever.
    It only allows me to pay by mail my
    12 property tax, my water bill, and my sewer bill. In
    13 order to have the Construction Code Official come into
    14 my house to do the inspection, I'm required to pay
    15 $125, according to the realtor agent. According to
    16 Judge Dana's order, I cannot pay the $125 to the town.
    17 On two occasions I have attempted to pay the town and
    18 actually sent a check for my taxes. Of course, I have
    19 certain tax planning since I'm moving to a no tax
    20 state.
    21 In the probation violation hearings, Judge
    22 Dana asked Mr. Stein, can Mr. Caggiano or anybody pay
    23 their taxes in advance; and he said, yes. And then he
    24 said, except Mr. Caggiano. Well, I like to be able to
    25 pay taxes
    . I have sent two checks and they have

    1 returned them twice.

    2 Also, there's something called the Open
    3 Public Record Act
    . And in order to get records from
    4 the Borough of Stanhope, one, like any citizen or any
    5 interested party, must submit an open request. As
    6 you're aware the Appellate Court has ruled against the
    7 government record counsel and allowed any interested
    8 party to send an open request in by e-mail, rather than
    9 the prior form that was used by the JRZ {sp GRC} under Judge
    10 Dana. I'm { sp NOT } allowed to fax the Borough of Stanhope, talk
    11 to the -- any current or prior employee which, of
    12 course, injures my defense capabilities on the
    13 Municipal Appeal. I'm not allowed to call or talk to
    14 any witnesses. So I would like to be able to, like
    15 every other person, to send E-mailing to Borough of
    16 Stanhope through the open custodian to send OPRA
    17 request.
    18 MR. MATTIA: Let me interrupt you for a
    19 second. How many e-mails would that be? Would that be
    20 something finite; one e-mail perhaps?
    21 THE DEFENDANT: No. No. Every person is
    22 allowed to send e-mails.
    23 MR. MATTIA: I think the Court -- Excuse me.
    24 THE DEFENDANT: It's unlimited. There's no
    25 reason to put a limit on a person's right by the

    1 Appellate Court's decision. You're allowed to do. If
    2 there's harassment charge on OPRA request, they have
    3 the ability to send a civil suit in.
    4 I should also note the charges against me
    5 were not just harassment, but the charges included were
    6 trespass. Well, I went into an open public meeting. I
    7 told them I was coming in a letter and in advance. And
    8 they kidnapped me out of the meeting. So I would like
    9 the ability, like any other person, to attend an open
    10 public meeting. I am currently willing to comply with
    11 Judge Bozonelis's Court order that says I have to
    12 notify them in advance. Judge Shuster also made that
    13 ruling. He's the -- he was the Trenton Judge. Against
    14 the State of New Jersey. In the hearing where before
    15 the Superior Court in Trenton, says, every person has
    16 the right to attend a meeting.
    17 THE COURT: All right, Mr. Caggiano, I
    18 understand.
    19 MR. MATTIA: Okay.
    20 THE COURT: Excuse me, Mr. Mattia, I'm
    21 looking at the second re-sentencing order that was
    22 issued by Judge Dana, on July 15, 2009, and I believe
    23 the issue that you're addressing here is no contact
    24 with Stanhope Borough officials, except for payment via
    25 mail; tax, water, sewer, and Court payment fines,

    1 costs, and assessments. This was a condition of the
    2 suspension of $300 -- of the $500 of each fine. I'm
    3 vacating the fines, as I indicated.
    4 It was also a condition of suspension of the
    5 balance of consecutive jail sentence that had not yet
    6 been served. I'm vacating that suspension. And that
    7 jail sentence.
    8 And it further provides, the period of
    9 suspension shall expire on January 5, 2011. That,
    10 because of my determination, no longer is in effect.
    11 Therefore, the condition of the suspension is no longer
    12 in effect.
    13 However, I would direct Mr. Caggiano and you
    14 to the terms of the order that -- the orders that were
    15 entered by the Assignment Judge with respect to your
    16 client, or Mr. Caggiano, having contact with the
    17 Borough of Stanhope. And he is still bound by the
    18 terms of that order in the civil action.

    The corrupt Morris County / Sussex County District X Assignment Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C. has not had a hearing on the civil suite Docket SSX-L-847-07 Borough of Stanhope vs. Thomas Caggiano and Government Record Council which was filed by the Borough of Stanhope's corrupt Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC's Borough Attorney Richard A. Stein, Esq., Tel.: 973-729-1880, Fax: 973-729-1224, Email: in Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano and Government Record Council (GRC) as a stay request to prevent Denial of Access complaints being sent to the equally corrupt State of New Jersey's corrupt Department of the Treasury's Office of Administrative Law in the cease pool of Essex County's Newark, New Jersey as part of the coordinated conspiracy with the Office of Attorney General's Division of Law's for the corrupt Government Record Council felon and coordinator the Office of Attorney General's Paula Dow's Deputy Attorney General Debra Allen, Esq. and the Department of Community Affair's Government Record Council lawyers with its corrupt Office of Attorney General Anne Milgram, Esq. under the corrupt Democratic ex-Gov Jon Corzine's corrupt administration now continued under the even more corrupt former U.S. Attorney for New Jersey Chris Christie, Esq. with his corrupt former Essex County Prosecutor as the latest corrupt New Jersey Attorney General Paula Dow, Esq. under the Republican Gov Administration of Gov Chris Christie (R) with the latest corrupt Commissioner of Community Affairs Lori Grifa, Esq. that continues with the corrupt GRC chair Robin Tabakin, Esq., the corrupt GRC executive director Catherine Starghill, Esq., In-house lawyer Karyn Gordon, Esq. and other corrupt lawyers from the Office of N.J. Attorney General's Division of Law and the Chief of Staff of the corrupt Commissioner's of Community Affairs Lori Grifa, Esq. Office.

    This malicious civil suite was originally filed as a civil suite as a Stay Request to prevent detection and apprehension of the racketeering by the Borough of Stanhope's officials for over a decade by the so called Transparency in Government Act called the Sunshine law and then changed to the Senator Byron Baier Open Public Record Act OPRA as Stanhope requested the GRC be blocked from sending the complaint to the independent and corrupt State of New Jersey's Department of the Treasury's Office of Administrative Law (OAL) with its corrupt Chief Laura Sanders, Esq., Acting Director and Chief Administrative Law Judge, Quakerbridge Office (609) 689-4001, P.O. Box 049, Trenton, NJ 08625-0049 wherein I would get subpoena authority and be able to call witnesses. No such hearing with testimony or witnesses nor cross examination of any affiant in violation of the Constitutions of the United States of America, the Constitution of New Jersey nor Case law has happened in over 3 years as the corruption is exposed in a transcript record of a set-up hearing among the corrupt Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, AJSC, the corrupt Borough of Stanhope lawyer Richard Stein, Esq. and corrupt lawyers representing the corrupt municipality of Frankford Township another Albino, Ullmann, Laemers & Pompelio, LLC, 10 Poplar Tree Lane Sparta, NJ 07871 and Angela Paternostro, Esq. in Open Court Records NOW available on the Dismissed with Prejudice AGAINST the STATE of NEW JERSEY in its malicious filing of 13 criminal indictable charges against Thomas Caggiano by the corrupt Office of Attorney General for New Jersey and its corrupt State Sussex County Prosecutor's Office under Ind 08-09-316-I as the malicious criminal charges were filed by Borough of Stanhope officials and employees.

    19 So in terms of the order that you present to
    20 the Court, Mr. Mattia, you can indicate in that order
    21 that these conditions are being vacated on the Court's
    22 order. With a caveat that Mr. Caggiano is still bound
    23 by the terms of the order issued by Judge Bozonelis.
    24 Obviously, in terms of the effectuating the sale of his
    25 property in the Borough of Stanhope, in order to

    1 accomplish what has to be done for that purpose, he
    2 should have the opportunity to comply with local
    3 ordinances that are required for inspections. So when
    4 this order is entered, I don't believe his residence
    5 was on the market in the Borough of Stanhope.
    6 All right. That will be all.
    7 MR. MATTIA: Thank you, your Honor.
    8 THE DEFENDANT: Thank you.

    2 C E R T I F I C A T E
    4 I, JANE SCHMIDT, C.S.R., License Number
    5 00882, an Official Court Reporter in and for the State
    6 of New Jersey, do hereby certify the foregoing to be
    7 prepared in full compliance with the current Transcript
    8 Format for Judicial Proceedings, and is a true and
    9 accurate compressed transcript to the best of my
    10 knowledge and ability.
    JANE SCHMIDT, C.S.R. 16 Official Court Reporter
    17 Sussex County Courthouse
    18 Newton, New Jersey
    21 Date: 11-16-09


    Typical threats:

    The prior published posting on this web site /index.htm is now included below with other links, reports, history and chronology showing the utter corruption of the Federal and State of New Jersey in a NOW 10 year saga of in your face corruption that continues.

    Enhancements to this web site began Jan 2, 2011.
    You now have direct access to an index of reports
    by Clicking here
    or enter a bookmark as:

    Published under Freedom of the Press

    Government Corruption

    A 10 year Case Study by Inside on the Outside

    Latest Update Jan 13, 2011

    Thomas Caggiano
    7086 Arcadia Glen Court
    North Las Vegas, Nevada 89086
    Phone: 702-586-6768
    Efax: 973-215-2538

    Published as a Public Duty N.J.S.A.2C:3-3(a)(5)
    to reduce corruption of Government Officials
    and bribed contractors to protect
    the safety, health and general welfare
    of the inhabitants and private property.

    The opinions herein are NOT legal advice.

    THOMAS CAGGIANO Background /tcb.htm, is the President of Inside on the Outside, and with his wife registered Inside on the Outside as a State of Nevada Business; both are registered student REBEL's at the University of Nevada Las Vegas's UNLV Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and both have been witnesses to the State of New Jersey State Police's Official Corruption Bureau having met its SGT in the Hughes Justice Complex, Trenton, N.J. providing them audio recordings of corrupt Superior Court proceedings by the State of New Jersey Attorney General, its corrupt Division of Law, the corrupt Department of Community Affairs with its corrupt Government Record Council GRC. If you are aware of any Official Corruption in the State of New Jersey by any State, County or Municipal Official contact the State Police's West Trenton, New Jersey office. Our point of Contact works directly with the Superintendent of the State Police Col Rich Fuentes and is SGT Latocia Littles-Floyd, Badge 5375, 609-882-2000 Ext 6506.

    Their family fled their home State in New Jersey,Sussex County where they built a house in 1972 to live in Nevada for their safety, as the State of New Jersey Government, its counties such as Sussex County (North West), Essex County (East Newark, N.J. ) and Mercer County ( Capital Trenton, N.J. ) are so very corrupt.

    Jan 5, 2011 - New Jersey Supreme Court
    Launches Formal Investigation
    against Municipal Government Attorneys

    The State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics launches investigation against Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC's Sussex County Borough of Stanhope Borough Attorney and Municipal Prosecutor Richard A. Stein, Esq. under OAE Docket XIV-2010-2006E and
    his conspirator Hollander, Strelzik, Hontz and Pasculli LLC with their partner William E. Hinkes, Esq. under Docket XIV-2010-2001E assigned to the District XI Passaic County Ethics Committee
    Under Rules for Professional Conduct, RPC 5.3, their law firms are also culpable: Responsibilities of Partners, Supervisory Lawyers, and Law firms and Per the Rules of Court's General Application R 1:4-8(b)(3) Scope of Responsibility, the law firm shall be jointly responsible for violations committed by its partners, shareholders, associates and employees.

    See the 32 page May 25, 2009 The CAG Report /090525TheCAGReport.pdf which was widely distributed, includes court transcript records, photographs proving a wide ranging cover-up by over a hundred corrupt officials, judges, lawyers, bribed professional engineers and bribed professional planners and Published on /090525TheCAGReport.pdf

    On Jan 5, 2011, the State of New Jersey Supreme Court's Passaic County's District XI Ethics Committee investigator Harry. D. Norton, Jr., Esq. /110105OAEinvestigation.pdf , Norton, Sheehy, Higgins and Rosa, P.C., 1 Garret Mountain Plaza, Woodland Park, New Jersey 07424 notified me that the OAE assigned separate investigations under the OAE's own Docket prefix XIV against the corrupt Richard A. Stein, Esq. and corrupt William E. Hinkes, Esq.

    On Jan 10, 2011, Thomas Caggiano filed a Mercer County District VII Ethics Committee Complaint /110110ethicscomplaint.pdf for violation of the Code of Ethics, called Rules of Professional Conduct, against many State officials that are lawyers in Trenton, N.J. with the Mercer County District Ethics Commission and the State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics These government State lawyers conspired and were criminally complicate or active participants in a criminal conspiracy with massive violations of the Code of Ethics and included the following lawyers; N.J. Attorney General Paula Dow, Office of Attorney General's Director of its Division of Law Robert M. Hanna, Commissioner of Human Services Jennifer Velez, Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs Lori Grifa and their corrupt sub-ordinates. The Ethics Complaint /110110ethicscomplaint.pdf is 18 pages long and includes an Open Public Record Act Request OPRA to the corrupt Government Record Council GRC panel lead by the corrupt Chairwoman Robin Berg Tabakin, Esq., its corrupt GRC's executive director Catherine Starghill, Esq. with its corrupt In-house lawyer Karyn Gordon, Esq. with the active support of the corrupt Office of Attorney General's corrupt Division of Law's Deputy Attorney General for the GRC Debra Allen, Esq.

    You can also read my Appeal to the State of New Jersey's Superior Court's Appellate Division 101128appellateappeal.pdf, under Docket A-001721-10 Team 01, State of New Jersey v. Thomas J. Caggiano filed with Mr. Lawrence Pinkus, Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex, P. O. Box 006, Trenton, N.J. 08625-0006, (606) 292-4822 as its excellent Supervisor and obtain copies of all now public court records filed in the Hughes Justice Complex itself, and in the corrupt Vicinage 10 Superior Court Assignment Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C., corrupt Trial Court Administrator Michael Arnold, other corrupt Superior Court Judges Thomas Manahan and Philip Maenza and Sussex County corrupt Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C., 43-47 High St, Newton, N.J. 07860 by contacting the excellent Superior Court clerk Kay Mack 973-579-0633 for Open Court Records under (a) the Dismissed with Prejudice against the State of New Jersey on May 11, 2010 the 13 count malicious criminal Indictment 08-09-316-I State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano brought by corrupt the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq., his corrupt Assistant prosecutors as David Weaver was a former law partner of the corrupt William Hinkes, Esq. in Newton, New Jersey as the malicious charges were originally dismissed with-out prejudice on Sep 10, 2009 brought by Borough of Stanhope officials and employees, 77 Main Street, Stanhope in State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano that was dismissed without prejudice on Sep 10, 209 and then Dismissed with prejudice AGAINST the corrupt State of New Jersey's Attorney General Paula Dow, Esq. and her corrupt State Sussex County Prosecutor's Office, 19-21 High Street, Newton, N.J. by contacting also the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor's Office lead by the corrupt David Weaver, Esq., corrupt First Assistant Prosecutor Gregg Mueller, Esq., and corrupt Assistant Prosecutors therein as corruption in Sussex County is pandemic among its Board of Chosen Freeholders, including its former Chair Hal Wirths who is now the Commissioner of Labor, the corrupt former Sheriff Untig and Under sheriff Armeno who left their positions upon the arrival of the newly elected Sussex County Sheriff Michael F. Strada.

    State used its corrupt Attorney Generals and its corrupt Superior and Municipal courts to retaliate against Kathy Caggiano and Thomas Caggiano for years and still do on a constant basis of threats by mail from Judges, Government Layers and Borough of Stanhope, Sussex County corrupt new municipal clerk as the Borough on Dec 2, 2010 retaliated against its own Town Administrator Richard Stewart by without a public hearing required by its own municipal codes Chap 2.2.d fired him from his $109,000 official position and gave him 3 months severance pay as Mr. Stewart was a witness for the FBI and State Official Corruption Bureau performing his public and official duty of reporting the criminal racketeering enterprise for on Oct 18, 2010 he attempted to gain me access to my own court records so that I could defend myself in the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court of Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C., 43-47 High Street, Newton, New Jersey under municipal appeals . Upon Richard Stewart selection as Town Administrator after the former corrupt Town Administrator Teri Massood who ran away from Stanhope without any letter of resignation or severance pay when the GRC filed the Denial of Access Thomas Caggiano v. Borough of Stanhope GRC 2006-02 against her and the former corrupt OPRA custodian Antoniette Battaglia to the corrupt Office of Administrator Law Judge in Newark,N.J.'s corrupt Office of Administrative Law before the corrupt executive "Judge" J. Howard Solomon, ALJ after three years under Docket GRC 07725-2007N.

    Some Background information: Thomas Caggiano was a former member, approved by the Secretary of the Army, to the selective, professional Army Acquisition Corps. Thomas Caggiano has over 200 college credits and after attending Graduate school attended classified Military universities. Thomas Caggiano is knowledgeable in over fifty fields, having served the Department of Defense as a high level III Project Management Engineer, a Program Management Division Chief, an Engineering Branch Chief, an Acquisition Business Manager for a billion dollar ACAT II program, appointed by Generals to be an international technical expert and advisor to the Army, Navy, Air Force, Special Operations Forces Command, and Allies including the Corps of Engineers. Thomas Caggiano, a tempest security computer officer, certified facilitator was a former Policy Chief to thousands of Supervisors, Contracting Officers, Program Analysts, Procurement Analysis, Engineers, Scientists, Computer programmers, Technicians, Administrative and Support personnel. Thomas Caggiano was a member of the Military Comptroller Society, a graduate in Chemical Engineering and has a former thirty year career, has conducted a 10 year Case Study using advanced work break down structure methods and critical path analysis techniques working with a large group of federal and State agencies as a witness and a victim of rampant corruption by the Government.

    Thomas Caggiano and his wife received four death threats on file in the Sussex County, New Jersey's Borough of Stanhope's Police office where dozens of voluntary police reports were filed detailing the corruption that was occurring by State, County and municipal officials and bribed persons pretending they were officials. Thomas Caggiano testified under oath against State, municipal officials, E.N.F. Development Co. LLC and Frank Dawalt Jr. the developer of the illegal minor submission in the Borough of Stanhope at 2 and 6 Oak Drive at its Land Use Board and Town Council as I was threatened by Frank Dawalt Jr. at my mailbox on 2 Oak Drive and a person calling himself Esposito used untraceable telephone calling cards per the Police Investigation as the Borough Attorney Richard Stein threatened me for reporting the criminal act by Franklin Dawalt Jr. who the Borough Protected as he funds were used to bribe Stanhope persons such as John Cilo Jr., 198 W High St Somerville, NJ, 08876-1819 - a professional engineer and Scarlett Doyle the town professional planner who were bribed without contracts for apparently decades as perjured annual reports were submitted to the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' Local Government Services Local Finance Board for decades. I was falsely imprisoned for 85 days from Jan 7, 2009 to Apr 1, 2009 in the Sussex County Keogh Dwyer Correctional Facility in Sussex County's center of corruption its County Seat in Newton, New Jersey by the corrupt Joint municipal Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. as his bribed municipal prosecutor William E. Hinkes, Esq. of Hollander, Strelzik, Pasculli, Pasculli, Hinkes, Gacquin, Vandenberg & Hontz LLC had NO valid contract in the corrupt Joint Municipal court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover as every defendant was defrauded by the municipal court as persons lost driving licenses and were put in jail by the corrupt team of Dana and Hinkes who was the former Law partner of the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver. Sussex County's corrupt Newton's Keogh Dwyer Correctional Facility or Jail as a place of terrorism, criminal coercion and witness intimidation, handcuffed dozens of times, forced out of Town Council meetings and State Government Record Council Meetings by kidnapping and assault upon me, constantly defamed, libeled and slandered me by State and municipal officials to discredit me as a witness as it even had the corrupt Department of Human Services Commissioner Jennifer Velez, Esq., and corrupt Division of Mental Health Services' with corrupt Ann Klein Forensic Center, Sullivan Way - P.O. Box 7717 West Trenton, New Jersey 08628 (609) 633-0900 CEO John E. Main, Dr. Christine Joseph, Phd and Dr. Peter Paul, Phd conspire with the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge Conforti, J.S.C. to declare me so mentally incompetent that even if I were represented by an attorney I could NOT defend myself against the malicious criminal coercion criminal charges filed against me under the manifest injustice indictment Ind 08-09-316-I State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano that was ultimately dismissed with Prejudice against the State of New Jersey on May 11, 2010 but the corruption has only increased with the illegal firing of the Town Administrator Richard Stewart of the Borough of Stanhope illegally on Dec 2, 2010 by the corrupt Borough of Stanhope's Mayor Diana Kuncken and its corrupt Town Council as Richard Stewart was reporting their racketeering organization to the FBI and the State Police Official Corruption Bureau as I and my wife Kathryn for years.

    The corrupt team of Judges and Prosecutors, and the corrupt Office of Attorney General of New Jersey and her corrupt Division of Law lawyers called Deputy Attorney Generals conspired with Richard Stein, of Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC as the Borough Attorney of the infested corrupt enterprise of the municipality of the Sussex County Borough of Stanhope and the corrupt Department of Community Affairs Government Record Council's chair, executive director Catherine Starghill, and In-house lawyer and the corrupt State Department of Agriculture in Trenton with its corrupt Newton based Sussex County Soil Conservation District forced to pay me for years to pay thousands in lawyer fees, fines, spent years on probation to expose the corruption of the Department of Justice, Office of Gov Chris Christie of N.J., its Attorney General Paula Dow, Judges", and many State and Municipal prosecutors as the corruption is pandemic in Government.

    Thomas Caggiano has been a witness to the Department of Justice in Whasington D.C., the United States Postal Service Inspection Service reporting massive mail fraud, conspiracy and harassment, conspiracy against civil rights, tax fraud, illegal disbursement of federal, state, county and municipal funds, false reports to enforcement officials, complicity, as I have reported the criminal conduct and provided CDs of computer disc to the Federal Government's FBI, IRS Special Agents in Las Vegas, Nevada as an award form is on,,id=180171,00.html, and the N.J. State Police Official Corruption Bureau in West Trenton, New Jersey, Federal, State and Sussex County officials and the Federal District Courts in Eastern District, Pa in three civil suites filed by Thomas Caggiano against the Department of Justice for NOT enforcing federal criminal laws 09-mc-03, 09-MC-71 and 09-MC-09 and U.S. Attorney's in Chicago, Il, Philadelphia, Pa, Newark, New Jersey and Las Vegas, Nevada including the Executive Office of U.S. Attorney's and higher Department of Justice Officials in Whasington D.C. including the Office of Inspector Generals in the Department of Justice and the State of New Jersey, the State's Ethics Commission, the State's Commission on Investigations and others. Massive evidence of corruption was filed in the Federal District Court of Eastern District Pa. The crime wave by dozens continues however. as the published records on this web site and its linked pages expose the rampant corruption of dozens of bribed law firms,professional engineers and professional planners, more then a dozen corrupt Superior and Municipal Court judges, Office of Attorney General enforcement officials and departments, corrupt State and Municipal prosecutors, mayors, Governing Body members, CFOs, Land Use Board, other State and County agencies, et. al. as exposure will be in the

    State of New Jersey Superior Court Appellate Division Case
    State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano
    Docket No. A-001721-10 Team 01

    Introduction: Where is evidence of corruption, conspiracy and criminal complicity as records were filed on Dec 14, 2010 with my $200 filing fee that are NOW OPEN PUBLIC Court RECORDS in the Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex, Superior Court of the State of New Jersey's Appellate Division, P.O. Box 006, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0006. Contact its Team Supervisor for Team 01 - Lawrence Pinkus - 609-984-5657 against the corrupt State's Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. on his denial of my municipal appeals 13-04-08 and 19-05-09 for Dismissal with Prejudice against the corrupt Joint Municipal Court Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover. All Judge Dana's fines were vacated on Sep 10, 2009 and a finding he repeated violated court rules by imprisoning me with a 39 day sentence continuously changed to 95 days as I was falsely imprisoned in the corrupt Sussex County Jail for 85 days. On Sep 30, 2010 it was determined by the Superior Court finding that Judge Dana had NO authority AFTER sentencing to demand any mental examination. All thirteen criminal charges in a malicious indictment by the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver and his corrupt Assistant Prosecutor's was dismissed without prejudice on Sep 10, 2009 and after I filed a summary motion PRO Se to the corrupt Superior Court ALL CRIMINAL CHARGES filed by Borough of Stanhope officials and employees were ALL DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE against the State of New Jersey's Office of Attorney General and Sussex County Prosecutor's Office on May 11, 2010. The Corruption Continues as the corrupt Borough of Stanhope's Mayor Diana Kuncken and its corrupt Town Council with its corrupt Borough Attorney of Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC illegally fired its Town Administrator Richard Stewart who was reporting their criminal conduct to the FBI and State Police Official Corruption Bureau per his official and public duty. Witness intimidation and retribution is the way the corrupt State of New Jersey, its corrupt courts and corrupt municipal government operate in full view of the Public as reported in the State's newspaper the Star Ledger AND New Jersey Herald

  • An initial analysis /110106courtorders.pdf of the corrupt criminal abuse of court processes by the corrupt Superior Court's Sussex County Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq. and others is in an early draft which provides an initial overview of the corruption of the New Jersey' State Court and the State Prosector's dual conspiracy in Ind 08-09-316-I State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano and the municipal appeals of the corrupt Township of Green's Judge Dana, J.M.C.'s dozens of non-indictable convictions of me for which all fines were vacated Sep 10, 2009 under Thomas Caggiano's Pro se municipal appeals 13-04-08 and 19-05-09 but do to the continued corruption and unconstitutional court orders issued by Judge Conforti, J.S.C. and Judge Dana, J.M.C. and corruption in both courts, Thomas Caggiano has filed a Pro Se Appeal on Dec 14, 2010 to the Hughes Justice Complex's Appellate Division Docket No. A-001721-10 with team leader Lawrence Pinkus. This draft will be greatly enhanced and be used as evidence in filing many Title 2C criminal charges against both Judges and the corrupt Government prosecutors and others.

  • Letter to Thomas Caggiano from Federal Bureau of Investigation's Special Agent in Charge, Las Vegas, Nevada

  • On Dec 2, 2010, the corrupt Sussex County's Borough of Stanhope's Mayor Diana Kuncken and corrupt Governing Body members fired its excellent Town Administrator Richard Stewart who was performing his public duty and reporting their criminal conduct to the FBI and N.J. s State Police's Official Corruption Bureau for obstruction of justice, by conspiracy, complicity, fraud and trickery in agreed upon repeated pattern of criminal conduct to prevent their detection and apprehension of decades of racketeering in the corrupt municipal government protected by New Jersey's corrupt State, County, municipal governments, judges and major corrupt law firms infesting New Jersey's municipalities. The Borough's former outstanding municipal clerk Ms. Robin Kline, RMC, MAS who reported the criminal acts to 10 agencies for 1.5 years was tormented by its former Town administrator Teri Massood who ran away from Stanhope without resigning when the excellent GRC lawyer Vince Maltese, Esq. had the GRC transfer the Denial of Access complaint Thomas Caggiano v. Borough of Stanhope to the corrupt OAL Judge J. Howard Solomon, ALJ under OAL Docket 07725-2007N for GRC complaint 2006-02 in Thomas Caggiano v. Borough of Stanhope. On the OAL Docket GRC 09424-2006 on 18 Denial of Access complaints Thomas Caggiano v. the Borough of Stanhope they had me go before the corrupt Judge James Geraghty, ALJ for a violation as I gave Judge Geraghty data he requested in his own conference call documented in my 7 pages of notes on Sep 7, 2006. Thereafter, the corrupt executive "judge" who is really not a Judge or a judicial court was going to fine me $8,000 then raised it to $24,000 and wound up writing an fraudulent deceptive opinion fining me nothing as I complained about his corruption to the corrupt Chief and Director Laura Sanders, Office of Governor who is his boss as the OAL is "independent" and the corrupt GRC. In the Newark, NJ court I, Mary Pawar and Kathryn Caggiano testified for 4.5 hours in Newark, NJ about the corruption of State and municipal officials before the corrupt OAL Judge James A. Geraghty, ALJ as he threatened to fine me $24,000 for submitting documents to him proving that Richard Stein, Esq. willfully lied to him on conference calls made on Sep 7, 2006 and Sep 12, 2006 as fourteen pages of notes taken by me during these telephone calls were provided to the GRC which any person can obtain a copy from the GRC via an OPRA request.

    Do you desire evidence from the corrupt Government Record Council, GRC, itself for less then $1.00?

    Submit the following OPRA request by email to or in writing to the Department of Community Affairs' GRC, P.O. Box 819, Trenton, New Jersey 08625, or use its own web site

    This should be your OPRA request:

    Please provide me a copy of the notes Thomas Caggiano provided the GRC regarding his two conference telephone calls on OAL Docket GRC 09424-2006 for 18 separate Denial of Access Thomas Caggiano v. Borough of Stanhope among Office of Administrative Law Judge James Geraghty,ALJ, the Borough of Stanhope's Borough Attorney Richard Stein, Esq. and Thomas Caggiano on Sep 7, 2006 and Sep 12, 2006

    The felons on the GRC panel got smarter! As they no longer have comprehensive minutes for you can't even read what my complaints were but thanks to their former Lawyer Vince Maltese, Esq. who bought in a court reporter to make transcript and left the room so that the corrupt Chairwoman and Lawyer Robin Berg Tabakin, Esq. Owner of Technoforce, LLC and former State President of the New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners and corrupt Catherine Starghill, the executive director both felons would have their treachery to their official duty to assure transparency in Government is published on their own web site. READ what's on their own minutes that they can't change to show how utterly corrupt the GRC panel is and request via an OPRA request to the GRC a copy of the exhibits I provided them which they would NOT even allow me to say what the exhibits were using the excuse time is up as I was the last speaker and it was still early morning:

    Jul 25, 2007 transcript record of corrupt GRC chair in her own words

  • You can also request copies of the documents I requested in my OPRA request under my filed denial of access complaint to the Borough of Stanhope yourself by mail to Borough of Stanhope, OPRA custodian, 77 Main St. Stanhope, N.J. 07874 or email your request to its corrupt municipal clerk and OPRA custodian Ellen Horak at which are provided on the GRC's own web site

  • A Nov 7, 2010 report of 36 pages, 3.84 MB, published on /101107conforti.pdf and denied by the corrupt Newton's Sussex County Superior Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor's Office in Judge Conforti's false and mailed letter of Nov 9, 2010 which is included in my Superior Court of New Jersey Appellate Division Appeal published on

  • A listing of the State crimes with the Title 2C code numbers committed by dozens of persons protected by the Governor of New Jersey and his Attorney Generals ignored by State Prosecutors is available on

  • Audio recording, Jun 14, 2006 with the State of New Jersey's Sussex County Prosecutor's Office, 19-21 High St., Newton, New Jersey 07874
    former first assistant State Prosecutor William Fitzgibbons and another Detective in Newton's Grand Jury room recusing themselves and directing me to contact the Federal Government's Department of Justice

  • May 11, 2005 Letter from N.J.'s Federal State Senator Frank Lautenberg advising the former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie's (now Gov of New Jersey) Chief of Special Prosecutions Branch James Nobile's Office of criminal conspiracy in New Jersey

  • Letter to the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' Local Finance Board which is the State of New Jersey's Ethics Review Board for Counties and Municipalities and you'll understand how totally corrupt
    the control, complicity, conspiracy and oversight responsibility of the State of N.J.'s series of Governors and their entrenched corrupt Commissioners of Community Affairs have been for a decade and more as the corruption in many New Jersey municipalities is brazen, rampant criminal conduct which was is defined to that corrupt Board in Jun 2010 as the criminal rampage of State, County and Municipal officials, Judges, law firms just continues and accelerates.

  • You can download an extensive detailed report, in .pdf format with active, links filed with the corrupt State of New Jersey's Department of Community Affairs, and the corrupt Morris County and Sussex County Superior Courts in Morristown and Newton, New Jersey and the corrupt municipal courts in Netcong, Morris County, Newton, Sussex County and was published in a 106 page report Tyranny in Government Exposed /tyrannyexposed.pdf

  • Formal Complaint provided the corrupt Office of N.J. Attorney General's corrupt Department of Consumer Affairs' Board of Engineers, Complaint by Thomas Caggiano v. Borough of Stanhope's bribed professional engineer John Cilo Jr., Complaint 05-13, and three other corrupt professional engineers protected by the Board of Engineers and U.S. Attorney' Chris Christie Office, with a listing of ninety exhibits, and over a dozen witnesses who signed petitions to the Borough of Stanhope's corrupt former Mayor Brian Mc Neilly now Sussex County Deputy Clerk and its corrupt Town Council President Diana Kuncken with its corrupt decades of corrupt Government Body members. You can obtain a copy of ALL these exhibits via an Open Public Record Act Request to the Office of Attorney General's own Department of Consumer Affairs' Open Public Record Act Custodian for less then twenty dollars by sending an email request for a copy of the records, or printing and mailing the OPRA request form to the Department of Consumer Affairs, P.O. Box 085, 124 Halsey St., Open Public Record Act Custodian, Third Floor, Newark, N.J. 07101, telephone 973-424-8111 available on line at

  • Letter to corrupt State of NJ's Board of Engineers and U.S. Attorney Chris Christie's office

  • Letter signed by fifteen property owners to the corrupt Borough of Stanhope noting the many officials in the Federal Government, State Government including the Office of the Gov Jon Corzine and his Office of Attorney General, Department of Law and Public Safety and dozens of others that were aware of the massive corruption in Sussex County by State and municipal officials.

  • Records in the Office of Gov of New Jersey's own data base sent to the Office of N.J. Attorney General and its corrupt Department of Law and Public Safety proving beyond any reasonable doubt the corruption of State Government known to the Federal Department of Justice as Cases were filed in Federal District Court of Eastern District of Pa against the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. and the State of New Jersey's U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman. These Federal Court Records are extensive, prove the complicity and confederation of the Department of Justice in allowing massive corruption in the failed State of New Jersey to continue for years as the public safety, health and private property, false imprisonment and terrorism, retribution against witnesses continues unabated Records in Gov Jon Corzine's and Gov Chris Christie's offices

  • Analysis and apparent conclusions: Based upon a ten year Case Study, the apparent reasons for pandemic corruption allowed by the Federal Department of Justice's U.S. Attorney Eric Holder Jr., his Director of FBI, Executive Office of U.S. Attorney, Office of Inspector General in the extensive world known corruption State of New Jersey - the Pay to Play State of unlimited unchecked official corruption as State Title 2C crimes, ethics laws, Open Public Record Act, Open Public Meeting Act, court rules, and the Constitutions of the United States of America nor the Constitution of New Jersey apply to protect the safety, health, general tranquility and private property of its citizens that are threatened by criminal coercion, fired, slandered, libeled, hand cuffed and jailed by its embed corruption system of government being appointed judges and a thousand fiefdoms of pandemic corruption called Local Government Control which instead should be called Localized Racketeering organizations. As shown below, is a short record of rewarding corruption in Government

    The more corrupt you are the higher you advance

    ex-Gov Jon Corzine: former Goldman Sacks Chairman Jon Corzine - multi-multi-millionaire spends $80 Million of his own money to become Gov of N.J. Voted out of office by We the People after spending another $60 Million to be re-elected. In his State of the State speech he correctly stated the STATE of NEW JERSEY IS A TOXIC MIX OF MONEY AND POLITICS.

    Gov Chris Christie
    Possible 2012 Presidential Candidate and hero of Republican Party
    In charge of the corrupt State of New Jersey officials as Chief Executive
    former U.S. Attorney for New Jersey now its latest corrupt Governor who brought with him a band of corrupt former U.S. Attorney's from Essex County, a cease pool of corruption, being New Jersey's latest corrupt Attorney General Paula Dow, Esq. and making the former corrupt chair of Sussex County's Board of Chosen Freeholders his Commissioner of Labor Hal Wirths, and other lawyers as heads of corrupt departments such as Lori Grifa, Esq. - latest in corrupt string of Commissioners of Community Affairs like Susan Bass Levin, Charles Richman, State Senator and member of Assembly and Mayor of Bayonne Joseph Doria, Jr., Jennifer Velez, Esq. Department of Human Services with its corrupt Anne Klein Correctional Facility CEO Mr. Main and corrupt Phd's Dr. Christine Joseph and Dr. Peter Paul, Phd. who wrote conflicting reports and were the corrupt conspirators with the corrupt Sussex County/Morris County Assignment Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C., Thomas Manahan, P.J.S.C., Philip Maenza, J.S.C. and N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and a handful of corrupt municipal judges infesting many municipalities in Sussex County, and other corrupt Judges in Mercer, Morris and Essex County as corruption is standing operational procedure of most of the State of New Jersey and its 1,000 local fiefdoms of independence where corruption is the way of doing business.

    Chief Justice of N.J. Supreme Court Stuart Rabner - buddies with former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie, State Senator Jon Corzine,and then Gov Corzine's as their tax payer paid counselsBecame State of New Jersey's corrupt Attorney General and now its corrupt Chief Justice of New Jersey's Supreme Court with its widely corrupt appointed politically connected corrupt Superior Court and municipal judges in the fraternity of politicians, judges and corrupt lawyers as corrupt State Prosecutors, municipal prosecutors, Borough Attorneys and Land Use Board attorneys, and corrupt Office of New Jersey Attorney General's Division of Law a pool of infestation with the State Ethics Board, Local Finance Board and corrupt Supreme Court of New Jersey's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct and Office of Attorney Ethics and State Bar Association, Speaker of General Assembly and State Senate President protecting them all from impeachment hearings.

    Commissioner of Community Affairs Susan Bass Levin - Gov Jon Corzine's campaign manager and former President and CEO of the Cooper FoundationCorrupt Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs then given the Port Authority of New York and Jersey the lovely overpaid job by Gov Corzine of Deputy Executive Director Susan Bass Levin with a salary of $290,862 but wasn't good enough so Jon Corzine also gave her a dual position on the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' Local Finance Board at a part time pay of $12,500/yr so she could get Full life time medical benefits as New Jersey taxpayer expense and increase her retirement pay by $7,500 per year as she continues to work in the corrupt Department of Local Government Service's Local Finance Board which of course does NOT enforce the Ethics laws against corrupt County and Municipal officials but protect them like her prior job on the corrupt Government Record Council now replaced by the corrupt former U.S. Attorney in now Gov Chris Christie's former Newark based corrupt U.S. Attorney's office to the position of corruption that protects the Local Governments: Commissioner of Community Affairs a cease pool of corruption as I am even banned from attending its Open Public Meetings under the corrupt contrived Docket MER-C-102-07 before the corrupt Chancery Division and the corrupt Superior Court Judges Shuster and Sypke banning me from emailing, telephoning any person in the Department of Community Affairs, attending any Open Public Meeting, contacting directly the excellent Sr. Case Manager Caruso in the corrupt Government Record Council that supports corrupt court orders by these corrupt Judges and also the corrupt Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and corrupt Municipal Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. who has issued court orders that I can't apply for a library card, attend any Open Public Meeting, communicate in any manner to any Borough of Stanhope official, can't file criminal charges in Stanhope as I was threatened with arrest on Oct 18, 2010 when I desired to examine my own court records brought by corrupt Borough of Stanhope officials and employees as petty disorder charges before Judge Dana as Constitutions do NOT apply in the State of New Jersey the land of pandemic treason, complicity and conspiracy as every person that came forward to report criminal conduct was attacked and the Sussex County's Borough of Stanhope's Town Administrator Richard Stewart was fired by its corrupt Mayor Diana Kuncken of 8 Valley Road and its corrupt Governing Body on Dec 2, 2010 illegally in secret because the corrupt municipality was aware that Richard Stewart was cooperating with the FBI and State Police of New Jersey's Official Corruption Bureau reporting their racketeering enterprise for decades.

    Freeholder Susan Zellman the former Chair of Stanhope's corrupt Planning Board now Stanhope's representative on the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders Bribed John Cilo Jr. Associates for years as John Cilo Jr., a professional engineer and his bribed employee the town planner of Stanhope didn't have valid contracts for apparently decades complying with the State of New Jersey's Local Public Contract Law and used federal, state, county and municipal funds to bribe them to be their corrupt municipal engineer and town planner as they each submitted by the Borough of Stanhope signed by them false Annual Financial Reports to the Department of Community Affairs' Local Finance Board which states such actions do NOT violate the State ethics laws! Then the Vice President of Omland Engineering Associates Eric Keller false wrote in signed Annual Financial Statements that he was the municipal engineer so the corrupt John Cilo Jr. used a different phony title with the approval of the corrupt Land Use Board an its corrupt law firm Dolan and Dolan PA of Newton, N.J. as "Land Use Board Board Engineer" but he had NO contract and such a title does not even exist in the State's Map Filing Law as bribery, conspiracy is approved actions by the corrupt Office of Attorney General of New Jersey's corrupt Department of Consumer Affairs' and its corrupt Board of Engineers and Board of Professional Planners in Newark, New Jersey where the corrupt State Department of Treasury of N.J.'s corrupt Office of Administrative Law executive judges protects them all.

    Deputy County Clerk Brian Mc Neilly the former corrupt Sussex County's Mayor of Stanhope, New Jersey is now the Sussex County Deputy Clerk Now Sussex County's corrupt Deputy County Clerk in Newton, New Jersey

    State/Sussex County SCSCD Board of Supervisors Winifred Straub State's Department of Agriculture's Sussex County Soil Conservation District Board of Supervisors Corrupt State Department of Agriculture's Sussex County Newton's Sussex County Soil Conservation District Manager in Newton, New Jersey paid with county funds was raised to its corrupt Board of Supervisors with other corrupt members being on the Sussex County Planning Board. The corrupt law firm of Dolan and Dolan PA is the law firm for both the corrupt State's Sussex County Soil Conservation District and the corrupt Borough of Stanhope's corrupt Land Use Board so there is NO check and balance as the same corrupt law firm "approves" the same incompetent corrupt plans approved by the State Sussex County Soil Conservation District the corrupt professional engineer Joseph Sedivy with the corrupt professional engineers for Stanhope and its corrupt town planner neither of them having contracts in the Borough of Stanhope as reported by the former excellent Municipal clerk Ms. Robin Kline, RMC, MAS to ten agencies including the corrupt Commissioner of Community Affairs, the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Office of Governor and more as Robin Kline was tormented by the corrupt former Town Administrator Teri Massood who ran away from Stanhope without any severance pay when the excellent Vince Maltese, Esq. for the GRC had the GRC send complaints against the corrupt Teri Massood, town administrator, and the corrupt former municipal clerk and OPRA custodian Antionette Battaglia to the corrupt Office of Administrative Law where we were confronted with corruption by six OAL executive judges noted on this web site.

    Borough of Stanhope Municipal Clerk Ellen Horak As Deputy municipal clerk she in violation of Stanhope laws with the approval of its corrupt Mayor and Governing Body prepared minutes for the Town Council and the Land Use Board at the same time which were deceptive to prevent the detection and apprehension of the corruption in both board as the corrupt municipal prosecutor and the corrupt Borough Attorney is the same law firm having an obvious conflict of interest as how does he defend the local officials as Borough Attorney and prosecute them as municipal prosecutor. Well he doesn't as Richard A. Stein, Esq., their corrupt lawyer paid by federal, state, county and municipal funds that are vouched to pay his law firm or funds deposited into escrow accounts in the Pay to Play State are used to bribe John Cilo, Eric Keller, Scarlet Doyle, Dolan and Dolan PA and Laddey, Clark and Ryan and someone that does not even exist on Annual Financial Reports as an official P. David Zimmerman who the Borough in town council meetings, in reports distributed by the thousands stated P. David Zimmerman WAS an official of Stanhope and prepared multi-false Area in Need of Restoration Reports used in preparing false COAH analysis reports by person having NO valid contracts, and false Housing Element Plans and Revised Master Plans all using the same false information by professional planners and professional engineers NONE of who had valid contracts as a resolution is NOT a contract per State Case Law since 1912 but must be a signed executed contract between two parties with an effective date and comply with the Local Public Contracts Law which of course does NOT apply as a violation of the Ethics Law per the office getting perjured Annual Financial Reports in the cease pool Department of Community Affairs from which I am banned in violation of the Bill of Rights!

    Where is more evidence of massive corruption: You may also contact the excellent Sussex County Superior Court criminal staff court assistant Kay Mack, 43-47 High St, Newton, N.J. 07860 of the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and obtain Public Records available under the Malicious Dismissed Criminal Indictment 08-09-316-I in State v. Thomas Caggiano that was dismissed WITH PREJUDICE against the State of New Jersey or records via OPRA from the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor's Office of David Weaver, Esq. on 19-21 High St., Newton, N.J. 07860 the center of corruption in the infested continuously corrupt Sussex County.

    Extensive records showing the corruption are also available on the Municipal Appeals 13-04-08 and 19-05-09 of State Vs. Thomas Caggiano as all Judge Dana, J.M.C.'s fines were vacated on Sep 10, 2009, and it was determined by the Court that the, corrupt Joint Municipal Court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover's of the felon Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and his municipal prosecutor William Hinkes, Esq. repeatedly violated court rules in sentencing me and re sentencing me from 39 days to 95 days and on Sep 30, 2010 it was determined Judge Craig U. Dana, JMC had NO authority to order any mental exam AFTER his illegal sentencing wherein I was falsely imprisoned in the corrupt Sussex County Jail under Sheriff Untig who has NOT conducted investigations of abuse of my medical records, not providing asthma and other prescribed drugs and my being threatened repeatedly by his SGT as his office has refused to respond to Open Public Record Act Requests. The corrupt law firm of Hollander, Strelzik, Pasculli, Hinkes, Vandenberg and Hontz, LLC, 40 Park Place, Newton, N.J. as the law firm is also the Borough Attorney for Newton's municipal Government in the corrupt cease pool of the infested Sussex County. William Hinkes law firm had as it the former law partner of the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, 19-21 High St, Newton, N.J. 07874 who protects his former law firm and dozens of other corrupt law firm and State, County and Municipal Government officials in Sussex County. Thomas Caggiano filed criminal charges in Newton municipal court and the Township of Green and the Affidavits and evidence are public records available by contacting the court administrators.

    The municipal government's racketeering enterprise in the Borough of Stanhope, Sussex County 07874 is lead by its corrupt Mayor Diana Kuncken, as the former corrupt Mayor Brian Mc Neilly is now the Sussex County Deputy Clerk and the former corrupt Planning Board Chair Susan M. Zellman is Stanhope's representative on the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, its corrupt prior Chair Hal Wirths is now Gov Chris Christie's Commissioner of Labor responsible for assuring persons and judiciary employees understand C.E.P.A. - Whistle Blower Directive 9-09 and are given a posted bulletin notice and training but most Newton municipal employees never heard of C.E.P.A. which by executive order of the Office of Gov every employee is to be provided personal knowledge.

    The Sussex County Government nor any of its municipalities have any local Ethics Boards and the State's Department of Community Affair's Local Government Service Department's Local Finance Board with responsibility for county and municipal Ethics laws protects them and has no investigations like the State's Ethics Board and State's Judiciary Committee as Corruption is the Standing Operational Procedure of the State of New Jersey wherein Title 2C State crimes are NOT enforced by its Office of Attorney General Paula Dow or the Mercer County Prosecutor against the corrupt Government Record Council (GRC) or the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver against the Borough of Stanhope which even though was provided funds to provide me agendas 48 hours in advance per the Open Public Meetings Act OPMA ignores the law and is protected from civil fines that the County Prosecutor must seek nor are violations of the Open Public Meetings Act and the Government Record Council, except the excellent Sr. Case Manager Frank Caruso and former Case manager Dara Lownie is infested with corrupt lawyers and a corrupt GRC Chair and panel.

    Dozens of other corrupt State, County officials and municipal employees and professional planners and professional engineers that they bribe without contracts awarded per the Local Public Contracts Law divide up the municipalities using the exception clause for decades as the municipalities become their asset base as "The corrupt law firms, corrupt Engineering firms OWN the towns as they get exceptions for decades as their are no complaints as the law firm just divvy up the State.

    Change the Local Public Contracts Law as recommended by the Comptroller's Office to prevent continuous NO Competition awards and revise the Local Public Contracts Law to require a change in the County's and Municipal Government's law firm every 8 years to break the fraternity of corruption, for the legal community and professional planners and professional engineering firms "set-up" their municipalities as "their own assets" as the Mayors, Governing Bodies, Town Administrators become an embedded entity of favoritism, cronyism and corruption. no competitive bids and racketeering.

    The other major process in corrupt State of New Jersey as stated correctly in his State of the State speech by Ex-Gov Jon Corzine was the TOXIC MIX OF MONEY AND POLITICS. This widespread corruption is protected by N.J.'s APPOINTMENT PROCESS of Judges that is just A POLITICAL PATRONAGE JOB wherein corrupt Municipal Judges protect their local officials that give them the contracts to be THEIR MUNICIPAL JUDGE and n many corrupt municipalities the MUNICIPAL PROSECUTOR is the same law firm as the BOROUGH ATTORNEY as they also GET control of the courts. Change the law and DO NOT allow the Borough Attorney and Municipal Prosecutor to be the same lawyer or law firm as there is an immediate "conflict of interest" embedded in many municipalities.

    Further obvious changes are suggested: Allow the public to read the insurance policy of the municipalities via Open Public Record Act and do NOT make these insurance policies confidential as the taxpayers pay for the policy.

    To reduce N.J.'s pandemic corruption, CHANGE THE FORM OF GOVERNMENT to elected Judges like New York and Nevada as Judges protect the executive branch and legislative branch in a vicious fraternity of infected government and massive fraud, waste and corruption.

    With the aide of the corrupt law firm of Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC as the Borough Attorney of Stanhope Richard A. Stein, Esq., he committed willful perjury dozens of time and has for decades engaged as the ring leader in the infested Borough of Stanhope.

    Under District XA Ethics Committee Docket XA-10-018E both William Hinkes, Esq. and Richard Stein, Esq. were placed under investigation but the N.J. Supreme Court Office of Attorney Ethics OAE stopped the investigation that was assigned by District XA Ethics Committee.

    The Supreme Court of New Jersey is lead by the corrupt Chief Justice Stuart Rabner, the former counselor to Gov Jon Corzine (D) and former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie (R) as the State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC is a corrupt organization whose job it is with ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY and TOTAL SECRECY is to protect the corrupt Superior Court Judges and the Municipal Judges as proven by the complaints rejected without any investigation by the corrupt ACJC as some are posted on this web site proving how utterly corrupt the State of the STATE of New Jersey is being the most corrupt State in the United States of America.

    All fines imposed by the corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana. J.M.C. were dismissed on Sep 10, 2009 upon my municipal appeals 13-04-08 and 19-05-09 as I spent thousands on lawyer fees, had my wife threatened with Jail that Judge Dana and William Hinkes in violation of court rules repeatedly re sentenced me from 39 days to 95 days in the corrupt Sussex County Jail, Keogh Dwyer Correctional Facility as its Under Sheriff and Open Public Record Act custodian told me he refuses to respond to any of my OPRA requests as advised by the Sussex County Council as I was illegally and falsely imprisoned as inmate CN10355 for 85 days in the corrupt Sussex County Jail as its under sheriff John Armeno refuses to respond to any Open Public Record Act request based upon guidance from the corrupt Sussex County Counsel of the corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders located at 1 Spring St, Newton, N.J..

    NOTICE: You can obtain a box of emails proving the knowledge and wide spread corruption from the Sussex County Government itself by sending an OPRA request to its excellent Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders Board Clerk Elaine Morgan 973-579-0240 x1104 or its Deputy Board Clerk Diane S. Eackman and you will get 6 inches of emails by requesting: Simply submit the following OPRA request to the Board's clerk which can be done via OPRA to Provide a copy of the Board of Chosen Freeholders response to Thomas Caggiano's OPRA request that was provided by Ms. Diane S. Eackman, the Deputy Clerk on Dec 21, 2010.
    On Sep 10, 2009 the thirteen criminal charges filed against me by the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor's Office based upon complaints by Borough of Stanhope officials were dismissed and then Dismissed with prejudice in State of NJ v. Thomas Caggiano, Ind 08-09-316-I.

    However the corruption continues unabated as the Borough of Stanhope illegally fired its Town Administrator Richard Stewart who posted the C.E.P.A. Notice on the Bulletin Board and was cooperating with the FBI and State Police Official Corruption Bureau exposing the Borough's corruption and was fired in retribution in a secret illegal meeting by the Borough of Stanhope officials from his $109,000 position on Dec 2, 2010.

    FBI Special Agent in Charge letter to Thomas Caggiano in Las Vegas, Nevada directing him to support criminal investigation by reporting corruption to FBI and Mail Fraud, Mail Interception to the United States Postal Service Az HQ POC is Mary Coatney 877-876-2455 selection #5, and Inspector in Charge Peter Zegarac assigned complaint 16210546 to its own HQ, published on /fbi.jpg
    On Dec 20, 2010, I met the Federal Govt Department of Treasury's Internal Revenue Service IRS Criminal Investigation's Special Agent Brian Peng, 110 City Parkway, Las Vegas, State of New Jersey's Department of Treasury's Office of Administrative Law OAL executive Judges noted on this web site were corrupt and aided the corrupt Government Record Council GRC and Borough of Stanhope in a conspiracy of fraud, trickery, and used federal funds illegally providing him reports sent to the corrupt Office of New Jersey Attorney General's Department of Law and Public Safety and noting the 36 page report filed in the Sussex County Superior Court that is available to the public from court staff. A copy is available on-line exposing beyond any reasonable doubt the corruption of the Division of Law's Deputy Attorney General for the Government Record Council Debra Allen, Esq,, many judges, the Borough of Stanhope's Borough Attorney Richard A. Stein, Esq. and dozens of others in their own emails exchanged illegally in court cases in Mercer County Superior Court before the corrupt Judges Shuster, J.S.C and Sypek, P.J.S.C. under Docket MER-C-107-07 brought against me by the corrupt former Attorney General of NJ Anne Milgram and the corrupt GRC executive director Catherine Starghill, Esq.

    All State, County and Municipal Officials and independent contractors take Notice

    Not reporting an apparent crime is a crime of omission: N.J.S.A. 2C:2-1 and other crimes include complicity N.J.S.A. 2C:2-6 and conspiracy N.J.S.A. 2C:5-2


    (N.J.S.A. 34:19-1 et seq.)

    34:19-3. Employer retaliatory action; protected employee actions An employer shall not take any retaliatory action against an employee because the employee does any of the following: a. Discloses, or threatens to disclose to a supervisor or to a public body an activity, policy or practice of the employer, or another employer, with whom there is a business relationship, that the employee reasonably believes:

    34:19-5. Violations; civil action Upon a violation of any of the provisions of this act, an aggrieved employee or former employee may, within one year, institute a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction. Upon the application of any party, a jury trial shall be directed to try the validity of any claim under this act specified in the suit. All remedies available in common law tort actions shall be available to prevailing plaintiffs. These remedies are in addition to any legal or equitable relief provided by this act or any other statute. The court shall also order, where appropriate and to the fullest extent possible

    On Dec 13, 2010 Thomas Caggiano reported the corrupt State of New Jersey's Department of Community Affairs' Government Record Council, GRC, to the U.S.P.S. Inspection Service, at its Phoenix, Az HQ 877-876-2455 key 5. For violations of federal title 18, Chapter 63 violations in fraud using mail, electronic communication under U.S.C. Section 1349 Conspiracy, Section 1341 mail fraud, or Section 1342 harassment, please notify the U.S.P.S. Inspection Service via USPS complaint form PS8165 with its Criminal Division at 222 South Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL 60606.

    The USPS Form 8165 form is available on-line or you can file a complaint on the internet by clicking here.

    In New Jersey, also notify New Jersey's U.S.P.S.'s Inspection Service at P.O. Box 509, Newark, N.J. 07101 and telephone them at 973-693-5450.

    Also notify the U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman in Newark and FBI in Newark, NJ.

    Conspiracy and other Title 2C Criminal offenses are also State Crimes. You proceed to the municipal court where the crime occurred, request the court clerk for a complaint form, or Affidavit of Probable Cause, fill it out in a few minutes and sign it under oath before the municipal clerk. Per court rules you should also insist on signing a CDR-1 for Summons for non-indictable offenses such as petty disorders or harassment, and CDR-2 for indictable offenses that AFTER a probable cause hearing by a municipal judge if needed, the charges are referred by the municipal court to the State County Prosecutor's Office for an investigation, Grand Jury and indictment of the persons or persons. You must know the 2C criminal code. A listings of the Title 2C codes needed to complete an Affidavit of Probable Cause and Computer Input by the municipal court administrator to the Judicial Court Docket system CDR-1 Summons or CDR-2 Warrant issuance and explanations are available on

    Dec 2, 2010, the corrupt Sussex County's Borough of Stanhope's corrupt Mayor Diana Kuncken, and its corrupt Governing Body fired its Town Administrator Richard Stewart illegally and in secret and in violation of its own Chap 2.2.D Administration municipal laws as Richard Stewart who was performing his public duty as all citizens and had been reporting their corruption to the FBI at 11 Centre Place, Newark, New Jersey and the State's Police Official Corruption Bureau in its West Trenton, N.J. Headquarters. My Point of Contract works directly for the Superintendent of State Police Col Rick Fuentes, SGT L. Littles Floyd Badge 5375.

    If you are aware of any apparent corrupt State, County or Municipal Officials please contact that State's Police Official Corruption Bureau West Trenton's office at 609-882-2000.

    The GRC's mailing of its false findings was a fraud and harassment designed to aide the criminal conduct of the complicity, liability of another Department of Community Affairs' Commissioner Lori Grifa, Esq., a criminal accomplice per Title 2C New Jersey State Statures that are NOT enforced against corrupt State officials by the State of New Jersey's string of corrupt N.J. Attorney Generals nor its corrupt State Prosecutors who do NOT enforce the civil violation penalties under the Open Public Meetings Act OPMA for the GRC NOT providing me requested copies of its agenda for the government protects itself and its corrupt criminal officials and employees from ethics charges ( excluding the excellent former Case manager Dara Lownie and the newly assigned Sr. Case Manager Frank F. Caruso, who has provided me over 5 inches of evidence that proves beyond any reasonable doubt the criminal conspiracy among the Office of Attorney General's GRC DAG Debra Allen, Esq., Stanhope's Borough Attorney Richard Stein, Esq. and the In-house lawyer Karyn Gordon, the GRC panel and its corrupt executive director Catherine Starghill whose position is I can NOT obtain a copy of any Government Record from the Borough of Stanhope even though under Docket SSX-L-847-07 Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano and GRC the Vicinage Assignment Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, AJSC directed the Borough to respond to my OPRA requests. State criminal charges such as: N.J.S.A.2C:2-6 Complicity in the continuing unrelenting criminal Conspiracy N.J.S.A.2C:5:2 and Hindering Apprehension and Prosecution N.J.S.A.2C:29-3.a. of the Corrupt Borough of Stanhope officials and other corrupt State officials including Judges and Prosecutors.

    Read, and see if you can determine what the complaints were or approved findings based upon these so called public comprehensive minutes of the GRC. On Dec 3, 2010, the corrupt Government Record Council issued a deceitful finding prepared by the corrupt Catherine Starghill,Esq. the GRC's executive director, and the GRC's corrupt In-House lawyer Karyn Gordon, Esq. as the finding was approved by the corrupt GRC's panel members with its chair Robin Berg Tabakin. The contrived malicious finding of GRC in Complaint No. 2010-212, 2010-213 Thomas Caggiano v. GRC and prior dozens of findings under Thomas Caggiano v. Borough of Stanhope denials of access continue. The federal law violations include Title 18, Chap 63 Sec 1349 - Conspiracy, Sec 1341 - Fraud, and Sec 1342 - Harassment. Defamation of my character with contrived statements that my OPRA requests are frivolous is their goal to destroy me as a witness against their corruption as done in the Play by Henrick Ibsen where a corrupt Government attacks the victims as in New Jersey.

    On Dec 2,2010, the GRC's protected corrupt municipal officials in the racketeering enterprise in the Borough of Stanhope's, Sussex County, N.J. 07874 corrupt Mayor Diana Kuncken and its Governing Body fired its Town Administrator Richard Stewart in retribution in secret as Stewart was performing his public duty and reporting their corruption to the FBI, 11 Centre Plaza, Newark, N.J. and to the N.J. State Police's Official Corruption Bureau in West Trenton, N.J.

    The fraud and trickery by the Department of Community Affairs and its Public Communication Office continued as shown by the false GRC findings being published in the Star Cross newspapers to adversely impact the OPRA itself. See my published response that was also input to the Office of New Jersey Attorney General's Department of Law and Public Safety Criminal Tip line reporting system on Dec 16, 2010 Report of fraud and corruption"

    As reported in the Star Ledger and New Jersey Herald Stanhope fires another borough administrator, on Dec 2, 2010 the corrupt Mayor of the Borough of Stanhope, Sussex County, New Jersey Diana Kuncken and its corrupt Governing Body members with the corrupt law firm of Laddey, Clark and Ryan's LLC Borough Attorney Richard Stein, Esq. fired in violation of Municipal Statute Chap 2.2.D Administration in secret without a public hearing Richard Stewart their town administrator.

    Per his public and official duty, for the public's safety, health and protection, Richard Stewart was reporting the corruption of the Borough to the FBI and the State Police Official Corruption Bureau.

    The former corrupt Town Administrator, Teri Massood, ran away from Stanhope, without resigning or severance pay when the GRC filed my Thomas Caggiano v. Borough of Stanhope Denial of Access OPRA complaint GRC 2006-02 against her and the former corrupt Municipal Clerk Antoinette Battalgia to the Department of the Treasury's Office of Administrative Law (OAL) under Docket OAL GRC 07725-2007N where I met the corrupt executive Judge J. Howard Solomon, ALJ and was confronted with his corrupt finding noted on the GRC web site itself in Newark, New Jersey which its proves that Richard A. Stein, Esq. lied to the corrupt Vicinage Judge Bozonelis, AJSC in his appearance in Morristown's corrupt Superior Court under Docket SSX-L-847-07 Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano and GRC - click here as the court transcript record shows in response to Judge Bozonelis, A.J.S.C. question to Richard Stein, he stated falsely noted on the Morristown's Superior Court transcript records in two years I submitted 800 OPRA requests ALL on zoning. The interim order by the GRC and findings posted on the State's web site at GRC finding 2007-46 proves beyond any reasonable doubt that Richard Stein, Esq. willfully deceived the court, violated the Rules of Professional Conduct and is a felon by obstructing justice, being a conspirator protected by the Office of Administrative Law, the Sussex County Prosecutor, the Supreme Court of the State of New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics, the Office of N.J. Attorney General and the FBI in New Jersey. This statement was false, Willful, a violation of the Code of Professional Conduct and an act to obstruct justice, aide others in criminal conduct and Judge Bozonelis directed the Borough of Stanhope to respond to written OPRA requests which they ignore the court order and OPRA and protected by the corrupt GRC. The original caption of the civil suite filed by Richard Stein filed Dec 1997 and has NO hearing with witnesses allowed by the corrupt Judge Bozonelis in 3 years was Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano and the GRC.

    My request for reconsideration by the GRC shows how utterly corrupt the Department of Community Affairs and the GRC executive director Catherine Starghill, Esq. and In-house lawyer Karyn Gordon, Esq., its GRC panel and its chair Ms. Robin Berg Tabakin and Commissioner Lori Grifa, Esq. are.

    My published reply to the corrupt Government Record Council GRC is available on

    Further proof of the GRC's corruption and prior knowledge is posted on their own web site thanks to the former GRC lawyer Vince Maltese, Esq. as the GRC minutes now just defame me as their last acts of defamation. The Jul 25, 2007 web page transcript pages 61-85 on the GRC's own Web site is annotated on this web site at 070725GRCtranscriptanalysis.pdf

    As noted on the transcript record of Docket SSX-L-847-07 available to the public in the corrupt Morris County Morristown Superior Court of Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C. or corrupt Sussex County Newton Superior Court of Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. or the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor's Office of David Weaver, Esq. on 19-21 High St., Newton, N.J. 07874 by filing an OPRA request as the Transcript record in the kangaroo court of Judge Bozonelis under Docket SSX-L-847-07 originally docketed in Dec 1997 by the corrupt Borough Attorney Richard Stein, Esq. in Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano AND the GRC for a stay request of Denial of Access being sent by the GRC to the corrupt Newark, N.J. Office of Administrative Law docketed as OAL GRC 07725-2207N for the filed GRC complaint Thomas Caggiano v. Borough of Stanhope GRC 2006-02. The transcript record is available under the Dismissed Criminal Indictment with Prejudice IND 08-09-316-I brought by Stanhope officials and employees as conspiracy, fraud, trickery, bribery, perjury, obstruction of justice, criminal coercion, witness intimidation, and criminal abuse of court processes are methods used by corrupt Government Officials in their Play - Enemy of the People to defame, discredit all witnesses to its rampage of criminal conduct.

    DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE on May 11, 2010 State of N.J. v. Thomas Caggiano 08-09-316-I.

    The transcript record of SSX-L-847-07 exposing the corruption in Judge Bozonelis, A.J.S.C. Superior Court in Morristown is available from the corrupt Sussex County State Prosecutor David Weaver,Esq. on 19-21 High St., Newton, NJ 07860 by submitting an OPRA request costing less than $1.00. or

    The Cost of Freedom is NOT Free

    Thousands have died to protect you.

    Walk the Walk NOT Talk the Talk

    A 10 year Case Study
    using advanced Work Breakdown Structure
    and Critical Path Network Analysis Techniques
    to Expose Corruption in Government

    Click on photo for Tom's Background


    Fight the Government for all your inalienable rights
    The Laws passed only take away your rights.
    Don't get bribed by increasing forever increasing the National Debt with cooked books.
    Tell our representatives any law they pass, they can NOT exempt themselves as the laws should apply to them also.
    The United States of America is a Political System of Government built on increasing debt and future unfunded liabilities.

    The Enemy of the People - A Novel by Henrick Ibsen
    In the State of New Jersey if you attempt to report criminal conduct of officials - YOU CAN'T and YOU are attacked or as done to the Sussex County's Borough of Stanhope's Town Administrator Richard Stewart was fired in secret without a public hearing per Stanhope, N.J.'s municipal law Administration, Chap 2.2.D by its corrupt Mayor Diana Kuncken and Governing Body members even as he was reporting their criminal conduct to the FBI and N.J. State Police's Official Corruption Bureau.
    This web site is Published under Bill of Rights, Freedom of Speech and the Press and the Constitution of New Jersey, Article I, Rights and Privileges, Section 6.

    No law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press. In all prosecutions or indictments for libel, the truth may be given in evidence to the jury; and if it shall appear to the jury that the matter charged as libelous is true, and was published with good motives and for justifiable ends, the party shall be acquitted; and the jury shall have the right to determine the law and the fact.

    In their corrupt criminal coercion and witness tampering, the Borough of Stanhope officials filed 13 criminal charges against me. After spending thousands on lawyers, my Pro Se motions, the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor's Office without any written motions to the court, Dismissed ALL charges with prejudice in State of N.J. v. Thomas Caggiano under Indictment 08-09-316-I as noted on the May 11, 2010 court order

    The CAG Report
    Published by Inside on the Outside
    A Partnership
    To Expose Corruption in Government
    under Freedom of the Press
    Accessible on the web via

    Thomas Caggiano's background

    Criminal Coercion and Retribution Continues

    Petition signed by 15 Property owners in 2006
    to Stanhope officials to stop their corruption which has reached treasonous levels.

    Additional letters from letters requesting criminal investigations and detailed reports are available on

    An extensive ten year Case Study exposing Tyranny in Government

    Malicious Criminal Charges filed in State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano, Ind 08-09-316-I were Dismissed with Prejudice May 11, 2010

    Read the evidence in the Office of Governor of New Jersey's own data base for years

    Listen to a 21 minute mp3 audio recording in the Sussex County Prosecutor's Office in Newton Jun 14, 2006 meeting with the former First Assistant Prosecutor William Fitzgibbons and another Detective as I presented evidence and they advised me to proceed to the Federal Department of Justice and both reclused themselves as I was banned from the Sussex County Prosecutor's Office by David Weaver its corrupt Prosecutor. Based upon motions prepared to the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. on Sep 10, 2009, under Municipal Appeals 13-4-08 and 19-5-09 for non-criminal offenses as none were indictable offenses, all municipal court Judge Dana's fines, all probation on the Municipal Convictions by Judge Dana, J.M.C. were vacated on Sep 10, 2009 as Sussex County Superior Court Judge Conforti, J.S.C. admitted in his court that Judge Dana, J.M.C. with his municipal prosecutor William Hinkes, Esq. repeatedly in violation of court rules dozens of times sentenced me, resentenced me and vacated 10 additional days in jail as Judge Dana's sentencing went from 37 days to 95 days was determined to have violated the law as I was falsely imprisoned in Sussex County Jail as an inmate from Jan 7, 2009 to Apr 1, 2009 for 85 days on malicious petty disorder charges filed by the Borough of Stanhope that continue with unconstitutional court orders issued by Judge Conforti, J.S.C. and Judge Dana, J.M.C.

    The corruption Continues unabated and threats, criminal coercion, giving aide to others in criminal conduct, conspiracy, complicity, mail fraud continue.

    READ my filed Nov 28, 2010 Superior Court Appellate Division Appeal, /101128appellateappeal.pdf, an open public court record published herein by Inside on the Outside and Ethics Complaints filed with the New Jersey Supreme Court's corrupt Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct [ ACJC ] against the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C., under Municipal Appeals of his denial of Municipal Appeal 13-4-08 and 19-5-09 for Dismissal with Prejudice as with his criminal conspirators in the corrupt Newton's Sussex County Prosecutor's Office David Weaver, Esq., First Assistant Gregg Mueller, Esq., Assistant Prosecutors Michael Briegel, Esq. and Joseph Corazza, Esq. with their fellow conspirators the in corrupt Joint Municipal Court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover Municipal Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and his bribed municipal prosecutor William Hinkes, Esq.

    Conclusion of Case Study: The Judicial Judges in the State of New Jersey are protected from impeachment, criminal charges being filed against them and also Ethics violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct by the corrupt State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct, called ACJC.

    Read complaints: Available below, filed with the ACJC on Judicial Judges in the kangaroo courts in Sussex County Superior Court and Municipal courts in Sussex County and Morris County to understand how utterly corrupt the Judicial System is.

    The Office of Attorney Ethics OAE months ago removed the investigation initiated by the Morris County/Sussex County District XA Ethics Committee Docket XA-10-018E against the corrupt Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC lawyer Richard A. Stein, Esq. who is the corrupt Borough of Stanhope's Borough Attorney and Municipal Prosecutor and Hollander, Strelzik, Pasculli, Pasculli, Hinkes, Gacquin, Vandenberg & Hontz, LLC's William E. Hinkes, Esq., the former law partner of the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq. located in the corrupt Sussex County seat Newton, New Jersey. They are infamous as the investigation that was begun by the District XA Ethics Committee under Docket XA-10-018E was stopped by the OAE months ago and supposedly per the OAE's Director's assistant they are scanning in extensive evidence while these corrupt law firms continue to operate thereby protecting them.

    Examples of filed ACJC complaints filed against corrupt Judges under oath: The corrupt State of New Jersey Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct, ACJC protects the corrupt Judiciary Branch judges in secrecy with absolute immunity.

    Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. rejected by corrupt ACJC Joint Court Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover

    N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C.Sussex County Superior Court

    John Mulhern, J.M.C. Newton, Stillwater and Stanhope

    John Paparazzo, J.M.C. Netcong

    Conclusion: The corrupt State of New Jersey Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Judicial ACJC does not conduct investigations, does NOT contact witness, does not have any common law confrontation, operates in total secrecy without any transparency and has absolute immunity which explains why New Jersey's Judicial System is so very corrupt.
    An extensive listing of other links is on

    Recommendation: Change the form of Government from Appointed Judges to Elected Judges for in New Jersey, the Toxic Mix of Money and Politics rules and replace the corrupt appointed political patronage system of cronyism to Elected Judges as done in the State of Nevada where corrupt State and other Government Officials are convicted of State crimes unlike the corrupt State of New Jersey wherein you can't even file complaints in many of its court for in Stanhope and Netcong you are threatened with arrest if you attempt to file a complaint, or Affidavit of Probable Cause per R.7:2-1 as you can't sign any CDR-1 for a petty disorder summons or a CDR-2 for any indictable offense against any person in the corrupt Sussex County / Morris County Vicinage as court orders are issued to every municipal court, without even being sent to my wife Kathryn or myself on a Superior Court order issued without any Docket number by the corrupt Superior Court Judge Thomas Manahan, J.S.C. as due process does NOT even exist as you can't even file CDRs in the cease pool vicinage.

    Some of the complaints filed against corrupt Judges to the corrupt State of New Jersey's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct, ACJC, are published for the world to understand as a public duty how corrupt the State of New Jersey's Black Robed felons called Honorable truly are as the lawyer/judge/politician/executive branch system of appointed judges in New Jersey is broken as essentially NO judges are ever impeached as shown by a 200 year record in the General Assembly and State Senate and the Senate Judiciary Committee whose constitutional duties are to impeach corrupt Judges. In the State of Nevada, WE the PEOPLE REJECTED a referendum by politicians to have appointed judges that become beholding to them but in Nevada WE the PEOPLE elect Judges so we can simply vote them out of office. In New Jersey in 200 years less then a dozen judges have been impeached in the most corrupt State in the United States of America which itself proves the Appointment method for judges is a charade and a systems that breeds corruption, false loyalties, and insidious corruption embedded therein. If the legislature wants to reduce corruption in Government then change the form of Government as allowed in the Declaration of Independence as in New Jersey there is TREASON and Tyranny.

    A Nov 7, 2010 report of 36 pages, 3.84 MB, published on /101107conforti.pdf and denied by the corrupt Judge Conforti, JSC and the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor's Office in Judge Conforti's false and mailed letter of Nov 9, 2010 which is included in my Superior Court of New Jersey Appellate Division Appeal published on You which you can download and view proving beyond any reasonable doubt massive corruption of New Jersey Office of Attorney General, Judges, Prosecutors, Lawyers, Mayors, bribed professional engineers and bribed professional planners in a racketeering FAILED STATE - New Jersey.

    Once again by mail fraud, harassment, and criminal coercion I was again threatened with arrest for writing to the corrupt Borough of Stanhope by its corrupt Municipal Clerk Ellen Horak.

    If you attempt to file an Open Public Record Act Request (OPRA) for any Government Record in the Borough of Stanhope you are threatened with criminal charges and arrest requiring bail and immediate imprisonment.

    See the Nov 15, 2010 letter from the corrupt Borough of Stanhope's Municipal Clerk and OPRA custodian Ellen Horak.

    Letter is available on /101115horak.jpg

    A detailed report exceeding 200 pages with dozens of adopted referenced exhibits on file in its court system and Government offices is available to be viewed on line or downloaded to your computer with active links to audio recordings, photographs, drawings, other detailed reports, letters signed by 15 property owners, and letters from federal senator, congressman, New Jersey State Senators, Members of Assembly ALL requesting criminal investigations.

    Some Black Western Humor:

    What does a member of the corrupt State of New Jersey's Supreme Court Advisory Committee and Judicial Conduct ACJC look like?

    A felon of course as they have ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY, don't assign any investigator and operate with complete secrecy as they refuse to give you copies of your own records or to any public citizen. They protect the Black Robed corrupt Judges that are pandemic and infect New Jersey as the only way to remove a corrupt Judges is to change New Jersey's appointment methods to have elected judges like New York and Nevada as the Speaker of the General Assembly Oliver, the State Senate President Sweeney, the State Senate Judicial Committee, the State of New Jersey Ethics Committee ignore their constitutional duty to impeach a judge and their corrupt State prosecutors who protect them from criminal charges for like the corrupt Federal Govt complaints against Judges are buried in chambers and only 4 Judges have been impeached in 200 years by the NJ Legislature that is infected with corrupt Judges in the Supreme Court, the Superior and Municipal Courts as they protect Government Officials, Mayors, State Senators who protect them. An embedded system of corruption is how New Jersey operates as the Appointment of Judges IS the essential ingredient to New Jersey's toxic Mix of Money and Political corruption.

    Things haven't changed.
    Tombstone's place in the Old West is well-known from novels and movies - the discovery of silver, the gunfight at the O.K. Corral, larger-than-life characters like Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday, the bust when the mines flooded and its rebirth as "The Town Too Tough to Die." The town's people renamed the street name where the lawyer's offices were by the court house to Rotten Row
    and another sign of the times then and now

    The United Nations is suppose to be a place of peace and its country members have diplomatic immunity. But the United States of America uses the U.N. as its spy network per orders issued by the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton based upon Wikileaks released documents as her letter stated: "The US State Department gave its diplomats instructions to spy on other countries' representatives at the United Nations, according to a directive signed by Hillary Clinton. Diplomats were told to collect information about e-mail accounts, credit cards and passwords, among other things.

    US diplomats are alleged to have been requested by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to spy on the diplomats of other countries at the United Nations. That was the purpose of the "National Humint Collection Directive," which has been seen by SPIEGEL. The document was signed by Clinton and came into force on July 31, 2009. " Which the Nations airports now spy networks do YOU feel safe and have any privacy rights? Not in the United States of America. The U.N. has begun an investigation to determine if the United States of America has violated international laws as the U.N. Diplomats and their staff are to have diplomatic immunity and NOT be spied upon.

    By Inside on the Outside and published on the World Wide Web for the World to Listen, See and Read about the truth of pandemic corruption in Government in the corrupt United States of America where political corruption is a weapon of destruction of morale values in a state of ultimate hypocrisy.

    Download or Print files to your PC with Active links and share your views on blogs using as a Case Study of FACT and not lies.

    The latest corrupt pathetic Gov of New Jersey is loud mouth Chris Christie (R) and his corrupt Administration which is even more corrupt then the prior ex-Gov Jon Corzine (D) Administration.

    The State of Judiciary Branch is infected with corrupt Judges protected by its Supreme Court Advisory Committee ACJC on Judicial Conduct, its State Ethics Commission, it's Speaker of Assembly Oliver (D), its Senate President Sweeney (D) and the U.S. Attorney for New Jersey Paul Fishman in a Pandemic State of Greed, and Pay-to-Play
    Rename New Jersey the CORRUPTION STATE
    /101122acjcmulhern.pdf Nov 22, 2010 complaint to the State of New Jersey's corrupt New Jersey Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct, ACJC, that protects corrupt Judges. This complaint is filed against the corrupt municipal judge John E. Mulhern, J.M.C. who infects Newton, Borough of Stanhope and Stillwater municipal courts and with the corrupt municipal prosecutors from Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC in Stanhope and Stillwater and the law firm of 40 Park Place P.O. Box 99 Newton, New Jersey 07860, (Sussex Co.) these law firms infest municipalities as Borough Attorney's. Under the Rules of Professional Conduct, Called Code of Ethics these corrupt law firms and lawyers can have their contracts terminated immediately but they are protected by the corrupt State's Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Esq. the prior partner in William E. Hinkes Law firm and the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge, Criminal Part, N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and others in a pandemic, treasonous racketeering enterprise of corrupt State, County and Municipal Governments under the administrations of Gov Mc Greevy (D), Gov Corzine (D) and Gov Chris Christie (R) as they appoint corrupt Attorney Generals for the State of New Jersey that do NOT only have corrupt Division of Law, corrupt Department of Law and Public Safety and corrupt Department of Consumer Affairs and their corrupt Board of Professional Engineers and Board of Professional Planners but plan, use courts in Mercer County to obtain illegal and unconstitutional restraining orders and have their corrupt State Police attack the victim and place them on Restricted lists so that access is prevented to the their own State Police Official Corruption Bureau in West Trenton.

    The corruption is exposed in the State of New Jersey's Office of Attorney General's Division of Law Attorney Debra Allen, Esq. for the corrupt Department of Community Affairs corrupt Government Record Council and the corrupt Borough of Stanhope's Borough Attorney, perjurer and lead conspirator Laddey, Clark and Ryan's Richard A. Stein, Esq. at

    The large file with active links filed in the corrupt State of New Jersey Superior Court in Morristown, and corrupt municipal courts in Netcong and Newton and the corrupt Department of Community Affairs' Local Government Services Department with its non-functional Local Finance Board's ethics board with the corrupt former Commissioner of Community Affairs Susan Bass Levin as a member is available on /tyrannyexposed.pdf

    The CAG Report

    Have HOPE

    Fight Tyranny

    We the People

    See Significant Progress Details below

    New Jersey Herald Article Aug 1, 2002
    reports corruption in Stanhope, N.J.
    that continues in tyranny, sedition and oppression.

    In the corrupt United States of America, if you are a corrupt official in New Jersey you are protected by the corrupt U.S. Attorney, corrupt Governor of New Jersey and his corrupt Attorney General for constitutions, laws, court rules do NOT matter only protect themselves and terrorize, attack any citizen that attempts to report criminal conduct.

    In the Soprano State of New Jersey
    Standing Operating Procedure.

  • Absolute corruption continues:

    The Whasington D.C. Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General's Integrity Committee will review my complaint against the Office of Inspector General of the United States of America at its next IC meeting. Of course, I was never contacted thereafter.

    The corrupt Superior Court Judge Maenza, J.S.C. in his corrupt secret cambers without any hearing, without even his lies that he reviewed the evidence adopted by reference which he surely did NOT as usual falsely stated based upon HIS review there was no Probable Cause and dismissed all charges. The Public of course could NOT be aware as I was not even allowed to file an official complaint form called CDR and no municipal court hearing by any municipal judge was held as the corrupt Vicinage continues its unfettered corruption. The corrupt Judge did not inform the Morris County Prosecutor of his decision of course as the felons in the State of New Jersey infest its Superior and Municipal courts not to be outdone by the corrupt N.J. Supreme Court that never holds any hearings or in fact assign any investigator and just dismiss all ethics complaints as its just a protectorate. A blackened cease pool of corruption in Government at the highest levels.

    Oct 19, 2010 was a complete set-up by the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C., the corrupt New Jersey State Prosecutor for Sussex County David Weaver, and the corrupt Borough of Stanhope and its felons Judge Mulhern J.M.C. and Laddey, Clark and Ryan's LLC's liar, perjurer, pathetic constant felon Richard A. Stein, Esq. as his law firm goes around with the corrupt U.S. Executive office of U.S. Attorney's, the corrupt David Weaver and his law firm to waste taxpayers funds to municipalities which it protects as the corruption is embedded in its own rules wherein the corrupt Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct has absolute immunity and operates in complete secrecy spewing its false denials of violations of rules of ethics.

    Read my Oct 11, 2010, 36 page response to the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge and the corrupt ACJC with proof of the emails from the corrupt Office of New Jersey Attorney General's own corrupt Division of Law b-up of obtaining unconstitutional restraining orders on civil cases they filed in the corrupt Mercer County Trenton Superior court and the corrupt Sussex County Vicinage on its own changed docket in Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano and the GRC which changed its purpose and docket in secret without court orders or moving papers. The corruption is exposed on /101107conforti.pdf

    The conspirator the Government Record Council's GRC corrupt Deputy Attorney General DAG Debra Allen, Esq. to the corrupt Richard Stein, Esq. on their set the corrupt My criminal charges filed against the apparent corrupt Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and his accomplice Newton municipal court Judge John Mulhern, J.M.C. were sent to the Superior Court of New Jersey - Criminal Part, and copies were sent to the Morris County Prosecutor Robert Bianchi, Esq., the Criminal Division Manager John La Barre and Ms. Kim Daniels Walsh the Morris/Sussex Division Manager. A .pdf file was widely published and distributed on Oct 29, 2010 which included a complaint of criminal conduct by their confederate the Sussex County Prosecutor's Office and its First Assistant Prosecutor Gregg Mueller, Esq. Previously Complaints were filed against the Sussex County Prosecutor David Weaver, Judge Craig U. Dana, JMC, municipal prosecutor William Hinkes, Esq. who was David Weaver's former Law Partner in Newton, the perjurer Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC's Stanhope corrupt Borough Attorney Richard A. Stein, Esq., Clifford Lundin, Esq. the District Manager of the corrupt State's Department of Agriculture's corrupt Newton based Sussex County Soil Conservation District with its corrupt Board of Supervisors which includes the corrupt former manager Winifred Straub.

    The letter from the outstanding Town of Newton's Deputy Municipal Court Administrator Tania L. Ell is published by Inside on the Outside on this web site and available for

  • My input to the corrupt Office of N.J. Attorney General's Department of Law and Public Safety on Oct 30, 2010 of continuing rampant corruption in the infested Morris County and Sussex County Vicinage is available at

  • My report to the FBI criminal tip line avail

    The current corrupt Gov of New Jersey Chris Christie said: "New Jersey is a FAILED State at /101008fbi.pdf on the corrupt Superior Court for Sussex County the Dishonorable N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. issued another impossible court order by his law clerk and his court staff Criminal Case Management Municipal Appeals Court Administrator Alyson Kuddar available on /101005conforticourtorder.pdf

    The corrupt Vicinage Assignment Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C., the corrupt Municipal Court Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and the corrupt Vicinage Trial Court Administrator Michael J. Arnold refuses in a group criminal conspiracy together in their combined court order even allow me to examine any Government record in the Borough of Stanhope where the petty disorder charges were made by Stanhope officials and employees and the corrupt Newton/Stanhope/Stillwater/Hampton Municipal Court Judge John Mulhern, JMC has conspired with Conforti, JSC and other corrupt Vicinage Judges for years such as Netcong Judge Paparazzo, Frankford Judge Devine, Hopatcong Judge Browley Jr., Superior Court Judges Manahan, Maenza and Vicinage Presiding Municipal Judge Zinna, P.J.M.C. All who are protected by the Chief Justice of NJ Supreme Court, former corrupt New Jersey Attorney General, and former counselor to the corrupt former Ex-Gov of New Jersey Jon Corzine being Stuart Rabner former counsel to New Jersey's current corrutp Gov Chris Christie who was Stuart Rabner's and the corrupt Chief of Special Prosecution's James Nobile boss as U.S. Attorney (N.J.).

    See the Work Breakdown Structure WBS of Jun 6, 2002 to see who infested the Federal and New Jersey Governments were and it is only worse NOW under

    Former corrupt Ex-Gov Jon Corzine said: "New Jersey is a toxic mix of money and politics and had a State trooper drive 91 mph, drive other drivers off the road, destroyed a police car and other then him paying for the destroyed car, nothing happened as the Governor was zooming to a basketball game for a photo on with Imus a radio show host."

    Former resigned ex-Gov Mc Greevy: Paid his lover $100,000 of N.J. Tax payers money to be Chief of Homeland Security and was not even eligible for the position and neither were charged with any criminal act. No charges were filed.

    Mayor Sharpe James of Newark sold land to his girlfriend, charged a $9,000 cruise on a Police credit card AFTER he left office and NO State charges were filed against him.

    Sen Bryant and Sen Lynch, powerbrokers were sent to Federal Prison. NO State criminal charges were filed against them in N.J. where politicians, corrupt Judges, corrupt Lawyers, corrupt Mayors are protected by the corrupt State of New Jersey's Supreme Court, its corrupt Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct, the corrupt Office of Attorney Ethics, and other corrupt Cabinet officials and their corrupt N.J. Attorney General and corrupt State County Prosecutors. Inspector General and corrupt Ethics Committees

  • In the United States of America, per the corrupt Department of Justice allowing fraud, bribery, terrorism, false imprisonment, complicity, official misconduct, racketeering, conspiracy are acceptable felonies per the Department of Justice's management decision process.

    For the corrupt Office of Inspector General states: The Case is Closed per the Whasington D.C.'s based Inspector General's Department of Justice's Special Agent in Charge Eric A. Johnson, Special Operations Investigation, 1425 New York Avenue N.W. Suite 7100, Whasington, D.C. 20530 which of course did NO investigation as the witness was never contacted as usual.

  • In America today their is one word to describe the Department of Justice's Actions TREASON

    The FBI is as corrupt as New Jersey Government which as WE the People know is a cease pool of pandemic corruption.

  • Evidence totally ignored by the corrupt Department of Justice, FBI, the Office of New Jersey's Attorney General

    and its corrupt State County Prosecutors and over forty persons requesting investigations in including N.J. Federal Senator Lautenberg (D), Congressman Frelinghausen (R), State Senators Codey (D) and Littell (R), Members of General Assembly, State officials, auditors, municipal employees and dozens of citizens but the corrupt officials are Protected including corrupt federal Department of Justice officials.

  • How corrupt are the courts in New Jersey, the Office of Gov and New Jersey Attorney General Paula Dow, Esq. with Gov Christie and U.S. Attorney Fishman and N.J. FBI protects the corrupt Borough of Stanhope with its other corrupt State agencies, its corrupt Supreme Court, its corrupt Superior and Municipal courts, its corrupt Board of Chosen Freeholders, its Corrupt State County Prosecutor's and the corrupt Department of Justice? Well read the definition of tyranny. YOU can pay taxes and move out of your house. You can't examine tax records, talk to the tax assessor, get copies of your deeds or Town Agendas and that is what the corrupt Office of Inspector General of the corrupt Department of Justice states is an acceptable Department of Justice management decision. Just a county of tyranny the only question is after ten years how many more years with the blatant corruption continue.

  • The CAG Report as of Nov 26, 2010

    The Whasington D.C. Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General Integrity Committee began a review of my complaint against the Office of Whasington D.C. Office of Inspector General.

  • My complaint against the corrupt Morris County Netcong municipal Judge Paparazzo, J.M.C. available below to the State of New Jersey Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC was placed on the calendar by the Executive Secretary John Tonelli notification to me.

    The United States Postal Inspection Service assigned my complaint 1620546 of massive mail fraud and harassment to its HQ in Arizona as I was notified by the Inspector In Charge Peter Zegarac Complaint 16210546

  • In the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court of Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. he again changed his position as he directed I must use Robert Mattia, Esq and did NOT allow me to represent myself Pro Se with a stand by attorney as my own prepared Pro Se motions forced the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor's Office headed by the corrupt former Law Partner of the corrupt Township of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover William Hinkes, Esq. to have the corrupt First Assistant Prosecutor Gregg Mueller without even sending me a copy as the defendant on 13 malicious criminal charges filed under Ind 08-09-316-I in State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano that was dismissed with prejudice in a secrecy motion by Gregg Mueller as Judge Conforti, J.S.C. dismissed the criminal charges without standing any reason. Therein he ordered two involuntary mental examinations and after the first corrupt Department of Mental Health Services stated I was competent to stand trial, Judge Conforti stated on the court record he would NOT allow me to bring my own expert witnesses I paid for voluntarily to defend myself thereby immediately violating the Constitutions of the United States of America and New Jersey, the common law right of confrontation and used the scheme to defame me with his accomplices for years. Thereafter he directed a second mental examine and in secret had the corrupt Dr. Peter Paul change their standard examine and he wrote a false report that I was NOT mentally competent. The corrupt Judge Conforti, JSC now had two reports 180 polar opposites and NEVER had any hearing in violation of court rules which require a mandatory hearing. He then illegally ordered a voluntary mental examine and when I stated on the court record the DHS must conduct an examine as their findings were over 1 year old and I agreed to pay for a video recording of the examine and a polygraph so that the video could then be per N.J. Court rules be evidence. So without any report from DHS or my request for a hearing, Judge Conforti, JSC and the Corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor stated I no longer needed the mental examine on the municipal appeal after demanding such for months. He also dismissed Robert Mattia, Esq. as my mandatory directed lawyer and found no prejudice in the case as the Township of Green, the Vicinage Trial Court Administrator Mr. Arnold have ignored my requests for the court records in years and months respectively. I have filed a motion to the corrupt Sussex County Superior Court that its should reconsider the motion by Robert Mattia, Esq to also Dismiss the NON-criminal charges as I can not even get the court records but Judge Conforti, JSC maliciously stated the case continues even though on Sep 10, 2009 he made a finding that Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. repeatedly violated court rules, repeatedly illegally resentenced me and illegally imprisoned me for 85 days and vacated the fines, vacated the probation but continued the saga of his criminally conspiracy.

    The motions for adjournment to the corrupt Judge Conforti, J.S.C. are published so the public can understand the massive corruption of New Jersey Courts and the executive branch of New Jersey

    Conforti Evidence for Adjournment Request Municipal Appeals

  • The corrupt Department of Community Affairs' Government Record Council again for dozens of times has used unconstitutional court orders issued by corrupt Municipal Judge Craig U. Dana, JMC as its tool to deny access to Government records which include copies of my deeds, property record cards, official town council minutes or any government record from the Borough of Stanhope.

    My Sep 9,2010 OPRA. The corrupt Government Record Council (GRC) has not posted a copy of its minutes in four months on its web site and after then scheduling my complaints CANCELED its Sep 2010 meeting for a lack of quorum as Gov Chris Christie has NOT allowed public members other then its current corrupt Chair to be on the panel. These public members could then vote against Gov Christie's Department of Community Affairs Commissioner Grifa, Esq. or her designee. The Commissioner of Education which as a designee on the GRC panel was removed from his office on a dispute with Gov Chris Christie.

    /100909GRCreconsideration.pdf Reconsideration Request is published herein and INCLUDES Court transcript records of a hearing before the corrupt Morris County /Sussex County Vicinage 10 Superior Court Assignment Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C., Whasington and Court Streets, Morristown, N. J. on Docket SSX-L-847-07 on Dec 18, 2007 Caption Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano AND GOVERNMENT RECORD COUNCIL (GRC), Transcript of Motion - March 14, 2008, Metro Transcripts, L.L.C. and my reconsideration request was distributed to the Department of Justice U.S. Attorney for N.J. Paul Fishman, the FBI, the United States Postal Service Inspection Service for mail fraud, the State of New Jersey's Police Official Corruption Bureau as my wife Kathryn and I have been their witnesses for years having provided audio recordings of corrupt court proceedings in Trenton's corrupt Superior Equity Court wherein court orders were issued that violated the Bill of Rights, the Open Public Meetings Act and the State of New Jersey Constitution.

    Whereas the web site exposing pandemic corruption proved useless it has been temporarily removed until we get a Government that is one NOT of tyranny.

    Even after moving to the State of Nevada from the corrupt State of New Jersey just resulted in additional harassment and threats to us by mail from the corrupt Sussex County's Borough of Stanhope's Laddey, Clark and Ryan's LLC Stanhope Borough Attorney Richard Stein, Esq Laddey, Clark & Ryan, LLP, 60 Blue Heron Road, Suite 300, Sparta, NJ 07871, Phone: 973.729.1880, Fax: 973.729.1224 E-mail: as the corrupt law firm is protected and by its corrupt Borough of Stanhope's Municipal Clerk Ellen Horak, 77 Main St., Stanhope, N.J. 07874

    A much more expansive web site is now under development as I defend myself against the corrupt Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, JSC and his corrupt Sussex County State Prosecutor David Weaver, 19-21 High St, Newton, New Jersey 07860 their directed attorney that I am forced to use Robert Mattia, Esq., 52 Trinity St., Newton, NJ 07860 but he doesn't get paid by me or the State of NJ as he is the Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti., J.S.C. lackey in the infested Sussex County/Morris County Vicinage with the corrupt Superior Court Judges Bozonelis, A.J.S.C., Thomas Manahan, P.J.S.C., Philip Manse, corrupt Trial court administrator Arnold, corrupt Morris and Sussex County Probation Chiefs Jonathan Bell, M. Lasko and Jenn Jobaggy, corrupt Sussex County Jail with Sheriff Untig, corrupt Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, corrupt State of New Jersey's Department of Agriculture's Sussex County Soil Conservation District and a flock of corrupt Municipal Judges Mulhern, Dana, Devine, Browkley Jr. , Paparasso, Zinna and others.

    A new web site that will assist WE the PEOPLE with forms, Affidavits of Probable Cause, etc on preparing complaints will be undertaken in a few months for until the corrupt Whasington D.C. and New Jersey's Federal Department of Justice, Corrupt Governor of NJ Chris Christie, Esq. and his corrupt Attorney General Paula Dow, Esq. actually enforce laws and a NON-corrupt NJ Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC and Office of Attorney Ethics OAE, State Ethics Board are made and a new corrupt Department of Community Affairs under the corrupt Grifa, Esq and the corrupt Government Record Council GRC with its felon executive director Catherine Starghill, Esq., In-house attorney Karyn Gordan, Esq. corrupt Office of Attorney General's useless Department of Law and Public Safety and their corrupt State County Prosecutor's with its corrupt Department of Consumer Affairs', its corrupt Board of Engineers and Board of Professional Planner with the corrupt executive director of them both Arthur Russo as the corrupt Government Record Council and with the support of the corrupt Department of Agriculture and the corrupt Department of Treasury's cease pool in Newark's Office of Administrative Law with its corrupt executive judges who work for the corrupt Gov of New Jersey, former ex-corrupt voted out of office Jon Corzine, replaced by the corrupt former NJ Attorney General Chris Christie as NJ's current corrupt Governor and the corrupt NJ Supreme Court is headed by the former corrupt NJ Attorney General now Chief Justice Stuart Rabner and Gov Corzine's campaign manager and former corrupt Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs' Susan Bass Levin is a part time official getting her padded pension and medical benefits by being a member of the useless Local Government Services Local Finance Board that supposedly oversees ethics but is unethical itself. On the GRC is the corrupt department of Education Commissioners corrupt designee who agreed I as a person NEVER convicted of any criminal act CAN NOT mail any OPRA request to the Borough of Stanhope to get copies of tax records or mail any letter to the Borough of Stanhope or get a pet's license or as stated by the corrupt Richard Stein I can NOT examine any government document even if I gave them notice of my desire to see tax sales records, my deed, my property record card, or attend Open Public Meetings of its Land Use Board not contact the Tax Assessor or even write her nor pay taxes in advance like all other persons can for tax planning. That is the corruption pit of New Jersey as even my wife can not sign an Open Public Record Act request nor can she file any petty disorder charge in any municipality in Sussex County and Morris County and sign any Compliant summons in any municipal court where per NJ court rules such a petty disorder harassment charge would be tried. She also has no such rights and have never been charged with any thing. So the Borough and State Superior court judges in chambers without any complaints issue court orders violation my wife's due process rights without any hearings or any complaints even being filed. That is the corrupt land of New Jersey a cease pool of corruption.

    I can NOT send by mail an Open Public Record Act (OPRA) to the cease pool, the Sussex County's Borough of Stanhope which they protect. The Sussex County Borough of Stanhope and all its corrupt surrounding municipal governments that are pandemically corrupt and appear as universal in the State of New Jersey's municipal governments of corruption as Standing Operating Procedure (

    as Gov Christie acknowledge's the municipal Government of Atlantic City has been corrupt for a long time. So why aren't the FBI and Governor and his Attorney General's putting them in Jail?

    -The CAG aka Thomas Caggiano

    Both the Whasington D.C.' Department of Justice, FBI and U.S. Attorney are corrupt.

    The Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branch of New Jersey are Corrupt

    Warning if you report criminal conduct YOU will be defamed and criminal indicted by the State of New Jersey and then declared to mentally incompetent in false reports prepared by the corrupt Department of Mental Human Services and its corrupt Ann Klein Forensic Center and then have the criminal charges filed against you by the State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano 08-09-316-I after being defamed, shackles in its corrupt Superior Court and spend thousands on lawyer fees Dismissed without prejudice by the corrupt Superior Court.


    DO NOT enter the corrupt State of New Jersey
    as its infested with corrupt Government Officials at all levels.

  • You can listen to my 21 minute meeting in the Sussex County State Prosecutor's Office as I gave evidence of racketeering, fraud, bribery, trickery, obstruction of justice to the former First Assistant Prosecutor William Fitzgibbons as he advised me with another Detective who both reclused themselves and advised me to proceed to the Department of Justice which is an CORRUPT organization in Whasington D.C. and New Jersey.

    and in conclusion, the N.J. Supreme Court and their municipal court judges are a pandemically infected corrupt fraternity with lawyers and prosecutors.

    To understand how totally corrupt the Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judical Conduct ACJC they operate with ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY, don't notify the corrupt Judge a complaint was received even though posted on the internet, do NOT allow you to obtain any records after dismissing your complaint and won't allow you to see any records nor any person in the Public. To read the complaint about the corrupt Joint Court of Green, Hampton, Fredon and Borough of Andover concerning the felon Judge Craig U. Dana, JMC who with is corrupt bribed municipal prosecutor William Hinkes, Esq. who is protected by the corrupt Supreme Court's Office of Attorney Ethics and the State of New Jersey Bar Association of the law firm of Hollander, Strelzik, Pasculli, Pasculli, Hinkes, Gacquin, Vandenberg & Hontz, LLC, 40 Park Place, Newton, NJ 07860, Tel:(973) 383-3233

    How corrupt are the State of New Jersey's corrupt Supreme Court and its Superior Courts and Municipal Courts?

    Below are just a few examples:

    Read the Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. Complaint of the Joint Municipal Court of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover, Sussex County filed with corrupt State of New Jersey's corrupt Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC which was dismissed without any investigation or notification to the Corrupt Judge that a complaint was even received.

    Read the Judge Philip Maenza, J.S.C. Complaint of the corrupt Superior Count Vicinage of Morris County/Sussex County with the other corrupt Superior Court Judges B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C., Thomas Manahan, P.J.S.C. and N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. filed with corrupt State of New Jersey's corrupt Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct ACJC which apparently disappeared in the corrupt ACJC as no notice to the Judge was sent and no investigator assigned which is the ACJC's typical corrupt standing method of operations.

    Read the corrupt N.J. Mercer County Assignment Judge Linda R. Feinberg ,A.J.S.C. complaint to the corrupt State of New Jersey's Supreme Court's corrupt Advisory Committee on Judical Conduct (ACJC) dismissed in SECRET without any investigation.


    Read the Judge John Paparazzo, J.M.C. Complaint of the corrupt Morris County Borough of Netcong Municipal Court as its corrupt Chief of Police Blesson repeatedly threatened me with criminal charges for sending any letter or OPRA request or complaint to the corrupt municipal court or himself. In the Borough of Netcong, you are threatened if you even write a request for the complaint the corrupt court administrator Anne Sheridan apparently filed with the Chief of Police as the corrupt Chief told you verbally to request a copy in writing. A new level of corruption that even I find unbelievable!

    The saga and crime wave continues as I was convicted by Judge Dana over 40 times and falsely imprisoned for 85 days. In Cuba, Iran, North Korea you as am American citizen have more rights then in America where you have NONE as the Bill of Rights is a useless document

    corrupt Sussex County Keogh Dwyer Correctional Facility Inmate CN10355
    Falsely imprisoned on petty disorder charges for 85 days.

    for in THE CORRUPT United States of America bribery, Pay-to-Play, and Political Contributions is the way of doing business

    First of several checks by developer K Hovanian into Stanhope's escrow account in their own name to bribe Stanhope's Law firms Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC, Dolan and Dolan PA and professionals without any legal contracts: John Cilo Jr. - Borough Engineer, Scarlett Doyle - Town Planner and P. David Zimmerman, Professional Planner who prepared false area in Need of Redevelopment Report so KHovanian could take over thriving businesses and homes to build town houses in the corrupt Sussex County's Borough of Stanhope.

    What has the United States of America become?

    As Ben Franklin said paraphrasing him:

    In two hundred years there is no way with freedom of speech we can stop the rise of political parties and they will destroy this Declaration of Independence and We the People's rights.

    What has America become? A county of Tyranny and Terrorism against its own citizen's as the Federal Government has declared its Judges have ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY and are unanswerable to its Citizens for their corruption is protected by the corrupt Politicians and corrupt Department of Justice with a corrupt U.S. Attorney and FBI infected by politics

    Bring home the soldiers who fight for people's freedoms to protect We the People from a corrupt Federal Government for all they know of is debt and taxes and forked tongue lies.

    In the corrupt State of New Jersey and all States

    We the People have the power of term limits

    Vote out the incumbents and get rid of lifetime politicians
    Where power, ego, greed are the driving force of Politicians

  • Published by Inside on the Outside
    President - Thomas Caggiano
    7086 Arcadia Glen Court
    North Las Vegas, Nevada 89084
    Corrupt Sussex County Jail falsely imprisoned inmate CN10335 for 85 days in the corrupt Sussex County Jail.
    ========================================================================================================================= Thomas Caggiano background Prior extensive listing of documents, copies of letters and other evidence